Name Description
AbandonQuestConfirms abandoning a quest
AbandonSkillUnlearns a skill (used only for professions)
AcceptAreaSpiritHealAccepts the next upcoming periodic resurrection from a battleground spirit healer
AcceptBattlefieldPortAccepts the offered teleport to a battleground/arena or leaves the battleground/arena or queue
AcceptDuelAccepts a proposed duel
AcceptGroupAccepts an invitation to join a party or raid
AcceptGuildAccepts an invitation to join a guild
AcceptLevelGrantAccepts a level offered by the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner
AcceptProposalAccepts a LFG dungeon invite.
AcceptQuestAccepts the quest offered by a questgiver
AcceptResurrectAccepts an offered resurrection spell
AcceptSocketsAccepts changes made in the Item Socketing UI
AcceptSpellConfirmationPromptThis function is not yet documented
AcceptTradeAccepts a proposed trade
AcceptXPLossResurrects the player at a spirit healer, accepting possible consequences
AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuestThis function is not yet documented
AcknowledgeSurveyThis function is not yet documented
ActionHasRangeReturns whether an action has a range restriction
AddAutoQuestPopUpCreate a quest popup in the WatchFrame
AddChatWindowChannelAdds a chat channel to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window
AddChatWindowMessagesAdds a message type to the saved list of those displayed in a chat window
AddFriendAdds a character to the friends list
AddIgnoreAdds a character to the ignore list
AddMuteAdds a character to the muted list for voice chat
AddOrDelIgnoreAdds the named character to the ignore list, or removes the character if already in the ignore list
AddOrDelMuteAdds or removes a character from the voice mute list
AddOrRemoveFriendAdds the named character to the friends list, or removes the character if already in the friends list
AddQuestWatchAdds a quest to the objectives tracker
AddTrackedAchievementAdds an achievement to the objectives tracker UI
AddTradeMoneyAdds the money currently on the cursor to the trade window
AmbiguateReturns a player Name or Name-Realm string suitable for use in a given context.
AntiAliasingSupportedThis function is not yet documented
ApplyBarberShopStylePurchases the selected barber shop style changes
ApplyTransmogrificationsApplies all pending transmogrifications, and pays for the cost
ArchaeologyGetIconInfoThis function is not yet documented
ArchaeologyMapUpdateAllReturns the number of digsites in the current zone
ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobIDReturns the blob ID for an archaeology map landmark
AreAccountAchievementsHiddenReturns whether the player is displaying only character achievements to others
ArenaTeam_GetTeamSizeIDConverts an arena team size to the appropriate numeric arena team identifier
AscendStopStops movement initiated by [[docs/api/JumpOrAscendStart|`JumpOrAscendStart`]]
AssistUnitTargets the unit targeted by another unit
AttackTargetBegins auto-attack against the player's current target
AutoChooseCurrentGraphicsSettingThis function is not yet documented
AutoEquipCursorItemEquips the item on the cursor
AutoLootMailItemAutomatically takes any attached items and money from a mail
AutoStoreGuildBankItemWithdraws the item(s) from a slot in the guild bank, automatically adding to the player's bags
BNAcceptFriendInviteThis function is not yet documented
BNCheckBattleTagInviteToGuildMemberThis function is not yet documented
BNCheckBattleTagInviteToUnitThis function is not yet documented
BNConnectedReturns whether or not the player is connected to
BNCreateConversationCreate a conversation between you and two friends
BNDeclineFriendInviteThis function is not yet documented
BNFeaturesEnabledReturns whether or not RealID services are disabled
BNFeaturesEnabledAndConnectedThis function is not yet documented
BNGetBlockedInfoThis function is not yet documented
BNGetBlockedToonInfoThis function is not yet documented
BNGetConversationInfoReturns information about an existing conversation
BNGetConversationMemberInfoReturns information about a member of a conversation
BNGetCustomMessageTableThis function is not yet documented
BNGetFOFInfoReturns information about the specified friend of a RealID friend
BNGetFriendIndexReturns friendlist index of a BN friend
BNGetFriendInfoReturns information about a RealID friend by index
BNGetFriendInfoByIDReturns information about a RealID friend
BNGetFriendInviteInfoThis function is not yet documented
BNGetFriendToonInfoReturns information about a particular online toon tied to a RealID friend
BNGetInfoReturns information about the player's RealID settings
BNGetMatureLanguageFilterReturns boolean for the Mature Language Filter option's state.
