Returns information about an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list

See also Calendar functions.


name, level, className, classFileName, inviteStatus, modStatus, inviteIsMine, inviteType = CalendarEventGetInvite(index)



  • name - Name of the character (string)

  • level - The character's current level (number)

  • className - Localized name of the character's class (string)

  • classFileName - Non-localized token representing the character's class (string)

  • inviteStatus - The character's status regarding the event (number)

    • 1 - Invited
    • 2 - Accepted
    • 3 - Declined
    • 4 - Confirmed
    • 5 - Out
    • 6 - Standby
    • 7 - Signed up

  • modStatus - The character's level of authority for the event, or "" if not applicable (number)

    • CREATOR - The character is the original creator of the event
    • MODERATOR - The character has been granted moderator status for the event

  • inviteIsMine - True if this list entry represents the player; otherwise false (boolean)

  • inviteType - Invitation/announcement type for the event (number)

    • 1 - Characters can only be explicitly invited to the event
    • 2 - Event is visible to the player's entire guild; guild members can sign up and other characters can be explicitly invited