- Achievement functions
- Action functions
- ActionBar functions
- Addon-related functions
- Archaeology profession functions
- Arena functions
- Auction functions
- Bank functions
- Barbershop functions
- Battle.net functions
- Battlefield functions
- Blizzard internal functions
- Buff functions
- CVar functions
- Calendar functions
- Camera functions
- Channel functions
- Chat functions
- Class resource functions
- Client control and information functions
- Combat functions
- CombatLog functions
- Commentator functions
- Companion functions
- Complaint functions
- Container functions
- Currency functions
- Cursor functions
- Debugging and Profiling functions
- Deprecated functions
- Duel functions
- Equipment Manager functions
- Experience (XP) functions
- Faction functions
- Flyout button functions
- GM Survey functions
- GM Ticket functions
- Glyph functions
- Guild bank functions
- Guild functions
- Hyperlink functions
- In-game movie playback functions
- Inspect functions
- Instance functions
- Inventory functions
- Item Text functions
- Item Upgrade functions
- Item functions
- Keybind functions
- Keyboard functions
- Knowledge-base functions
- Limited play time functions
- Locale-specific functions
- Looking for group functions
- Loot functions
- Lua library functions
- Mac client functions
- Macro functions
- Mail functions
- Map functions
- Merchant functions
- Modified click functions
- Money functions
- Movement functions
- NPC "Gossip" Dialog functions
- Objectives tracking functions
- Party functions
- Pet Stable functions
- Pet battles functions
- Pet functions
- Pet journal functions
- Petition functions
- Player information functions
- PvP functions
- Quest functions
- Raid functions
- Realm functions
- Recruit-a-friend functions
- Secure execution utility functions
- Skill functions
- Social functions
- Socketing functions
- Sound functions
- Spell functions
- Stance/Shapeshift functions
- Stat information functions
- Stopwatch functions
- Summoning functions
- Talent functions
- Targeting functions
- Taxi/Flight functions
- Threat functions
- Tracking functions
- Trade functions
- Tradeskill functions
- Trainer functions
- Transmogrification functions
- Tutorial functions
- UI/Visual functions
- Unit functions
- Utility functions
- Vehicle functions
- Video functions
- Voice functions
- Void storage functions
- Wargame functions
- Zone information functions
- Uncategorized functions
Achievement functions
- AddTrackedAchievement - Adds an achievement to the objectives tracker UI
- AreAccountAchievementsHidden - Returns whether the player is displaying only character achievements to others
- CanShowAchievementUI - Returns whether the Achievements UI should be enabled
- ClearAchievementComparisonUnit - Disables comparing achievements/statistics with another player
- GetAchievementCategory - Returns the numeric ID of the category to which an achievement belongs
- GetAchievementComparisonInfo - Returns information about the comparison unit's achievements
- GetAchievementCriteriaInfo - Gets information about criteria for an achievement or data for a statistic
- GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetAchievementGuildRep - This function is not yet documented
- GetAchievementInfo - Gets information about an achievement or statistic
- GetAchievementLink - Returns a hyperlink representing the player's progress on an achievement
- GetAchievementNumCriteria - Returns the number of measured criteria for an achievement
- GetAchievementNumRewards - Returns the number of point rewards for an achievement (currently always 1)
- GetAchievementReward - Returns the number of achievement points awarded for earning an achievement
- GetCategoryAchievementPoints - Returns the number of achievement points obtained in this category
- GetCategoryInfo - Returns information about an achievement/statistic category
- GetCategoryList - Returns a list of all achievement categories
- GetCategoryNumAchievements - Returns the number of achievements/statistics to display in a category
- GetComparisonAchievementPoints - Returns the comparison unit's total achievement points earned
- GetComparisonCategoryNumAchievements - Returns the number of achievements completed by the comparison unit within a category
- GetComparisonStatistic - Returns the comparison unit's data for a statistic
- GetGuildAchievementMemberInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildAchievementMembers - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildAchievementNumMembers - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildCategoryList - Returns a list of all guild achievement categories
- GetGuildRosterLargestAchievementPoints - This function is not yet documented
- GetLatestCompletedAchievements - Returns a list of the player's/player guild's most recently earned achievements
- GetLatestCompletedComparisonAchievements - Returns a list of the comparison unit's most recently earned achievements
- GetLatestUpdatedComparisonStats - Returns a list of the comparison unit's latest updated statistics
- GetLatestUpdatedStats - Returns a list of the player's latest updated statistics
- GetNextAchievement - Returns the next achievement for an achievement which is part of a series
- GetNumComparisonCompletedAchievements - Returns the number of achievements earned by the comparison unit
- GetNumCompletedAchievements - Returns the number of achievements earned by the player/guild
- GetNumTrackedAchievements - Returns the number of achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
- GetPreviousAchievement - Returns the previous achievement for an achievement which is part of a series
- GetStatistic - Returns data for a statistic that can be shown on the statistics tab of the achievements window
- GetStatisticsCategoryList - Returns a list of all statistic categories
- GetTotalAchievementPoints - Returns the player's total achievement points earned
- GetTrackedAchievements - Returns numeric IDs of the achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
- HasCompletedAnyAchievement - Checks if the player has completed at least 1 achievement
- IsAchievementEligible - This function is not yet documented
- IsTrackedAchievement - Returns whether an achievement is flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
- RemoveTrackedAchievement - Removes an achievement from the objectives tracker UI
- SetAchievementComparisonPortrait - This function is not yet documented
- SetAchievementComparisonUnit - Enables comparing achievements/statistics with another player
- SetFocusedAchievement - This function is not yet documented
- ShowAccountAchievements - Enables or disables the display of only character achievements to others
Action functions
- ActionHasRange - Returns whether an action has a range restriction
- C_LossOfControl.GetEventInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LossOfControl.GetNumEvents - This function is not yet documented
- CastPetAction - Casts a pet action on a specific target
- GetActionAutocast - Returns information about autocast actions
- GetActionCharges - This function is not yet documented
- GetActionCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an action
- GetActionCount - Returns the number of uses remaining for the given action slot
- GetActionInfo - Returns information about an action slot
- GetActionLossOfControlCooldown - This function is not yet documented
- GetActionText - Returns the text label associated with an action
- GetActionTexture - Returns the icon texture for an action
- GetPetActionCooldown - Returns cooldown information about a given pet action slot
- GetPetActionInfo - Returns information about a pet action
- GetPetActionSlotUsable - Returns whether a pet action can be used
- GetPetActionsUsable - Returns whether the pet's actions are usable
- HasAction - Returns whether an action slot contains an action
- IsActionInRange - Returns whether the player's target is in range of an action
- IsAttackAction - Returns whether an action is the standard melee Attack action
- IsAutoRepeatAction - Returns whether an action is an automatically repeating action
- IsConsumableAction - Returns whether using an action consumes an item
- IsCurrentAction - Returns whether an action is currently being used
- IsEquippedAction - Returns whether an action contains an equipped item
- IsItemAction - This function is not yet documented
- IsPetAttackAction - Returns if the pet action button is the pet attack command
- IsSpellOverlayed - Checks if a given spell ID has an active spell overlay
- IsStackableAction - Returns whether an action uses stackable items
- IsUsableAction - Returns whether an action is usable
- PickupAction - Puts the contents of an action bar slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into an action bar slot
- PickupPetAction - Puts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot
- PlaceAction - Puts the contents of the cursor into an action bar slot
- TogglePetAutocast - Turns autocast on or off for a pet action
- UseAction - Uses an action
ActionBar functions
- ChangeActionBarPage - Changes the current action bar page
- GetActionBarPage - Returns the current action bar page
- GetActionBarToggles - Returns the current visibility settings for the four secondary action bars
- GetBonusBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetBonusBarOffset - Returns the current "stance" offset for use with the bonus action bar
- GetExtraBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetFlyoutInfo - Returns information about a flyout slot
- GetFlyoutSlotInfo - Returns information about a flyout ability slot
- GetNumFlyouts - Returns the number of flyout actions in the UI
- GetOverrideBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetOverrideBarSkin - This function is not yet documented
- GetPossessInfo - Returns information about special actions available while the player possesses another unit
- GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
- HasBonusActionBar - This function is not yet documented
- HasExtraActionBar - This function is not yet documented
- HasOverrideActionBar - This function is not yet documented
- HasTempShapeshiftActionBar - This function is not yet documented
- HasVehicleActionBar - This function is not yet documented
- IsPossessBarVisible - Returns whether a special action bar should be shown while the player possesses another unit
- SetActionBarToggles - Configures display of additional ActionBars in the default UI
- SetActionUIButton - This function is not yet documented
- SetBarSlotFromIntro - This function is not yet documented
Addon-related functions
- DisableAddOn - Marks an addon as disabled
- DisableAllAddOns - Marks all addons as disabled
- EnableAddOn - Marks an addon as enabled
- EnableAllAddOns - Marks all addons as enabled
- GetAddOnDependencies - Returns a list of addons a given addon is dependent upon
- GetAddOnEnableState - Queries whether an addon is currently enabled
- GetAddOnInfo - Returns information about an addon
- GetAddOnMetadata - Returns the value of certain fields in an addon's TOC file
- GetAddOnOptionalDependencies - Returns a list of addons a given addon is optionally dependent upon
- GetNumAddOns - Returns the number of addons in the addon listing
- GetRegisteredAddonMessagePrefixes - Returns a table containing all addon message prefixes that have been registered
- InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory - Opens the Interface Options window and displays a given panel within it
- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory - Registers a panel to be displayed in the Interface Options window
- IsAddOnLoadOnDemand - Returns whether an addon can be loaded without restarting the UI
- IsAddOnLoaded - Returns whether an addon is currently loaded
- IsAddonMessagePrefixRegistered - Returns whether or not the client has registered to receive messages with a given addon prefix
- IsAddonVersionCheckEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- LoadAddOn - Loads a LoadOnDemand-capable addon
- RegisterAddonMessagePrefix - Registers to receive addon messages with a given prefix
- ResetAddOns - This function is not yet documented
- ResetDisabledAddOns - Reverts changes to the enabled/disabled state of addons
- SaveAddOns - This function is not yet documented
- SendAddonMessage - Sends a chat-like message receivable by other addons
- SetAddonVersionCheck - This function is not yet documented
Archaeology profession functions
- ArchaeologyGetIconInfo - This function is not yet documented
- ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll - Returns the number of digsites in the current zone
- ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID - Returns the blob ID for an archaeology map landmark
- CanItemBeSocketedToArtifact - This function is not yet documented
- CanSolveArtifact - Returns whether the player can solve the selected artifact.
- GetActiveArtifactByRace - This function is not yet documented
- GetArchaeologyInfo - Returns information about Archeology
- GetArchaeologyRaceInfo - Get name, icon, index, and fragment for a race
- GetArchaeologyRaceInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetArtifactInfoByRace - This function is not yet documented
- GetArtifactProgress - Returns information about the progress of the currently-selected artifact's construction.
- GetNumArchaeologyRaces - Return the number of different races (branches) in Archeology
- GetNumArtifactsByRace - Return the amount of artifacts the player has acquired from the provided race
- GetSelectedArtifactInfo - Returns information about the currently selected artifact
- IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- ItemAddedToArtifact - This function is not yet documented
- RemoveItemFromArtifact - This function is not yet documented
- RequestArtifactCompletionHistory - Queries the server for the player's artifact completion history
- SetSelectedArtifact - This function is not yet documented
- SocketItemToArtifact - This function is not yet documented
- SolveArtifact - Performs the solve archaeology spell
Arena functions
- ArenaTeam_GetTeamSizeID - Converts an arena team size to the appropriate numeric arena team identifier
- GetArenaOpponentSpec - Returns information about current enemy specialization.
- GetCurrentArenaSeason - Returns a number identifying the current arena season
- GetMaxArenaCurrency - Returns the maximum amount of arena points the player can accrue
- GetNumArenaOpponentSpecs - Returns the number of enemy players which specialization data are available in an arena match
- GetNumArenaOpponents - Returns the number of enemy players in an arena match
- GetPVPRewards - Returns information about Conquest Point cap.
- GetPreviousArenaSeason - Returns a number identifying the previous arena season
- IsActiveBattlefieldArena - Returns whether the player is currently in an arena match
- IsArenaSkirmish - This function is not yet documented
- IsArenaTeamCaptain - Returns whether the player is the captain of an arena team
- IsInArenaTeam - Returns whether the player is on an arena team
- JoinArena - This function is not yet documented
- JoinSkirmish - This function is not yet documented
- RequeueSkirmish - This function is not yet documented
Auction functions
- C_BlackMarket.Close - This function is not yet documented
- C_BlackMarket.GetHotItem - This function is not yet documented
- C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_BlackMarket.GetNumItems - This function is not yet documented
- C_BlackMarket.ItemPlaceBid - This function is not yet documented
- C_BlackMarket.RequestItems - Requests updated black market auction information from the server.
- CalculateAuctionDeposit - Returns the deposit amount for the item currently being set up for auction
- CanCancelAuction - Returns whether one of the player's auctions can be canceled
- CanSendAuctionQuery - Returns whether the player can perform an auction house query
- CancelAuction - Cancels an auction created by the player
- CancelSell - This function is not yet documented
- ClickAuctionSellItemButton - Picks up an item from or puts an item into the "Create Auction" slot
- CloseAuctionHouse - Ends interaction with the Auction House UI
- GetAuctionHouseDepositRate - Returns the deposit rate for the current auction house
- GetAuctionInvTypes - Returns a list of the inventory subtypes for a given auction house item subclass
- GetAuctionItemBattlePetInfo - Retrieves info about one Battle Pet in the current retrieved list of Battle Pets from the Auction House.
- GetAuctionItemClasses - Returns a list of localized item class (category) names
- GetAuctionItemInfo - Returns information about an auction listing
- GetAuctionItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in an auction listing
- GetAuctionItemSubClasses - Returns a list of localized subclass names for a given item class
- GetAuctionItemTimeLeft - Returns the time remaining before an auction listing expires
- GetAuctionSellItemInfo - Returns information about the item currently being set up for auction
- GetAuctionSort - Returns the current sort settings for auction data
- GetBidderAuctionItems - Requests data from the server for the list of auctions bid on by the player
- GetInboxInvoiceInfo - Returns auction house invoice information for a mail
- GetNumAuctionItems - Returns the number of auction items in a listing
- GetOwnerAuctionItems - Requests data from the server for the list of auctions created by the player
- GetSelectedAuctionItem - Returns the index of the currently selected item in an auction listing
- IsAuctionSortReversed - Returns whether a sort criterion is applied in reverse order
- PlaceAuctionBid - Places a bid on (or buys out) an auction item
- QueryAuctionItems - Requests data from the server for the list of auctions meeting given search criteria
- SetAuctionsTabShowing - This function is not yet documented
- SetSelectedAuctionItem - Selects an item in an auction listing
- SortAuctionApplySort - Applies a set of auction listing sort criteria set via [[docs/api/SortAuctionSetSort|`SortAuctionSetSort`]]
- SortAuctionClearSort - Clears any current sorting rules for an auction house listing
- SortAuctionItems - Sorts the auction house listing
- SortAuctionSetSort - Builds a list of sort criteria for auction listings
- StartAuction - Creates an auction for the item currently in the "auction item" slot
Bank functions
- BankButtonIDToInvSlotID - Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a bank item or bag slot
- BuyReagentBank - This function is not yet documented
- CloseBankFrame - Ends interaction with the bank
- DepositReagentBank - Deposits Reagents in to Reagent Bank
- EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation - Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components
- GetBankAutosortDisabled - This function is not yet documented
- GetBankBagSlotFlag - This function is not yet documented
- GetBankSlotCost - Returns the cost of the next purchasable bank bag slot
- GetNumBankSlots - Returns information about purchased bank bag slots
- GetReagentBankCost - Returns the cost of the reagent bank tab
- IsBagSlotFlagEnabledOnOtherBankBags - This function is not yet documented
- IsReagentBankUnlocked - Returns true if Ragent Bank has been purchased
- PurchaseSlot - Purchases the next available bank slot
- ReagentBankButtonIDToInvSlotID - This function is not yet documented
- SetBankAutosortDisabled - This function is not yet documented
- SetBankBagSlotFlag - This function is not yet documented
- SortBankBags - Sorts Bank Bags
- SortReagentBankBags - Sorts Reagent Bank
Barbershop functions
- ApplyBarberShopStyle - Purchases the selected barber shop style changes
- BarberShopReset - Resets barber shop options to the currently worn styles
- CanAlterSkin - Lets you check if the player can change their skin color
- CancelBarberShop - Exits a barber shop session
- GetBarberShopStyleInfo - Returns information about the selected barber shop style option
- GetBarberShopTotalCost - Returns the total price of selected barber shop style changes
- GetFacialHairCustomization - Returns a token used for displaying facial feature customization options
- GetHairCustomization - Returns a token used for displaying "hair" customization options
- IsBarberShopStyleValid - This function is not yet documented
- SetBarberShopAlternateFormFrame - This function is not yet documented
- SetNextBarberShopStyle - Selects the next style for a barber shop style option
Battle.net functions
- BNAcceptFriendInvite - This function is not yet documented
- BNCheckBattleTagInviteToGuildMember - This function is not yet documented
- BNCheckBattleTagInviteToUnit - This function is not yet documented
- BNConnected - Returns whether or not the player is connected to Battle.net
- BNCreateConversation - Create a conversation between you and two friends
- BNDeclineFriendInvite - This function is not yet documented
- BNFeaturesEnabled - Returns whether or not RealID services are disabled
- BNFeaturesEnabledAndConnected - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetBlockedInfo - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetBlockedToonInfo - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetConversationInfo - Returns information about an existing battle.net conversation
- BNGetConversationMemberInfo - Returns information about a member of a battle.net conversation
- BNGetCustomMessageTable - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetFOFInfo - Returns information about the specified friend of a RealID friend
- BNGetFriendIndex - Returns friendlist index of a BN friend
- BNGetFriendInfo - Returns information about a RealID friend by index
- BNGetFriendInfoByID - Returns information about a RealID friend
- BNGetFriendInviteInfo - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetFriendToonInfo - Returns information about a particular online toon tied to a RealID friend
- BNGetInfo - Returns information about the player's RealID settings
- BNGetMatureLanguageFilter - Returns boolean for the Mature Language Filter option's state.
- BNGetMaxNumConversations - Returns the maximum number of simultaneous RealID conversations you can be a part of
- BNGetMaxPlayersInConversation - Returns the maximum number of realID friends you can have in one conversation
- BNGetNumBlocked - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetNumBlockedToons - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetNumConversationMembers - Returns the number of members in a battle.net conversation
- BNGetNumFOF - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetNumFriendInvites - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetNumFriendToons - Returns the number of online toons for a friend
- BNGetNumFriends - Returns total number of RealID friends and currently online number of RealID friends
- BNGetSelectedBlock - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetSelectedFriend - Returns the index of the selected user on your friend's list
- BNGetSelectedToonBlock - This function is not yet documented
- BNGetToonInfo - Returns information about the active game account tied to a Real ID friend
- BNInviteFriend - This function is not yet documented
- BNInviteToConversation - Invite a friend into an existing conversation
- BNIsBlocked - This function is not yet documented
- BNIsFriend - This function is not yet documented
- BNIsFriendConversationValid - This function is not yet documented
- BNIsSelf - Returns whether or not the presence ID is the one of the player
- BNIsToonBlocked - This function is not yet documented
- BNLeaveConversation - This function is not yet documented
- BNListConversation - This function is not yet documented
- BNRemoveFriend - This function is not yet documented
- BNReportFriendInvite - This function is not yet documented
- BNReportPlayer - This function is not yet documented
- BNRequestFOFInfo - This function is not yet documented
- BNSendConversationMessage - This function is not yet documented
- BNSendFriendInvite - This function is not yet documented
- BNSendFriendInviteByID - This function is not yet documented
- BNSendGameData - Sends some data to another player
- BNSendSoR - This function is not yet documented
- BNSendVerifiedBattleTagInvite - This function is not yet documented
- BNSendWhisper - Sends a whisper over Battle.Net
- BNSetAFK - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetBlocked - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetCustomMessage - Sets the player's current RealID broadcast message.
- BNSetDND - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetFocus - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetFriendNote - Changes the private note for a RealID friend
- BNSetMatureLanguageFilter - Sets the Mature Language Filter option
- BNSetSelectedBlock - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetSelectedFriend - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetSelectedToonBlock - This function is not yet documented
- BNSetToonBlocked - This function is not yet documented
- BNSummonFriendByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- BNTokenFindName - This function is not yet documented
- GetAutoCompletePresenceID - Obtains the presence ID using a full name or BattleTag.
- IsBNLogin - This function is not yet documented
Battlefield functions
- AcceptAreaSpiritHeal - Accepts the next upcoming periodic resurrection from a battleground spirit healer
- AcceptBattlefieldPort - Accepts the offered teleport to a battleground/arena or leaves the battleground/arena or queue
- BattlefieldMgrEntryInviteResponse - This function is not yet documented
- BattlefieldMgrExitRequest - This function is not yet documented
- BattlefieldMgrQueueInviteResponse - This function is not yet documented
- BattlefieldMgrQueueRequest - This function is not yet documented
- CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup - Returns whether the battleground for which the player is queueing supports joining as a group
- CancelAreaSpiritHeal - Declines the next upcoming periodic resurrection from a battleground spirit healer
- GetAreaSpiritHealerTime - Returns the time remaining until a nearby battleground spirit healer resurrects all players in its area
- GetBattlefieldArenaFaction - Returns faction
- GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime - Returns the estimated wait time on a battleground or arena queue
- GetBattlefieldFlagPosition - Returns the position of a flag in a battleground
- GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration - Returns the amount of time remaining before all players are removed from the instance, if in a battleground instance where the match has completed
- GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime - Returns the amount of time since the current battleground instance opened
- GetBattlefieldMapIconScale - Returns the scale to be used for displaying battleground map icons
- GetBattlefieldPortExpiration - Returns the time left on a battleground or arena invitation
- GetBattlefieldScore - Returns basic scoreboard information for a battleground/arena participant
- GetBattlefieldStatData - Returns battleground-specific scoreboard information for a battleground participant
- GetBattlefieldStatInfo - Returns information about a battleground-specific scoreboard column
- GetBattlefieldStatus - Returns information about an active or queued battleground/arena instance
- GetBattlefieldTeamInfo - Returns info about teams and their rating and MMR in a rated arena match
- GetBattlefieldTimeWaited - Returns the amount of time elapsed since the player joined the queue for a battleground/arena
- GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo - Returns information about special vehicles in the current zone
- GetBattlefieldWinner - Returns the winner of the current battleground or arena match
- GetBattlegroundInfo - Returns information about available battlegrounds
- GetBattlegroundPoints - This function is not yet documented
- GetBlacklistMapName - This function is not yet documented
- GetMaxBattlefieldID - Returns the number of battlefields the player is associated with.
- GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions - Returns the number of battleground flags for which map position information is available
- GetNumBattlefieldScores - Returns the number of participant scores available in the current battleground
- GetNumBattlefieldStats - Returns the number of battleground-specific statistics on the current battleground's scoreboard
- GetNumBattlefieldVehicles - Returns the number of special vehicles in the current zone
- GetNumBattlegroundTypes - Returns the number of different battlegrounds available
- GetPVPRewards - Returns information about Conquest Point cap.
- GetRatedBattleGroundInfo - This function is not yet documented
- InActiveBattlefield - This function is not yet documented
- IsActiveBattlefieldArena - Returns whether the player is currently in an arena match
- IsRatedMap - This function is not yet documented
- JoinBattlefield - Joins the queue for a battleground instance
- JoinRatedBattlefield - This function is not yet documented
- LeaveBattlefield - Immediately exits the current battleground instance
- PlayerIsPVPInactive - Returns whether a battleground participant is inactive (and eligible for reporting as AFK)
- ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK - Reports a battleground participant as AFK
- RequestBattlefieldScoreData - Requests battlefield score data from the server
- RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo - Requests information about available instances of a battleground from the server
- RequestRandomBattlegroundInstanceInfo - This function is not yet documented
- RequestRatedInfo - This function is not yet documented
- SetBattlefieldScoreFaction - Filters the battleground scoreboard by faction/team
- SetBlacklistMap - This function is not yet documented
- SortBattlefieldScoreData - Sorts the battleground scoreboard
- UnitInBattleground - Returns whether a unit is in same battleground instance as the player
Blizzard internal functions
- DetectWowMouse - Detects the presence of a "WoW" compatible multi-button mouse
- GMRequestPlayerInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetDebugStats - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetDebugZoneMap - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetGMStatus - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetMapDebugObjectInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetNumMapDebugObjects - This is a Blizzard internal function
- HasDebugZoneMap - This is a Blizzard internal function
- IsDebugBuild - This is a Blizzard internal function
- IsGMClient - This is a Blizzard internal function
- ResetPerformanceValues - This is a Blizzard internal function
- SetConsoleKey - This is a Blizzard internal function
- SetLayoutMode - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TargetDirectionEnemy - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TargetDirectionFinished - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TargetDirectionFriend - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TeleportToDebugObject - This is a Blizzard internal function
- ToggleCollision - This is a Blizzard internal function
- ToggleCollisionDisplay - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TogglePerformancePause - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TogglePerformanceValues - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TogglePlayerBounds - This is a Blizzard internal function
- TogglePortals - This is a Blizzard internal function
- ToggleTris - This is a Blizzard internal function
- debugbreak - This is a Blizzard internal function
- debugdump - This is a Blizzard internal function
- debuginfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- debugload - This is a Blizzard internal function
- debugprint - This is a Blizzard internal function
- debugtimestamp - This is a Blizzard internal function
- newproxy - Creates a zero-length userdata with an optional metatable.