BNGetMaxNumConversationsReturns the maximum number of simultaneous RealID conversations you can be a part of
BNGetMaxPlayersInConversationReturns the maximum number of realID friends you can have in one conversation
BNGetNumBlockedThis function is not yet documented
BNGetNumBlockedToonsThis function is not yet documented
BNGetNumConversationMembersReturns the number of members in a conversation
BNGetNumFOFThis function is not yet documented
BNGetNumFriendInvitesThis function is not yet documented
BNGetNumFriendToonsReturns the number of online toons for a friend
BNGetNumFriendsReturns total number of RealID friends and currently online number of RealID friends
BNGetSelectedBlockThis function is not yet documented
BNGetSelectedFriendReturns the index of the selected user on your friend's list
BNGetSelectedToonBlockThis function is not yet documented
BNGetToonInfoReturns information about the active game account tied to a Real ID friend
BNInviteFriendThis function is not yet documented
BNInviteToConversationInvite a friend into an existing conversation
BNIsBlockedThis function is not yet documented
BNIsFriendThis function is not yet documented
BNIsFriendConversationValidThis function is not yet documented
BNIsSelfReturns whether or not the presence ID is the one of the player
BNIsToonBlockedThis function is not yet documented
BNLeaveConversationThis function is not yet documented
BNListConversationThis function is not yet documented
BNRemoveFriendThis function is not yet documented
BNReportFriendInviteThis function is not yet documented
BNReportPlayerThis function is not yet documented
BNRequestFOFInfoThis function is not yet documented
BNSendConversationMessageThis function is not yet documented
BNSendFriendInviteThis function is not yet documented
BNSendFriendInviteByIDThis function is not yet documented
BNSendGameDataSends some data to another player
BNSendSoRThis function is not yet documented
BNSendVerifiedBattleTagInviteThis function is not yet documented
BNSendWhisperSends a whisper over Battle.Net
BNSetAFKThis function is not yet documented
BNSetBlockedThis function is not yet documented
BNSetCustomMessageSets the player's current RealID broadcast message.
BNSetDNDThis function is not yet documented
BNSetFocusThis function is not yet documented
BNSetFriendNoteChanges the private note for a RealID friend
BNSetMatureLanguageFilterSets the Mature Language Filter option
BNSetSelectedBlockThis function is not yet documented
BNSetSelectedFriendThis function is not yet documented
BNSetSelectedToonBlockThis function is not yet documented
BNSetToonBlockedThis function is not yet documented
BNSummonFriendByIndexThis function is not yet documented
BNTokenFindNameThis function is not yet documented
BankButtonIDToInvSlotIDReturns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a bank item or bag slot
BarberShopResetResets barber shop options to the currently worn styles
BattlefieldMgrEntryInviteResponseThis function is not yet documented
BattlefieldMgrExitRequestThis function is not yet documented
BattlefieldMgrQueueInviteResponseThis function is not yet documented
BattlefieldMgrQueueRequestThis function is not yet documented
BeginTradeThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
BindEnchantConfirms enchanting an item (when the item will become soulbound as a result)
BreakUpLargeNumbersThis function is not yet documented
BuyGuildBankTabPurchases the next available guild bank tab
BuyGuildCharterPurchases a guild charter
BuyMerchantItemPurchases an item available from a vendor
BuyReagentBankThis function is not yet documented
BuyTrainerServicePurchases an ability or recipe available from a trainer
BuybackItemRepurchases an item recently sold to a vendor
C_BlackMarket.CloseThis function is not yet documented
C_BlackMarket.GetHotItemThis function is not yet documented
C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_BlackMarket.GetNumItemsThis function is not yet documented
C_BlackMarket.ItemPlaceBidThis function is not yet documented
C_BlackMarket.RequestItemsRequests updated black market auction information from the server.
