Achievement functions

Action functions

ActionBar functions

Addon-related functions

Archaeology profession functions

Arena functions

Auction functions

Bank functions

Barbershop functions functions

Battlefield functions

Blizzard internal functions

Buff functions

CVar functions

  • GetCVar - Returns the value of a configuration variable
  • GetCVarBitfield - This function is not yet documented
  • GetCVarBool - Returns the value of a configuration variable in a format compatible with Lua conditional expressions
  • GetCVarDefault - Returns the default value of a configuration variable
  • GetCVarInfo - Returns information about a configuration variable
  • RegisterCVar - Registers a configuration variable to be saved
  • SetCVar - Sets the value of a configuration variable
  • SetCVarBitfield - This function is not yet documented

Calendar functions

Camera functions

  • CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart - Begins camera movement or selection (equivalent to left-clicking in the 3-D world)
  • CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop - Ends action initiated by [[docs/api/CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart|`CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart`]]
  • CameraZoomIn - Zooms the camera in by a specified distance
  • CameraZoomOut - Zooms the camera out by a specified distance
  • FlipCameraYaw - Rotates the camera around the player
  • IsMouselooking - Returns whether mouselook mode is active
  • MouselookStart - Enables mouselook mode, in which cursor movement rotates the camera
  • MouselookStop - Disables mouselook mode
  • MoveViewDownStart - Begins orbiting the camera downward (to look upward)
  • MoveViewDownStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewDownStart|`MoveViewDownStart`]]
  • MoveViewInStart - Begins zooming the camera inward (towards/through the player character)
  • MoveViewInStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewInStart|`MoveViewInStart`]]
  • MoveViewLeftStart - Begins orbiting the camera around the player character to the left
  • MoveViewLeftStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewLeftStart|`MoveViewLeftStart`]]
  • MoveViewOutStart - Begins zooming the camera outward (away from the player character)
  • MoveViewOutStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewOutStart|`MoveViewOutStart`]]
  • MoveViewRightStart - Begins orbiting the camera around the player character to the right
  • MoveViewRightStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewRightStart|`MoveViewRightStart`]]
  • MoveViewUpStart - Begins orbiting the camera upward (to look down)
  • MoveViewUpStop - Ends camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewUpStart|`MoveViewUpStart`]]
  • NextView - Moves the camera to the next predefined setting
  • PrevView - Moves the camera to the previous predefined setting
  • ResetView - Resets a saved camera setting to default values
  • SaveView - Saves the current camera settings
  • SetView - Moves the camera to a saved camera setting

Channel functions

Chat functions

Class resource functions

  • DestroyTotem - Destroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
  • GetEclipseDirection - Returns the direction in which the players eclipse is moving.
  • GetRuneCooldown - Returns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources
  • GetRuneCount - Returns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots
  • GetRuneType - Returns the type of one of the player's rune resources
  • GetTotemInfo - Returns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
  • GetTotemTimeLeft - Returns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears
  • TargetTotem - Targets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)

Client control and information functions

Combat functions

CombatLog functions

Commentator functions

Companion functions

Complaint functions

Container functions

Currency functions

Cursor functions

Debugging and Profiling functions

Deprecated functions

Duel functions

  • AcceptDuel - Accepts a proposed duel
  • CancelDuel - Cancels an ongoing duel, or declines an offered duel
  • StartDuel - Challenges another player to a duel

Equipment Manager functions

Experience (XP) functions

  • GetRewardXP - Returns the experience awarded when completing a quest
  • GetXPExhaustion - Returns the amount of rested bonus experience available
  • IsXPUserDisabled - Returns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player
  • UnitXP - Returns the player's current amount of experience points
  • UnitXPMax - Return the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level

Faction functions

Flyout button functions

GM Survey functions

GM Ticket functions

Glyph functions

Guild bank functions

Guild functions

Hyperlink functions

In-game movie playback functions

Inspect functions

Instance functions

Inventory functions

Item Text functions

Item Upgrade functions

Item functions

Keybind functions

Keyboard functions

Knowledge-base functions

Limited play time functions

  • GetBillingTimeRested - Returns the amount of time for which the player must be offline in order to lift play time restrictions
  • NoPlayTime - Returns whether the player has exceeded the allowed play time limit
  • PartialPlayTime - Returns whether the player is near the allowed play time limit