Buff functions
- CancelItemTempEnchantment - Cancels a temporary weapon enchant
- CancelShapeshiftForm - Cancels the current shapeshift form
- CancelUnitBuff - Cancels a buff on the player
- GetRaidBuffTrayAuraInfo - Returns the active buff for a given raid buff category
- GetWeaponEnchantInfo - Returns information about temporary enchantments on the player's weapons
- UnitAura - Returns information about buffs/debuffs on a unit
- UnitBuff - Returns information about a buff on a unit
- UnitDebuff - Returns information about a debuff on a unit
CVar functions
- GetCVar - Returns the value of a configuration variable
- GetCVarBitfield - This function is not yet documented
- GetCVarBool - Returns the value of a configuration variable in a format compatible with Lua conditional expressions
- GetCVarDefault - Returns the default value of a configuration variable
- GetCVarInfo - Returns information about a configuration variable
- RegisterCVar - Registers a configuration variable to be saved
- SetCVar - Sets the value of a configuration variable
- SetCVarBitfield - This function is not yet documented
Calendar functions
- CalendarAddEvent - Saves the event recently created (and selected for editing) to the calendar
- CalendarCanAddEvent - Returns whether the player can add an event to the calendar
- CalendarCanSendInvite - Returns whether the player can invite others to a calendar event
- CalendarCloseEvent - Deselects (ends viewing/editing on) an event
- CalendarContextDeselectEvent - Clears the event selection used only for `CalendarContext` functions
- CalendarContextEventCanComplain - Returns whether the player can report an event invitation as spam
- CalendarContextEventCanEdit - Returns whether the player can edit an event
- CalendarContextEventCanRemove - This function is not yet documented
- CalendarContextEventClipboard - Returns whether the player can paste an event
- CalendarContextEventComplain - Reports an event invitation as spam
- CalendarContextEventCopy - Copies an event for later pasting
- CalendarContextEventGetCalendarType - Returns the type of a calendar event
- CalendarContextEventPaste - Pastes a copied event into a given date
- CalendarContextEventRemove - Deletes an event from the calendar
- CalendarContextEventSignUp - Signs the player up for a guild event
- CalendarContextGetEventIndex - Returns the month, day, and index of the event selection used only for `CalendarContext` functions
- CalendarContextInviteAvailable - Accepts an event invitation
- CalendarContextInviteDecline - Declines an event invitation
- CalendarContextInviteIsPending - Returns whether the player has been invited to an event and not yet responded
- CalendarContextInviteModeratorStatus - Returns the player's moderator status for an event
- CalendarContextInviteRemove - Removes an invitation from the player's calendar or removes the player from a guild event's signup list
- CalendarContextInviteStatus - Returns the player's invite status for an event
- CalendarContextInviteTentative - This function is not yet documented
- CalendarContextInviteType - Returns the invite type for an event
- CalendarContextSelectEvent - Selects an event for use only with other `CalendarContext` functions
- CalendarDefaultGuildFilter - Returns default options for the guild member Mass Invite filter
- CalendarEventAvailable - Accepts invitation to the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventCanEdit - Returns whether the player can edit the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventCanModerate - Returns whether an event invitee can be granted moderator authority
- CalendarEventClearAutoApprove - Disables the auto-approve feature (currently unused) for the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventClearLocked - Unlocks the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventClearModerator - Removes moderator status from a character on the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventDecline - Declines invitation to the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventGetCalendarType - Returns the type of the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventGetInvite - Returns information about an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventGetInviteResponseTime - Returns the time at which a character on the selected event's invite/signup list responded
- CalendarEventGetInviteSortCriterion - Returns the current sort mode for the event invite/signup list
- CalendarEventGetNumInvites - Returns the number of characters on the selected calendar event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventGetRepeatOptions - Returns a list of localized event repetition option labels (currently unused)
- CalendarEventGetSelectedInvite - Returns the index of the selected entry on the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventGetStatusOptions - Returns a list of localized invite status labels
- CalendarEventGetTextures - Returns a list of instance names and icons for dungeon or raid events
- CalendarEventGetTypes - Returns a list of event display style labels
- CalendarEventGetTypesDisplayOrdered - This function is not yet documented
- CalendarEventHasPendingInvite - Returns whether the player has been invited to the selected event and not yet responded
- CalendarEventHaveSettingsChanged - Returns whether the selected event has unsaved changes
- CalendarEventInvite - Attempts to invite a character to the selected event
- CalendarEventIsModerator - Returns whether the player has moderator status for the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventRemoveInvite - Removes a character from the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventSelectInvite - Selects an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventSetAutoApprove - Enables the auto-approve feature (currently unused) for the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventSetDate - Changes the scheduled date of the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventSetDescription - Changes the descriptive text for the selected event
- CalendarEventSetLocked - Locks the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventSetLockoutDate - Changes the lockout date associated with the selected event (currently unused)
- CalendarEventSetLockoutTime - Changes the lockout time associated with the selected event (currently unused)
- CalendarEventSetModerator - Grants moderator status to a character on the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventSetRepeatOption - Changes the repetition option for the selected event (currently unused)
- CalendarEventSetSize - Changes the maximum number of invites/signups for the selected event (currently unused)
- CalendarEventSetStatus - Sets the status of a character on the selected event's invite/signup list
- CalendarEventSetTextureID - Changes the raid or dungeon instance for the selected event
- CalendarEventSetTime - Changes the scheduled time of the selected event
- CalendarEventSetTitle - Changes the title for the selected event
- CalendarEventSetType - Changes the display type of the selected event
- CalendarEventSignUp - Signs the player up for the selected calendar event
- CalendarEventSortInvites - Sorts the event invite/signup list
- CalendarEventTentative - This function is not yet documented
- CalendarGetAbsMonth - Returns date information for a given month and year
- CalendarGetDate - Returns the current date (in the server's time zone)
- CalendarGetDayEvent - Returns information about a calendar event on a given day
- CalendarGetDayEventSequenceInfo - This function is not yet documented
- CalendarGetEventIndex - Returns the month, day, and index of the selected calendar event
- CalendarGetEventInfo - Returns information about the selected calendar event
- CalendarGetFirstPendingInvite - Returns the index of the first invitation on a given day to which the player has not responded
- CalendarGetGuildEventInfo - Returns information about a calendar guild-event
- CalendarGetGuildEventSelectionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- CalendarGetHolidayInfo - Returns additional information about a holiday event
- CalendarGetMaxCreateDate - Returns the latest date for which events may be scheduled
- CalendarGetMaxDate - Returns the latest date usable in the calendar system
- CalendarGetMinDate - Returns the earliest date usable in the calendar system
- CalendarGetMinHistoryDate - Returns the earliest date for which information about past player events is available
- CalendarGetMonth - Returns information about a calendar month
- CalendarGetMonthNames - Returns a list of localized month names
- CalendarGetNumDayEvents - Returns the number of calendar events on a given day
- CalendarGetNumGuildEvents - Returns the number of guild events in your calendar
- CalendarGetNumPendingInvites - Returns the number of calendar invitations to which the player has yet to respond
- CalendarGetRaidInfo - Returns information about a raid lockout or scheduled raid reset event
- CalendarGetWeekdayNames - Returns a list of localized weekday names
- CalendarIsActionPending - Returns whether an update to calendar information is in progress
- CalendarMassInviteGuild - Repopulates the selected event's invite list with members of the player's guild
- CalendarNewEvent - Creates a new event and selects it for viewing/editing
- CalendarNewGuildAnnouncement - Creates a new guild announcement and selects it for viewing/editing
- CalendarNewGuildEvent - Creates a new guild event and selects it for viewing/editing
- CalendarOpenEvent - Selects a calendar event for viewing/editing
- CalendarRemoveEvent - Removes the selected event invitation from the player's calendar or removes the player from the selected guild event's signup list
- CalendarSetAbsMonth - Set's the calendar's month to an absolute date
- CalendarSetMonth - Sets the calendar's month relative to its current month
- CalendarUpdateEvent - Saves changes made to the selected event
- CanEditGuildEvent - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit guild-wide calendar events
- OpenCalendar - Queries the server for calendar status information
Camera functions
- CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart - Begins camera movement or selection (equivalent to left-clicking in the 3-D world)
- CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop - Ends action initiated by [[docs/api/CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart|`CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart`]]
- CameraZoomIn - Zooms the camera in by a specified distance
- CameraZoomOut - Zooms the camera out by a specified distance
- FlipCameraYaw - Rotates the camera around the player
- IsMouselooking - Returns whether mouselook mode is active
- MouselookStart - Enables mouselook mode, in which cursor movement rotates the camera
- MouselookStop - Disables mouselook mode
- MoveViewDownStart - Begins orbiting the camera downward (to look upward)
- MoveViewDownStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewDownStart|`MoveViewDownStart`]]
- MoveViewInStart - Begins zooming the camera inward (towards/through the player character)
- MoveViewInStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewInStart|`MoveViewInStart`]]
- MoveViewLeftStart - Begins orbiting the camera around the player character to the left
- MoveViewLeftStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewLeftStart|`MoveViewLeftStart`]]
- MoveViewOutStart - Begins zooming the camera outward (away from the player character)
- MoveViewOutStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewOutStart|`MoveViewOutStart`]]
- MoveViewRightStart - Begins orbiting the camera around the player character to the right
- MoveViewRightStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewRightStart|`MoveViewRightStart`]]
- MoveViewUpStart - Begins orbiting the camera upward (to look down)
- MoveViewUpStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewUpStart|`MoveViewUpStart`]]
- NextView - Moves the camera to the next predefined setting
- PrevView - Moves the camera to the previous predefined setting
- ResetView - Resets a saved camera setting to default values
- SaveView - Saves the current camera settings
- SetView - Moves the camera to a saved camera setting
Channel functions
- AddChatWindowChannel - Adds a chat channel to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window
- ChannelBan - Bans a character from a chat channel
- ChannelInvite - Invites a character to join a chat channel
- ChannelKick - Removes a player from the channel
- ChannelModerator - Grants a character moderator status in a chat channel
- ChannelMute - Grants a character ability to speak in a moderated chat channel
- ChannelSilenceAll - Silences a character for chat and voice on a channel
- ChannelSilenceVoice - Silences the given character for voice chat on the channel
- ChannelToggleAnnouncements - Enables or disables printing of join/leave announcements for a channel
- ChannelUnSilenceAll - Unsilences a character for chat and voice on a channel
- ChannelUnSilenceVoice - Unsilences a character on a chat channel
- ChannelUnban - Lifts the ban preventing a character from joining a chat channel
- ChannelUnmoderator - Revokes moderator status from a character on a chat channel
- ChannelUnmute - Removes a character's ability to speak in a moderated chat channel
- ChannelVoiceOff - Disables voice chat in a channel
- ChannelVoiceOn - Enables voice chat in a channel
- CollapseChannelHeader - Collapses a group header in the chat channel listing
- DeclineChannelInvite - This function is not yet documented
- DisplayChannelOwner - Requests information from the server about a channel's owner
- DisplayChannelVoiceOff - Disables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display
- DisplayChannelVoiceOn - Enables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display
- EnumerateServerChannels - Returns the available server channel names
- ExpandChannelHeader - Expands a group header in the chat channel listing
- GetActiveVoiceChannel - Returns the currently active voice channel
- GetChannelDisplayInfo - Returns information about an entry in the channel list display
- GetChannelList - Returns the list of the channels the player has joined
- GetChannelName - Returns information about a chat channel
- GetChannelRosterInfo - Returns information about a character in a chat channel in the channel list display
- GetChatWindowChannels - Returns the saved list of channels to which a chat window is subscribed
- GetNumChannelMembers - Returns the number of members in a chat channel
- GetNumDisplayChannels - Returns the number of entries in the channel list display
- GetSelectedDisplayChannel - Returns the selected channel in the channel list display
- IsDisplayChannelModerator - Returns whether the player is a moderator of the selected channel in the channel list display
- IsDisplayChannelOwner - Returns whether the player is the owner of the selected channel in the channel list display
- IsSilenced - Returns whether a character is silenced on a chat channel
- JoinChannelByName - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- JoinPermanentChannel - Joins a channel, saving associated chat window settings
- JoinTemporaryChannel - Joins a channel, but does not save associated chat window settings
- LeaveChannelByName - Leaves a chat channel
- ListChannelByName - Requests the list of participants in a chat channel
- ListChannels - Requests a list of channels joined by the player
- RemoveChatWindowChannel - Removes a channel from a chat window's list of saved channel subscriptions
- SetActiveVoiceChannel - Sets the currently active voice channel
- SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionID - Sets the currently active voice chat channel
- SetChannelOwner - Gives channel ownership to another character
- SetChannelPassword - Sets a password on a custom chat channel
- SetSelectedDisplayChannel - Selects a channel in the channel list display
Chat functions
- AddChatWindowChannel - Adds a chat channel to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window
- AddChatWindowMessages - Adds a message type to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window
- BNCreateConversation - Create a conversation between you and two friends
- CanComplainChat - Returns whether a chat message can be reported as spam
- CancelEmote - This function is not yet documented
- ChangeChatColor - Changes the color associated with a chat message type
- ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter - Adds a function to filter or alter messages to the chat display system
- ChatFrame_GetMessageEventFilters - Returns the list of filters registered for a chat event
- ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter - Removes a previously set chat message filter
- ChatHistory_GetAccessID - Retrieve an [[docs/api_types#accessID|accessID]] for a combination of chatType and chatTarget
- ChatHistory_GetChatType - Retrieve information about an accessID
- DoEmote - Performs a preset emote (with optional target)
- GetChatTypeIndex - Returns the numeric index corresponding to a chat message type
- GetChatWindowChannels - Returns the saved list of channels to which a chat window is subscribed
- GetChatWindowInfo - Returns the saved settings for a chat window
- GetChatWindowMessages - Returns the saved list of messages to which a chat window is subscribed
- GetChatWindowSavedDimensions - This function is not yet documented
- GetChatWindowSavedPosition - This function is not yet documented
- GetDefaultLanguage - Returns the name of the player character's default language
- GetLanguageByIndex - Returns the localized name of a player character language
- GetNumLanguages - Returns the number of languages the player character can speak
- LoggingChat - Enables or disables saving chat text to a file
- LoggingCombat - Enables or disables saving combat log data to a file
- RandomRoll - Initiates a public, server-side "dice roll"
- RemoveChatWindowChannel - Removes a channel from a chat window's list of saved channel subscriptions
- RemoveChatWindowMessages - Removes a message type from a chat window's list of saved message subscriptions
- ResetChatColors - Removes all saved color settings for chat message types, resetting them to default values
- ResetChatWindows - Removes all saved chat window settings, resetting them to default values
- SendChatMessage - Sends a chat message
- SetChatColorNameByClass - Sets whether the player names should be colored by class for a given chat type
- SetChatWindowAlpha - Saves a chat window's background opacity setting
- SetChatWindowColor - Saves a chat window's background color setting
- SetChatWindowDocked - Saves whether a chat window should be docked with the main chat window
- SetChatWindowLocked - Saves whether a chat window is locked
- SetChatWindowName - Saves a chat window's display name setting
- SetChatWindowSavedDimensions - This function is not yet documented
- SetChatWindowSavedPosition - This function is not yet documented
- SetChatWindowShown - Saves whether a chat window should be shown
- SetChatWindowSize - Saves a chat window's font size setting
- SetChatWindowUninteractable - Saves whether a chat window is marked as non-interactive
Class resource functions
- DestroyTotem - Destroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
- GetEclipseDirection - Returns the direction in which the players eclipse is moving.
- GetRuneCooldown - Returns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources
- GetRuneCount - Returns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots
- GetRuneType - Returns the type of one of the player's rune resources
- GetTotemInfo - Returns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
- GetTotemTimeLeft - Returns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears
- TargetTotem - Targets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)
Client control and information functions
- CanUpgradeExpansion - Returns true if the user is not on the latest expansion
- CancelLogout - Cancels a pending logout or quit
- ForceLogout - Forces the client to logout
- ForceQuit - Immediately exits World of Warcraft
- GetAccountExpansionLevel - Returns the most recent of WoW's retail expansion packs for which the player's account is authorized
- GetBuildInfo - Returns the version information about the client
- GetExpansionLevel - Returns the expansion level of the game
- GetGameTime - Returns the current realm (server) time
- GetLocale - Returns a code indicating the localization currently in use by the client
- GetNetIpTypes - This function is not yet documented
- GetNetStats - Returns information about current network connection performance
- GetRestrictedAccountData - This function is not yet documented
- GetSessionTime - This function is not yet documented
- GetWorldElapsedTime - This function is not yet documented
- GetWorldElapsedTimers - This function is not yet documented
- IsBlizzCon - This function is not yet documented
- IsCharacterNewlyBoosted - This function is not yet documented
- IsExpansionTrial - This function is not yet documented
- IsLinuxClient - Returns whether the player is using the native Linux game client
- IsMacClient - Returns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client
- IsOnGlueScreen - This function is not yet documented
- IsRestrictedAccount - This function is not yet documented
- IsTestBuild - This function is not yet documented
- IsTrialAccount - This function is not yet documented
- IsWindowsClient - Returns whether the player is using the Windows game client
- Logout - Attempts to log out and return to the character selection screen
- NotWhileDeadError - Causes the default UI to display an error message indicating that actions are disallowed while the player is dead
- QueryWorldCountdownTimer - This function is not yet documented
- Quit - Attempts to exit the World of Warcraft client
- ReloadUI - Reloads the user interface
- Screenshot - Saves an image of the current game display
- SetEuropeanNumbers - Sets the decimal separator for displayed numbers
- SetUIVisibility - Enables or disables display of UI elements in the 3-D world
Combat functions
- AttackTarget - Begins auto-attack against the player's current target
- StartAttack - Begins auto-attack against a specified target
- StopAttack - Stops auto-attack if active
- UnitAffectingCombat - Returns whether a unit is currently in combat
CombatLog functions
- CombatLogAddFilter - Adds a filter to the combat log system
- CombatLogAdvanceEntry - Advances the "cursor" position used by other CombatLog functions
- CombatLogClearEntries - Removes all entries from the combat log
- CombatLogGetCurrentEntry - Returns the combat log event information for the current entry and advances to the next entry
- CombatLogGetNumEntries - Returns the number of available combat log events
- CombatLogGetRetentionTime - Returns the amount of time combat log entries are stored
- CombatLogResetFilter - Removes any filters applied to the combat log
- CombatLogSetCurrentEntry - Sets the "cursor" position used by other CombatLog functions
- CombatLogSetRetentionTime - Sets the amount of time combat log entries will be stored
- CombatLog_Object_IsA - Returns whether an entity from the combat log matches a given filter
- LoggingCombat - Enables or disables saving combat log data to a file
- UnitGUID - Returns a unit's globally unique identifier
Commentator functions
- CommentatorEnterInstance - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorExitInstance - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorFollowPlayer - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorFollowUnit - This function is not yet documented
- CommentatorGetCamera - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetCurrentMapID - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetInstanceInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetMapInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetMode - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetNumMaps - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetNumPlayers - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorGetPlayerInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorLookatPlayer - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorSetCamera - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorSetCameraCollision - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorSetMapAndInstanceIndex - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorSetMode - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorSetMoveSpeed - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorSetTargetHeightOffset - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorStartWargame - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorToggleMode - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorUpdateMapInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorUpdatePlayerInfo - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorZoomIn - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CommentatorZoomOut - This is a Blizzard internal function
Companion functions
- CallCompanion - Summons a non-combat pet or mount
- DismissCompanion - Unsummons the current non-combat pet or mount
- GetCompanionInfo - Returns information about a non-combat pet or mount
- GetNumCompanions - Returns the number of mounts or non-combat pets the player can summon
- PickupCompanion - Puts a non-combat pet or mount onto the cursor
- SummonRandomCritter - Summons a random critter companion
Complaint functions
- CalendarContextEventCanComplain - Returns whether the player can report an event invitation as spam
- CalendarContextEventComplain - Reports an event invitation as spam
- CanComplainChat - Returns whether a chat message can be reported as spam
- CanComplainInboxItem - Returns whether a mail can be reported as spam
- ComplainInboxItem - Reports a mail as spam
- PlayerIsPVPInactive - Returns whether a battleground participant is inactive (and eligible for reporting as AFK)
- ReportPlayer - Report a player to a GM.
- ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK - Reports a battleground participant as AFK
- SetPendingReportTarget - Sets the target for a yet-to-be-made report.
Container functions
- ContainerIDToInventoryID - Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a given [[docs/api_types#containerID|`containerID`]]
- ContainerRefundItemPurchase - Sells an item purchased with alternate currency back to a vendor
- EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation - Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components
- GetBackpackAutosortDisabled - This function is not yet documented
- GetBagName - Returns the name of one of the player's bags
- GetBagSlotFlag - This function is not yet documented
- GetContainerFreeSlots - Returns a list of open slots in a container
- GetContainerItemCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerItemDurability - Returns durability status for an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfo - Returns whether an item in the bags is a part of a saved item set.
- GetContainerItemGems - Returns the gems socketed in an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerItemID - Returns the item ID of an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerItemInfo - Returns information about an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo - Returns information about alternate currencies refunded for returning an item to vendors
- GetContainerItemPurchaseItem - Returns information about a specific currency refunded for returning an item to vendors
- GetContainerItemQuestInfo - Returns quest information about an item in the player's bags
- GetContainerNumFreeSlots - Returns the number of free slots in a container and the types of items it can hold
- GetContainerNumSlots - Returns the number of slots in one of the player's bags
- GetItemFamily - Returns information about special bag types that can hold a given item
- GetSortBagsRightToLeft - This function is not yet documented
- IsBagSlotFlagEnabledOnOtherBags - This function is not yet documented
- IsContainerFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- PickupBagFromSlot - Puts an equipped container onto the cursor
- PickupContainerItem - Picks up an item from or puts an item into a slot in one of the player's bags or other containers
- PutItemInBackpack - Puts the item on the cursor into the player's backpack
- PutItemInBag - Puts the item on the cursor into one of the player's bags or other containers
- SetBackpackAutosortDisabled - This function is not yet documented
- SetBagPortraitTexture - Sets a Texture object to display the icon of one of the player's bags
- SetBagSlotFlag - This function is not yet documented
- SetSortBagsRightToLeft - This function is not yet documented
- SocketContainerItem - Opens an item from the player's bags for socketing
- SortBags - This function is not yet documented
- SplitContainerItem - Picks up only part of a stack of items from one of the player's bags or other containers
- UseContainerItem - Activate (as with right-clicking) an item in one of the player's bags
Currency functions
- ExpandCurrencyList - Expands or collapses a list header in the Currency UI
- GetBackpackCurrencyInfo - Returns information about a currency marked for watching on the Backpack UI
- GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo - Returns information about alternate currencies refunded for returning an item to vendors
- GetContainerItemPurchaseItem - Returns information about a specific currency refunded for returning an item to vendors
- GetCurrencyInfo - Returns information about a currency by ID
- GetCurrencyLink - Returns a hyperlink for the given currency
- GetCurrencyListInfo - Returns information about a currency type (or headers in the Currency UI)
- GetCurrencyListLink - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrencyListSize - Returns the number of list entries to show in the Currency UI
- GetHolidayBGHonorCurrencyBonuses - Returns the awarded honor and arena points for a Call to Arms battleground win or loss
- GetMaxArenaCurrency - Returns the maximum amount of arena points the player can accrue
- GetMaxRewardCurrencies - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumRewardCurrencies - This function is not yet documented
- GetPlayerTradeCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestCurrencyInfo - Returns information about currency rewarded/required for quest completion
- GetRandomBGHonorCurrencyBonuses - This function is not yet documented
- GetTargetTradeCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- PickupCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- SetCurrencyBackpack - Sets a currency type to be watched on the Backpack UI
- SetCurrencyUnused - Moves a currency type to or from the Unused currencies list
- SetTradeCurrency - This function is not yet documented
Cursor functions
- AddTradeMoney - Adds the money currently on the cursor to the trade window
- AutoEquipCursorItem - Equips the item on the cursor
- ClearCursor - Clears any contents attached to the cursor
- ClickAuctionSellItemButton - Picks up an item from or puts an item into the "Create Auction" slot
- ClickSendMailItemButton - Picks up an item from or puts an item into an attachment slot for sending mail
- ClickSocketButton - Picks up or places a gem in the Item Socketing UI
- ClickTargetTradeButton - Interacts with an item in a slot offered for trade by the target
- ClickTradeButton - Picks up an item from or puts an item in a slot offered for trade by the player
- CursorCanGoInSlot - Returns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot
- CursorHasItem - Returns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor
- CursorHasMacro - Returns whether a macro is on the cursor
- CursorHasMoney - Returns whether an amount of the player's money is on the cursor
- CursorHasSpell - Returns whether a spell is on the cursor
- DeleteCursorItem - Destroys the item on the cursor
- DropCursorMoney - Drops any money currently on the cursor, returning it to where it was taken from
- DropItemOnUnit - "Gives" the item on the cursor to another unit; results vary by context
- EquipCursorItem - Puts the item on the cursor into a specific equipment slot
- GetCursorInfo - Returns information about the contents of the cursor
- GetCursorMoney - Returns the amount of money currently on the cursor
- GetCursorPosition - Returns the absolute position of the mouse cursor
- GetMouseFocus - Returns the frame that is currently under the mouse, and has mouse input enabled.