C_Garrison.AddFollowerToMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.AssignFollowerToBuildingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CanGenerateRecruitsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CanOpenMissionChestThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CanSetRecruitmentPreferenceThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CanUpgradeGarrisonThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CancelConstructionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CastSpellOnFollowerThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CloseArchitectThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CloseGarrisonTradeskillNPCThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CloseMissionNPCThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CloseRecruitmentNPCThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.CloseTradeskillCrafterThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GenerateRecruitsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetAvailableMissionsReturns an array of available missions.
C_Garrison.GetAvailableRecruitsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBasicMissionInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuffedFollowersForMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingInfoReturns information on a garrison building
C_Garrison.GetBuildingLockInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingSizesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingSpecInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingTimeRemainingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingTooltipThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingUpgradeInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingsForPlotThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetBuildingsForSizeThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetCompleteMissionsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilitiesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndexByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityCounterMechanicInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityDescriptionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityIconThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityIsTraitThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityLinkThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityNameThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerActivationCostThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerBiasForMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecAtlasThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecNameThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerDisplayIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerDisplayIDByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfoForBuildingReturns info about a follower assigned to a building
C_Garrison.GetFollowerItemLevelAverageThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerItemsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerLevelThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerLevelXPThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerLinkThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerLinkByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerMissionCompleteInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerModelItemsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerNameThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerNameByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerPortraitIconIDByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerQualityThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerQualityTableThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerSoftCapThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerSourceTextByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerStatusThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerTraitAtIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerTraitAtIndexByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerXPThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowerXPTableThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowersThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetFollowersTraitsForMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetGarrisonInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetGarrisonUpgradeCostThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetInProgressMissionsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetLandingPageItemsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentCountThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfoReturns info about a particular Garrison Building's shipments.
C_Garrison.GetMissionCompleteEncountersThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionDisplayIDsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionLinkThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionMaxFollowersThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionNameThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionRewardInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionTimesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetMissionUncounteredMechanicsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumActiveFollowersThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumFollowerActivationsRemainingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumFollowerDailyActivationsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumFollowersThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumFollowersOnMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumPendingShipmentsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetNumShipmentReagentsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetOwnedBuildingInfoReturns information on a building in the character's garrison
C_Garrison.GetOwnedBuildingInfoAbbrevReturns basic information on garrison buildings.
C_Garrison.GetPartyBuffsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetPartyMissionInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetPendingShipmentInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetPlotsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetPlotsForBuildingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetPossibleFollowersForBuildingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetRecruitAbilitiesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetRecruiterAbilityCategoriesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetRecruiterAbilityListThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetRecruitmentPreferencesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetRewardChanceThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetShipmentContainerInfoReturns text used by the work order UI.
