Returns a hyperlink for a talent

See also Talent functions, Hyperlink functions.


link = GetTalentLink(tabIndex, talentIndex, inspect, pet, talentGroup)


  • tabIndex - Index of a talent tab (between 1 and GetNumTalentTabs()) (number)
  • talentIndex - Index of a talent option (between 1 and GetNumTalents()) (number)
  • inspect - true to return information for the currently inspected unit; false to return information for the player (boolean)
  • pet - true to return information for the player's pet; false to return information for the player (boolean)
  • talentGroup - Which set of talents to edit, if the player has Dual Talent Specialization enabled (number)
    • 1 - Primary Talents
    • 2 - Secondary Talents
    • nil - Currently active talents


  • link - A hyperlink representing the talent and the number of points spent in it (string, hyperlink)