- HideRepairCursor - Returns the cursor to normal mode after use of [[docs/api/ShowRepairCursor|`ShowRepairCursor()`]]
- InRepairMode - Returns whether the item repair cursor mode is currently active
- PickupAction - Puts the contents of an action bar slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into an action bar slot
- PickupBagFromSlot - Puts an equipped container onto the cursor
- PickupCompanion - Puts a non-combat pet or mount onto the cursor
- PickupContainerItem - Picks up an item from or puts an item into a slot in one of the player's bags or other containers
- PickupGuildBankItem - Picks up an item from or puts an item into the guild bank
- PickupGuildBankMoney - Puts money from the guild bank onto the cursor
- PickupInventoryItem - Picks up an item from or puts an item into an equipment slot
- PickupItem - Puts an arbitrary item onto the cursor
- PickupMacro - Puts a macro onto the cursor
- PickupMerchantItem - Puts an item available for purchase from a vendor onto the cursor
- PickupPetAction - Puts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot
- PickupPlayerMoney - Puts an amount of the player's money onto the cursor
- PickupSpell - Puts a spell onto the cursor
- PickupStablePet - Puts a pet from the stables onto the cursor
- PickupTradeMoney - Puts money offered by the player for trade onto the cursor
- PlaceAction - Puts the contents of the cursor into an action bar slot
- PutItemInBackpack - Puts the item on the cursor into the player's backpack
- PutItemInBag - Puts the item on the cursor into one of the player's bags or other containers
- ResetCursor - Returns the cursor to its normal appearance (the glove pointer) and behavior
- SetCursor - Changes the mouse cursor image
- ShowBuybackSellCursor - Changes the cursor to prepare for repurchasing an item recently sold to a vendor
- ShowContainerSellCursor - Changes the cursor to prepare for selling an item in the player's bags to a vendor
- ShowInventorySellCursor - Changes the cursor to prepare for selling an equipped item to a vendor
- ShowMerchantSellCursor - Changes the cursor to prepare for buying an item from a vendor
- ShowRepairCursor - Puts the cursor in item repair mode
- SplitContainerItem - Picks up only part of a stack of items from one of the player's bags or other containers
- SplitGuildBankItem - Picks up only part of a stack of items from the guild bank
Debugging and Profiling functions
- FrameXML_Debug - Enables or disables logging of XML loading
- GetAddOnCPUUsage - Returns the amount of CPU time used by an addon
- GetAddOnMemoryUsage - Returns the amount of memory used by an addon
- GetDebugAnimationStats - This function is not yet documented
- GetDebugSpellEffects - This function is not yet documented
- GetEventCPUUsage - Returns information about the CPU usage of an event
- GetFrameCPUUsage - Returns information about CPU usage by a frame's script handlers
- GetFramerate - Returns the number of frames per second rendered by the client
- GetFunctionCPUUsage - Returns information about CPU usage by a function
- GetNetStats - Returns information about current network connection performance
- GetScriptCPUUsage - Returns the total CPU time used by the scripting system
- GetTaxiBenchmarkMode - Returns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled
- ResetCPUUsage - Resets CPU usage statistics
- SetTaxiBenchmarkMode - Enables or disables flight path benchmark mode
- UpdateAddOnCPUUsage - Updates addon CPU profiling information
- UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage - Updates addon memory usage information
- debugprofilestart - Starts/resets the high resolution profiling timer
- debugprofilestop - Returns the value of the profiling timer
- debugstack - Returns information about the current function call stack
- geterrorhandler - Returns the current error handler function
- getprinthandler - Returns the function currently used for `print()` output
- issecurevariable - Returns whether a variable is secure (and if not, which addon tainted it)
- print - Outputs a list of values (in the main chat window by default)
- print - Outputs a list of values (in the main chat window by default)
- seterrorhandler - Changes the error handler to a specified function
- setprinthandler - Sets a new function to be used for `print()` output
- tostringall - Alternative to `tostring()` for bulk conversion of values
Deprecated functions
- ReportBug - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- ReportSuggestion - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
Duel functions
- AcceptDuel - Accepts a proposed duel
- CancelDuel - Cancels an ongoing duel, or declines an offered duel
- StartDuel - Challenges another player to a duel
Equipment Manager functions
- CanUseEquipmentSets - Returns whether the player has enabled the equipment manager
- DeleteEquipmentSet - Deletes an equipment set
- EquipmentManagerClearIgnoredSlotsForSave - Clears the list of equipment slots to be ignored when saving sets
- EquipmentManagerIgnoreSlotForSave - Adds an equipment slot to the list of those ignored when saving sets
- EquipmentManagerIsSlotIgnoredForSave - Returns whether the contents of an equipment slot will be included when saving sets
- EquipmentManagerUnignoreSlotForSave - Removes an equipment slot from the list of those ignored when saving sets
- EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation - Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components
- EquipmentSetContainsLockedItems - Returns whether an equipment set contains locked items
- GetEquipmentSetIgnoreSlots - This function is not yet documented
- GetEquipmentSetInfo - Returns information about an equipment set (specified by index)
- GetEquipmentSetInfoByName - Returns information about an equipment set
- GetEquipmentSetItemIDs - Returns a table listing the items in an equipment set
- GetEquipmentSetLocations - Returns a table listing the locations of the items in an equipment set
- GetNumEquipmentSets - Returns the number of saved equipment sets
- ModifyEquipmentSet - Modifies the name and icon of an existing equipment set
- PickupEquipmentSet - Puts an equipment set (specified by index) on the cursor
- PickupEquipmentSetByName - Puts an equipment set on the cursor
- SaveEquipmentSet - Saves or creates an equipment set with the player's currently equipped items
- UseEquipmentSet - Equips the items in an equipment set
Experience (XP) functions
- GetRewardXP - Returns the experience awarded when completing a quest
- GetXPExhaustion - Returns the amount of rested bonus experience available
- IsXPUserDisabled - Returns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player
- UnitXP - Returns the player's current amount of experience points
- UnitXPMax - Return the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level
Faction functions
- CollapseAllFactionHeaders - Collapses all headers and sub-headers in the Reputation UI
- CollapseFactionHeader - Collapses a given faction header or sub-header in the Reputation UI
- ExpandAllFactionHeaders - Expands all headers and sub-headers in the Reputation UI
- ExpandFactionHeader - Expands a given faction header or sub-header in the Reputation UI
- FactionToggleAtWar - Toggles "at war" status for a faction
- GetBattlefieldArenaFaction - Returns faction
- GetFactionInfo - Returns information about a faction or header listing
- GetFactionInfoByID - Returns information about a faction or header listing
- GetGuildFactionGroup - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildFactionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGBonusFactionID - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumFactions - Returns the number of entries in the reputation UI
- GetNumQuestLogRewardFactions - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestChoiceRewardFaction - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestFactionGroup - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogRewardFactionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetSelectedFaction - Returns which faction entry is selected in the reputation UI
- GetWatchedFactionInfo - Returns information about the "watched" faction (displayed on the XP bar in the default UI)
- IsFactionInactive - Returns whether a faction is flagged as "inactive"
- NeutralPlayerSelectFaction - This function is not yet documented
- ProcessQuestLogRewardFactions - This function is not yet documented
- SetFactionActive - Removes the "inactive" status from a faction
- SetFactionInactive - Flags a faction as inactive
- SetLFGBonusFactionID - This function is not yet documented
- SetSelectedFaction - Selects a faction in the reputation UI
- SetWatchedFactionIndex - Makes a faction the "watched" faction (displayed on the XP bar in the default UI)
- UnitFactionGroup - Returns a unit's primary faction allegiance
Flyout button functions
- FlyoutHasSpell - This function is not yet documented
- GetFlyoutID - Returns the internal flyoutID for a given flyout index
- GetFlyoutInfo - Returns information about a flyout slot
- GetFlyoutSlotInfo - Returns information about a flyout ability slot
- GetNumFlyouts - Returns the number of flyout actions in the UI
GM Survey functions
- AcknowledgeSurvey - This function is not yet documented
- GMSurveyAnswer - Returns text of multiple-choice question answers in a GM survey
- GMSurveyAnswerSubmit - Submits an answer to a GM survey question
- GMSurveyCommentSubmit - Submits a comment to the current GM survey
- GMSurveyNumAnswers - Returns the number of possible answers for a GM Survey question
- GMSurveyQuestion - Returns the text of a specific question from a GM survey
- GMSurveySubmit - Submits the current GM survey
GM Ticket functions
- DeleteGMTicket - Abandons the currently pending GM ticket
- GMEuropaBugsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GMEuropaComplaintsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GMEuropaSuggestionsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GMEuropaTicketsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GMItemRestorationButtonEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GMQuickTicketSystemEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GMQuickTicketSystemThrottled - This function is not yet documented
- GMReportLag - This function is not yet documented
- GMResponseNeedMoreHelp - Requests further GM interaction on a ticket to which a GM has already responded
- GMResponseResolve - Notifies the server that the player's GM ticket issue has been resolved
- GMSubmitBug - This function is not yet documented
- GMSubmitSuggestion - This function is not yet documented
- GetGMStatus - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetGMTicket - Requests GM ticket status from the server
- GetGMTicketCategories - Returns a list of available GM ticket categories
- NewGMTicket - Opens a new GM support ticket
- Stuck - Uses the auto-unstuck feature
- UpdateGMTicket - Updates the open GM ticket with new text
Glyph functions
- CastGlyph - This function is not yet documented
- CastGlyphByID - This function is not yet documented
- CastGlyphByName - This function is not yet documented
- GetGlyphClearInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGlyphInfo - Returns information about a glyph in the glyph list
- GetGlyphLink - Gets a hyperlink for the contents of a glyph socket
- GetGlyphLinkByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetGlyphSocketInfo - Returns information about a glyph socket and its contents
- GetInspectGlyph - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumGlyphSockets - Currently unused
- GetNumGlyphs - Returns the total amount of glyphs for the player's class
- GetSelectedGlyphSpellIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GlyphMatchesSocket - Returns whether a socket is eligible for the glyph currently awaiting a target
- IsGlyphFlagSet - This function is not yet documented
- PlaceGlyphInSocket - Applies the glyph currently awaiting a target to a socket
- RemoveGlyphFromSocket - Removes the glyph from a socket
- SetGlyphFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SetGlyphNameFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SpellCanTargetGlyph - Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target requires a glyph slot to be chosen
- ToggleGlyphFilter - This function is not yet documented
Guild bank functions
- AutoStoreGuildBankItem - Withdraws the item(s) from a slot in the guild bank, automatically adding to the player's bags
- BuyGuildBankTab - Purchases the next available guild bank tab
- CanEditGuildBankTabInfo - This function is not yet documented
- CanEditGuildTabInfo - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit a guild bank tab's information
- CanGuildBankRepair - Returns whether the player is allowed to pay for repairs using guild bank funds
- CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney - Returns whether the player is allowed to withdraw money from the guild bank
- CloseGuildBankFrame - Ends interaction with the guild bank vault
- DepositGuildBankMoney - Deposits money into the guild bank
- GetCurrentGuildBankTab - Returns the currently selected guild bank tab
- GetGuildBankBonusDepositMoney - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildBankItemInfo - Returns information about the contents of a guild bank item slot
- GetGuildBankItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in the guild bank
- GetGuildBankMoney - Returns the amount of money in the guild bank
- GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction - Returns information about a transaction in the guild bank money log
- GetGuildBankTabCost - Returns the cost of the next available guild bank tab
- GetGuildBankTabInfo - Returns information about a guild bank tab
- GetGuildBankTabPermissions - Returns information about guild bank tab privileges for the guild rank currently being edited
- GetGuildBankText - Returns text associated with a guild bank tab
- GetGuildBankTransaction - Returns information about a transaction in the log for a guild bank tab
- GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildBankWithdrawMoney - Returns the amount of money the player is allowed to withdraw from the guild bank per day
- GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions - Returns the number of transactions in the guild bank money log
- GetNumGuildBankTabs - Returns the number of purchased tabs in the guild bank
- GetNumGuildBankTransactions - Returns the number of entries in a guild bank tab's transaction log
- PickupGuildBankItem - Picks up an item from or puts an item into the guild bank
- PickupGuildBankMoney - Puts money from the guild bank onto the cursor
- QueryGuildBankLog - Requests the item transaction log for a guild bank tab from the server
- QueryGuildBankTab - Requests information about the contents of a guild bank tab from the server
- QueryGuildBankText - Requests guild bank tab info text from the server
- SetCurrentGuildBankTab - Selects a tab in the guild bank
- SetGuildBankTabInfo - Sets the name and icon for a guild bank tab
- SetGuildBankTabPermissions - Changes guild bank tab permissions for the guild rank being edited
- SetGuildBankText - Sets the info text for a guild bank tab
- SplitGuildBankItem - Picks up only part of a stack of items from the guild bank
- WithdrawGuildBankMoney - Attempts to withdraw money from the guild bank
Guild functions
- AcceptGuild - Accepts an invitation to join a guild
- BuyGuildCharter - Purchases a guild charter
- CanEditGuildEvent - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit guild-wide calendar events
- CanEditGuildInfo - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit the guild information text
- CanEditMOTD - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit the guild Message of the Day
- CanEditOfficerNote - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit guild officer notes
- CanEditPublicNote - Returns whether the player is allowed to edit guild public notes
- CanGuildDemote - Returns whether the player is allowed to demote lower ranked guild members
- CanGuildInvite - Returns whether the player is allowed to invite new members to his or her guild
- CanGuildPromote - Returns whether the player is allowed to promote other guild members
- CanGuildRemove - Returns whether the player is allowed to remove members from his or her guild
- CanReplaceGuildMaster - This function is not yet documented
- CanViewGuildRecipes - This function is not yet documented
- CanViewOfficerNote - Returns whether the player is allowed to view guild officer notes
- CancelGuildMembershipRequest - This function is not yet documented
- CloseGuildRegistrar - Ends interaction with a guild registrar
- CloseGuildRoster - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- CloseTabardCreation - Ends interaction with the guild tabard creator
- CollapseGuildTradeSkillHeader - Collapses the corresponding profession in the guild window
- DeclineGuild - Declines an offered guild invitation
- DeclineGuildApplicant - This function is not yet documented
- ExpandGuildTradeSkillHeader - Expands the corresponding profession in the guild window
- GetAchievementGuildRep - This function is not yet documented
- GetAutoDeclineGuildInvites - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildAchievementMemberInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildAchievementMembers - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildAchievementNumMembers - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildApplicantInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildApplicantSelection - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildChallengeInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildCharterCost - Returns the cost to purchase a guild charter
- GetGuildEventInfo - Returns information about an entry in the guild event log
- GetGuildExpirationTime - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildFactionGroup - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildFactionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildInfo - Returns a unit's guild affiliation
- GetGuildInfoText - Returns guild information text
- GetGuildLevelEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildLogoInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildMemberRecipes - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildMembershipRequestInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildMembershipRequestSettings - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildNewsFilters - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildNewsInfo - Returns information about an item of guild news
- GetGuildNewsMemberName - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildNewsSort - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildPerkInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRecipeInfoPostQuery - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRecipeMember - Returns information about the selected player when viewing View Crafters under professions.
- GetGuildRecruitmentComment - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRecruitmentSettings - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRenameRequired - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRewardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRosterInfo - Returns information about the selected player in your guild roster.
- GetGuildRosterLargestAchievementPoints - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildRosterLastOnline - Returns the amount of time since a guild member was last online
- GetGuildRosterMOTD - Returns the Message of the Day for the player's guild
- GetGuildRosterSelection - Returns the index of the selected member in the guild roster
- GetGuildRosterShowOffline - Returns whether the guild roster lists offline members
- GetGuildTabardFileNames - Returns the textures that comprise the player's guild tabard
- GetGuildTradeSkillInfo - Returns information about the specified guild profession entry.
- GetInspectGuildInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLookingForGuildComment - This function is not yet documented
- GetLookingForGuildSettings - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumGuildApplicants - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumGuildChallenges - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumGuildEvents - Returns the number of entries in the guild event log
- GetNumGuildMembers - Returns the number of members in the guild roster
- GetNumGuildMembershipRequests - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumGuildNews - Returns the total amount of guild news (filtered)
- GetNumGuildPerks - Returns the total amount of guild perks (including unavailable ones)
- GetNumGuildRewards - Return the total amount of guild rewards (including unavailable ones)
- GetNumGuildTradeSkill - Returns the number of people and headers currently visible in the profession view of your guild window
- GetNumMembersInRank - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumRecruitingGuilds - This function is not yet documented
- GetRecruitingGuildInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetRecruitingGuildSelection - This function is not yet documented
- GetRecruitingGuildSettings - This function is not yet documented
- GetRecruitingGuildTabardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetTabardCreationCost - Returns the cost to create a guild tabard
- GetTabardInfo - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- GuildControlAddRank - Adds a new rank to the player's guild
- GuildControlDelRank - Deletes a guild rank
- GuildControlGetAllowedShifts - This function is not yet documented
- GuildControlGetNumRanks - Returns the number of ranks in the guild
- GuildControlGetRankFlags - Returns the list of privileges for the guild rank being edited
- GuildControlGetRankName - Returns the name of a guild rank
- GuildControlSaveRank - Saves changes to the guild rank being edited
- GuildControlSetRank - Chooses a guild rank to edit
- GuildControlSetRankFlag - Enables or disables a privilege for the guild rank being edited
- GuildControlShiftRankDown - This function is not yet documented
- GuildControlShiftRankUp - This function is not yet documented
- GuildDemote - Reduces a guild member's rank by one
- GuildDisband - Disbands the player's guild
- GuildInfo - Requests guild information from the server
- GuildInvite - Invites a character to join the player's guild
- GuildLeave - Leaves the player's current guild
- GuildMasterAbsent - This function is not yet documented
- GuildNewsSetSticky - This function is not yet documented
- GuildNewsSort - This function is not yet documented
- GuildPromote - Increases a guild member's rank by one
- GuildRoster - Requests guild roster information from the server
- GuildRosterSendSoR - This function is not yet documented
- GuildRosterSetOfficerNote - Sets the officer note for a guild member
- GuildRosterSetPublicNote - Sets the public note for a guild member
- GuildSetLeader - Promotes a member to guild leader
- GuildSetMOTD - Sets the guild Message of the Day
- GuildUninvite - Removes a character from the player's guild
- InGuildParty - Returns whether or not player is in a guild party.
- IsGuildLeader - Returns whether or player is leader of his or her guild
- IsGuildRankAssignmentAllowed - This function is not yet documented
- IsInGuild - Returns whether the player is in a guild
- QueryGuildEventLog - Requests guild event log information from the server
- QueryGuildMembersForRecipe - This function is not yet documented
- QueryGuildNews - This function is not yet documented
- QueryGuildRecipes - This function is not yet documented
- ReplaceGuildMaster - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildApplicantsList - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildChallengeInfo - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildMembership - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildMembershipList - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildPartyState - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildRecruitmentSettings - This function is not yet documented
- RequestGuildRewards - This function is not yet documented
- RequestRecruitingGuildsList - This function is not yet documented
- SearchGuildRecipes - This function is not yet documented
- SetAutoDeclineGuildInvites - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildApplicantSelection - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildBankTabItemWithdraw - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildInfoText - Sets the guild information text.
- SetGuildMemberRank - Promotes/demotes a given guild member to the specified rank
- SetGuildNewsFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildRecruitmentComment - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildRecruitmentSettings - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildRosterSelection - Selects a member in the guild roster
- SetGuildRosterShowOffline - Enables or disables inclusion of offline members in the guild roster listing
- SetGuildTradeSkillCategoryFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildTradeSkillItemNameFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SetLookingForGuildComment - This function is not yet documented
- SetLookingForGuildSettings - This function is not yet documented
- SetRecruitingGuildSelection - This function is not yet documented
- SortGuildRoster - Sorts the guild roster
- SortGuildTradeSkill - This function is not yet documented
- SubmitRequiredGuildRename - This function is not yet documented
- TurnInGuildCharter - Turns in a completed guild charter
- UnitIsInMyGuild - Returns whether a unit is in the player's guild
- ViewGuildRecipes - Opens the guild profession view for a profession
Hyperlink functions
- GetAchievementLink - Returns a hyperlink representing the player's progress on an achievement
- GetAuctionItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in an auction listing
- GetBuybackItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
- GetContainerItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in the player's bags
- GetExistingSocketLink - Returns a hyperlink for a permanently socketed gem
- GetGlyphLink - Gets a hyperlink for the contents of a glyph socket
- GetGuildBankItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in the guild bank
- GetGuildBankTransaction - Returns information about a transaction in the log for a guild bank tab
- GetInboxItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox
- GetInventoryItemLink - Returns an item link for an item in the unit's inventory
- GetItemGem - Returns information about gems socketed in an item
- GetLootRollItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item currently up for loot rolling
- GetLootSlotLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item available as loot
- GetMacroItem - Returns information about the item used by a macro
- GetMerchantItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item available for purchase from a vendor
- GetNewSocketLink - Returns a hyperlink for a gem added to a socket
- GetQuestItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in a questgiver dialog
- GetQuestLink - Returns a hyperlink of a specific quest
- GetQuestLogItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item related to the selected quest in the quest log
- GetSendMailItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to the outgoing message
- GetSpellLink - Returns a hyperlink for a spell
- GetTalentLink - Returns a hyperlink for a talent
- GetTradePlayerItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item offered for trade by the player
- GetTradeSkillItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for the item created by a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillListLink - Returns a hyperlink to the player's list of recipes for the current trade skill
- GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for a reagent in a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillRecipeLink - Returns hyperlink for a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeTargetItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item offered for trade by the target
- GetTrainerServiceItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for the item associated with a trainer service
- GetVoidItemHyperlinkString - This function is not yet documented
In-game movie playback functions
- CancelPreloadingMovie - This function is not yet documented
- GameMovieFinished - Ends in-game movie playback
- GetMovieDownloadProgress - This function is not yet documented
- InCinematic - Returns whether an in-game cinematic is playing
- IsMovieLocal - This function is not yet documented
- IsMoviePlayable - This function is not yet documented
- OpeningCinematic - Displays the introductory cinematic for the player's race
- PreloadMovie - This function is not yet documented
- StopCinematic - Exits a currently playing in-game cinematic
Inspect functions
- CanInspect - Returns whether a unit can be inspected
- ClearInspectPlayer - Ends inspection of another character
- GetInspectArenaData - This function is not yet documented
- GetInspectHonorData - Returns PvP honor information about the currently inspected unit
- GetInspectRatedBGData - This function is not yet documented
- GetInspectSpecialization - Return specialization global ID of inspected player.
- GetInspectTalent - This function is not yet documented
- HasInspectHonorData - Returns whether PvP honor and arena data for the currently inspected unit has been downloaded from the server
- NotifyInspect - Marks a unit for inspection and requests talent data from the server
- RequestInspectHonorData - Requests PvP honor and arena data from the server for the currently inspected unit
Instance functions
- CanShowResetInstances - Returns whether the player can reset instances
- GetInstanceBootTimeRemaining - Returns the amount of time left until the player is removed from the current instance
- GetInstanceInfo - Returns instance information about the current area
- GetInstanceLockTimeRemaining - Returns time remaining before the player is saved to a recently entered instance
- GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingEncounter - This function is not yet documented
- GetLevelUpInstances - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSavedInstances - Returns the number of instances to which the player is saved
- GetNumWorldStateUI - Returns the number of world state UI elements
- GetRFDungeonInfo - Returns information about the raidfinder instances available.
- GetSavedInstanceEncounterInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetSavedInstanceInfo - Returns information on a specific instance to which the player is saved
- GetWorldStateUIInfo - Returns information about a world state UI element
- IsEncounterInProgress - This function is not yet documented
- IsInInstance - Returns whether the player is in an instance (and its type if applicable)
- IsLegacyDifficulty - This function is not yet documented
- RequestRaidInfo - Requests information about saved instances from the server
- RequestRandomBattlegroundInstanceInfo - This function is not yet documented
- ResetInstances - Resets all non-saved instances associated with the player
- RespondInstanceLock - Allows leaving a recently entered instance to which the player would otherwise be saved
- SetSavedInstanceExtend - This function is not yet documented
Inventory functions
- AutoEquipCursorItem - Equips the item on the cursor
- BankButtonIDToInvSlotID - Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a bank item or bag slot
- CancelPendingEquip - Cancels equipping a bind-on-equip item
- ContainerIDToInventoryID - Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a given [[docs/api_types#containerID|`containerID`]]
- CursorCanGoInSlot - Returns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot
- EquipCursorItem - Puts the item on the cursor into a specific equipment slot
- EquipItemByName - Attempts to equip an arbitrary item
- EquipPendingItem - Confirms equipping a bind-on-equip item
- EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation - Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components
- GetInventoryAlertStatus - Returns the durability warning status of an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemBroken - Returns whether an equipped item is broken
- GetInventoryItemCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemCount - Returns the number of items stacked in an inventory slot
- GetInventoryItemDurability - Returns the current durability level of an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusable - This function is not yet documented
- GetInventoryItemGems - Returns the gems socketed in an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemID - Returns the item ID of an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemLink - Returns an item link for an item in the unit's inventory
- GetInventoryItemQuality - Returns the quality level of an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemTexture - Returns the icon texture for an equipped item
- GetInventoryItemsForSlot - Returns a list of items that can be equipped in a given inventory slot
- GetInventorySlotInfo - Returns information about an inventory slot
- IsEquippedItem - Returns whether an item is currently equipped
- IsEquippedItemType - Returns whether any items of a given type are currently equipped
- IsInventoryItemLocked - Returns whether an inventory slot is locked
- IsInventoryItemProfessionBag - This function is not yet documented
- PickupInventoryItem - Picks up an item from or puts an item into an equipment slot
- SetInventoryPortraitTexture - Sets a Texture object to display the icon of an equipped item
- SocketInventoryItem - Opens an equipped item for socketing
- UpdateInventoryAlertStatus - This is a Blizzard internal function
- UseInventoryItem - Activate (as with right-clicking) an equipped item
Item Text functions
- CloseItemText - Ends interaction with a text object or item
- ItemTextGetCreator - Returns the original author of the currently viewed text item
- ItemTextGetItem - Returns the name of the currently viewed text item
- ItemTextGetMaterial - Returns display style information for the currently viewed text item
- ItemTextGetPage - Returns the current page number in the currently viewed text item
- ItemTextGetText - Returns the text of the currently viewed text item
- ItemTextHasNextPage - Returns whether the currently viewed text item has additional pages
- ItemTextNextPage - Moves to the next page in the currently viewed text item
- ItemTextPrevPage - Moves to the previous page in the currently viewed text item
Item Upgrade functions
- ClearItemUpgrade - Removes the item from the upgrade dialog
- GetItemLevelIncrement - Returns the item level increment recieved when upgrading
- GetItemUpdateLevel - Returns an item's item level once it's been upgraded.