C_Garrison.GetShipmentItemInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentCurrencyInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentItemLinkThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetSpecChangeCostThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.GetTabForPlotThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsAboveFollowerSoftCapThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsFollowerCollectedThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsFollowerUniqueThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsInvasionAvailableThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsOnGarrisonMapThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsUsingPartyGarrisonThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.IsVisitGarrisonAvailableThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.MarkMissionCompleteThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.MissionBonusRollThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.PlaceBuildingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RecruitFollowerThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RemoveFollowerThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RemoveFollowerFromBuildingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RemoveFollowerFromMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RequestGarrisonUpgradeableThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RequestLandingPageShipmentInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RequestShipmentCreationThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.RequestShipmentInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SearchForFollowerThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SetBuildingActiveThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SetBuildingSpecializationThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SetFollowerFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SetFollowerInactiveThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SetRecruitmentPreferencesThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SetUsingPartyGarrisonThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.StartMissionThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.SwapBuildingsThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.UpgradeBuildingThis function is not yet documented
C_Garrison.UpgradeGarrisonThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.AcceptInviteThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.ApplyToGroupThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.CancelApplicationThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.ClearSearchResultsThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.CreateListingThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.DeclineApplicantThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.DeclineInviteThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetActiveEntryInforeturns boolean on whether activity is active or not
C_LFGList.GetActivityGroupInforeturns a string describing activity associated with activity_ID
C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoExpensiveThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetApplicantInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberStatsThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetApplicantsThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetApplicationInfoTakes a group ID and returns the status of the application
C_LFGList.GetApplicationsReturns a table with the groups the player has applied for
C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivitiesreturns table of ID's for available activities
C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivityGroupsThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetAvailableCategoriesThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetAvailableRolesThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetCategoryInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetNumApplicantsThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetNumApplicationsReturns the number of groups the player has applied for.
C_LFGList.GetNumInvitedApplicantMembersThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetRoleCheckInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.GetSearchResultEncounterInfoTakes a group id and returns a table with the encounter info of the group
C_LFGList.GetSearchResultFriendsreturns table pairs #:NameOfFriend
C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfoTakes a group id and returns data on the group
C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberCountsreturn table
C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberInfogiven group_id and member_index, returns member_role such as DAMAGER,TANK,HEALER
C_LFGList.GetSearchResultsReturns the number of groups listed and a table containing group ids of all enlisted groups
C_LFGList.HasActivityListThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.InviteApplicantThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.IsCurrentlyApplyingThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.RefreshApplicantsThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.RemoveApplicantThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.RemoveListingThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.ReportApplicantThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.ReportSearchResultThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.RequestAvailableActivitiesThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.SearchThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.SetApplicantMemberRoleThis function is not yet documented
C_LFGList.UpdateListingThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.CanMasterLootThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.GetExpirationThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.GetItemThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.GetNumItemsThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.GetPlayerInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.GiveMasterLootThis function is not yet documented
C_LootHistory.SetExpirationThis function is not yet documented
C_LossOfControl.GetEventInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_LossOfControl.GetNumEventsThis function is not yet documented
C_MapBar.BarIsShownThis function is not yet documented
C_MapBar.GetCurrentValueThis function is not yet documented
C_MapBar.GetMaxValueThis function is not yet documented
C_MapBar.GetParticipationPercentageThis function is not yet documented
C_MapBar.GetPhaseIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_MapBar.GetTagThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.DismissThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.GetCollectedFilterSettingThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.GetIsFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoReturns information about a mount.
C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtraThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.GetNumMountsThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.PickupThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.SetCollectedFilterSettingThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.SetIsFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_MountJournal.SummonThis function is not yet documented
C_NewItems.ClearAllThis function is not yet documented
C_NewItems.IsNewItemThis function is not yet documented
C_NewItems.RemoveNewItemThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.AcceptPVPDuelThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.AcceptQueuedPVPMatchAccepts a found Pet Battle Queue.
C_PetBattles.CanAcceptQueuedPVPMatchThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.CanActivePetSwapOutThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.CanPetSwapInThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.CancelPVPDuelThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.ChangePetAttempts to change your active pet
C_PetBattles.DeclineQueuedPVPMatchThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.ForfeitGameThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetAbilityEffectInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoReturns information on a battle pet's ability
C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoByIDReturns information about a pet battle ability based on the ID.
C_PetBattles.GetAbilityProcTurnIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetAbilityStateReturns the cooldown state of a pet ability
C_PetBattles.GetAbilityStateModificationThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetActivePetReturns the index of the currently active pet.
C_PetBattles.GetAllEffectNamesThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetAllStatesThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetAttackModifierReturns the modification to attacks based on types.