Locale-specific functions

Looking for group functions

Loot functions

Lua library functions

  • acos - Alternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians
  • acos - Alternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians
  • asin - Alternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians
  • asin - Alternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians
  • assert - Causes a Lua error if a condition is failed
  • atan - Alternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians
  • atan - Alternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians
  • atan2 - This function is not yet documented
  • ceil - Returns the smallest integer larger than or equal to a number
  • collectgarbage - Interface to the Lua garbage collector
  • cos - Alternative to math.cos, using degrees instead of radians
  • date - Returns a formatted date/time string for a date (or the current date)
  • difftime - Returns the number of seconds between two time values
  • error - Causes a Lua error message
  • fastrandom - This function is not yet documented
  • floor - Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to a number
  • foreach - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
  • foreachi - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
  • format - Returns a formatted string containing specified values
  • frexp - Returns the normalized fraction and base-2 exponent for a number
  • gcinfo - Returns the total Lua memory usage
  • getfenv - Returns the environment for a function (or the global environment)
  • getmetatable - Returns an object's metatable
  • getn - This function is deprecated and should no longer be used
  • gmatch - Returns an iterator function for finding pattern matches in a string
  • gsub - Returns a string in which occurrences of a pattern are replaced
  • ipairs - Returns an iterator function for integer keys in a table
  • ldexp - Returns the number generated by a normalized fraction and base-2 exponent
  • loadstring - Loads and compiles Lua source code
  • next - Returns the next key/value pair in a table
  • pairs - Returns an iterator function for a table
  • pcall - Executes a function in protected mode
  • random - Generates a pseudo-random number
  • rawequal - Returns whether two values are equal without invoking any metamethods
  • rawget - Returns the real value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods
  • rawset - Sets the value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods
  • select - Returns one or more values from a list (`...`), or the number of values in a list
  • setfenv - Sets the environment to be used by a function
  • setmetatable - Sets the metatable for a table
  • sin - Alternative to math.sin, using degrees instead of radians
  • sort - Sorts a table
  • sqrt - Returns the square root of a number
  • tContains - This function is not yet documented
  • tDelete - This function is not yet documented
  • tan - Alternative to math.tan, using degrees instead of radians
  • time - Returns the numeric time value for a described date/time (or the current time)
  • tonumber - Returns the numeric value of a string
  • tostring - Returns a string representation of a value
  • type - Returns a string describing the data type of a value
  • unpack - Returns the list of elements in a table
  • xpcall - Executes a function in protected mode with a custom error handler

Mac client functions

Macro functions

Mail functions

Map functions

Merchant functions

Modified click functions

Money functions

Movement functions

NPC "Gossip" Dialog functions

Objectives tracking functions

Party functions

Pet Stable functions

Pet battles functions

Pet functions

Pet journal functions

Petition functions

Player information functions

PvP functions

Quest functions

Raid functions

Realm functions

Recruit-a-friend functions

Secure execution utility functions

  • InCombatLockdown - Returns whether the user interface is protected due to combat
  • forceinsecure - Causes the current execution path to continue outside the secure environment
  • hooksecurefunc - Add a function to be called after execution of a secure function
  • issecure - Returns whether the current execution path is secure
  • issecurevariable - Returns whether a variable is secure (and if not, which addon tainted it)
  • newproxy - Creates a zero-length userdata with an optional metatable.
  • securecall - Calls a function without tainting the execution path