- GetItemUpgradeItemInfo - Returns information on the item that is currently being upgraded.
- GetItemUpgradeStats - Returns stat names and amounts of original or upgraded item
- SetItemUpgradeFromCursorItem - Puts an item into the item upgrade dialog
- UpgradeItem - Accepts an item upgrade, spending the required amount of currency
Item functions
- BindEnchant - Confirms enchanting an item (when the item will become soulbound as a result)
- CancelPendingEquip - Cancels equipping a bind-on-equip item
- CloseItemUpgrade - This function is not yet documented
- ConfirmBindOnUse - Confirms using an item, if using the item causes it to become soulbound
- CursorHasItem - Returns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor
- DeleteCursorItem - Destroys the item on the cursor
- EndBoundTradeable - Confirms taking an action which renders a looted Bind on Pickup item non-tradeable
- EndRefund - Confirms taking an action which renders a purchased item non-refundable
- EquipItemByName - Attempts to equip an arbitrary item
- EquipPendingItem - Confirms equipping a bind-on-equip item
- GetExtendedItemInfo - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusable - This function is not yet documented
- GetItemCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an arbitrary item
- GetItemCount - Returns information about how many of a given item the player has or on remaining item charges
- GetItemFamily - Returns information about special bag types that can hold a given item
- GetItemGem - Returns information about gems socketed in an item
- GetItemIcon - Returns the path to an icon texture for the item
- GetItemInfo - Returns information about an item, by name, link or id
- GetItemQualityColor - Returns color values for use in displaying items of a given quality
- GetItemSpecInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetItemSpell - Returns information about the spell cast by an item's "Use:" effect
- GetItemStatDelta - Returns a summary of the difference in stat bonuses between two items
- GetItemStats - Returns a summary of an item's stat bonuses
- GetItemUniqueness - Returns information about uniqueness restrictions for equipping an item
- GetItemUpgradeEffect - This function is not yet documented
- GetLootRollItemInfo - Returns information about an item currently up for loot rolling
- GetLootRollItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item currently up for loot rolling
- GetMacroItem - Returns information about the item used by a macro
- GetNumItemUpgradeEffects - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumLootItems - Returns the number of items available to be looted
- IsBattlePayItem - This function is not yet documented
- IsConsumableItem - Returns whether an item is consumable
- IsCurrentItem - Returns whether an item is being used
- IsDressableItem - Returns whether an item's appearance can be previewed using the Dressing Room feature
- IsEquippableItem - Returns whether an item can be equipped
- IsEquippedItem - Returns whether an item is currently equipped
- IsEquippedItemType - Returns whether any items of a given type are currently equipped
- IsHarmfulItem - Returns whether an item can be used against hostile units
- IsHelpfulItem - Returns whether an item can be used on the player or friendly units
- IsInventoryItemProfessionBag - This function is not yet documented
- IsItemInRange - Returns whether the player is in range to use an item on a unit
- IsUsableItem - Returns whether an item can currently be used
- ItemHasRange - Returns whether an item has a range limitation for its use
- PickupItem - Puts an arbitrary item onto the cursor
- ReplaceEnchant - Confirms replacing an existing enchantment
- SetBindingItem - Binds a key combination to use an item in the player's possession
- SetInsertItemsLeftToRight - This function is not yet documented
- SetItemSearch - This function is not yet documented
- SetMacroItem - Changes the item used for dynamic feedback for a macro
- SetOverrideBindingItem - Sets an override binding to use an item in the player's possession
- SpellCanTargetItem - Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target requires an item to be chosen
- SpellTargetItem - Casts the spell currently awaiting a target on an item
- UseItemByName - Uses an arbitrary item (optionally on a specified unit)
Keybind functions
- ClearOverrideBindings - Clears any registered override bindings for a given owner
- GetBinding - Returns information about a key binding
- GetBindingAction - Returns the action bound to a key or key combination
- GetBindingByKey - Returns the action bound to a key or key combination
- GetBindingKey - Returns the key combinations for a given binding command
- GetCurrentBindingSet - Returns which set of key bindings is currently in use
- GetNumBindings - Returns the number of entries in the key bindings list
- LoadBindings - Loads a set of key bindings
- RunBinding - Runs the script associated with a key binding action
- SaveBindings - Saves the current set of key bindings
- SetBinding - Binds a key combination to a binding command
- SetBindingClick - Binds a key combination to "click" a Button object
- SetBindingItem - Binds a key combination to use an item in the player's possession
- SetBindingMacro - Binds a key combination to run a macro
- SetBindingSpell - Binds a key combination to cast a spell
- SetMouselookOverrideBinding - Overrides the default mouselook bindings to perform another binding with the mouse buttons
- SetOverrideBinding - Sets an override binding for a binding command
- SetOverrideBindingClick - Sets an override binding to "click" a Button object
- SetOverrideBindingItem - Sets an override binding to use an item in the player's possession
- SetOverrideBindingMacro - Sets an override binding to run a macro
- SetOverrideBindingSpell - Set an override binding to a specific spell
Keyboard functions
- GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus - Returns the frame currently handling keyboard input
- IsAltKeyDown - Returns whether an Alt key on the keyboard is held down.
- IsControlKeyDown - Returns whether a Control key on the keyboard is held down
- IsLeftAltKeyDown - Returns whether the left Alt key is currently held down
- IsLeftControlKeyDown - Returns whether the left Control key is held down
- IsLeftShiftKeyDown - Returns whether the left Shift key on the keyboard is held down
- IsModifierKeyDown - Returns whether a modifier key is held down
- IsRightAltKeyDown - Returns whether the right Alt key is currently held down
- IsRightControlKeyDown - Returns whether the right Control key on the keyboard is held down
- IsRightShiftKeyDown - Returns whether the right shift key on the keyboard is held down
- IsShiftKeyDown - Returns whether a Shift key on the keyboard is held down
Knowledge-base functions
- KBArticle_BeginLoading - Requests a specific knowledge base article from the server
- KBArticle_GetData - Returns information about the last requested knowledge base article
- KBArticle_IsLoaded - Returns whether the requested knowledge base article has been loaded
- KBQuery_BeginLoading - Queries the knowledge base server for articles
- KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderCount - Returns the number of articles on the current knowledge base search result page
- KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderData - Returns information about an article returned in a knowledge base query
- KBQuery_GetTotalArticleCount - Returns the total number of articles returned for the given query
- KBQuery_IsLoaded - Returns whether results of a knowledge base query have been loaded
- KBSetup_BeginLoading - Loads a maximum number of "Top Issues" from a given page
- KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderCount - Returns the number of "Top Issues" articles on the current page
- KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderData - Returns header information about a "Top Issue" article
- KBSetup_GetCategoryCount - Returns the number of available knowledge base categories
- KBSetup_GetCategoryData - Returns information about a knowledge base category
- KBSetup_GetLanguageCount - Returns the number of available knowledge base languages
- KBSetup_GetLanguageData - Returns information about a given knowledge base language
- KBSetup_GetSubCategoryCount - Returns the number of available subcategories for a given category
- KBSetup_GetSubCategoryData - Returns information a knowledge base subcategory
- KBSetup_GetTotalArticleCount - Returns the number of "Top Issues" articles
- KBSetup_IsLoaded - Returns whether the knowledge base default query has completed successfully
- KBSystem_GetMOTD - Returns the currently knowledge base MOTD
- KBSystem_GetServerNotice - Returns the text of the knowledge base server system notice
- KBSystem_GetServerStatus - Returns the knowledge base server system status message
Limited play time functions
- GetBillingTimeRested - Returns the amount of time for which the player must be offline in order to lift play time restrictions
- NoPlayTime - Returns whether the player has exceeded the allowed play time limit
- PartialPlayTime - Returns whether the player is near the allowed play time limit
Locale-specific functions
- DeclineName - Returns suggested declensions for a name
- FillLocalizedClassList - Fills a table with localized class names keyed by non-localized class tokens
- GetAvailableLocales - This function is not yet documented
- GetLocale - Returns a code indicating the localization currently in use by the client
- GetNumDeclensionSets - Returns the number of suggested declension sets for a name
- GetOSLocale - This function is not yet documented
Looking for group functions
- AcceptProposal - Accepts a LFG dungeon invite.
- CanPartyLFGBackfill - This function is not yet documented
- ClearAllLFGDungeons - Removes the player from all LFD queues.
- CompleteLFGRoleCheck - This function is not yet documented
- GetBestRFChoice - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDChoiceCollapseState - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDChoiceEnabledState - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDChoiceLockedState - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDChoiceOrder - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDLockInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDLockPlayerCount - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDRoleLockInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFDRoleRestrictions - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGBonusFactionID - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGBootProposal - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGCategoryForID - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGCompletionReward - Returns the various rewards for a completed LFG dungeon
- GetLFGCompletionRewardItem - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDeserterExpiration - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo - Returns whether an LFR encounter was already killed.
- GetLFGDungeonInfo - Retrieves specific LFD information, not limited by player level and all dungeons can be looked up.
- GetLFGDungeonNumEncounters - Returns the number of encounters.
- GetLFGDungeonRewardCapBarInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonRewardCapInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonRewardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonRewardLink - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonRewards - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardLink - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGInfoServer - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGInviteRoleAvailability - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGInviteRoleRestrictions - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGMode - Provides information about the LFG status of the player.
- GetLFGProposal - Returns info about the currently pending LFD operation
- GetLFGProposalEncounter - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGProposalMember - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGQueueStats - Returns information about a LFD queue when you are in the queue
- GetLFGQueuedList - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRandomCooldownExpiration - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRandomDungeonInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRoleShortageRewards - Return information concerning the LFG Call to Arms rewards
- GetLFGRoleUpdate - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRoleUpdateBattlegroundInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRoleUpdateMember - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRoleUpdateSlot - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGRoles - Returns the group roles for which the player has signed up in the LFG system
- GetLFGSuspendedPlayers - This function is not yet documented
- GetLFGTypes - Returns a list of LFG query types
- GetLFRChoiceOrder - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumRFDungeons - Returns the number of raid finder instances.
- GetPartyLFGBackfillInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetPartyLFGID - This function is not yet documented
- GetRandomDungeonBestChoice - Returns the dungeonID of the random dungeon group that provides the best loot for the player.
- HasLFGRestrictions - This function is not yet documented
- IsInLFGDungeon - This function is not yet documented
- IsLFGComplete - This function is not yet documented
- IsLFGDungeonJoinable - This function is not yet documented
- IsPartyLFG - This function is not yet documented
- JoinLFG - Joins the player to the LFG system
- JoinSingleLFG - This function is not yet documented
- LFGTeleport - Teleports the player to or from their current LFG dungeon
- LeaveLFG - Leave the LFG queue.
- LeaveSingleLFG - This function is not yet documented
- PartyLFGStartBackfill - This function is not yet documented
- RefreshLFGList - This function is not yet documented
- RejectProposal - Rejects a LFG dungeon invite.
- RequestLFDPartyLockInfo - This function is not yet documented
- RequestLFDPlayerLockInfo - Requests instance lockout and Call to Arms dungeon reward information.
- SearchLFGGetEncounterResults - This function is not yet documented
- SearchLFGGetJoinedID - This function is not yet documented
- SearchLFGGetNumResults - This function is not yet documented
- SearchLFGGetPartyResults - This function is not yet documented
- SearchLFGGetResults - Returns information about the players progress in the raidfinder.
- SearchLFGJoin - This function is not yet documented
- SearchLFGLeave - This function is not yet documented
- SearchLFGSort - This function is not yet documented
- SetLFGBonusFactionID - This function is not yet documented
- SetLFGBootVote - This function is not yet documented
- SetLFGComment - Associates a brief text comment with the player's listing in the LFG system
- SetLFGDungeon - Sets a flag indicating that the player would like to join a given dungeon/queue
- SetLFGDungeonEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- SetLFGHeaderCollapsed - This function is not yet documented
- SetLFGRoles - Sets group roles for which to advertise the player in the LFG system
- UninviteUnit - Removes a character from the player's party or raid
- UnitHasLFGDeserter - This function is not yet documented
- UnitHasLFGRandomCooldown - This function is not yet documented
Loot functions
- C_LootHistory.CanMasterLoot - This function is not yet documented
- C_LootHistory.GetExpiration - This function is not yet documented
- C_LootHistory.GetItem - This function is not yet documented
- C_LootHistory.GetNumItems - This function is not yet documented
- C_LootHistory.GetPlayerInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LootHistory.GiveMasterLoot - This function is not yet documented
- C_LootHistory.SetExpiration - This function is not yet documented
- CanLootUnit - This function is not yet documented
- CancelMasterLootRoll - This function is not yet documented
- ClearMissingLootDisplay - This function is not yet documented
- CloseLoot - Ends interaction with a lootable corpse or object
- ConfirmLootRoll - Confirms the player's intent regarding an item up for loot rolling
- ConfirmLootSlot - Confirms picking up an item available as loot
- DoMasterLootRoll - This function is not yet documented
- GetActiveLootRollIDs - This function is not yet documented
- GetLootInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLootMethod - Returns information about the current loot method in a party or raid
- GetLootRollItemInfo - Returns information about an item currently up for loot rolling
- GetLootRollItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item currently up for loot rolling
- GetLootRollTimeLeft - Returns the amount of time remaining before loot rolling for an item expires
- GetLootSlotInfo - Returns information about an item available as loot
- GetLootSlotLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item available as loot
- GetLootSlotType - Returns the type of a given loot slot
- GetLootSourceInfo - Retreives information about a loot from multiple corpses (loot window must be opened)
- GetLootSpecialization - Returns the specialization ID for the current loot specialization
- GetLootThreshold - Returns the threshold used for Master Looter, Group Loot, and Need Before Greed loot methods
- GetMasterLootCandidate - Returns information about a given loot candidate
- GetMissingLootItemInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetMissingLootItemLink - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumLootItems - Returns the number of items available to be looted
- GetNumMissingLootItems - This function is not yet documented
- GetOptOutOfLoot - Returns whether the player has opted out of loot rolls
- GiveMasterLoot - Awards a loot item to a group member
- IsFishingLoot - Returns whether the currently displayed loot came from fishing
- IsMasterLooter - This function is not yet documented
- LootSlot - Attempts to pick up an item available as loot
- LootSlotHasItem - This function is not yet documented
- RollOnLoot - Register the player's intent regarding an item up for loot rolling
- SetLootMethod - Sets the loot method for a party or raid group
- SetLootPortrait - Sets a Texture object to show the appropriate portrait image when looting
- SetLootSpecialization - Sets the current loot specialization using a global specialization ID
- SetLootThreshold - Sets the threshold used for Master Looter, Group Loot, and Need Before Greed loot methods
- SetOptOutOfLoot - Changes the player's preference to opt out of loot rolls
Lua library functions
- acos - Alternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians
- acos - Alternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians
- asin - Alternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians
- asin - Alternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians
- assert - Causes a Lua error if a condition is failed
- atan - Alternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians
- atan - Alternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians
- atan2 - This function is not yet documented
- ceil - Returns the smallest integer larger than or equal to a number
- collectgarbage - Interface to the Lua garbage collector
- cos - Alternative to math.cos, using degrees instead of radians
- date - Returns a formatted date/time string for a date (or the current date)
- difftime - Returns the number of seconds between two time values
- error - Causes a Lua error message
- fastrandom - This function is not yet documented
- floor - Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to a number
- foreach - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- foreachi - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- format - Returns a formatted string containing specified values
- frexp - Returns the normalized fraction and base-2 exponent for a number
- gcinfo - Returns the total Lua memory usage
- getfenv - Returns the environment for a function (or the global environment)
- getmetatable - Returns an object's metatable
- getn - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- gmatch - Returns an iterator function for finding pattern matches in a string
- gsub - Returns a string in which occurrences of a pattern are replaced
- ipairs - Returns an iterator function for integer keys in a table
- ldexp - Returns the number generated by a normalized fraction and base-2 exponent
- loadstring - Loads and compiles Lua source code
- next - Returns the next key/value pair in a table
- pairs - Returns an iterator function for a table
- pcall - Executes a function in protected mode
- random - Generates a pseudo-random number
- rawequal - Returns whether two values are equal without invoking any metamethods
- rawget - Returns the real value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods
- rawset - Sets the value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods
- select - Returns one or more values from a list (`...`), or the number of values in a list
- setfenv - Sets the environment to be used by a function
- setmetatable - Sets the metatable for a table
- sin - Alternative to math.sin, using degrees instead of radians
- sort - Sorts a table
- sqrt - Returns the square root of a number
- tContains - This function is not yet documented
- tDelete - This function is not yet documented
- tan - Alternative to math.tan, using degrees instead of radians
- time - Returns the numeric time value for a described date/time (or the current time)
- tonumber - Returns the numeric value of a string
- tostring - Returns a string representation of a value
- type - Returns a string describing the data type of a value
- unpack - Returns the list of elements in a table
- xpcall - Executes a function in protected mode with a custom error handler
Mac client functions
- IsMacClient - Returns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client
- MacOptions_AreOSShortcutsDisabled - This function is not yet documented
- MacOptions_GetGameBundleName - This function is not yet documented
- MacOptions_HasNewStyleUniversalAccess - This function is not yet documented
- MacOptions_IsUniversalAccessEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- MacOptions_OpenUniversalAccess - This function is not yet documented
- MacOptions_SetOSShortcutsDisabled - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_Cancel - Cancels video recording and compression
- MovieRecording_DataRate - Returns the data rate required for a given set of video recording parameters
- MovieRecording_DeleteMovie - Deletes an uncompressed movie
- MovieRecording_GetAspectRatio - Returns the aspect ratio of the game display
- MovieRecording_GetFullWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_GetHalfWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_GetMovieFullPath - Returns a path to the movie currently being recorded or compressed
- MovieRecording_GetProgress - Returns information about movie compression progress
- MovieRecording_GetQuarterWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_GetSelectedWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_GetTime - Returns the amount of time since video recording was last started
- MovieRecording_GetViewportWidth - Returns the current width of the game display
- MovieRecording_GetWidthAt - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_GetWidthCount - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_IsCodecSupported - Returns whether a video codec is supported on the current system
- MovieRecording_IsCompressing - Returns whether a movie file is currently being compressed
- MovieRecording_IsCursorRecordingSupported - Returns whether the current system supports recording the mouse cursor in movies
- MovieRecording_IsRecording - Returns whether movie recording is currently in progress
- MovieRecording_IsSupported - Returns whether movie recording is supported on the current system
- MovieRecording_LoadSelectedWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_MaxLength - Returns the maximum length of recorded video for a given set of video recording parameters
- MovieRecording_QueueMovieToCompress - Queues an uncompressed movie for compression
- MovieRecording_SaveSelectedWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_SearchUncompressedMovie - Enables or disables a search for uncompressed movies
- MovieRecording_SetSelectedWidth - This function is not yet documented
- MovieRecording_Toggle - Begins or ends video recording
- MovieRecording_ToggleGUI - Enables or disables inclusion of UI elements in a video recording
- MusicPlayer_BackTrack - Causes iTunes to return to the previous track played
- MusicPlayer_NextTrack - Causes iTunes to play the next track in sequence
- MusicPlayer_PlayPause - Causes iTunes to start or pause playback
- MusicPlayer_VolumeDown - Causes iTunes to lower its playback volume
- MusicPlayer_VolumeUp - Causes iTunes to raise its playback volume
Macro functions
- CreateMacro - Creates a new macro
- CursorHasMacro - Returns whether a macro is on the cursor
- DeleteMacro - Deletes a macro
- EditMacro - Changes the name, icon, and/or body of a macro
- GetLooseMacroIcons - This function is not yet documented
- GetLooseMacroItemIcons - This function is not yet documented
- GetMacroBody - Returns the body text of a macro
- GetMacroIcons - Returns a list of the available spell icon filenames for use in macros
- GetMacroIndexByName - Returns the index of a macro specified by name
- GetMacroInfo - Returns information about a macro
- GetMacroItem - Returns information about the item used by a macro
- GetMacroItemIcons - Returns a list of the available item icon filenames for use in macros
- GetMacroSpell - Returns information about the spell cast by a macro
- GetNumMacros - Returns the number of macros the player has stored
- GetRunningMacro - Returns the index of the currently running macro.
- GetRunningMacroButton - Returns the mouse button that was used to activate the running macro
- PickupMacro - Puts a macro onto the cursor
- RunMacro - Runs a macro
- RunMacroText - Runs arbitrary text as a macro
- SecureCmdOptionParse - Returns the action (and target, if applicable) for a secure macro command
- SetMacroItem - Changes the item used for dynamic feedback for a macro
- SetMacroSpell - Changes the spell used for dynamic feedback for a macro
- StopMacro - Stops execution of a running macro
Mail functions
- AutoLootMailItem - Automatically takes any attached items and money from a mail
- CanComplainInboxItem - Returns whether a mail can be reported as spam
- CheckInbox - Requests information on the player's mailbox contents from the server
- ClearSendMail - Clears any text, items, or money from the mail to be sent
- ClickSendMailItemButton - Picks up an item from or puts an item into an attachment slot for sending mail
- CloseMail - Ends interaction with a mailbox
- ComplainInboxItem - Reports a mail as spam
- DeleteInboxItem - Deletes a mail from the player's inbox
- GetInboxHeaderInfo - Returns information about a mail in the player's inbox
- GetInboxInvoiceInfo - Returns auction house invoice information for a mail
- GetInboxItem - Returns information for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox
- GetInboxItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox
- GetInboxNumItems - Returns the number of mails in the player's inbox
- GetInboxText - Returns information about the text of an inbox mail
- GetLatestThreeSenders - Returns the names of the last three senders of new mail
- GetNumPackages - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- GetNumStationeries - Returns the number of available stationery types
- GetPackageInfo - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- GetSelectedStationeryTexture - Returns the currently selected stationery type
- GetSendMailCOD - Returns the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message
- GetSendMailItem - Returns information for an item attached to the outgoing message
- GetSendMailItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item attached to the outgoing message
- GetSendMailMoney - Returns the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message
- GetSendMailPrice - Returns the cost to send the outgoing mail message
- GetStationeryInfo - Returns information about a stationery type
- HasNewMail - Returns whether the player has received new mail since last visiting a mailbox
- InboxItemCanDelete - Returns whether a message in the player's inbox can be deleted
- RespondMailLockSendItem - This function is not yet documented
- ReturnInboxItem - Returns a message in the player's inbox to its sender
- SelectPackage - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- SelectStationery - Selects a given stationery for usage when sending mail
- SendMail - Sends the outgoing message
- SetSendMailCOD - Sets the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message
- SetSendMailMoney - Sets the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message
- SetSendMailShowing - Enables or disables shortcuts for attaching items to outgoing mail
- TakeInboxItem - Retrieves an item attachment from a message in the player's inbox (accepting COD charges if applicable)
- TakeInboxMoney - Retrieves any money attached to a mail in the player's inbox
- TakeInboxTextItem - Requests a copy of a mail's body text as an item
Map functions
- C_MapBar.BarIsShown - This function is not yet documented
- C_MapBar.GetCurrentValue - This function is not yet documented
- C_MapBar.GetMaxValue - This function is not yet documented
- C_MapBar.GetParticipationPercentage - This function is not yet documented
- C_MapBar.GetPhaseIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_MapBar.GetTag - This function is not yet documented
- ClickLandmark - Processes a hyperlink associated with a map landmark
- DungeonUsesTerrainMap - This function is not yet documented
- GetAreaMapInfo - Get information about map zone based on mapId
- GetAreaMaps - Returns all the IDs of zones available ingame.
- GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo - Returns information about special vehicles in the current zone
- GetContinentMapInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetContinentMaps - This function is not yet documented
- GetCorpseMapPosition - Returns the position of the player's corpse on the world map
- GetCurrentMapAreaID - Returns an ID number for the current map zone
- GetCurrentMapContinent - Returns the current world map continent
- GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel - Returns which map image is currently selected on the world map (for zones which use more than one map image)
- GetCurrentMapHeaderIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentMapLevelRange - Returns the level range of the currently shown zone.