C_PetBattles.GetAuraInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetBattleStateReturns the current battle state.
C_PetBattles.GetBreedQualityReturns the breed quality of a pet.
C_PetBattles.GetDisplayIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetForfeitPenaltyThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetHealthReturns the current health of a specific pet in the current pet battle.
C_PetBattles.GetIconReturns the path of a pet's icon texture.
C_PetBattles.GetLevelReturns the level of a pet
C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealthReturns the maximum health of a specific pet in the current pet battle.
C_PetBattles.GetNameReturns the name of a pet
C_PetBattles.GetNumAurasReturns the number of auras on a pet
C_PetBattles.GetNumPetsReturns the number of pets a player/enemy has.
C_PetBattles.GetPVPMatchmakingInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetPetSpeciesIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetPetTypeThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetPlayerTrapAbilityThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetPowerReturns the power of a pet.
C_PetBattles.GetSelectedActionThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetSpeedReturns the speed of a pet.
C_PetBattles.GetStateValueThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.GetTurnTimeInfoReturns the remaining time and max time for waiting on a turn
C_PetBattles.GetXPReturns the current and maximum experience of a pet
C_PetBattles.IsInBattleReturns true during a pet battle
C_PetBattles.IsPlayerNPCReturns whether a participant in a pet battle is a player or an NPC
C_PetBattles.IsSkipAvailableThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.IsTrapAvailableThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponentReturns whether or not you are waiting on the opponent
C_PetBattles.IsWildBattleReturns whether or not in wild battle.
C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportBattlePetTargetThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportTargetFromUnitThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.ShouldShowPetSelectThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.SkipTurnDoes a pass on your turn for a round.
C_PetBattles.StartPVPDuelThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.StartPVPMatchmakingThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.StopPVPMatchmakingThis function is not yet documented
C_PetBattles.UseAbilityUses an ability.
C_PetBattles.UseTrapThrows the trap if the target pet has low enough health
C_PetJournal.AddAllPetSourcesFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.AddAllPetTypesFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.CagePetByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.ClearAllPetSourcesFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.ClearAllPetTypesFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.ClearSearchFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.FindPetIDByNameThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetBattlePetLinkThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetNumCollectedInfoReturns the number of pets for that species
C_PetJournal.GetNumPetSourcesThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetNumPetTypesThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetNumPetsReturns two integers, filtered count, and total count
C_PetJournal.GetOwnedBattlePetStringThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityListThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetCooldownByGUIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByPetIDRetreives information about a battle pet from its GUID
C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoBySpeciesIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetLoadOutInfoReturns pet and spell IDs
C_PetJournal.GetPetSortParameterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetPetStatsRetrieves the stats of a battle pet from its GUID
C_PetJournal.GetPetTeamAverageLevelThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.GetSummonedPetGUIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.IsFindBattleEnabledThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.IsFlagFilteredThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.IsJournalReadOnlyThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.IsJournalUnlockedThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.IsPetSourceFilteredThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.IsPetTypeFilteredThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetCanBeReleasedThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsCapturableThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsHurtThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsLockedForConvertThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsRevokedThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsSlottedThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsSummonableThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PetIsTradableThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.PickupPetThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.ReleasePetByIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetAbilitySet battle pet ability
C_PetJournal.SetCustomNameThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetFlagFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfoSetup battle pet team
C_PetJournal.SetPetSortParameterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetPetSourceFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetPetTypeFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SetSearchFilterThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SummonPetByGUIDThis function is not yet documented
C_PetJournal.SummonRandomPetThis function is not yet documented
C_ProductChoice.GetChoicesThis function is not yet documented
C_ProductChoice.GetNumSuppressedThis function is not yet documented
C_ProductChoice.GetProductsThis function is not yet documented
C_ProductChoice.MakeSelectionThis function is not yet documented
C_Questline.GetNumAvailableQuestlinesThis function is not yet documented
C_Questline.GetQuestlineInfoByIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_RecruitAFriend.CheckEmailEnabledThis function is not yet documented
C_RecruitAFriend.GetRecruitInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_RecruitAFriend.IsSendingEnabledThis function is not yet documented
C_RecruitAFriend.SendRecruitThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetBonusStepRewardQuestIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetBonusStepsThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfoByStepThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetProvingGroundsInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetScenarioIconInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetStepInfoThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.GetSupersededObjectivesThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.IsChallengeModeThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.IsInScenarioThis function is not yet documented
C_Scenario.TreatScenarioAsDungeonThis function is not yet documented
C_StorePublic.IsDisabledByParentalControlsThis function is not yet documented
C_StorePublic.IsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
C_TaskQuest.GetQuestObjectiveStrByQuestIDThis function is not yet documented
C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTitleByQuestIDReturn the name of a quest with a given ID
C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Timer.AfterCreates and starts a timer that calls 'callback' after 'duration' seconds.
