Returns information about graphics capabilities of the current system

See also Video functions.


hasAnisotropic, hasPixelShaders, hasVertexShaders, hasTrilinear, hasTripleBufering, maxAnisotropy, hasHardwareCursor = GetVideoCaps()


  • hasAnisotropic - 1 if anisotropic filtering is available; otherwise 0 (number)
  • hasPixelShaders - 1 if pixel shaders are available; otherwise 0 (number)
  • hasVertexShaders - 1 if vertex shaders are available; otherwise 0 (number)
  • hasTrilinear - 1 if trilinear filtering is available; otherwise 0 (number)
  • hasTripleBufering - 1 if triple buffering is available; otherwise 0 (number)
  • maxAnisotropy - Number of available settings for anisotropic filtering (corresponds to the "Texture Filtering" slider in the default UI) (number)
  • hasHardwareCursor - 1 if hardware cursor support is available; otherwise 0 (number)