- GetCurrentMapZone - Returns the current world map zone
- GetDeathReleasePosition - Returns the location of the graveyard where the player's spirit will appear upon release
- GetDungeonMapInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetDungeonMaps - This function is not yet documented
- GetMapContinents - Returns a list of map continents names
- GetMapHierarchy - This function is not yet documented
- GetMapInfo - Returns information about the current world map texture
- GetMapLandmarkInfo - Returns information about a map landmark
- GetMapNameByID - Returns the localized name of a given map
- GetMapOverlayInfo - Returns information about a world map overlay
- GetMapSubzones - Returns the map subzones for a given zone
- GetMapZones - Returns the map zones for a given continent
- GetNumBattlefieldVehicles - Returns the number of special vehicles in the current zone
- GetNumDungeonMapLevels - Returns the number of map images for the world map's current zone
- GetNumMapLandmarks - Returns the number of landmarks on the world map
- GetNumMapOverlays - Returns the number of overlays for the current world map zone
- GetPOITextureCoords - Return texture coordinates of POI icon
- GetPlayerFacing - Returns the player's orientation (heading)
- GetPlayerMapPosition - Returns the position of a unit in the player's party or raid on the world map
- GetWorldLocFromMapPos - This function is not yet documented
- GetWorldMapTransformInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetWorldMapTransforms - This function is not yet documented
- InitWorldMapPing - Initializes the frame used to display the character location "ping" on the World Map
- IsMapGarrisonMap - This function is not yet documented
- ProcessMapClick - Possibly changes the WorldMap based on a mouse click
- QuestPOIGetIconInfo - Returns information about a QuestPOI icon
- RefreshWorldMap - This function is not yet documented
- SetDungeonMapLevel - Sets the world map to display a certain map image (for zones that use multiple map images)
- SetMapByID - Sets the map based on a specified ID
- SetMapToCurrentZone - Sets the world map to show the zone in which the player is located
- SetMapZoom - Sets the world map to show a specific zone or continent
- UnitDistanceSquared - Returns the squared distance to a unit in the player's group
- UpdateMapHighlight - Returns information about the texture used for highlighting zones in a continent map on mouseover
- UpdateWorldMapArrow - This function is not yet documented
- ZoomOut - Sets the world map to show the area containing its current area
Merchant functions
- BuyMerchantItem - Purchases an item available from a vendor
- BuybackItem - Repurchases an item recently sold to a vendor
- CanMapChangeDifficulty - This function is not yet documented
- CanMerchantRepair - Returns whether the vendor with whom the player is currently interacting can repair equipment
- CloseMerchant - Ends interaction with a vendor
- ContainerRefundItemPurchase - Sells an item purchased with alternate currency back to a vendor
- EndBoundTradeable - Confirms taking an action which renders a looted Bind on Pickup item non-tradeable
- EndRefund - Confirms taking an action which renders a purchased item non-refundable
- GetBuybackItemInfo - Returns information about an item recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
- GetBuybackItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
- GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo - Returns information about alternate currencies refunded for returning an item to vendors
- GetContainerItemPurchaseItem - Returns information about a specific currency refunded for returning an item to vendors
- GetMerchantCurrencies - This function is not yet documented
- GetMerchantFilter - Returns the index of the filter applied to the merchant.
- GetMerchantItemCostInfo - Returns information about alternate currencies required to purchase an item from a vendor
- GetMerchantItemCostItem - Returns information about currency items required to purchase an item from a vendor
- GetMerchantItemInfo - Returns information about an item available for purchase from a vendor
- GetMerchantItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item available for purchase from a vendor
- GetMerchantItemMaxStack - Returns the maximum number of an item allowed in a single purchase
- GetMerchantNumItems - Returns the number of different items available for purchase from a vendor
- GetNumBuybackItems - Returns the number of items recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
- GetRepairAllCost - Returns the cost to repair all of the player's damaged items
- InRepairMode - Returns whether the item repair cursor mode is currently active
- PickupMerchantItem - Puts an item available for purchase from a vendor onto the cursor
- RepairAllItems - Attempts to repair all of the player's damaged items
- ResetSetMerchantFilter - Changes the filter applied to the merchant back to its default
- SetMerchantFilter - This function is not yet documented
- ShowContainerSellCursor - Changes the cursor to prepare for selling an item in the player's bags to a vendor
- ShowRepairCursor - Puts the cursor in item repair mode
Modified click functions
- GetModifiedClick - Returns the keys/buttons bound for a modified click action
- GetModifiedClickAction - Returns the token identifying a modified click action
- GetNumModifiedClickActions - Returns the number of modified click actions registered
- IsModifiedClick - Determines if the modifiers specified in the click-type had been held down while the button click occurred.
- SetModifiedClick - Sets a modified click for a given action
Money functions
- AddTradeMoney - Adds the money currently on the cursor to the trade window
- CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney - Returns whether the player is allowed to withdraw money from the guild bank
- CursorHasMoney - Returns whether an amount of the player's money is on the cursor
- DepositGuildBankMoney - Deposits money into the guild bank
- DropCursorMoney - Drops any money currently on the cursor, returning it to where it was taken from
- GetCoinIcon - Returns an icon representing an amount of money
- GetCoinText - Returns a localized string describing an amount of money
- GetCoinTextureString - Returns a string with embedded coin icons describing an amount of money
- GetCursorMoney - Returns the amount of money currently on the cursor
- GetMoney - Returns the total amount of money currently in the player's possession
- GetPlayerTradeMoney - Returns the amount of money offered for trade by the player
- GetQuestLogRequiredMoney - Returns the amount of money required for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardMoney - Returns the money reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetSendMailMoney - Returns the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message
- GetTargetTradeMoney - Returns the amount of money offered for trade by the target
- PickupGuildBankMoney - Puts money from the guild bank onto the cursor
- PickupPlayerMoney - Puts an amount of the player's money onto the cursor
- PickupTradeMoney - Puts money offered by the player for trade onto the cursor
- SetSendMailMoney - Sets the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message
- SetTradeMoney - Offers an amount of money for trade
- WithdrawGuildBankMoney - Attempts to withdraw money from the guild bank
Movement functions
- AscendStop - Stops movement initiated by [[docs/api/JumpOrAscendStart|`JumpOrAscendStart`]]
- DescendStop - Stops movement initiated by [[docs/api/SitStandOrDescendStart|`SitStandOrDescendStart`]]
- FollowUnit - Causes the player character to automatically follow another unit
- InteractUnit - Interacts with (as with right-clicking on) a unit
- JumpOrAscendStart - Causes the player character to jump (or begins ascent if swimming or flying)
- MoveAndSteerStart - Begins moving the player character forward while steering via mouse movement
- MoveAndSteerStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveAndSteerStart|`MoveAndSteerStart`]]
- MoveBackwardStart - Begins moving the player character backward
- MoveBackwardStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveBackwardStart|`MoveBackwardStart`]]
- MoveForwardStart - Begins moving the player character forward
- MoveForwardStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveForwardStart|`MoveForwardStart`]]
- PitchDownStart - Begins adjusting the player character's angle of vertical movement downward
- PitchDownStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/PitchDownStart|`PitchDownStart`]]
- PitchUpStart - Begins adjusting the player character's angle of vertical movement upward
- PitchUpStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/PitchUpStart|`PitchUpStart`]]
- SitStandOrDescendStart - Causes the player character to sit down if standing and vice versa (or begins descent if swimming or flying)
- StrafeLeftStart - Begins moving the player character sideways to his or her left
- StrafeLeftStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/StrafeLeftStart|`StrafeLeftStart`]]
- StrafeRightStart - Begins moving the player character sideways to his or her right
- StrafeRightStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/StrafeRightStart|`StrafeRightStart`]]
- ToggleAutoRun - Starts or stops the player character automatically moving forward
- ToggleRun - Switches the character's ground movement mode between running and walking
- TurnLeftStart - Begins turning the player character to the left
- TurnLeftStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/TurnLeftStart|`TurnLeftStart`]]
- TurnOrActionStart - Begins character steering or interaction (equivalent to right-clicking in the 3-D world)
- TurnOrActionStop - Ends action initiated by [[docs/api/TurnOrActionStart|`TurnOrActionStart`]]
- TurnRightStart - Begins turning the player character to the right
- TurnRightStop - Ends movement initiated by [[docs/api/TurnRightStart|`TurnRightStart`]]
NPC "Gossip" Dialog functions
- CloseGossip - Ends an NPC "gossip" interaction
- ForceGossip - This function is not yet documented
- GetGossipActiveQuests - Returns a list of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
- GetGossipAvailableQuests - Returns a list of quests available from the current Gossip NPC
- GetGossipOptions - Returns a list of interaction options for the Gossip NPC
- GetGossipText - Returns greeting or other text to be displayed in an NPC dialog
- GetNumGossipActiveQuests - Returns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
- GetNumGossipAvailableQuests - Returns the number of quests available from the current Gossip NPC
- GetNumGossipOptions - Returns the number of non-quest dialog options for the current Gossip NPC
- SelectGossipActiveQuest - Chooses a quest which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
- SelectGossipAvailableQuest - Chooses a quest available from the current Gossip NPC
- SelectGossipOption - Chooses and activates an NPC dialog option
Objectives tracking functions
- AddAutoQuestPopUp - Create a quest popup in the WatchFrame
- AddQuestWatch - Adds a quest to the objectives tracker
- AddTrackedAchievement - Adds an achievement to the objectives tracker UI
- GetAutoQuestPopUp - Returns information about the AutoQuestPopup(s)
- GetNumAutoQuestPopUps - Returns number of AutoQuestPopup(s)
- GetNumQuestWatches - Returns the number of quests included in the objectives tracker
- GetNumTrackedAchievements - Returns the number of achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
- GetQuestIndexForWatch - Returns the quest log index of a quest in the objectives tracker
- GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an item associated with a current quest
- GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo - Returns information about a usable item associated with a current quest
- GetQuestWatchIndex - Returns the quest watch (objective tracker) index of a quest in the quest log
- GetTrackedAchievements - Returns numeric IDs of the achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
- IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange - Returns whether the player's target is in range for using an item associated with a current quest
- IsQuestWatched - Returns whether a quest from the quest log is listed in the objectives tracker
- IsTrackedAchievement - Returns whether an achievement is flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
- RemoveAutoQuestPopUp - Remove AutoQuestPopup
- RemoveQuestWatch - Removes a quest from the objectives tracker
- RemoveTrackedAchievement - Removes an achievement from the objectives tracker UI
- SortQuestWatches - Sorts the quests listed in the watch frame based on the set criteria
- UseQuestLogSpecialItem - Uses the item associated with a current quest
Party functions
- AcceptGroup - Accepts an invitation to join a party or raid
- ClearPartyAssignment - Removes a group role assignment from a member of the player's party or raid
- ConfirmReadyCheck - Responds to a ready check
- ConvertToParty - Converts a raid to a party
- ConvertToRaid - Converts a party to a raid
- DeclineGroup - Declines an invitation to join a party or raid
- DoReadyCheck - Initiates a ready check
- GetHomePartyInfo - Returns a list of player names in the player's party or raid
- GetNumGroupMembers - Return number of players in current party/raid.
- GetPartyAssignment - Returns whether a party/raid member is assigned a specific group role
- GetReadyCheckStatus - Returns a unit's status during a ready check
- GetReadyCheckTimeLeft - Returns the amount of time left on the current ready check
- InGuildParty - Returns whether or not player is in a guild party.
- InviteUnit - Invites a character to the player's party or raid
- IsInGroup - Returns whether the player is currently in the specified type of group, or any type of group if not specified.
- IsInRaid - Returns whether the player is currently in a raid group
- LeaveParty - Exits the current party or raid
- PromoteToLeader - Promotes a player to party/raid leader
- RequestLFDPartyLockInfo - This function is not yet documented
- SetPartyAssignment - Assigns a group role to a member of the player's party or raid
- TargetNearestPartyMember - Cycles targets through nearby party members
- UninviteUnit - Removes a character from the player's party or raid
- UnitGetAvailableRoles - Get what roles a unit can play in the group or raid
- UnitInOtherParty - This function is not yet documented
- UnitInParty - Returns whether a unit is a player unit in the player's party
- UnitIsGroupLeader - Returns whether a unit is the raid leader.
- UnitLeadsAnyGroup - Returns whether a unit is the leader of any group
- UnitPlayerOrPetInParty - Returns whether a unit is in the player's party or belongs to a party member
- UnitSetRole - Sets a unit's role in the group or raid
Pet Stable functions
- ClosePetStables - Ends use of the Pet Stables UI/API
- GetStablePetFoodTypes - Returns the types of food that a stabled pet will eat
- GetStablePetInfo - Returns information about a stabled pet
- IsAtStableMaster - Returns whether the player is interacting with a Stable Master NPC
- PickupStablePet - Puts a pet from the stables onto the cursor
- SetPetStablePaperdoll - Sets the given Model to show the selected stabled pet
Pet battles functions
- C_PetBattles.AcceptPVPDuel - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.AcceptQueuedPVPMatch - Accepts a found Pet Battle Queue.
- C_PetBattles.CanAcceptQueuedPVPMatch - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.CanActivePetSwapOut - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.CanPetSwapIn - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.CancelPVPDuel - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.ChangePet - Attempts to change your active pet
- C_PetBattles.DeclineQueuedPVPMatch - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.ForfeitGame - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityEffectInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfo - Returns information on a battle pet's ability
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoByID - Returns information about a pet battle ability based on the ID.
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityProcTurnIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityState - Returns the cooldown state of a pet ability
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityStateModification - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetActivePet - Returns the index of the currently active pet.
- C_PetBattles.GetAllEffectNames - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetAllStates - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetAttackModifier - Returns the modification to attacks based on types.
- C_PetBattles.GetAuraInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetBattleState - Returns the current battle state.
- C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality - Returns the breed quality of a pet.
- C_PetBattles.GetDisplayID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetForfeitPenalty - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetHealth - Returns the current health of a specific pet in the current pet battle.
- C_PetBattles.GetIcon - Returns the path of a pet's icon texture.
- C_PetBattles.GetLevel - Returns the level of a pet
- C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth - Returns the maximum health of a specific pet in the current pet battle.
- C_PetBattles.GetName - Returns the name of a pet
- C_PetBattles.GetNumAuras - Returns the number of auras on a pet
- C_PetBattles.GetNumPets - Returns the number of pets a player/enemy has.
- C_PetBattles.GetPVPMatchmakingInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetPetSpeciesID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetPetType - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetPlayerTrapAbility - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetPower - Returns the power of a pet.
- C_PetBattles.GetSelectedAction - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetSpeed - Returns the speed of a pet.
- C_PetBattles.GetStateValue - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.GetTurnTimeInfo - Returns the remaining time and max time for waiting on a turn
- C_PetBattles.GetXP - Returns the current and maximum experience of a pet
- C_PetBattles.IsInBattle - Returns true during a pet battle
- C_PetBattles.IsPlayerNPC - Returns whether a participant in a pet battle is a player or an NPC
- C_PetBattles.IsSkipAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.IsTrapAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponent - Returns whether or not you are waiting on the opponent
- C_PetBattles.IsWildBattle - Returns whether or not in wild battle.
- C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportBattlePetTarget - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportTargetFromUnit - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.ShouldShowPetSelect - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.SkipTurn - Does a pass on your turn for a round.
- C_PetBattles.StartPVPDuel - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.StartPVPMatchmaking - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.StopPVPMatchmaking - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetBattles.UseAbility - Uses an ability.
- C_PetBattles.UseTrap - Throws the trap if the target pet has low enough health
- C_PetJournal.AddAllPetSourcesFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.AddAllPetTypesFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.CagePetByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.ClearAllPetSourcesFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.ClearAllPetTypesFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.ClearSearchFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.FindPetIDByName - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetBattlePetLink - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetNumCollectedInfo - Returns the number of pets for that species
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPetSources - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPetTypes - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPets - Returns two integers, filtered count, and total count
- C_PetJournal.GetOwnedBattlePetString - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityList - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetCooldownByGUID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoBySpeciesID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetSortParameter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetPetTeamAverageLevel - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.GetSummonedPetGUID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.IsFindBattleEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.IsFlagFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.IsJournalReadOnly - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.IsJournalUnlocked - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.IsPetSourceFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.IsPetTypeFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetCanBeReleased - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsCapturable - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsHurt - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsLockedForConvert - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsRevoked - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsSlotted - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsSummonable - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PetIsTradable - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.PickupPet - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.ReleasePetByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetCustomName - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetFlagFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetPetSortParameter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetPetSourceFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetPetTypeFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SetSearchFilter - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SummonPetByGUID - This function is not yet documented
- C_PetJournal.SummonRandomPet - This function is not yet documented
- CanTrackBattlePets - This function is not yet documented
- GetAuctionItemBattlePetInfo - Retrieves info about one Battle Pet in the current retrieved list of Battle Pets from the Auction House.
- IsTrackingBattlePets - This function is not yet documented
- UnitBattlePetLevel - This function is not yet documented
- UnitBattlePetSpeciesID - This function is not yet documented
- UnitBattlePetType - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsBattlePet - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsBattlePetCompanion - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsOtherPlayersBattlePet - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsWildBattlePet - This function is not yet documented
Pet functions
- CastPetAction - Casts a pet action on a specific target
- DestroyTotem - Destroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
- DisableSpellAutocast - Disables automatic casting of a pet spell
- EnableSpellAutocast - Enables automatic casting of a pet spell
- GetCallPetSpellInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetPetActionCooldown - Returns cooldown information about a given pet action slot
- GetPetActionInfo - Returns information about a pet action
- GetPetActionSlotUsable - Returns whether a pet action can be used
- GetPetActionsUsable - Returns whether the pet's actions are usable
- GetPetExperience - Returns information about experience points for the player's pet
- GetPetFoodTypes - Returns a list of the food types the player's pet will eat
- GetPetIcon - Returns an icon representing the current pet
- GetPetMeleeHaste - This function is not yet documented
- GetPetSpellBonusDamage - This function is not yet documented
- GetPetTalentTree - Returns the name of the talent tree used by the player's current pet
- GetPetTimeRemaining - Returns the time remaining before a temporary pet is automatically dismissed
- GetTotemInfo - Returns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
- GetTotemTimeLeft - Returns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears
- HasPetSpells - Returns whether the player's current pet has a spellbook
- HasPetUI - Returns whether the pet UI should be displayed for the player's pet
- IsPetActive - This function is not yet documented
- IsPetAttackAction - Returns if the pet action button is the pet attack command
- IsPetAttackActive - Returns whether the pet's attack action is currently active
- PetAbandon - Releases the player's pet
- PetAggressiveMode - Enables aggressive mode for the player's pet
- PetAssistMode - This function is not yet documented
- PetAttack - Instructs the pet to attack
- PetCanBeAbandoned - Returns whether the player's pet can be abandoned
- PetCanBeDismissed - Returns whether a Dismiss Pet command should be available for the player's pet
- PetCanBeRenamed - Returns whether the player's pet can be renamed
- PetDefensiveMode - Enables defensive mode for the player's pet
- PetDismiss - Dismisses the currently controlled pet
- PetFollow - Instructs the pet to follow the player
- PetHasActionBar - Returns whether the player's current pet has an action bar
- PetHasSpellbook - This function is not yet documented
- PetMoveTo - Commands the player's pet to move to the targeted destination
- PetPassiveMode - Enables passive mode for the player's pet
- PetRename - Renames the currently controlled pet
- PetStopAttack - Instructs the pet to stop attacking
- PetUsesPetFrame - This function is not yet documented
- PetWait - Instructs the pet to stay at its current location
- PickupPetAction - Puts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot
- PickupPetSpell - This function is not yet documented
- SetPendingReportPetTarget - This function is not yet documented
- SetPetSlot - This function is not yet documented
- SetSpellbookPetAction - This function is not yet documented
- TargetTotem - Targets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)
- TogglePetAutocast - Turns autocast on or off for a pet action
- UnitIsOtherPlayersPet - Returns whether or not the unit is another player's permanent pet
Pet journal functions
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByPetID - Retreives information about a battle pet from its GUID
- C_PetJournal.GetPetLoadOutInfo - Returns pet and spell IDs
- C_PetJournal.GetPetStats - Retrieves the stats of a battle pet from its GUID
- C_PetJournal.SetAbility - Set battle pet ability
- C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo - Setup battle pet team
Petition functions
- BuyGuildCharter - Purchases a guild charter
- CanSignPetition - Returns whether the player can sign the currently offered petition
- ClosePetition - Ends interaction with a petition
- GetGuildCharterCost - Returns the cost to purchase a guild charter
- GetNumPetitionNames - Returns the number of people who have signed the open petition
- GetPetitionInfo - Returns information about the currently open petition
- GetPetitionNameInfo - Returns the name of a character who has signed the currently offered petition
- OfferPetition - Requests an arena or guild charter signature from the targeted unit
- RenamePetition - Renames the guild or arena team to be created by the open petition
- SignPetition - Signs the currently offered petition
- TurnInGuildCharter - Turns in a completed guild charter
Player information functions
- AcceptResurrect - Accepts an offered resurrection spell
- AcceptXPLoss - Resurrects the player at a spirit healer, accepting possible consequences
- CanHearthAndResurrectFromArea - Returns whether the player is in a world PvP zone offering an exit option
- CheckBinderDist - Returns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can set the Hearthstone location
- CheckSpiritHealerDist - Returns whether the player is in range of a spirit healer
- ConfirmBinder - Sets the player's Hearthstone to the current location
- DeclineResurrect - Declines an offered resurrection spell
- Dismount - Dismounts from the player's summoned mount
- GetAverageItemLevel - Returns the players average item level as displayed in the character pane.
- GetBindLocation - Returns the name of the player's Hearthstone location
- GetCemeteryPreference - This function is not yet documented
- GetComboPoints - Returns the player's number of combo points on the target.
- GetCorpseRecoveryDelay - Returns the amount of time left until the player can recover their corpse
- GetCurrentTitle - Returns the currently selected player title
- GetMaxPlayerLevel - Returns the maximum level attainable by a player
- GetNumSavedWorldBosses - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumTitles - Returns the number of available player titles
- GetOverrideAPBySpellPower - This function is not yet documented
- GetOverrideSpellPowerByAP - Returns how much spell power is returned by attack power (Shaman)
- GetPlayerFacing - Returns the player's orientation (heading)
- GetPvpPowerDamage - This function is not yet documented
- GetPvpPowerHealing - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogRewardTitle - Returns the title reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetReleaseTimeRemaining - Returns the amount of time remaining until the player's spirit is automatically released when dead
- GetResSicknessDuration - Returns the duration of resurrection sickness at the player's current level
- GetRestState - Returns the player's current rest state
- GetRuneCooldown - Returns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources
- GetRuneCount - Returns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots
- GetRuneType - Returns the type of one of the player's rune resources
- GetSavedWorldBossInfo - Returns information on a specific World Boss to which the player is saved.
- GetTimeToWellRested - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- GetTitleName - Returns the text of an available player title
- GetUnitPitch - Returns the player's current pitch (slope or angle of movement)
- GetXPExhaustion - Returns the amount of rested bonus experience available
- HasAPEffectsSpellPower - This function is not yet documented
- HasFullControl - Returns whether the player character can be controlled
- HasKey - Returns whether the player has any keys stored in the Keyring container
- HasSoulstone - Returns whether the player can instantly resurrect in place
- HasWandEquipped - Returns whether the player has a wand equipped
- IsCemeterySelectionAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- IsChatAFK - Returns whether the player's status is Away
- IsChatDND - Returns whether the player's status is Busy
- IsFalling - Returns whether the player is currently falling
- IsFlyableArea - Returns whether flight is allowed on the continent where the player is currently located
- IsFlying - Returns whether the player is currently flying
- IsInInstance - Returns whether the player is in an instance (and its type if applicable)
- IsIndoors - Returns whether the player is currently indoors
- IsMounted - Returns whether the player is mounted
- IsOutOfBounds - Returns whether the player is currently outside the bounds of the world
- IsOutdoors - Returns whether the player is currently outdoors
- IsPlayerInMicroDungeon - This function is not yet documented
- IsPlayerInWorld - This function is not yet documented
- IsPlayerMoving - This function is not yet documented
- IsPlayerNeutral - This function is not yet documented
- IsResting - Returns whether the player is currently resting
- IsStealthed - Returns whether the player is currently stealthed
- IsSwimming - Returns whether the player is currently swimming
- IsTitleKnown - Returns whether the player has earned the ability to display a title
- IsXPUserDisabled - Returns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player
- OffhandHasWeapon - Returns whether the player has an equipped weapon in the off hand slot
- OpeningCinematic - Displays the introductory cinematic for the player's race
- PlayerHasHearthstone - Returns whether the player has a hearthstone in their bag
- PortGraveyard - This function is not yet documented
- RepopMe - Releases the player's spirit to the nearest graveyard
- ResurrectGetOfferer - Returns the name of a unit offering to resurrect the player
- ResurrectHasSickness - Returns whether accepting an offered resurrection spell will cause the player to suffer Resurrection Sickness
- ResurrectHasTimer - Returns whether the player must wait before resurrecting
- RetrieveCorpse - Confirms resurrection by returning to the player's corpse
- SetCemeteryPreference - This function is not yet documented
- SetCurrentTitle - Changes a player's displayed title
- ShowCloak - Enables or disables display of the player's cloak
- ShowHelm - Enables or disables display of the player's headgear
- ShowingCloak - Returns whether the player's cloak is displayed
- ShowingHelm - Returns whether the player's headgear is displayed
- TimeoutResurrect - This function is not yet documented
- ToggleSheath - Sheaths or unsheaths the player character's hand-held items
- UnitXP - Returns the player's current amount of experience points
- UnitXPMax - Return the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level
- UseHearthstone - Attempts to use the player's Hearthstone
- UseSoulstone - Instantly resurrects the player in place, if possible
PvP functions
- CanHearthAndResurrectFromArea - Returns whether the player is in a world PvP zone offering an exit option
- CanQueueForWintergrasp - Returns whether the player can queue for Wintergrasp
- ClearBlacklistMap - Remove battleground from blacklist.
- GetBlacklistMap - Return ID of blacklisted battleground.
- GetHolidayBGHonorCurrencyBonuses - Returns the awarded honor and arena points for a Call to Arms battleground win or loss
- GetNumWorldPVPAreas - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumWorldStateUI - Returns the number of world state UI elements
- GetOutdoorPVPWaitTime - Returns the world PvP wait time for the currently selected zone, nil otherwise. Authors looking for information regarding specific world PvP zones should consider using [[docs/api/GetWorldPVPAreaInfo|GetWorldPVPAreaInfo()]] instead.
- GetPVPDesired - Returns whether the player has manually enabled PvP status
- GetPVPLifetimeStats - Returns the player's lifetime total of honorable kills and highest rank achieved
- GetPVPRewards - Returns information about Conquest Point cap.