Skill functions

Social functions

  • AddFriend - Adds a character to the friends list
  • AddIgnore - Adds a character to the ignore list
  • AddOrDelIgnore - Adds the named character to the ignore list, or removes the character if already in the ignore list
  • AddOrRemoveFriend - Adds the named character to the friends list, or removes the character if already in the friends list
  • BNGetFriendIndex - Returns friendlist index of a BN friend
  • DelIgnore - Removes a player from the ignore list
  • GetFriendInfo - Returns information about a character on the player's friends list
  • GetIgnoreName - Returns the name of a character on the ignore list
  • GetNumFriends - Returns the number of characters and online characters on the player's friends list
  • GetNumIgnores - Returns the number of characters on the player's ignore list
  • GetNumWhoResults - Returns the number of results from a Who system query
  • GetSelectedFriend - Returns the index of the selected character in the player's friends list
  • GetSelectedIgnore - Returns the index of the selected character in the player's ignore list
  • GetWhoInfo - Returns information about a character in the Who system query results
  • IsIgnored - Returns whether a unit is on the player's ignore list
  • RemoveFriend - Removes a character from the friends list
  • SendWho - Requests a list of characters meeting given search criteria from the server
  • SetFriendNotes - Sets note text associated with a friends list entry
  • SetSelectedFriend - Selects a character in the player's friends list
  • SetSelectedIgnore - Selects a character in the player's ignore list
  • SetWhoToUI - Changes the delivery method for results from [[docs/api/SendWho|`SendWho()`]] queries
  • ShowFriends - Requests friends/ignore list information from the server
  • SortWho - Sorts the Who system query results list

Socketing functions

Sound functions

Spell functions

Stance/Shapeshift functions

Stat information functions

Stopwatch functions

Summoning functions

Talent functions

Targeting functions

Taxi/Flight functions

  • CloseTaxiMap - Ends interaction with the Taxi (flight master) UI
  • GetNumRoutes - Returns the number of hops from the current location to another taxi node
  • GetTaxiBenchmarkMode - Returns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled
  • NumTaxiNodes - Returns the number of flight points on the taxi map
  • SetTaxiBenchmarkMode - Enables or disables flight path benchmark mode
  • SetTaxiMap - Sets a Texture object to show the appropriate flight map texture
  • TakeTaxiNode - Embarks on a taxi flight to a given destination
  • TaxiGetDestX - Returns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node
  • TaxiGetDestY - Returns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node
  • TaxiGetNodeSlot - Returns the starting/ending point of a chosen segment of a multi-hop taxi flight
  • TaxiGetSrcX - Returns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's source node
  • TaxiGetSrcY - Returns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's source node
  • TaxiNodeCost - Returns the cost to fly to a given taxi node
  • TaxiNodeGetType - Returns the type of a flight pont
  • TaxiNodeName - Returns the name of a flight point
  • TaxiNodePosition - Returns the position of a flight point on the taxi map
  • TaxiNodeSetCurrent - Sets the "current" flight path node
  • UnitOnTaxi - Returns whether a unit is currently riding a flight path (taxi)

Threat functions

Tracking functions

Trade functions

Tradeskill functions

Trainer functions

Transmogrification functions

Tutorial functions

UI/Visual functions

Unit functions

Utility functions

Vehicle functions

Video functions

Voice functions

Void storage functions

Wargame functions

Zone information functions

  • GetMinimapZoneText - Returns the name of the current area (as displayed in the Minimap)
  • GetRealZoneText - Returns the "official" name of the zone or instance in which the player is located
  • GetSubZoneText - Returns the name of the minor area in which the player is located
  • GetZonePVPInfo - Returns PVP information about the current area
  • GetZoneText - Returns the name of the zone in which the player is located
  • HasDraenorZoneAbility - This function is not yet documented
  • IsSubZonePVPPOI - Returns whether the current area has PvP (or other) objectives to be displayed









