Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components

See also Inventory functions, Bank functions, Container functions, Equipment Manager functions.


player, bank, bags, location or slot, bag = EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation(location)


  • location - A bit field that represents an item's location in the player's possession. This bit field can be obtained using the GetInventoryItemsForSlot function. (number)


  • player - A flag indicating whether or not the item exists in the player's inventory (i.e. an equipped item). (boolean)
  • bank - A flag indicating whether or not the item exists in the payer's bank. (boolean)
  • bags - A flag indicating whether or not the item exists in the player's bags. (boolean)
  • location or slot - The inventory slot that contains the item, or the container slot that contains the item, if the item is in the player's bags. (number)
  • bag - The bagID of the container that contains the item. (number)
This function is defined by the default user interface in Lua. You can find the definition by examining the FrameXML code for the default UI,