- GetPVPRoles - This function is not yet documented
- GetPVPSessionStats - Returns the number of kills and honor points scored by the player since logging in
- GetPVPTimer - Returns the amount of time until the player's PVP flag expires
- GetPVPYesterdayStats - Returns the number of kills and honor points scored by the player on the previous day
- GetPersonalRatedInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetWorldPVPAreaInfo - Returns information about a given world PvP zone
- GetWorldPVPQueueStatus - Returns information on the players queue for a world PvP zone
- GetWorldStateUIInfo - Returns information about a world state UI element
- GetZonePVPInfo - Returns PVP information about the current area
- HearthAndResurrectFromArea - Instantly exits the current world PvP zone, returning to the player's Hearthstone location
- IsInActiveWorldPVP - This function is not yet documented
- IsPVPTimerRunning - Returns whether the player's PvP flag will expire after a period of time
- IsRatedBattleground - Returns whether or not the player is in a rated battleground
- IsSubZonePVPPOI - Returns whether the current area has PvP (or other) objectives to be displayed
- QuestFlagsPVP - Returns whether accepting the offered quest will flag the player for PvP
- RequestPVPOptionsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- RequestPVPRewards - Requests informations about Conquest Point cap from the server
- SetPVP - Enables or disables the player's desired PvP status
- SetPVPRoles - This function is not yet documented
- TogglePVP - Switches the player's desired PvP status
- UnitIsPVPFreeForAll - Returns whether a unit is flagged for free-for-all PvP
- UnitIsPVPSanctuary - Returns whether a unit is in a Sanctuary area preventing PvP activity
- UnitPVPName - Returns the name of a unit including the unit's current title
Quest functions
- AbandonQuest - Confirms abandoning a quest
- AcceptQuest - Accepts the quest offered by a questgiver
- AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuest - This function is not yet documented
- AddAutoQuestPopUp - Create a quest popup in the WatchFrame
- AddQuestWatch - Adds a quest to the objectives tracker
- C_Questline.GetNumAvailableQuestlines - This function is not yet documented
- C_Questline.GetQuestlineInfoByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_TaskQuest.GetQuestObjectiveStrByQuestID - This function is not yet documented
- C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTitleByQuestID - Return the name of a quest with a given ID
- C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID - This function is not yet documented
- CanAbandonQuest - Returns info about whether a quest with a given ID can be abandoned
- ClearAutoAcceptQuestSound - This function is not yet documented
- CloseQuest - Ends interaction with a questgiver
- CloseQuestChoice - This function is not yet documented
- CollapseQuestHeader - Collapses a header in the quest log
- CompleteQuest - Begins turning in a quest to a questgiver
- ConfirmAcceptQuest - Accepts a quest started by another group member
- DeclineQuest - Declines a quest.
- ExpandQuestHeader - Expands a quest header in the quest log
- GetAbandonQuestItems - Returns information about items that would be destroyed by abandoning a quest
- GetAbandonQuestName - Returns the name of the quest being abandoned
- GetActiveLevel - Returns the level of a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
- GetActiveTitle - Returns the name of a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
- GetAutoQuestPopUp - Returns information about the AutoQuestPopup(s)
- GetAvailableLevel - Returns the level of a quest available from the current Quest NPC
- GetAvailableQuestInfo - Returns the flags of an available quest during an NPC dialog
- GetAvailableTitle - Returns the name of a quest available from the current Quest NPC
- GetContainerItemQuestInfo - Returns quest information about an item in the player's bags
- GetDailyQuestsCompleted - Returns the number of daily quests the player has completed today
- GetDistanceSqToQuest - Returns a (squared) distance to the quest objective location
- GetGossipActiveQuests - Returns a list of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
- GetGossipAvailableQuests - Returns a list of quests available from the current Gossip NPC
- GetGreetingText - Returns the greeting text displayed for quest NPCs with multiple quests
- GetNumActiveQuests - Returns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
- GetNumAutoQuestPopUps - Returns number of AutoQuestPopup(s)
- GetNumAvailableQuests - Returns the number quests available from the current Quest NPC
- GetNumGossipActiveQuests - Returns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
- GetNumGossipAvailableQuests - Returns the number of quests available from the current Gossip NPC
- GetNumQuestChoices - Returns the number of available quest rewards from which the player must choose one upon completing the quest presented by a questgiver
- GetNumQuestCurrencies - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumQuestItemDrops - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumQuestItems - Returns the number of different items required to complete the quest presented by a questgiver
- GetNumQuestLeaderBoards - Returns the number of quest objectives for a quest in the player's quest log
- GetNumQuestLogChoices - Returns the number of available item reward choices for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetNumQuestLogEntries - Returns the number of quests and headers in the quest log
- GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrencies - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumQuestLogRewardFactions - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumQuestLogRewards - Returns the number of item rewards for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetNumQuestLogTasks - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumQuestPOIWorldEffects - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumQuestRewards - Returns the number of different items always awarded upon completing the quest presented by a questgiver
- GetNumQuestWatches - Returns the number of quests included in the objectives tracker
- GetNumWorldStateUI - Returns the number of world state UI elements
- GetObjectiveText - Returns a summary of objectives for the quest offered by a questgiver
- GetProgressText - Returns the quest progress text presented by a questgiver
- GetQuestBackgroundMaterial - Returns background display style information for a questgiver dialog
- GetQuestChoiceInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestChoiceOptionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestChoiceRewardCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestChoiceRewardFaction - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestChoiceRewardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestChoiceRewardItem - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestCurrencyInfo - Returns information about currency rewarded/required for quest completion
- GetQuestDifficultyColor - Returns a table of color values indicating the difficulty of a quest's level as compared to the player's
- GetQuestFactionGroup - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestGreenRange - Returns the level range in which a quest below the player's level still rewards XP
- GetQuestID - Returns the internal ID of a quest featured in the currently active NPC dialogue (available after a QUEST_DETAIL event)
- GetQuestIndexForTimer - Returns the quest log index of a timed quest's timer
- GetQuestIndexForWatch - Returns the quest log index of a quest in the objectives tracker
- GetQuestItemInfo - Returns information about items in a questgiver dialog
- GetQuestItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item in a questgiver dialog
- GetQuestLink - Returns a hyperlink of a specific quest
- GetQuestLogChoiceInfo - Returns information about available item rewards for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogCompletionText - Returns the completion text for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogCriteriaSpell - Returns the spell required by a quest, if any
- GetQuestLogGroupNum - Returns the suggested group size for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogIndexByID - Returns the index at which a particular quest ID can be found in the log.
- GetQuestLogIsAutoComplete - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogItemDrop - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item related to the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogLeaderBoard - Returns information about objectives for a quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogPortraitGiver - Returns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
- GetQuestLogPortraitTurnIn - Returns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
- GetQuestLogPushable - Return whether the selected quest in the quest log can be shared to party members
- GetQuestLogQuestText - Returns the description and objective text for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogQuestType - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogRequiredMoney - Returns the amount of money required for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogRewardFactionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogRewardInfo - Returns information about item rewards for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardMoney - Returns the money reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints - Returns skill point reward info for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardSpell - Returns information about the spell reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardTalents - Returns the talent point reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardTitle - Returns the title reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogRewardXP - Returns the experience reward at the player's level for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogSelection - Returns the index of the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an item associated with a current quest
- GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo - Returns information about a usable item associated with a current quest
- GetQuestLogSpellLink - Returns a hyperlink for a spell in the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogTaskInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestLogTimeLeft - Returns time remaining for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetQuestLogTitle - Returns information about an entry in the player's quest log
- GetQuestMoneyToGet - Returns the amount of money required to complete the quest presented by a questgiver
- GetQuestObjectiveInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestPOIBlobCount - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestPOILeaderBoard - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestPOIWorldEffectInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestPOIs - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestPortraitGiver - Returns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
- GetQuestPortraitTurnIn - Returns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
- GetQuestProgressBarPercent - Returns the completion percent of a quest with a bar. Such as apexiszones.
- GetQuestResetTime - Returns the amount of time remaining until the daily quest period resets
- GetQuestReward - Finishes turning in a quest to a questgiver, selecting an item reward if applicable
- GetQuestSortIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestSpellLink - Returns a hyperlink for a spell in a questgiver dialog
- GetQuestTagInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestText - Returns the text for the quest offered by a questgiver
- GetQuestTimers - Returns a list of the times remaining for any active timed quests
- GetQuestWatchIndex - Returns the quest watch (objective tracker) index of a quest in the quest log
- GetQuestWatchInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetQuestWorldMapAreaID - Returns the map and floor for a given quest
- GetQuestsCompleted - Gets a table containing the quests the player has completed
- GetRewardMoney - Returns the amount of money awarded when completing a quest
- GetRewardSpell - Returns information about a spell awarded when completing a quest
- GetRewardTalents - Returns the talent points awarded when completing a quest
- GetRewardText - Returns questgiver dialog to be displayed when completing a quest
- GetRewardTitle - Returns the title awarded when completing a quest
- GetRewardXP - Returns the experience awarded when completing a quest
- GetSuggestedGroupNum - Returns the suggested group size for attempting the quest currently offered by a questgiver
- GetSuperTrackedQuestID - This function is not yet documented
- GetTitleText - Returns the title text for the quest presented by a questgiver
- GetWorldStateUIInfo - Returns information about a world state UI element
- HaveQuestData - This function is not yet documented
- IsActiveQuestLegendary - This function is not yet documented
- IsActiveQuestTrivial - Returns whether a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC is trivial at the player's level
- IsAvailableQuestTrivial - Returns whether a quest available from the current Quest NPC is trivial at the player's level
- IsBreadcrumbQuest - This function is not yet documented
- IsCurrentQuestFailed - Returns whether the player has failed the selected quest in the quest log
- IsQuestCompletable - Returns whether the player can complete the quest presented by a questgiver
- IsQuestComplete - This function is not yet documented
- IsQuestFlaggedCompleted - Returns whether a quest is completed by the player or not
- IsQuestHardWatched - This function is not yet documented
- IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange - Returns whether the player's target is in range for using an item associated with a current quest
- IsQuestSequenced - This function is not yet documented
- IsQuestTask - This function is not yet documented
- IsQuestWatched - Returns whether a quest from the quest log is listed in the objectives tracker
- IsStoryQuest - This function is not yet documented
- IsUnitOnQuest - Returns whether a unit is on one of the quests in the player's quest log
- IsUnitOnQuestByQuestID - This function is not yet documented
- PlayAutoAcceptQuestSound - This function is not yet documented
- ProcessQuestLogRewardFactions - This function is not yet documented
- QuestChooseRewardError - Causes the default UI to display an error message indicating that the player must choose a reward to complete the quest presented by a questgiver
- QuestFlagsPVP - Returns whether accepting the offered quest will flag the player for PvP
- QuestGetAutoAccept - This function is not yet documented
- QuestGetAutoLaunched - This function is not yet documented
- QuestHasPOIInfo - This function is not yet documented
- QuestIsDaily - This function is not yet documented
- QuestIsFromAreaTrigger - This function is not yet documented
- QuestIsWeekly - This function is not yet documented
- QuestLogPushQuest - Shares a quest with other group members
- QuestLogShouldShowPortrait - This function is not yet documented
- QuestMapUpdateAllQuests - This function is not yet documented
- QuestPOIGetIconInfo - Returns information about a QuestPOI icon
- QuestPOIGetQuestIDByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- QuestPOIGetQuestIDByVisibleIndex - This function is not yet documented
- QuestPOIGetSecondaryLocations - This function is not yet documented
- QuestPOIUpdateIcons - This function is not yet documented
- RemoveAutoQuestPopUp - Remove AutoQuestPopup
- RemoveQuestWatch - Removes a quest from the objectives tracker
- SelectActiveQuest - Selects a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
- SelectAvailableQuest - Chooses a quest available from the current Quest NPC
- SelectGossipActiveQuest - Chooses a quest which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
- SelectGossipAvailableQuest - Chooses a quest available from the current Gossip NPC
- SelectQuestLogEntry - Selects a quest from the quest log
- SendQuestChoiceResponse - This function is not yet documented
- SetAbandonQuest - Begins the process of abandoning a quest in the player's quest log
- SetSuperTrackedQuestID - This function is not yet documented
- ShowQuestComplete - This function is not yet documented
- ShowQuestOffer - This function is not yet documented
- SortQuestWatches - Sorts the quests listed in the watch frame based on the set criteria
- UnitIsQuestBoss - This function is not yet documented
- UseQuestLogSpecialItem - Uses the item associated with a current quest
Raid functions
- AcceptGroup - Accepts an invitation to join a party or raid
- CanBeRaidTarget - Returns whether a unit can be marked with a raid symbol or not
- ClearPartyAssignment - Removes a group role assignment from a member of the player's party or raid
- ClearRaidMarker - This function is not yet documented
- ConfirmReadyCheck - Responds to a ready check
- ConvertToParty - Converts a raid to a party
- ConvertToRaid - Converts a party to a raid
- CreateNewRaidProfile - This function is not yet documented
- DeclineGroup - Declines an invitation to join a party or raid
- DeleteRaidProfile - This function is not yet documented
- DemoteAssistant - Demotes the given player from raid assistant status
- DoReadyCheck - Initiates a ready check
- GetAllowLowLevelRaid - This function is not yet documented
- GetBestFlexRaidChoice - This function is not yet documented
- GetFlexRaidDungeonInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetLegacyRaidDifficultyID - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumFlexRaidDungeons - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumGroupMembers - Return number of players in current party/raid.
- GetNumRaidProfiles - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSubgroupMembers - Return number of other players in current player’s raid subgroup.
- GetPartyAssignment - Returns whether a party/raid member is assigned a specific group role
- GetRaidBuffInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetRaidDifficultyID - This function is not yet documented
- GetRaidProfileFlattenedOptions - This function is not yet documented
- GetRaidProfileName - This function is not yet documented
- GetRaidProfileOption - This function is not yet documented
- GetRaidProfileSavedPosition - This function is not yet documented
- GetRaidRosterInfo - Returns information about a member of the player's raid
- GetRaidTargetIndex - Returns the index of the raid target marker on a unit
- GetReadyCheckStatus - Returns a unit's status during a ready check
- GetReadyCheckTimeLeft - Returns the amount of time left on the current ready check
- GetSavedInstanceChatLink - Returns a hyperlink for a player's raid save
- InitiateRolePoll - Initiates a raid-wide role check. Every raid member is required to set his own role in a popup role window.
- InviteUnit - Invites a character to the player's party or raid
- IsEveryoneAssistant - This function is not yet documented
- IsInGroup - Returns whether the player is currently in the specified type of group, or any type of group if not specified.
- IsInRaid - Returns whether the player is currently in a raid group
- IsRaidMarkerActive - This function is not yet documented
- LeaveParty - Exits the current party or raid
- PlaceRaidMarker - This function is not yet documented
- PromoteToAssistant - Promotes a raid member to raid assistant
- PromoteToLeader - Promotes a player to party/raid leader
- RaidProfileExists - This function is not yet documented
- RaidProfileHasUnsavedChanges - This function is not yet documented
- RestoreRaidProfileFromCopy - This function is not yet documented
- SaveRaidProfileCopy - This function is not yet documented
- SetAllowLowLevelRaid - Enabling this if your character is below level 10 will allow you to join a raid group.
- SetEveryoneIsAssistant - This function is not yet documented
- SetLegacyRaidDifficultyID - This function is not yet documented
- SetPartyAssignment - Assigns a group role to a member of the player's party or raid
- SetRaidDifficultyID - This function is not yet documented
- SetRaidProfileOption - This function is not yet documented
- SetRaidProfileSavedPosition - This function is not yet documented
- SetRaidSubgroup - Moves a raid member to a non-full raid subgroup
- SetRaidTarget - Puts a raid target marker on a unit
- SetRaidTargetProtected - This function is not yet documented
- SwapRaidSubgroup - Swaps two raid members between subgroups in the raid
- UninviteUnit - Removes a character from the player's party or raid
- UnitGetAvailableRoles - Get what roles a unit can play in the group or raid
- UnitGroupRolesAssigned - Returns information about a unit's role in a group
- UnitInRaid - Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid
- UnitIsGroupLeader - Returns whether a unit is the raid leader.
- UnitIsRaidOfficer - Returns whether a unit is a raid assistant in the player's raid
- UnitLeadsAnyGroup - Returns whether a unit is the leader of any group
- UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid - Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid or belongs to a raid member
- UnitSetRole - Sets a unit's role in the group or raid
- UnitTargetsVehicleInRaidUI - Returns whether attempts to target a unit should target its vehicle
Realm functions
- Ambiguate - Returns a player Name or Name-Realm string suitable for use in a given context.
- GetAutoCompleteRealms - This function is not yet documented
- GetRealmName - Returns the name of the player's realm (server name)
- IsOnTournamentRealm - Returns whether the player is on an Arena Tournament realm
- IsVoiceChatAllowedByServer - Returns whether voice chat is supported by the realm server
- SelectedRealmName - This function is not yet documented
- UnitFullName - Will return a units name appended with the realm name without spaces.
- UnitRealmRelationship - This function is not yet documented
Recruit-a-friend functions
- AcceptLevelGrant - Accepts a level offered by the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner
- C_RecruitAFriend.CheckEmailEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- C_RecruitAFriend.GetRecruitInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_RecruitAFriend.IsSendingEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- C_RecruitAFriend.SendRecruit - This function is not yet documented
- CanGrantLevel - Returns whether the player can give levels to a Recruit-a-Friend partner
- CanSummonFriend - Returns whether a unit can be summoned via Recruit-a-Friend
- DeclineLevelGrant - Refuses a level offered by the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner
- GetSummonFriendCooldown - Returns cooldown information about the player's Summon Friend ability
- GrantLevel - Grants a level to the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner
- IsReferAFriendLinked - Returns whether a unit's account is linked to the player's via the Recruit-a-Friend program
- SummonFriend - Summons a unit whose account is linked to the player's via the Recruit-a-Friend program
Secure execution utility functions
- InCombatLockdown - Returns whether the user interface is protected due to combat
- forceinsecure - Causes the current execution path to continue outside the secure environment
- hooksecurefunc - Add a function to be called after execution of a secure function
- issecure - Returns whether the current execution path is secure
- issecurevariable - Returns whether a variable is secure (and if not, which addon tainted it)
- newproxy - Creates a zero-length userdata with an optional metatable.
- securecall - Calls a function without tainting the execution path
Skill functions
- AbandonSkill - Unlearns a skill (used only for professions)
- GetProfessionInfo - Returns details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level
- GetProfessions - Returns indices of all of the current character's professions
- GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints - Returns skill point reward info for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetRewardNumSkillUps - This function is not yet documented
- GetRewardSkillLineID - This function is not yet documented
- GetRewardSkillPoints - This function is not yet documented
Social functions
- AddFriend - Adds a character to the friends list
- AddIgnore - Adds a character to the ignore list
- AddOrDelIgnore - Adds the named character to the ignore list, or removes the character if already in the ignore list
- AddOrRemoveFriend - Adds the named character to the friends list, or removes the character if already in the friends list
- BNGetFriendIndex - Returns friendlist index of a BN friend
- DelIgnore - Removes a player from the ignore list
- GetFriendInfo - Returns information about a character on the player's friends list
- GetIgnoreName - Returns the name of a character on the ignore list
- GetNumFriends - Returns the number of characters and online characters on the player's friends list
- GetNumIgnores - Returns the number of characters on the player's ignore list
- GetNumWhoResults - Returns the number of results from a Who system query
- GetSelectedFriend - Returns the index of the selected character in the player's friends list
- GetSelectedIgnore - Returns the index of the selected character in the player's ignore list
- GetWhoInfo - Returns information about a character in the Who system query results
- IsIgnored - Returns whether a unit is on the player's ignore list
- RemoveFriend - Removes a character from the friends list
- SendWho - Requests a list of characters meeting given search criteria from the server
- SetFriendNotes - Sets note text associated with a friends list entry
- SetSelectedFriend - Selects a character in the player's friends list
- SetSelectedIgnore - Selects a character in the player's ignore list
- SetWhoToUI - Changes the delivery method for results from [[docs/api/SendWho|`SendWho()`]] queries
- ShowFriends - Requests friends/ignore list information from the server
- SortWho - Sorts the Who system query results list
Socketing functions
- AcceptSockets - Accepts changes made in the Item Socketing UI
- ClickSocketButton - Picks up or places a gem in the Item Socketing UI
- CloseSocketInfo - Ends interaction with the Item Socketing UI, discarding any changes made
- GetExistingSocketInfo - Returns information about a permanently socketed gem
- GetExistingSocketLink - Returns a hyperlink for a permanently socketed gem
- GetItemGem - Returns information about gems socketed in an item
- GetNewSocketInfo - Returns information about a gem added to a socket
- GetNewSocketLink - Returns a hyperlink for a gem added to a socket
- GetNumSockets - Returns the number of sockets on the item currently being socketed
- GetSocketItemBoundTradeable - Returns whether the item open for socketing is temporarily tradeable
- GetSocketItemInfo - Returns information about the item currently being socketed
- GetSocketItemRefundable - Returns whether the item open for socketing is temporarily refundable
- GetSocketTypes - Returns information about the gem types usable in a socket
- SocketContainerItem - Opens an item from the player's bags for socketing
- SocketInventoryItem - Opens an equipped item for socketing
Sound functions
- ClearAutoAcceptQuestSound - This function is not yet documented
- PlayAutoAcceptQuestSound - This function is not yet documented
- PlayMusic - Plays an audio file as background music
- PlaySound - Plays one of WoW's built-in sound effects
- PlaySoundFile - Plays an audio file at a given path
- PlaySoundKitID - This function is not yet documented
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetInputDriverNameByIndex - Returns the name of the given chat system sound input driver
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetNumInputDrivers - Returns the number of chat system sound input drivers
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetNumOutputDrivers - Returns the number of chat system sound output drivers
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndex - Returns the name of the given chat system sound output driver
- Sound_GameSystem_GetInputDriverNameByIndex - Returns the name of the given game sound input driver
- Sound_GameSystem_GetNumInputDrivers - Returns the number of game sound input drivers
- Sound_GameSystem_GetNumOutputDrivers - Returns the number of game sound output drivers
- Sound_GameSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndex - Returns the name of the given game sound output driver
- Sound_GameSystem_RestartSoundSystem - Restarts the game's sound systems
- StopMusic - Stops currently playing in-game music
- StopSound - Stop a playing sound
- VoiceEnumerateCaptureDevices - Returns the name of an audio input device for voice chat
- VoiceEnumerateOutputDevices - Returns the name of an audio output device for voice chat
- VoiceGetCurrentCaptureDevice - Returns the index of the current voice capture device
- VoiceGetCurrentOutputDevice - Returns the index of the current voice output device
- VoiceSelectCaptureDevice - Selects an audio input device for voice chat
- VoiceSelectOutputDevice - Selects an audio output device for voice chat
Spell functions
- AcceptSpellConfirmationPrompt - This function is not yet documented
- CastSpell - Casts a from the spellbook
- CastSpellByID - Casts a spell specified by id (optionally on a specified unit)
- CastSpellByName - Casts a spell specified by name (optionally on a specified unit)
- CursorHasSpell - Returns whether a spell is on the cursor
- DeclineSpellConfirmationPrompt - This function is not yet documented
- DisableSpellAutocast - Disables automatic casting of a pet spell
- EnableSpellAutocast - Enables automatic casting of a pet spell
- FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID - This function is not yet documented
- FlyoutHasSpell - This function is not yet documented
- GetCriteriaSpell - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentLevelSpells - This function is not yet documented
- GetItemSpell - Returns information about the spell cast by an item's "Use:" effect
- GetMaxSpellStartRecoveryOffset - This function is not yet documented
- GetMultiCastBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetMultiCastTotemSpells - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSpellTabs - Returns the number of tabs in the player's spellbook
- GetQuestLogRewardSpell - Returns information about the spell reward for the selected quest in the quest log
- GetRewardSpell - Returns information about a spell awarded when completing a quest
- GetSpecsForSpell - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellAutocast - Returns information about automatic casting for a spell in the spellbook
- GetSpellAvailableLevel - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellBaseCooldown - Returns the base cooldown of a spell
- GetSpellBookItemInfo - Retrieves information about a specific SpellBook item
- GetSpellBookItemName - Returns the name and sub-text of a spell in the spellbook
- GetSpellBookItemTexture - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellCharges - Returns information on the number of charges on a spell in the spellbook
- GetSpellConfirmationPromptsInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellCooldown - Returns cooldown information about a spell in the spellbook
- GetSpellCount - Returns the number of times a spell can be cast
- GetSpellDescription - Returns the description of a spell
- GetSpellHitModifier - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellInfo - Returns information about a spell
- GetSpellLevelLearned - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellLink - Returns a hyperlink for a spell
- GetSpellLossOfControlCooldown - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellTabInfo - Returns information about a tab in the spellbook
- GetSpellTexture - Returns the icon texture path for a spell
- GetSpellsForCharacterUpgradeTier - This function is not yet documented
- HasPetSpells - Returns whether the player's current pet has a spellbook
- IsAttackSpell - Returns whether a spell is the standard melee Attack spell
- IsAutoRepeatSpell - Returns whether a spell is an automatically repeating spell
- IsConsumableSpell - Returns whether casting a spell consumes a reagent item
- IsCurrentSpell - Returns whether a spell is currently being used
- IsHarmfulSpell - Returns whether a spell can be used against hostile units
- IsHelpfulSpell - Returns whether an item can be used on the player or friendly units
- IsPassiveSpell - Returns whether a spell is passive (cannot be cast)
- IsPlayerSpell - Returns true if the spell is available to the player's current specialization and talents
- IsSelectedSpellBookItem - This function is not yet documented
- IsSpellClassOrSpec - This function is not yet documented
- IsSpellInRange - Returns whether the player is in range to cast a spell on a unit
- IsSpellKnown - Returns whether the player (or pet) knows a spell
- IsSpellOverlayed - Checks if a given spell ID has an active spell overlay
- IsUsableSpell - Returns whether or not a given spell is usable or cannot be used due to lack of mana
- PickupSpell - Puts a spell onto the cursor
- PickupSpellBookItem - This function is not yet documented
- SetMultiCastSpell - Sets a multi-cast action slot to a given spell
- SpellCanTargetGlyph - Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target requires a glyph slot to be chosen
- SpellCanTargetItem - Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target requires an item to be chosen
- SpellCanTargetUnit - Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target can target a given unit
- SpellCancelQueuedSpell - This function is not yet documented
- SpellGetVisibilityInfo - This function is not yet documented
- SpellHasRange - Returns whether an item has a range limitation for its use
- SpellIsAlwaysShown - This function is not yet documented
- SpellIsSelfBuff - Checks if a given spell ID can be cast on the player
- SpellIsTargeting - Returns whether a spell is currently awaiting a target
- SpellStopCasting - Stops casting or targeting the spell in progress
- SpellStopTargeting - Cancels the spell currently awaiting a target
- SpellTargetItem - Casts the spell currently awaiting a target on an item
- SpellTargetUnit - Casts the spell currently awaiting a target on a unit
- ToggleSpellAutocast - Enables or disables automatic casting of a spell
- UnitCastingInfo - Returns information about the spell a unit is currently casting
- UnitChannelInfo - Returns information about the spell a unit is currently channeling
- UnitHasIncomingResurrection - Check if a unit is being resurrected
Stance/Shapeshift functions
- CancelShapeshiftForm - Cancels the current shapeshift form
- CastShapeshiftForm - Casts an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
- GetNumShapeshiftForms - Returns the number of abilities to be presented on the stance/shapeshift bar
- GetShapeshiftForm - Returns the index of the active ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
- GetShapeshiftFormCooldown - Returns cooldown information about an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
- GetShapeshiftFormID - Returns the ID of the active shapeshift form
- GetShapeshiftFormInfo - Returns information about an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
- GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
Stat information functions
- GetArmorEffectiveness - This function is not yet documented
- GetArmorPenetration - Returns the percentage of enemy armor ignored due to the player's Armor Penetration Rating
- GetAttackPowerForStat - Returns the attack power bonus provided by one of the player's basic statistics
- GetAvoidance - This function is not yet documented
- GetBladedArmorEffect - This function is not yet documented
- GetBlockChance - Returns the player's percentage chance to block with a shield
- GetCombatRating - Returns the value of a combat rating for the player
- GetCombatRatingBonus - Returns the percentage effect for the player's current value of a given combat rating
- GetCritChance - Returns the player's melee critical strike chance
- GetCritChanceFromAgility - Returns additional critical strike chance provided by Agility
- GetCritChanceProvidesParryEffect - This function is not yet documented
- GetDodgeChance - Returns the player's chance to dodge melee attacks
- GetExpertise - Returns the player's current expertise value
- GetHaste - Returns information about the players Haste percentage.