Uncategorized functions

  • C_NewItems.IsNewItem - This function is not yet documented
  • C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem - This function is not yet documented
  • C_ProductChoice.GetChoices - This function is not yet documented
  • C_ProductChoice.GetNumSuppressed - This function is not yet documented
  • C_ProductChoice.GetProducts - This function is not yet documented
  • C_ProductChoice.MakeSelection - This function is not yet documented
  • C_StorePublic.IsDisabledByParentalControls - This function is not yet documented
  • C_StorePublic.IsEnabled - This function is not yet documented
  • C_Vignettes.GetNumVignettes - This function is not yet documented
  • C_Vignettes.GetVignetteGUID - This function is not yet documented
  • C_Vignettes.GetVignetteInfoFromInstanceID - This function is not yet documented
  • CanCancelScene - This function is not yet documented
  • CanChangePlayerDifficulty - This function is not yet documented
  • CanScanResearchSite - This function is not yet documented
  • CanSendSoRByText - This function is not yet documented
  • CanUseSoulstone - This function is not yet documented
  • CancelScene - This function is not yet documented
  • CannotBeResurrected - This function is not yet documented
  • ClearBattlemaster - This function is not yet documented
  • CloseResearch - This function is not yet documented
  • ClosestGameObjectPosition - This function is not yet documented
  • ConfirmOnUse - This function is not yet documented
  • GetAlternatePowerInfoByID - This function is not yet documented
  • GetAmplify - This function is not yet documented
  • GetAtlasInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetAvailableBandwidth - This function is not yet documented
  • GetBackgroundLoadingStatus - This function is not yet documented
  • GetCleave - This function is not yet documented
  • GetContinentName - This function is not yet documented
  • GetCurrentEventID - This function is not yet documented
  • GetCurrentLevelFeatures - This function is not yet documented
  • GetCurrentRefresh - This function is not yet documented
  • GetCurrentRegion - This function is not yet documented
  • GetDemotionRank - This function is not yet documented
  • GetDetailColumnString - This function is not yet documented
  • GetDifficultyInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetDownloadedPercentage - This function is not yet documented
  • GetDungeonForRandomSlot - This function is not yet documented
  • GetDungeonInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetFileStreamingStatus - This function is not yet documented
  • GetFriendshipReputation - This function is not yet documented
  • GetFriendshipReputationRanks - This function is not yet documented
  • GetGroupMemberCounts - This function is not yet documented
  • GetHolidayBGInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetInsertItemsLeftToRight - This function is not yet documented
  • GetMaxNumCUFProfiles - This function is not yet documented
  • GetNumDungeonForRandomSlot - This function is not yet documented
  • GetNumRandomDungeons - This function is not yet documented
  • GetNumSoRRemaining - This function is not yet documented
  • GetObjectIconTextureCoords - This function is not yet documented
  • GetPromotionRank - This function is not yet documented
  • GetRandomBGInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetReadiness - This function is not yet documented
  • GetSchoolString - This function is not yet documented
  • GetSecondsUntilParentalControlsKick - This function is not yet documented
  • GetSheathState - This function is not yet documented
  • GetSturdiness - This function is not yet documented
  • GetTaskInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetTaskPOIs - This function is not yet documented
  • GetTasksTable - This function is not yet documented
  • GetToolTipInfo - This function is not yet documented
  • GetWebTicket - This function is not yet documented
  • GetWorldEffectTextureCoords - This function is not yet documented
  • GroupHasOfflineMember - This function is not yet documented
  • HasAlternateForm - This function is not yet documented
  • HasBoundGemProposed - This function is not yet documented
  • HasDualWieldPenalty - This function is not yet documented
  • HasLoadedCUFProfiles - This function is not yet documented
  • HasTravelPass - This function is not yet documented
  • IsAllowedToUserTeleport - This function is not yet documented
  • IsDualWielding - This function is not yet documented
  • IsInAuthenticatedRank - This function is not yet documented
  • IsLoggingOut - This function is not yet documented
  • IsNPCCrafting - This function is not yet documented
  • IsRangedWeapon - This function is not yet documented
  • IsSubmerged - This function is not yet documented
  • IsZoomOutAvailable - This function is not yet documented
  • LoadURLIndex - This function is not yet documented
  • MouseOverrideCinematicDisable - This function is not yet documented
  • QueryCastSequence - This function is not yet documented
  • RegisterStaticConstants - This function is not yet documented
  • SecureButton_GetModifiedUnit - This function is not yet documented
  • SendSoRByText - This function is not yet documented
  • SendSystemMessage - This function is not yet documented
  • SetDungeonDifficultyID - This function is not yet documented
  • SetPOIIconOverlapDistance - This function is not yet documented
  • SetPOIIconOverlapPushDistance - This function is not yet documented
  • SetRefresh - This function is not yet documented
  • SortBGList - This function is not yet documented
  • TEXT - This function is not yet documented
  • ToggleAnimKitDisplay - This function is not yet documented