Returns the saved settings for a chat window. These values reflect the settings saved between sessions, which are used by the default UI to set up the chat frames it displays.

See also Chat functions.


name, fontSize, r, g, b, alpha, shown, locked, docked, uninteractable = GetChatWindowInfo(index)


  • index - Index of the window you wish you get information on (starts at 1) (number)


  • name - Name of the chat window (string)
  • fontSize - Font size for text displayed in the chat window (number)
  • r - Red component of the window's background color (0.0 - 1.0) (number)
  • g - Green component of the window's background color (0.0 - 1.0) (number)
  • b - Blue component of the window's background color (0.0 - 1.0) (number)
  • alpha - Alpha value (opacity) of the window's background (0 = fully transparent, 1 = fully opaque) (number)
  • shown - 1 if the window should be shown; 0 if it should be hidden (number)
  • locked - 1 if the window should be locked; 0 if it should be movable/resizable (number)
  • docked - 1 if the window should be docked to the main chat window; otherwise 0 (number)
  • uninteractable - 1 if the window should ignore all mouse events; otherwise 0 (number)