- GetHitModifier - This function is not yet documented
- GetLifesteal - This function is not yet documented
- GetManaRegen - Returns information about the player's mana regeneration rate
- GetMastery - Returns the mastery value of your character
- GetMasteryEffect - This function is not yet documented
- GetMaxCombatRatingBonus - Returns the maximum possible percentage bonus for a given combat rating
- GetMeleeHaste - Returns information about the player's melee haste
- GetModResilienceDamageReduction - This function is not yet documented
- GetMultistrike - This function is not yet documented
- GetMultistrikeEffect - This function is not yet documented
- GetParryChance - Returns the player's parry chance
- GetPowerRegen - Returns information about the player's mana/energy/etc regeneration rate
- GetRangedCritChance - Returns the player's ranged critical strike chance
- GetRangedHaste - Returns information about the player's ranged haste
- GetShieldBlock - Returns the amount of damage prevented when the player blocks with a shield
- GetSpeed - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpellBonusDamage - Returns the player's spell damage bonus for a spell school
- GetSpellBonusHealing - Returns the player's amount of bonus healing
- GetSpellCritChance - Returns the player's spell critical strike chance for a spell school
- GetSpellCritChanceFromIntellect - Returns additional spell critical strike chance provided by Intellect
- GetSpellPenetration - Returns the amount of enemy magic resistance ignored due to the player's Spell Penetration Rating
- GetUnitHealthModifier - Returns the health modifier for the player's pet
- GetUnitManaRegenRateFromSpirit - Returns the increase in mana regeneration rate provided by Spirit
- GetUnitMaxHealthModifier - Returns the maximum health modifier for the player's pet
- GetUnitPowerModifier - Returns the mana modifier for the player's pet
- GetVersatilityBonus - This function is not yet documented
- HasSPEffectsAttackPower - This function is not yet documented
- ResistancePercent - Returns the % value of spell resistance depending on resistance value and player level
- UnitArmor - Returns the player's or pet's armor value
- UnitAttackBothHands - Returns information about the player's or pet's weapon skill
- UnitAttackPower - Returns the player's or pet's melee attack power
- UnitAttackSpeed - Returns information about the unit's melee attack speed
- UnitDamage - Returns information about the player's or pet's melee attack damage
- UnitDefense - Returns the player's or pet's Defense skill
- UnitRangedAttack - Returns information about the player's or pet's ranged weapon skill
- UnitRangedAttackPower - Returns the player's or pet's ranged attack power
- UnitRangedDamage - Returns information about the player's or pet's ranged attack damage and speed
- UnitResistance - Returns information about the player's or pet's magic resistance
- UnitStat - Returns information about a basic character statistic for the player or pet
Stopwatch functions
- Stopwatch_Clear - This function is not yet documented
- Stopwatch_FinishCountdown - This function is not yet documented
- Stopwatch_IsPlaying - Returns True/False if Stop Watch is running.
- Stopwatch_Pause - This function is not yet documented
- Stopwatch_Play - This function is not yet documented
- Stopwatch_StartCountdown - Sets the Stop Watches timer value
- Stopwatch_Toggle - Toggles visibility of the StopwatchFrame
Summoning functions
- CancelSummon - Declines an offered summons
- ConfirmSummon - Accepts an offered summons, teleporting the player to the summoner's location
- GetSummonConfirmAreaName - Returns the destination area of an offered summons
- GetSummonConfirmSummoner - Returns the name of the unit offering a summons to the player
- GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft - Returns the amount of time remaining before an offered summons expires
- PlayerCanTeleport - Returns whether the player can accept a summons
Talent functions
- CheckTalentMasterDist - Returns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can reset talents
- ConfirmTalentWipe - Resets the player's talents
- GetActiveSpecGroup - Returns the active talent group/specialisation (Dual Talent system).
- GetCurrentLevelDraenorTalent - This function is not yet documented
- GetInspectSpecialization - Return specialization global ID of inspected player.
- GetInspectTalent - This function is not yet documented
- GetMaxTalentTier - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSpecGroups - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSpecializations - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSpecializationsForClassID - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumUnspentTalents - This function is not yet documented
- GetPetTalentTree - Returns the name of the talent tree used by the player's current pet
- GetSetBonusesForSpecializationByItemID - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpecialization - Return non-global specialization ID of currently active specialization.
- GetSpecializationInfo - Return additional data about player specializations.
- GetSpecializationInfoByID - Return additional data about specializations.
- GetSpecializationInfoForClassID - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpecializationMasterySpells - Returns spellID of the mastery spell for a given specialization index.
- GetSpecializationNameForSpecID - Return the Specialization name by global specialization ID
- GetSpecializationReadinessSpell - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpecializationRole - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpecializationRoleByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetSpecializationSpells - Returns the spells associated with a specialization.
- GetTalentClearInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetTalentInfo - Returns information about a talent option
- GetTalentInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetTalentInfoBySpecialization - This function is not yet documented
- GetTalentLink - Returns a hyperlink for a talent
- GetTalentRowSelectionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- IsTalentSpell - Returns true if the given spellbook item was added by an active talent
- LearnTalent - Learns a talent, spending one talent point
- LearnTalents - This function is not yet documented
- PickupTalent - This function is not yet documented
- RemoveTalent - This function is not yet documented
- SetActiveSpecGroup - This function is not yet documented
- SetSpecialization - This function is not yet documented
- ShouldHideTalentsTab - This function is not yet documented
- UnlearnSpecialization - This function is not yet documented
Targeting functions
- AssistUnit - Targets the unit targeted by another unit
- ClearFocus - Clears the player's focus unit
- ClearTarget - Clears the player's current target
- FocusUnit - Changes the `focus` unitID to refer to a new unit
- SpellCanTargetUnit - Returns whether the spell currently awaiting a target can target a given unit
- SpellTargetUnit - Casts the spell currently awaiting a target on a unit
- TargetLastEnemy - Targets the most recently targeted enemy unit
- TargetLastFriend - Targets the most recently targeted friendly unit
- TargetLastTarget - Targets the most recently targeted unit
- TargetNearest - Cycles targets through nearest units regardless of reaction/affiliation
- TargetNearestEnemy - Cycles your target through the nearest enemy units
- TargetNearestEnemyPlayer - Cycles targets through nearby enemy player units
- TargetNearestFriend - Cycles targets through nearby friendly units
- TargetNearestFriendPlayer - Cycles targets through nearby friendly player units
- TargetNearestPartyMember - Cycles targets through nearby party members
- TargetNearestRaidMember - Cycles targets through nearby raid members
- TargetUnit - Targets a unit
Taxi/Flight functions
- CloseTaxiMap - Ends interaction with the Taxi (flight master) UI
- GetNumRoutes - Returns the number of hops from the current location to another taxi node
- GetTaxiBenchmarkMode - Returns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled
- NumTaxiNodes - Returns the number of flight points on the taxi map
- SetTaxiBenchmarkMode - Enables or disables flight path benchmark mode
- SetTaxiMap - Sets a Texture object to show the appropriate flight map texture
- TakeTaxiNode - Embarks on a taxi flight to a given destination
- TaxiGetDestX - Returns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node
- TaxiGetDestY - Returns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node
- TaxiGetNodeSlot - Returns the starting/ending point of a chosen segment of a multi-hop taxi flight
- TaxiGetSrcX - Returns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's source node
- TaxiGetSrcY - Returns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's source node
- TaxiNodeCost - Returns the cost to fly to a given taxi node
- TaxiNodeGetType - Returns the type of a flight pont
- TaxiNodeName - Returns the name of a flight point
- TaxiNodePosition - Returns the position of a flight point on the taxi map
- TaxiNodeSetCurrent - Sets the "current" flight path node
- UnitOnTaxi - Returns whether a unit is currently riding a flight path (taxi)
Threat functions
- GetThreatStatusColor - Returns color values for a given threat status
- IsThreatWarningEnabled - Returns whether the default Aggro Warning UI should currently be shown
- UnitDetailedThreatSituation - Returns detailed information about the threat status of one unit against another
- UnitThreatSituation - Returns the general threat status of a unit
Tracking functions
- ClearAllTracking - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumTrackingTypes - Returns the number of available minimap object/unit tracking abilities
- GetTrackingInfo - Returns information about a given tracking option
- SetTracking - Enables a given minimap object/unit tracking ability
Trade functions
- AcceptTrade - Accepts a proposed trade
- AddTradeMoney - Adds the money currently on the cursor to the trade window
- BeginTrade - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- CancelTrade - Cancels a trade in progress
- CancelTradeAccept - Cancels the player's acceptance of a trade
- ClickTargetTradeButton - Interacts with an item in a slot offered for trade by the target
- ClickTradeButton - Picks up an item from or puts an item in a slot offered for trade by the player
- CloseTrade - Ends interaction with the Trade UI, canceling any trade in progress
- GetPlayerTradeCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- GetPlayerTradeMoney - Returns the amount of money offered for trade by the player
- GetTargetTradeCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- GetTargetTradeMoney - Returns the amount of money offered for trade by the target
- GetTradePlayerItemInfo - Returns information about an item offered for trade by the player
- GetTradePlayerItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item offered for trade by the player
- GetTradeTargetItemInfo - Returns information about an item offered for trade by the target
- GetTradeTargetItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for an item offered for trade by the target
- InitiateTrade - Offers to trade with a given unit
- PickupTradeMoney - Puts money offered by the player for trade onto the cursor
- ReplaceTradeEnchant - Confirms replacement of an existing enchantment when offering an enchantment for trade
- SetTradeCurrency - This function is not yet documented
- SetTradeMoney - Offers an amount of money for trade
Tradeskill functions
- CloseTradeSkill - Ends interaction with the Trade Skill UI
- CollapseGuildTradeSkillHeader - Collapses the corresponding profession in the guild window
- CollapseTradeSkillSubClass - Collapses a group header in the trade skill listing
- DoTradeSkill - Performs a trade skill recipe
- ExpandGuildTradeSkillHeader - Expands the corresponding profession in the guild window
- ExpandTradeSkillSubClass - Expands a group header in the trade skill listing
- GetFirstTradeSkill - Returns the index of the first non-header in the trade skill listing
- GetGuildTradeSkillInfo - Returns information about the specified guild profession entry.
- GetNumGuildTradeSkill - Returns the number of people and headers currently visible in the profession view of your guild window
- GetNumTradeSkills - Returns the number of entries in the trade skill listing
- GetProfessionInfo - Returns details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level
- GetTradeSkillCategoryFilter - This function is not yet documented
- GetTradeSkillCooldown - Returns the time remaining on a trade skill recipe's cooldown
- GetTradeSkillDescription - Returns descriptive text for a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillIcon - Returns the icon for a trade skill recipe
- GetTradeSkillInfo - Returns information about a trade skill header or recipe
- GetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter - Returns whether the trade skill listing is filtered by a given item equipment slot
- GetTradeSkillInvSlots - Returns a list of recipe equipment slots for the current trade skill
- GetTradeSkillItemLevelFilter - Returns the current settings for filtering the trade skill listing by required level of items produced
- GetTradeSkillItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for the item created by a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillItemNameFilter - Returns the current search text for filtering the trade skill listing by name
- GetTradeSkillLine - Returns information about the current trade skill
- GetTradeSkillListLink - Returns a hyperlink to the player's list of recipes for the current trade skill
- GetTradeSkillNumMade - Returns the number of items created when performing a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillNumReagents - Returns the number of different reagents required for a trade skill recipe
- GetTradeSkillReagentInfo - Returns information about a reagent in a trade skill recipe
- GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for a reagent in a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillRecipeLink - Returns hyperlink for a tradeskill recipe
- GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex - Returns the index of the currently selected trade skill recipe
- GetTradeSkillSubCategories - This function is not yet documented
- GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots - This function is not yet documented
- GetTradeSkillSubClasses - Returns a list of recipe subclasses for the current trade skill
- GetTradeSkillTexture - This function is not yet documented
- GetTradeSkillTools - Returns a list of required tools for a trade skill recipe
- GetTradeskillRepeatCount - Returns the number of times the trade skill recipe currently being performed will repeat
- GetTrainerTradeskillRankValues - This function is not yet documented
- IsTradeSkillGuild - This function is not yet documented
- IsTradeSkillLinked - Returns whether the TradeSkill UI is showing another player's skill
- IsTradeSkillReady - This function is not yet documented
- IsTradeSkillRepeating - This function is not yet documented
- SelectTradeSkill - Selects a recipe in the trade skill listing
- SetGuildTradeSkillCategoryFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SetGuildTradeSkillItemNameFilter - This function is not yet documented
- SetTradeSkillCategoryFilter - Filters the trade skill listing by subclass of items produced
- SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter - Filters the trade skill listing by equipment slot of items produced
- SetTradeSkillItemLevelFilter - Filters the trade skill listing by required level of items produced
- SetTradeSkillItemNameFilter - Filters the trade skill listing by name of recipe, item produced, or reagents
- SetTradeSkillRepeatCount - This function is not yet documented
- SortGuildTradeSkill - This function is not yet documented
- StopTradeSkillRepeat - Cancels repetition of a trade skill recipe
- TradeSkillOnlyShowMakeable - Filters the trade skill listing by whether the player currently has enough reagents for each recipe
- TradeSkillOnlyShowSkillUps - Filters the trade skill listing by whether the player can gain skill ranks from each recipe
- ViewGuildRecipes - Opens the guild profession view for a profession
Trainer functions
- BuyTrainerService - Purchases an ability or recipe available from a trainer
- CheckTalentMasterDist - Returns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can reset talents
- CloseTrainer - Ends interaction with a trainer
- GetNumTrainerServices - Returns the number of entries in the trainer service listing
- GetTrainerGreetingText - Returns the current trainer's greeting text
- GetTrainerSelectionIndex - Returns the index of the currently selected trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceAbilityReq - Returns information about an ability required for purchasing a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceCost - Returns the cost to purchase a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceDescription - Returns the description of a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceIcon - Returns the icon for a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceInfo - Returns information about an entry in the trainer service listing
- GetTrainerServiceItemLink - Returns a hyperlink for the item associated with a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceLevelReq - Returns the character level required to purchase a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceNumAbilityReq - Returns the number of ability requirements for purchasing a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceSkillLine - Returns the name of the skill line associated with a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceSkillReq - Returns information about the skill requirement for a trainer service
- GetTrainerServiceStepIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter - Returns whether the trainer service listing is filtered by a service status
- IsTradeskillTrainer - Returns whether the player is interacting with a trade skill trainer (as opposed to a class trainer)
- OpenTrainer - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- SelectTrainerService - Selects an entry in the trainer service listing
- SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter - Filters the trainer service listing by service status
Transmogrification functions
- ApplyTransmogrifications - Applies all pending transmogrifications, and pays for the cost
- CanTransmogrifyItemWithItem - This function is not yet documented
- ClearTransmogrifySlot - This function is not yet documented
- ClickTransmogrifySlot - This function is not yet documented
- CloseTransmogrifyFrame - This function is not yet documented
- GetItemTransmogrifyInfo - Returns information about the eligibility of an item to be used for transmogrification
- GetTransmogrifyCost - This function is not yet documented
- GetTransmogrifySlotInfo - Return informations about transmogrified items worn by player.
- UseItemForTransmogrify - This function is not yet documented
- UseVoidItemForTransmogrify - This function is not yet documented
- ValidateTransmogrifications - This function is not yet documented
Tutorial functions
- CanResetTutorials - This function is not yet documented
- ClearTutorials - Disables contextual tutorial display
- FlagTutorial - Marks a contextual tutorial as displayed so it doesn't appear again
- GetNextCompleatedTutorial - This function is not yet documented
- GetPrevCompleatedTutorial - This function is not yet documented
- GetTutorialsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- IsTutorialFlagged - This function is not yet documented
- ResetTutorials - Enables contextual tutorial display and clears the list of already displayed tutorials
- TriggerTutorial - This function is not yet documented
UI/Visual functions
- ConsoleAddMessage - Prints text to the debug console
- ConsoleExec - Runs a console command
- GetNamePlateMotionType - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumNamePlateMotionTypes - This function is not yet documented
- SetNamePlateMotionType - This function is not yet documented
- SetupFullscreenScale - Sizes a frame to take up the entire screen regardless of screen resolution
- ShowCloak - Enables or disables display of the player's cloak
- ShowHelm - Enables or disables display of the player's headgear
- ShowingCloak - Returns whether the player's cloak is displayed
- ShowingHelm - Returns whether the player's headgear is displayed
- message - Shows a message box containing the given text
Unit functions
- CanInspect - Returns whether a unit can be inspected
- CheckInteractDistance - Returns whether the player is close enough to a unit for certain types of interaction
- ClosestUnitPosition - This function is not yet documented
- GetGuildInfo - Returns a unit's guild affiliation
- GetMuteStatus - Returns whether a character is muted or silenced
- GetPlayerInfoByGUID - Returns information about a player character identified by globally unique identifier
- GetUnitName - Returns a string summarizing a unit's name and server
- GetUnitSpeed - Returns a unit's current speed
- IsIgnoredOrMuted - Returns whether a unit can be heard due to ignored/muted status
- IsMuted - Returns whether a character has been muted by the player
- IsUnitOnQuest - Returns whether a unit is on one of the quests in the player's quest log
- SetPortraitTexture - Sets a Texture object to show a portrait of a unit
- UnitAffectingCombat - Returns whether a unit is currently in combat
- UnitAlternatePowerCounterInfo - This function is not yet documented
- UnitAlternatePowerInfo - Returns information about a unit's alternate power display
- UnitAlternatePowerTextureInfo - Retrieves textures and colors for the parts of the alternate power indicator
- UnitAura - Returns information about buffs/debuffs on a unit
- UnitBonusArmor - This function is not yet documented
- UnitBuff - Returns information about a buff on a unit
- UnitCanAssist - Returns whether one unit can assist another
- UnitCanAttack - Returns whether one unit can attack another
- UnitCanCooperate - Returns whether two units can cooperate
- UnitCanPetBattle - This function is not yet documented
- UnitCastingInfo - Returns information about the spell a unit is currently casting
- UnitChannelInfo - Returns information about the spell a unit is currently channeling
- UnitClass - Returns a unit's class
- UnitClassBase - Returns a unit's class
- UnitClassification - Returns a unit's classification
- UnitCreatureFamily - Returns the creature family of the unit
- UnitCreatureType - Returns the creature type of a unit
- UnitDebuff - Returns information about a debuff on a unit
- UnitExists - Returns whether a unit exists
- UnitFactionGroup - Returns a unit's primary faction allegiance
- UnitFullName - Will return a units name appended with the realm name without spaces.
- UnitGUID - Returns a unit's globally unique identifier
- UnitGetIncomingHeals - This function is not yet documented
- UnitGetTotalAbsorbs - This function is not yet documented
- UnitGetTotalHealAbsorbs - This function is not yet documented
- UnitGroupRolesAssigned - Returns information about a unit's role in a group
- UnitHPPerStamina - This function is not yet documented
- UnitHasRelicSlot - Returns whether a unit has a relic slot instead of a ranged weapon slot
- UnitHasVehiclePlayerFrameUI - This function is not yet documented
- UnitHealth - Returns a unit's current amount of health
- UnitHealthMax - Returns a unit's maximum health value
- UnitInBattleground - Returns whether a unit is in same battleground instance as the player
- UnitInOtherParty - This function is not yet documented
- UnitInParty - Returns whether a unit is a player unit in the player's party
- UnitInPhase - Return information if unit is in this same phase.
- UnitInRaid - Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid
- UnitInRange - Returns whether a party/raid member is nearby
- UnitInVehicleHidesPetFrame - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsAFK - Returns whether a unit is marked AFK (Away From Keyboard)
- UnitIsCharmed - Returns whether a unit is currently charmed
- UnitIsConnected - Returns whether a unit is connected (i.e. not Offline)
- UnitIsControlling - Returns whether a unit is controlling another unit
- UnitIsCorpse - Returns whether a unit is a corpse
- UnitIsDND - Returns whether a unit is marked DND (Do Not Disturb)
- UnitIsDead - Returns whether a unit is dead
- UnitIsDeadOrGhost - Returns whether a unit is either dead or a ghost
- UnitIsEnemy - Returns whether two units are enemies
- UnitIsFeignDeath - Returns whether a unit is feigning death
- UnitIsFriend - Returns whether two units are friendly
- UnitIsGhost - Returns whether a unit is currently a ghost
- UnitIsGroupAssistant - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsInMyGuild - Returns whether a unit is in the player's guild
- UnitIsPVP - Returns whether a unit is flagged for PvP activity
- UnitIsPVPFreeForAll - Returns whether a unit is flagged for free-for-all PvP
- UnitIsPVPSanctuary - Returns whether a unit is in a Sanctuary area preventing PvP activity
- UnitIsPlayer - Returns whether a unit is a player unit (not an NPC)
- UnitIsPossessed - Returns whether a unit is possessed by another
- UnitIsRaidOfficer - Returns whether a unit is a raid assistant in the player's raid
- UnitIsSameServer - Returns whether two units are from the same server
- UnitIsTapped - Returns whether a unit is tapped
- UnitIsTappedByAllThreatList - Returns whether a unit allows all players on its threat list to receive kill credit
- UnitIsTappedByPlayer - Returns whether a unit is tapped by the player or the player's group
- UnitIsTrivial - Returns whether a unit is trivial at the player's level
- UnitIsUnconscious - This function is not yet documented
- UnitIsUnit - Returns whether two unit references are to the same unit
- UnitIsVisible - Returns whether a unit is in the player's area of interest
- UnitLeadsAnyGroup - Returns whether a unit is the leader of any group
- UnitLevel - Returns a unit's level
- UnitMana - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- UnitManaMax - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- UnitName - Returns the name of a unit
- UnitNumPowerBarTimers - This function is not yet documented
- UnitOnTaxi - Returns whether a unit is currently riding a flight path (taxi)
- UnitPVPName - Returns the name of a unit including the unit's current title
- UnitPlayerControlled - Returns whether a unit is controlled by a player
- UnitPlayerOrPetInParty - Returns whether a unit is in the player's party or belongs to a party member
- UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid - Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid or belongs to a raid member
- UnitPosition - This function is not yet documented
- UnitPower - Returns a unit's current level of mana, rage, energy or other power type
- UnitPowerBarTimerInfo - This function is not yet documented
- UnitPowerMax - Returns a unit's maximum mana, rage, energy or other power type
- UnitPowerType - Returns the power type (energy, mana, rage) of the given unit
- UnitRace - Returns the name of a unit's race
- UnitReaction - Returns the reaction of one unit with regards to another as a number
- UnitRealmRelationship - This function is not yet documented
- UnitSelectionColor - Returns a color indicating hostility and related status of a unit
- UnitSetRole - Sets a unit's role in the group or raid
- UnitSex - Returns the gender of the given unit or player
- UnitSpellHaste - Returns the unit's spell haste as a percentage
- UnitStagger - This function is not yet documented
- UnitThreatPercentageOfLead - This function is not yet documented
- UnitUsingVehicle - Returns whether a unit is using a vehicle
Utility functions
- BreakUpLargeNumbers - This function is not yet documented
- C_Timer.After - Creates and starts a timer that calls 'callback' after 'duration' seconds.
