Returns information about the "watched" faction (displayed on the XP bar in the default UI)

See also Faction functions.


name, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue = GetWatchedFactionInfo()


  • name - Name of the faction being watched (string)

  • standingID - The player's current standing with the faction (number, standingID)

    • 1 - Hated
    • 2 - Hostile
    • 3 - Unfriendly
    • 4 - Neutral
    • 5 - Friendly
    • 6 - Honored
    • 7 - Revered
    • 8 - Exalted

  • barMin - The minimum value for the faction status bar (number)

  • barMax - The maximum value for the faction status bar (number)

  • barValue - The current value for the faction status bar (number)