Adds a filter to the combat log system. Each time this function is called a new filter is added to the combat log system. Any combat log entry that passes the filter will be fired as a COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event in order from oldest to newest.

See also CombatLog functions.


CombatLogAddFilter("events", "srcGUID", ["destGUID"] or [destMask]) or CombatLogAddFilter("events", srcMask, ["destGUID"] or [destMask]) or CombatLogAddFilter("events", ["srcGUID"] or [srcMask], "destGUID") or CombatLogAddFilter("events", ["srcGUID"] or [srcMask], destMask)


  • events - Name of a combat log event type to include in the filtered list, or a comma-separated list of multiple names (string)
  • srcGUID - GUID of the source unit (string, guid)
  • srcMask - Bit mask of the source unit (number, bitfield)
  • destGUID - GUID of the destination unit (string, guid)
  • destMask - Bit mask of the destination unit (number, bitfield)