- CreateFont - Creates a new Font object
- CreateFrame - Creates a new Frame object
- EnumerateFrames - Returns the next frame following the frame passed, or nil if no more frames exist
- GetAutoCompleteResults - Returns a list of character names which complete a given partial name prefix
- GetBindingText - This function is not yet documented
- GetClassInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetClassInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetClickFrame - Returns the Frame object associated with the given name
- GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus - Returns the frame currently handling keyboard input
- GetEventTime - This function is not yet documented
- GetFramesRegisteredForEvent - Returns all frames registered for a given event
- GetMirrorTimerInfo - Returns information about special countdown timers
- GetMirrorTimerProgress - Returns a high-resolution value for a special countdown timer
- GetMouseButtonClicked - Returns which mouse button triggered the current script
- GetMouseButtonName - Returns the name for a mouse button specified by number
- GetMouseFocus - Returns the frame that is currently under the mouse, and has mouse input enabled.
- GetMuteName - Returns the name of a character on the mute list
- GetNumClasses - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumFrames - Returns the number of existing Frame objects (and derivatives)
- GetText - Returns a localized string according to given parameters
- GetTime - Returns a number representing the current time (with millisecond precision)
- IsEuropeanNumbers - This function is not yet documented
- IsLoggedIn - Returns whether the login process has completed
- IsMouseButtonDown - Returns whether a given mouse button is held down
- RequestTimePlayed - Requests information from the server about the player character's total time spent online
- RunScript - Runs a string as a Lua script
- SecondsToTime - Returns a description of an amount of time in appropriate units
- SetPortraitToTexture - Sets a Texture object to display an arbitrary texture, altering it to fit a circular frame
- debuglocals - Returns information about the local variables at a given stack depth
- getglobal - Returns the value of a global variable
- scrub - Replaces non-simple values in a list with nil
- setglobal - Sets a global variable to a specified value
- strconcat - Joins a list of strings (with no separator)
- strjoin - Joins a list of strings together with a given separator
- strsplit - Splits a string based on another seperator string
- strtrim - Trims leading and trailing characters (whitespace by default) from a string
- wipe - Removes all entries from a table
Vehicle functions
- CanEjectPassengerFromSeat - Returns whether the player can eject the occupant of a seat in the player's vehicle
- CanExitVehicle - Returns whether the player is in a vehicle
- CanSwitchVehicleSeat - Returns whether the player can change vehicle seats
- CanSwitchVehicleSeats - Returns whether the player is in a vehicle with multiple seats
- CombatTextSetActiveUnit - Sets the main unit for display of floating combat text
- EjectPassengerFromSeat - Ejects the occupant of a seat in the player's vehicle
- GetVehicleBarIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetVehicleUIIndicator - This function is not yet documented
- GetVehicleUIIndicatorSeat - This function is not yet documented
- IsUsingVehicleControls - This is a Blizzard internal function
- IsVehicleAimAngleAdjustable - Returns whether the player is controlling a vehicle weapon with adjustable aim angle
- IsVehicleAimPowerAdjustable - This is a Blizzard internal function
- UnitControllingVehicle - Returns whether a unit is controlling a vehicle
- UnitHasVehicleUI - Returns whether a unit is controlling a vehicle or vehicle weapon
- UnitInVehicle - Returns whether a unit is in a vehicle
- UnitInVehicleControlSeat - Returns whether a unit controls a vehicle
- UnitIsControlling - Returns whether a unit is controlling another unit
- UnitSwitchToVehicleSeat - Moves the player to another seat within his current vehicle
- UnitTargetsVehicleInRaidUI - Returns whether attempts to target a unit should target its vehicle
- UnitUsingVehicle - Returns whether a unit is using a vehicle
- UnitVehicleSeatCount - Returns the number of seats in a unit's vehicle
- UnitVehicleSeatInfo - Returns information about seats in a vehicle
- UnitVehicleSkin - Returns the style of vehicle UI to display for a unit
- VehicleAimDecrement - Adjusts vehicle aim downward by a specified amount
- VehicleAimDownStart - Starts adjusting vehicle aim downward
- VehicleAimDownStop - Stops adjusting vehicle aim downward
- VehicleAimGetAngle - Returns the aim angle of a vehicle weapon
- VehicleAimGetNormAngle - Returns the aim angle of a vehicle weapon relative to its minimum angle
- VehicleAimGetNormPower - This is a Blizzard internal function
- VehicleAimIncrement - Adjusts vehicle aim upward by a specified amount
- VehicleAimRequestAngle - Attempts to set a vehicle weapon's aim angle to a specific value
- VehicleAimRequestNormAngle - Attempts to set a vehicle weapon's aim angle to a specific value relative to its minimum value
- VehicleAimSetNormPower - This is a Blizzard internal function
- VehicleAimUpStart - Starts adjusting vehicle aim upward
- VehicleAimUpStop - Stops adjusting vehicle aim upward
- VehicleCameraZoomIn - Zooms the player's view in while in a vehicle
- VehicleCameraZoomOut - Zooms the player's view out while in a vehicle
- VehicleExit - Removes the player from the current vehicle
- VehicleNextSeat - Moves the player from his current seat in a vehicle to the next sequentially numbered seat
- VehiclePrevSeat - Moves the player from his current seat in a vehicle to the previous sequentially numbered seat
Video functions
- AntiAliasingSupported - This function is not yet documented
- AutoChooseCurrentGraphicsSetting - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentGraphicsSetting - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentResolution - Returns the index of the current resolution setting
- GetDefaultVideoOptions - This function is not yet documented
- GetDefaultVideoQualityOption - This function is not yet documented
- GetFramerate - Returns the number of frames per second rendered by the client
- GetGamma - Returns the current display gamma setting
- GetGraphicsAPIs - This function is not yet documented
- GetMaxAnimFramerate - This function is not yet documented
- GetMonitorAspectRatio - Query a monitor's aspect ratio
- GetMonitorCount - Returns the number of monitors connected
- GetMonitorName - Returns the system name of a selected monitor
- GetNumberOfDetailTiles - This function is not yet documented
- GetRefreshRates - Returns a list of available screen refresh rates
- GetScreenHeight - Returns the height of the screen for UI layout purposes
- GetScreenResolutions - Returns a list of available screen resolutions
- GetScreenWidth - Returns the width of the screen for UI layout purposes
- GetVideoCaps - Returns information about graphics capabilities of the current system
- GetVideoOptions - Returns video options for different video quality levels
- IsDesaturateSupported - Returns whether the current hardware supports desaturated textures
- IsStereoVideoAvailable - Returns whether the current system supports stereoscopic 3D display
- RestartGx - Restart the client's graphic subsystem
- SetCurrentGraphicsSetting - This function is not yet documented
- SetDefaultVideoOptions - This function is not yet documented
- SetGamma - Changes the display gamma setting
- SetMaxAnimFramerate - This function is not yet documented
- SetScreenResolution - Changes the screen resolution
- SetSelectedScreenResolutionIndex - This function is not yet documented
Voice functions
- AddMute - Adds a character to the muted list for voice chat
- AddOrDelMute - Adds or removes a character from the voice mute list
- ChannelSilenceAll - Silences a character for chat and voice on a channel
- ChannelSilenceVoice - Silences the given character for voice chat on the channel
- ChannelUnSilenceAll - Unsilences a character for chat and voice on a channel
- ChannelUnSilenceVoice - Unsilences a character on a chat channel
- ChannelVoiceOff - Disables voice chat in a channel
- ChannelVoiceOn - Enables voice chat in a channel
- DelMute - Removes a character from the muted list for voice chat
- DisplayChannelVoiceOff - Disables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display
- DisplayChannelVoiceOn - Enables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display
- GetActiveVoiceChannel - Returns the currently active voice channel
- GetMuteName - Returns the name of a character on the mute list
- GetMuteStatus - Returns whether a character is muted or silenced
- GetNumMutes - Returns the number of characters on the player's mute list
- GetNumVoiceSessionMembersBySessionID - Returns the number of members in a voice channel
- GetNumVoiceSessions - Returns the number of available voice channels
- GetSelectedMute - Returns the index of the selected entry in the Muted list
- GetVoiceCurrentSessionID - Returns an identifier for the active voice session
- GetVoiceSessionInfo - Returns information about a voice session
- GetVoiceSessionMemberInfoBySessionID - Returns information about a member of a voice channel
- GetVoiceStatus - Returns whether a character has voice chat enabled
- IsIgnoredOrMuted - Returns whether a unit can be heard due to ignored/muted status
- IsMuted - Returns whether a character has been muted by the player
- IsSilenced - Returns whether a character is silenced on a chat channel
- IsVoiceChatAllowed - Returns whether the player is allowed to enable the voice chat feature
- IsVoiceChatAllowedByServer - Returns whether voice chat is supported by the realm server
- IsVoiceChatEnabled - Returns whether the voice chat system is enabled
- SetActiveVoiceChannel - Sets the currently active voice channel
- SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionID - Sets the currently active voice chat channel
- SetSelectedMute - Selects an entry in the Muted list
- UnitIsSilenced - Returns whether a character is silenced on a voice channel
- UnitIsTalking - Returns whether a unit is currently speaking in voice chat
- VoiceChat_ActivatePrimaryCaptureCallback - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- VoiceChat_GetCurrentMicrophoneSignalLevel - Returns the current volume level of the microphone signal
- VoiceChat_IsPlayingLoopbackSound - Returns whether the Microphone Test recording is playing
- VoiceChat_IsRecordingLoopbackSound - Returns whether a Microphone Test is recording
- VoiceChat_PlayLoopbackSound - Plays back the Microphone Test recording
- VoiceChat_RecordLoopbackSound - Begins recording a Microphone Test
- VoiceChat_StartCapture - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- VoiceChat_StopCapture - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
- VoiceChat_StopPlayingLoopbackSound - Stops playing the Microphone Test recording
- VoiceChat_StopRecordingLoopbackSound - Stops recording a Microphone Test
- VoiceEnumerateCaptureDevices - Returns the name of an audio input device for voice chat
- VoiceEnumerateOutputDevices - Returns the name of an audio output device for voice chat
- VoiceGetCurrentCaptureDevice - Returns the index of the current voice capture device
- VoiceGetCurrentOutputDevice - Returns the index of the current voice output device
- VoiceIsDisabledByClient - Returns whether the voice chat system cannot be enabled
- VoicePushToTalkStart - Used internally to start talking, when push-to-talk is active in voice chat.
- VoicePushToTalkStop - Used internally to stop talking, when push-to-talk is active in voice chat
- VoiceSelectCaptureDevice - Selects an audio input device for voice chat
- VoiceSelectOutputDevice - Selects an audio output device for voice chat
Void storage functions
- CanUseVoidStorage - This function is not yet documented
- ClearVoidTransferDepositSlot - This function is not yet documented
- ClickVoidStorageSlot - Allows to 'move' an item from the void storages content to the withdrawal box
- ClickVoidTransferDepositSlot - Allows to 'move' an item from the void storages deposit box back to inventory
- ClickVoidTransferWithdrawalSlot - Allows to 'move' an item from the void storages withdrawal box to content
- CloseVoidStorageFrame - This function is not yet documented
- ExecuteVoidTransfer - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumVoidTransferDeposit - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumVoidTransferWithdrawal - This function is not yet documented
- GetVoidItemHyperlinkString - This function is not yet documented
- GetVoidItemInfo - Returns item info for the given void storage slot
- GetVoidStorageSlotPageIndex - This function is not yet documented
- GetVoidTransferCost - This function is not yet documented
- GetVoidTransferDepositInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetVoidTransferWithdrawalInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetVoidUnlockCost - This function is not yet documented
- IsVoidStorageReady - Returns whether the void storage content can be accessed
- UnlockVoidStorage - This function is not yet documented
- UseVoidItemForTransmogrify - This function is not yet documented
Wargame functions
- CanInitiateWarGame - This is a Blizzard internal function
- CollapseWarGameHeader - This function is not yet documented
- CommentatorStartWargame - This is a Blizzard internal function
- ExpandWarGameHeader - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumWarGameTypes - This function is not yet documented
- GetSelectedWarGameType - This function is not yet documented
- GetWarGameQueueStatus - This is a Blizzard internal function
- GetWarGameTypeInfo - This function is not yet documented
- IsWargame - This function is not yet documented
- SetSelectedWarGameType - This function is not yet documented
- StartSpectatorWarGame - This function is not yet documented
- StartWarGame - This is a Blizzard internal function
- StartWarGameByName - This function is not yet documented
- UpdateWarGamesList - This function is not yet documented
- WarGameRespond - This is a Blizzard internal function
Zone information functions
- GetMinimapZoneText - Returns the name of the current area (as displayed in the Minimap)
- GetRealZoneText - Returns the "official" name of the zone or instance in which the player is located
- GetSubZoneText - Returns the name of the minor area in which the player is located
- GetZonePVPInfo - Returns PVP information about the current area
- GetZoneText - Returns the name of the zone in which the player is located
- HasDraenorZoneAbility - This function is not yet documented
- IsSubZonePVPPOI - Returns whether the current area has PvP (or other) objectives to be displayed
- C_Scenario.IsChallengeMode - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeBestTime - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeBestTimeInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeBestTimeNum - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeMapMoney - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeMapRewardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeMode - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeCompletionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeCompletionReward - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeLeaderInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeMapInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeMapPlayerStats - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeMapTable - This function is not yet documented
- GetChallengeModeMapTimes - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumChallengeMapRewards - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumChallengeModeLeaders - This function is not yet documented
- RequestChallengeModeLeaders - This function is not yet documented
- RequestChallengeModeMapInfo - This function is not yet documented
- RequestChallengeModeRewards - This function is not yet documented
- ResetChallengeMode - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_ClearSearch - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetCreatureInfo - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetCurrentInstance - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetCurrentTier - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetDifficulty - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetEncounterInfo - Displays encounter journal information for the encounter.
- EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetInstanceByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetInstanceInfo - Returns information about an instance used by the Dungeon Journal.
- EJ_GetLootFilter - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetLootInfo - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetLootInfoByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetMapEncounter - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetNumLoot - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetNumSearchResults - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetNumTiers - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetSearchResult - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetSectionInfo - Returns information regarding a "section" of the encounter journal. A "section" is a phase, unit or ability of an encounter.
- EJ_GetSectionPath - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_GetTierInfo - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_HandleLinkPath - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_InstanceIsRaid - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_IsValidInstanceDifficulty - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_ResetLootFilter - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_SelectEncounter - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_SelectInstance - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_SelectTier - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_SetDifficulty - Set the dungeon difficulty of the Encounter Journal
- EJ_SetLootFilter - This function is not yet documented
- EJ_SetSearch - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.AddFollowerToMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.AssignFollowerToBuilding - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CanGenerateRecruits - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CanOpenMissionChest - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CanSetRecruitmentPreference - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CanUpgradeGarrison - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CancelConstruction - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CastSpellOnFollower - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CloseArchitect - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CloseGarrisonTradeskillNPC - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CloseMissionNPC - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CloseRecruitmentNPC - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.CloseTradeskillCrafter - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GenerateRecruits - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetAvailableMissions - Returns an array of available missions.
- C_Garrison.GetAvailableRecruits - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBasicMissionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuffedFollowersForMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingInfo - Returns information on a garrison building
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingLockInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingSizes - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingSpecInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingTimeRemaining - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingTooltip - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingUpgradeInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildings - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingsForPlot - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetBuildingsForSize - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetCompleteMissions - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilities - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndexByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityCounterMechanicInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityDescription - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityIcon - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityIsTrait - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityLink - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityName - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerActivationCost - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerBiasForMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpec - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecAtlas - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecName - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerDisplayID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerDisplayIDByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfoForBuilding - Returns info about a follower assigned to a building
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerItemLevelAverage - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerItems - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerLevel - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerLevelXP - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerLink - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerLinkByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerMissionCompleteInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerModelItems - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerName - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerNameByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerPortraitIconIDByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerQuality - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerQualityTable - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerSoftCap - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerSourceTextByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerStatus - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerTraitAtIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerTraitAtIndexByID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerXP - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowerXPTable - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowers - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetFollowersTraitsForMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetGarrisonInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetGarrisonUpgradeCost - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetInProgressMissions - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetLandingPageItems - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentCount - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfo - Returns info about a particular Garrison Building's shipments.
- C_Garrison.GetMissionCompleteEncounters - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionDisplayIDs - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionLink - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionMaxFollowers - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionName - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionRewardInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionTimes - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetMissionUncounteredMechanics - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumActiveFollowers - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumFollowerActivationsRemaining - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumFollowerDailyActivations - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumFollowers - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumFollowersOnMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumPendingShipments - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetNumShipmentReagents - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetOwnedBuildingInfo - Returns information on a building in the character's garrison
- C_Garrison.GetOwnedBuildingInfoAbbrev - Returns basic information on garrison buildings.
- C_Garrison.GetPartyBuffs - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetPartyMissionInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetPendingShipmentInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetPlots - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetPlotsForBuilding - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetPossibleFollowersForBuilding - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetRecruitAbilities - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetRecruiterAbilityCategories - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetRecruiterAbilityList - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetRecruitmentPreferences - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetRewardChance - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetShipmentContainerInfo - Returns text used by the work order UI.
- C_Garrison.GetShipmentItemInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentCurrencyInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentItemLink - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetSpecChangeCost - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.GetTabForPlot - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsAboveFollowerSoftCap - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsFollowerCollected - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsFollowerUnique - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsInvasionAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsOnGarrisonMap - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsUsingPartyGarrison - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.IsVisitGarrisonAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.MarkMissionComplete - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.MissionBonusRoll - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.PlaceBuilding - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RecruitFollower - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RemoveFollower - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RemoveFollowerFromBuilding - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RemoveFollowerFromMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RequestGarrisonUpgradeable - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RequestLandingPageShipmentInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RequestShipmentCreation - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.RequestShipmentInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SearchForFollower - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SetBuildingActive - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SetBuildingSpecialization - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SetFollowerFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SetFollowerInactive - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SetRecruitmentPreferences - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SetUsingPartyGarrison - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.StartMission - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.SwapBuildings - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.UpgradeBuilding - This function is not yet documented
- C_Garrison.UpgradeGarrison - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentChangeAppearanceToTrophyID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentCloseMonumentUI - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentGetCount - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentGetSelectedTrophyID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentGetTrophyInfoByIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentLoadList - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentLoadSelectedTrophyID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentRevertAppearanceToSaved - This function is not yet documented
- C_Trophy.MonumentSaveSelection - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.Dismiss - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.GetCollectedFilterSetting - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.GetIsFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.GetMountInfo - Returns information about a mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtra - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.GetNumMounts - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.Pickup - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.SetCollectedFilterSetting - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.SetIsFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- C_MountJournal.Summon - This function is not yet documented
- C_NewItems.ClearAll - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.AcceptInvite - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.ApplyToGroup - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.CancelApplication - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.ClearSearchResults - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.CreateListing - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.DeclineApplicant - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.DeclineInvite - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetActiveEntryInfo - returns boolean on whether activity is active or not
- C_LFGList.GetActivityGroupInfo - returns a string describing activity associated with activity_ID
- C_LFGList.GetActivityInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoExpensive - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberStats - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetApplicants - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetApplicationInfo - Takes a group ID and returns the status of the application
- C_LFGList.GetApplications - Returns a table with the groups the player has applied for
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivities - returns table of ID's for available activities
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivityGroups - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableCategories - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableRoles - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetCategoryInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetNumApplicants - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetNumApplications - Returns the number of groups the player has applied for.
- C_LFGList.GetNumInvitedApplicantMembers - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetRoleCheckInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultEncounterInfo - Takes a group id and returns a table with the encounter info of the group
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultFriends - returns table pairs #:NameOfFriend
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo - Takes a group id and returns data on the group
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberCounts - return table
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberInfo - given group_id and member_index, returns member_role such as DAMAGER,TANK,HEALER
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResults - Returns the number of groups listed and a table containing group ids of all enlisted groups
- C_LFGList.HasActivityList - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.InviteApplicant - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.IsCurrentlyApplying - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.RefreshApplicants - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.RemoveApplicant - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.RemoveListing - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.ReportApplicant - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.ReportSearchResult - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.RequestAvailableActivities - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.Search - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.SetApplicantMemberRole - This function is not yet documented
- C_LFGList.UpdateListing - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetBonusStepRewardQuestID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetBonusSteps - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfoByStep - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetProvingGroundsInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetScenarioIconInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetStepInfo - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.GetSupersededObjectives - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.IsChallengeMode - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.IsInScenario - This function is not yet documented
- C_Scenario.TreatScenarioAsDungeon - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumRandomScenarios - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumScenarios - This function is not yet documented
- GetRandomScenarioBestChoice - This function is not yet documented
- GetRandomScenarioInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetScenariosChoiceOrder - This function is not yet documented
- IsInScenarioGroup - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.ClearAllSourceTypesFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.FilterToys - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetFilterCollected - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetFilterUncollected - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetIsFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetNumFilteredToys - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetNumLearnedDisplayedToys - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetNumTotalDisplayedToys - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetNumToys - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetToyFromIndex - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.GetToyInfo - Returns information about an item by id
- C_ToyBox.GetToyLink - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.HasFavorites - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.IsSourceTypeFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.PickupToyBoxItem - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.SetAllSourceTypesFiltered - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.SetFilterCollected - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.SetFilterSourceType - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.SetFilterString - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.SetFilterUncollected - This function is not yet documented
- C_ToyBox.SetIsFavorite - This function is not yet documented
- PlayerHasToy - This function is not yet documented
- UseToy - Use a Toy
- UseToyByName - Activates a toy from the Toy Box
Uncategorized functions
- C_NewItems.IsNewItem - This function is not yet documented
- C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem - This function is not yet documented
- C_ProductChoice.GetChoices - This function is not yet documented
- C_ProductChoice.GetNumSuppressed - This function is not yet documented
- C_ProductChoice.GetProducts - This function is not yet documented
- C_ProductChoice.MakeSelection - This function is not yet documented
- C_StorePublic.IsDisabledByParentalControls - This function is not yet documented
- C_StorePublic.IsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
- C_Vignettes.GetNumVignettes - This function is not yet documented
- C_Vignettes.GetVignetteGUID - This function is not yet documented
- C_Vignettes.GetVignetteInfoFromInstanceID - This function is not yet documented
- CanCancelScene - This function is not yet documented
- CanChangePlayerDifficulty - This function is not yet documented
- CanScanResearchSite - This function is not yet documented
- CanSendSoRByText - This function is not yet documented
- CanUseSoulstone - This function is not yet documented
- CancelScene - This function is not yet documented
- CannotBeResurrected - This function is not yet documented
- ClearBattlemaster - This function is not yet documented
- CloseResearch - This function is not yet documented
- ClosestGameObjectPosition - This function is not yet documented
- ConfirmOnUse - This function is not yet documented
- GetAlternatePowerInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
- GetAmplify - This function is not yet documented
- GetAtlasInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetAvailableBandwidth - This function is not yet documented
- GetBackgroundLoadingStatus - This function is not yet documented
- GetCleave - This function is not yet documented
- GetContinentName - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentEventID - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentLevelFeatures - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentRefresh - This function is not yet documented
- GetCurrentRegion - This function is not yet documented
- GetDemotionRank - This function is not yet documented
- GetDetailColumnString - This function is not yet documented
- GetDifficultyInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetDownloadedPercentage - This function is not yet documented
- GetDungeonForRandomSlot - This function is not yet documented
- GetDungeonInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetFileStreamingStatus - This function is not yet documented
- GetFriendshipReputation - This function is not yet documented
- GetFriendshipReputationRanks - This function is not yet documented
- GetGroupMemberCounts - This function is not yet documented
- GetHolidayBGInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetInsertItemsLeftToRight - This function is not yet documented
- GetMaxNumCUFProfiles - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumDungeonForRandomSlot - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumRandomDungeons - This function is not yet documented
- GetNumSoRRemaining - This function is not yet documented
- GetObjectIconTextureCoords - This function is not yet documented
- GetPromotionRank - This function is not yet documented
- GetRandomBGInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetReadiness - This function is not yet documented
- GetSchoolString - This function is not yet documented
- GetSecondsUntilParentalControlsKick - This function is not yet documented
- GetSheathState - This function is not yet documented
- GetSturdiness - This function is not yet documented
- GetTaskInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetTaskPOIs - This function is not yet documented
- GetTasksTable - This function is not yet documented
- GetToolTipInfo - This function is not yet documented
- GetWebTicket - This function is not yet documented
- GetWorldEffectTextureCoords - This function is not yet documented
- GroupHasOfflineMember - This function is not yet documented
- HasAlternateForm - This function is not yet documented
- HasBoundGemProposed - This function is not yet documented
- HasDualWieldPenalty - This function is not yet documented
- HasLoadedCUFProfiles - This function is not yet documented
- HasTravelPass - This function is not yet documented
- IsAllowedToUserTeleport - This function is not yet documented
- IsDualWielding - This function is not yet documented
- IsInAuthenticatedRank - This function is not yet documented
- IsLoggingOut - This function is not yet documented
- IsNPCCrafting - This function is not yet documented
- IsRangedWeapon - This function is not yet documented
- IsSubmerged - This function is not yet documented
- IsZoomOutAvailable - This function is not yet documented
- LoadURLIndex - This function is not yet documented
- MouseOverrideCinematicDisable - This function is not yet documented
- QueryCastSequence - This function is not yet documented
- RegisterStaticConstants - This function is not yet documented
- SecureButton_GetModifiedUnit - This function is not yet documented
- SendSoRByText - This function is not yet documented
- SendSystemMessage - This function is not yet documented
- SetDungeonDifficultyID - This function is not yet documented
- SetPOIIconOverlapDistance - This function is not yet documented
- SetPOIIconOverlapPushDistance - This function is not yet documented
- SetRefresh - This function is not yet documented
- SortBGList - This function is not yet documented
- TEXT - This function is not yet documented
- ToggleAnimKitDisplay - This function is not yet documented