Returns information about special vehicles in the current zone. Used only for certain vehicles in certain zones: includes the airships in Icecrown as well as vehicles used in Ulduar, Wintergrasp, and Strand of the Ancients.

See also Battlefield functions, Map functions.


vehicleX, vehicleY, unitName, isPossessed, vehicleType, orientation, isPlayer, isAlive = GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo(index)



  • vehicleX - Horizontal position of the vehicle relative to the zone map (0 = left edge, 1 = right edge) (number)

  • vehicleY - Vertical position of the vehicle relative to the zone map (0 = top, 1 = bottom) (number)

  • unitName - Localized name of the vehicle (string)

  • isPossessed - True if the vehicle is controlled by another unit (boolean)

  • vehicleType - Token indicating type of vehicle; some types can be used as keys to the global VEHICLE_TEXTURES table to get display texture information for the vehicle (string)

    • Airship Alliance - The Alliance flying quest hub in Icecrown
    • Airship Horde - The Horde flying quest hub in Icecrown
    • Carriage - Fiona's Caravan in Eastern Plaguelands
    • Drive - A land vehicle such as a siege engine
    • Fly - A flying vehicle
    • Idle - A non-moving vehicle (e.g. an artillery turret)

  • orientation - Facing angle of the vehicle ((in radians, 0 = north, values increasing counterclockwise) (number)

  • isPlayer - True if the vehicle is controlled by the player (boolean)

  • isAlive - True if the vehicle has not been destroyed (boolean)