C_ToyBox.ClearAllSourceTypesFilteredThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.FilterToysThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetFilterCollectedThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetFilterUncollectedThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetIsFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetNumFilteredToysThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetNumLearnedDisplayedToysThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetNumTotalDisplayedToysThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetNumToysThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetToyFromIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.GetToyInfoReturns information about an item by id
C_ToyBox.GetToyLinkThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.HasFavoritesThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.IsSourceTypeFilteredThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.PickupToyBoxItemThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.SetAllSourceTypesFilteredThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.SetFilterCollectedThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.SetFilterSourceTypeThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.SetFilterStringThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.SetFilterUncollectedThis function is not yet documented
C_ToyBox.SetIsFavoriteThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentChangeAppearanceToTrophyIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentCloseMonumentUIThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentGetCountThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentGetSelectedTrophyIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentGetTrophyInfoByIndexThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentLoadListThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentLoadSelectedTrophyIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentRevertAppearanceToSavedThis function is not yet documented
C_Trophy.MonumentSaveSelectionThis function is not yet documented
C_Vignettes.GetNumVignettesThis function is not yet documented
C_Vignettes.GetVignetteGUIDThis function is not yet documented
C_Vignettes.GetVignetteInfoFromInstanceIDThis function is not yet documented
CalculateAuctionDepositReturns the deposit amount for the item currently being set up for auction
CalendarAddEventSaves the event recently created (and selected for editing) to the calendar
CalendarCanAddEventReturns whether the player can add an event to the calendar
CalendarCanSendInviteReturns whether the player can invite others to a calendar event
CalendarCloseEventDeselects (ends viewing/editing on) an event
CalendarContextDeselectEventClears the event selection used only for `CalendarContext` functions
CalendarContextEventCanComplainReturns whether the player can report an event invitation as spam
CalendarContextEventCanEditReturns whether the player can edit an event
CalendarContextEventCanRemoveThis function is not yet documented
CalendarContextEventClipboardReturns whether the player can paste an event
CalendarContextEventComplainReports an event invitation as spam
CalendarContextEventCopyCopies an event for later pasting
CalendarContextEventGetCalendarTypeReturns the type of a calendar event
CalendarContextEventPastePastes a copied event into a given date
CalendarContextEventRemoveDeletes an event from the calendar
CalendarContextEventSignUpSigns the player up for a guild event
CalendarContextGetEventIndexReturns the month, day, and index of the event selection used only for `CalendarContext` functions
CalendarContextInviteAvailableAccepts an event invitation
CalendarContextInviteDeclineDeclines an event invitation
CalendarContextInviteIsPendingReturns whether the player has been invited to an event and not yet responded
CalendarContextInviteModeratorStatusReturns the player's moderator status for an event
CalendarContextInviteRemoveRemoves an invitation from the player's calendar or removes the player from a guild event's signup list
CalendarContextInviteStatusReturns the player's invite status for an event
CalendarContextInviteTentativeThis function is not yet documented
CalendarContextInviteTypeReturns the invite type for an event
CalendarContextSelectEventSelects an event for use only with other `CalendarContext` functions
CalendarDefaultGuildFilterReturns default options for the guild member Mass Invite filter
CalendarEventAvailableAccepts invitation to the selected calendar event
