Returns the combat log event information for the current entry and advances to the next entry. See COMBAT_LOG_EVENT for details of the event information.

The combat log maintains a "cursor" in the list of entries; this function returns information about the event at the cursor position and advances the cursor to the next entry. Since this function is used by the default UI's combat log display, the cursor position is usually at the end of the log -- calling it thus returns nothing. The function CombatLogSetCurrentEntry() can be used to "rewind" the combat log cursor, enabling retrieval of information about earlier events.

See also CombatLog functions.


timestamp, event, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, ... = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry([ignoreFilter])


  • ignoreFilter - True to use the entire saved combat log history; false or omitted to use only events matching the current filter (boolean)


  • timestamp - Time at which the event occurred (same format as time() and date(), but with millisecond precision) (number)
  • event - Type of combat log event (string)
  • srcGUID - GUID of the unit that initiated the event (string, guid)
  • srcName - Name of the unit that initiated the event (string)
  • srcFlags - Flags indicating the nature of the source unit (number, bitfield)
  • destGUID - GUID of the unit that was the target of the event (string, guid)
  • destName - Name of the unit that was the target of the event (string)
  • destFlags - Flags indicating the nature of the target unit (number, bitfield)
  • ... - Additional arguments specific to the event type (list)