Returns information about a buff on a unit. This function is an alias for UnitAura() with a built-in HELPFUL filter (which cannot be removed or negated with the HARMFUL filter).

See also Unit functions, Buff functions.


name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowPersonal, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, _, nameplateShowAll, timeMod, value1, value2, value3 = UnitBuff("unit", index [, "filter"]) or UnitBuff("unit", "name" [, "rank" [, "filter"]])


  • unit - A unit to query (string, unitID)
  • index - Index of an aura to query (number)
  • name - Name of an aura to query (string)
  • rank - Secondary text of an aura to query (often a rank; e.g. "Rank 7") (string)
  • filter - A list of filters to use separated by the pipe '|' character; e.g. "RAID|PLAYER" will query group buffs cast by the player (string)
    • CANCELABLE - Show auras that can be cancelled
    • NOT_CANCELABLE - Show auras that cannot be cancelled
    • PLAYER - Show auras the player has cast
    • RAID - Show auras the player can cast on party/raid members (as opposed to self buffs)


  • name - Name of the aura (string)

  • rank - Secondary text for the aura (often a rank; e.g. "Rank 7") (string)

  • icon - Path to an icon texture for the aura (string)

  • count - The number of times the aura has been applied (number)

  • dispelType - Type of aura (relevant for dispelling and certain other mechanics); nil if not one of the following values: (string)

    • Curse
    • Disease
    • Magic
    • Poison

  • duration - Total duration of the aura (in seconds). Zero if the unit is phased or out of range. (number)

  • expires - Time at which the aura will expire; can be compared to GetTime() to determine time remaining. Zero if the unit is phased or out of range. (number)

  • caster - Unit which applied the aura. If the aura was applied by a unit that does not have a token but is controlled by one that does (e.g. a totem or another player's vehicle), returns the controlling unit. Returns nil if the casting unit (or its controller) has no unitID. (string, unitID)

  • isStealable - true if the aura can be transferred to a player using the Spellsteal spell (boolean)

  • nameplateShowPersonal - true if the aura should be visible above nameplates of affected targets, but only for the player that casted it (boolean)

  • spellID - spellID of the aura (number)

  • canApplyAura - true if the player can apply the aura (not necessarily if the player did apply the aura, just if the player can apply the aura). (boolean)

  • isBossDebuff - true if the aura was cast by a boss. (boolean)

  • _ - unknown parameter (boolean)

  • nameplateShowAll - true if the aura should be visible above nameplates of affected targets for all players (boolean)

  • timeMod - the real time remaining on the aura is (expirationTime - GetTime()) / timeMod, likely used e.g. on Chronomatic Anomaly (number)

  • value1 - Value of variable effect 1 of the aura. (HoTs, resource-capturing trinkets, etc.) (number)

  • value2 - Value of variable effect 2 of the aura. (HoTs, resource-capturing trinkets, etc.) (number)

  • value3 - Value of variable effect 3 of the aura. (HoTs, resource-capturing trinkets, etc.) (number)