Returns information about the specified guild profession entry.. Returns information about the specified guild profession entry (crafter or header).

See also Tradeskill functions, Guild functions.


professionID, isCollapsed, iconTexture, headerName, numOnline, numVisible, numPlayers, playerName, playerNameWithRealm, class, online, zone, skill, classFileName, isMobile = GetGuildTradeSkillInfo(index)


  • index - The index of the profession entry to retrieve information about. Ranges from 1 to GetNumGuildTradeSkill(). (number)


  • professionID - The professionID of the profession. For use with ViewGuildRecipes() and similar functions. (number)
  • isCollapsed - Boolean true/false indicating collapsed state for headers, nil for individual crafters. (boolean or nil)
  • iconTexture - Full texture path to the icon to display for headers, nil for individual crafters. (string)
  • headerName - Label to use for headers, nil for individual crafters. (string)
  • numOnline - Number of online crafters for the profession for headers, nil for individual crafters. (number)
  • numVisible - Number of visible crafters for the profession for headers (according to the user's "Show Offline Members" setting), nil for individual crafters. (number)
  • numPlayers - Number of crafters (including offline players) for the profession for headers, nil for individual crafters. (number)
  • playerName - Crafter's name for individual crafters, nil for headers. (string)
  • playerNameWithRealm - Crafter's name (including Realm) for individual crafters, nil for headers. (string)
  • class - Crafter's class for individual crafters, nil for headers. (string)
  • online - 1 if the crafter is online, nil for headers and offline crafters. (1 or nil)
  • zone - Zone the crafter is/was in, nil for headers. (string)
  • skill - Skill level of the crafter, nil for headers. (number)
  • classFileName - A non-localized token representing the class (same as second return from UnitClass()), nil for headers. (string)
  • isMobile - [Assumption] Whether the crafter is connected using Remote Guild Chat. Always false for headers. (boolean)