CalendarEventCanEditReturns whether the player can edit the selected calendar event
CalendarEventCanModerateReturns whether an event invitee can be granted moderator authority
CalendarEventClearAutoApproveDisables the auto-approve feature (currently unused) for the selected calendar event
CalendarEventClearLockedUnlocks the selected calendar event
CalendarEventClearModeratorRemoves moderator status from a character on the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventDeclineDeclines invitation to the selected calendar event
CalendarEventGetCalendarTypeReturns the type of the selected calendar event
CalendarEventGetInviteReturns information about an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventGetInviteResponseTimeReturns the time at which a character on the selected event's invite/signup list responded
CalendarEventGetInviteSortCriterionReturns the current sort mode for the event invite/signup list
CalendarEventGetNumInvitesReturns the number of characters on the selected calendar event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventGetRepeatOptionsReturns a list of localized event repetition option labels (currently unused)
CalendarEventGetSelectedInviteReturns the index of the selected entry on the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventGetStatusOptionsReturns a list of localized invite status labels
CalendarEventGetTexturesReturns a list of instance names and icons for dungeon or raid events
CalendarEventGetTypesReturns a list of event display style labels
CalendarEventGetTypesDisplayOrderedThis function is not yet documented
CalendarEventHasPendingInviteReturns whether the player has been invited to the selected event and not yet responded
CalendarEventHaveSettingsChangedReturns whether the selected event has unsaved changes
CalendarEventInviteAttempts to invite a character to the selected event
CalendarEventIsModeratorReturns whether the player has moderator status for the selected calendar event
CalendarEventRemoveInviteRemoves a character from the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventSelectInviteSelects an entry in the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventSetAutoApproveEnables the auto-approve feature (currently unused) for the selected calendar event
CalendarEventSetDateChanges the scheduled date of the selected calendar event
CalendarEventSetDescriptionChanges the descriptive text for the selected event
CalendarEventSetLockedLocks the selected calendar event
CalendarEventSetLockoutDateChanges the lockout date associated with the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetLockoutTimeChanges the lockout time associated with the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetModeratorGrants moderator status to a character on the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventSetRepeatOptionChanges the repetition option for the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetSizeChanges the maximum number of invites/signups for the selected event (currently unused)
CalendarEventSetStatusSets the status of a character on the selected event's invite/signup list
CalendarEventSetTextureIDChanges the raid or dungeon instance for the selected event
CalendarEventSetTimeChanges the scheduled time of the selected event
CalendarEventSetTitleChanges the title for the selected event
CalendarEventSetTypeChanges the display type of the selected event
CalendarEventSignUpSigns the player up for the selected calendar event
CalendarEventSortInvitesSorts the event invite/signup list
CalendarEventTentativeThis function is not yet documented
CalendarGetAbsMonthReturns date information for a given month and year
CalendarGetDateReturns the current date (in the server's time zone)
CalendarGetDayEventReturns information about a calendar event on a given day
CalendarGetDayEventSequenceInfoThis function is not yet documented
CalendarGetEventIndexReturns the month, day, and index of the selected calendar event
CalendarGetEventInfoReturns information about the selected calendar event
CalendarGetFirstPendingInviteReturns the index of the first invitation on a given day to which the player has not responded
CalendarGetGuildEventInfoReturns information about a calendar guild-event
CalendarGetGuildEventSelectionInfoThis function is not yet documented
CalendarGetHolidayInfoReturns additional information about a holiday event
CalendarGetMaxCreateDateReturns the latest date for which events may be scheduled
CalendarGetMaxDateReturns the latest date usable in the calendar system
CalendarGetMinDateReturns the earliest date usable in the calendar system
