Returns information about a faction or header listing. Returns information about factions known to the player as listed in the player's Reputation UI; for information about any faction given its unique identifier, see GetFactionInfoByID.

See also Faction functions.


name, description, standingID, barMin, barMax, barValue, atWarWith, canToggleAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild, factionID, hasBonusRepGain, canBeLFGBonus = GetFactionInfo(index)


  • index - The index of the faction in the Reputation window (number)


  • name - Name of the faction (string)

  • description - Brief description of the faction, as displayed in the default UI's detail window for a selected faction (string)

  • standingID - Current standing with the given faction (number, standingID)

    • 1 - Hated
    • 2 - Hostile
    • 3 - Unfriendly
    • 4 - Neutral
    • 5 - Friendly
    • 6 - Honored
    • 7 - Revered
    • 8 - Exalted

  • barMin - The minimum value of the reputation bar at the given standing (number)

  • barMax - The maximum value of the reputation bar at the given standing (number)

  • barValue - The player's current reputation with the faction (number)

  • atWarWith - 1 if the player is at war with the given faction, otherwise nil (1nil)

  • canToggleAtWar - 1 if the player can declare war with the given faction, otherwise nil (1nil)

  • isHeader - 1 if the index refers to a faction group header (1nil)

  • isCollapsed - 1 if the index refers to a faction group header and currently collapsed (1nil)

  • hasRep - 1 if the index refers to a faction group header whose reputation value should be displayed (1nil)

  • isWatched - 1 if the faction is currently being watched (i.e. displayed above the experience bar) (1nil)

  • isChild - 1 if the index refers to a faction sub-group header within another group, or to an individual faction within a sub-group (1nil)

  • factionID - Unique numeric identifier for the faction (number)

  • hasBonusRepGain - 1 if the player has purchased a Grand Commendation to unlock bonus reputation gains with this faction (1nil)

  • canBeLFGBonus - 1 if the player can select the faction for earning bonus reputation through the LFG system (1nil)