Returns information about an active or queued battleground/arena instance

See also Battlefield functions.


status, mapName, instanceID, bracketMin, bracketMax, teamSize, registeredMatch = GetBattlefieldStatus(index)


  • index - Index of a battleground/arena queue the player has joined (between 1 and GetMaxBattlefieldID()) (number)


  • status - Status of the player with respect to the battleground (string)

    • active - The player is currently playing in this battleground
    • confirm - The player has been invited to enter this battleground but has not done so yet
    • none - No battleground or queue at this index
    • queued - The player is queued for this battleground

  • mapName - Name of the battleground (e.g. "Alterac Valley") or arena ("All Arenas" while queued; "Eastern Kingdoms" regardless of destination while status is confirm, e.g. "Dalaran Sewers" while active) (string)

  • instanceID - If in a battleground or queued for a specific instance, the number identifying that instance (e.g. 13 in "Warsong Gulch 13"); otherwise 0 (number)

  • bracketMin - Lowest level of characters in the player's level bracket for the battleground (number)

  • bracketMax - Highest level of characters in the player's level bracket for the battleground (number)

  • teamSize - Number of players per team for an arena match (number)

    • 0 - Not an arena match
    • 2 - 2v2 Arena
    • 3 - 3v3 Arena
    • 5 - 5v5 Arena

  • registeredMatch - 1 if a rated arena match; otherwise nil (1nil)