CalendarGetMinHistoryDateReturns the earliest date for which information about past player events is available
CalendarGetMonthReturns information about a calendar month
CalendarGetMonthNamesReturns a list of localized month names
CalendarGetNumDayEventsReturns the number of calendar events on a given day
CalendarGetNumGuildEventsReturns the number of guild events in your calendar
CalendarGetNumPendingInvitesReturns the number of calendar invitations to which the player has yet to respond
CalendarGetRaidInfoReturns information about a raid lockout or scheduled raid reset event
CalendarGetWeekdayNamesReturns a list of localized weekday names
CalendarIsActionPendingReturns whether an update to calendar information is in progress
CalendarMassInviteGuildRepopulates the selected event's invite list with members of the player's guild
CalendarNewEventCreates a new event and selects it for viewing/editing
CalendarNewGuildAnnouncementCreates a new guild announcement and selects it for viewing/editing
CalendarNewGuildEventCreates a new guild event and selects it for viewing/editing
CalendarOpenEventSelects a calendar event for viewing/editing
CalendarRemoveEventRemoves the selected event invitation from the player's calendar or removes the player from the selected guild event's signup list
CalendarSetAbsMonthSet's the calendar's month to an absolute date
CalendarSetMonthSets the calendar's month relative to its current month
CalendarUpdateEventSaves changes made to the selected event
CallCompanionSummons a non-combat pet or mount
CameraOrSelectOrMoveStartBegins camera movement or selection (equivalent to left-clicking in the 3-D world)
CameraOrSelectOrMoveStopEnds action initiated by [[docs/api/CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart|`CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart`]]
CameraZoomInZooms the camera in by a specified distance
CameraZoomOutZooms the camera out by a specified distance
CanAbandonQuestReturns info about whether a quest with a given ID can be abandoned
CanAlterSkinLets you check if the player can change their skin color
CanBeRaidTargetReturns whether a unit can be marked with a raid symbol or not
CanCancelAuctionReturns whether one of the player's auctions can be canceled
CanCancelSceneThis function is not yet documented
CanChangePlayerDifficultyThis function is not yet documented
CanComplainChatReturns whether a chat message can be reported as spam
CanComplainInboxItemReturns whether a mail can be reported as spam
CanEditGuildBankTabInfoThis function is not yet documented
CanEditGuildEventReturns whether the player is allowed to edit guild-wide calendar events
CanEditGuildInfoReturns whether the player is allowed to edit the guild information text
CanEditGuildTabInfoReturns whether the player is allowed to edit a guild bank tab's information
CanEditMOTDReturns whether the player is allowed to edit the guild Message of the Day
CanEditOfficerNoteReturns whether the player is allowed to edit guild officer notes
CanEditPublicNoteReturns whether the player is allowed to edit guild public notes
CanEjectPassengerFromSeatReturns whether the player can eject the occupant of a seat in the player's vehicle
CanExitVehicleReturns whether the player is in a vehicle
CanGrantLevelReturns whether the player can give levels to a Recruit-a-Friend partner
CanGuildBankRepairReturns whether the player is allowed to pay for repairs using guild bank funds
CanGuildDemoteReturns whether the player is allowed to demote lower ranked guild members
CanGuildInviteReturns whether the player is allowed to invite new members to his or her guild
CanGuildPromoteReturns whether the player is allowed to promote other guild members
CanGuildRemoveReturns whether the player is allowed to remove members from his or her guild
CanHearthAndResurrectFromAreaReturns whether the player is in a world PvP zone offering an exit option
CanInitiateWarGameThis is a Blizzard internal function
CanInspectReturns whether a unit can be inspected
CanItemBeSocketedToArtifactThis function is not yet documented
CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroupReturns whether the battleground for which the player is queueing supports joining as a group
CanLootUnitThis function is not yet documented
CanMapChangeDifficultyThis function is not yet documented
CanMerchantRepairReturns whether the vendor with whom the player is currently interacting can repair equipment
CanPartyLFGBackfillThis function is not yet documented
CanQueueForWintergraspReturns whether the player can queue for Wintergrasp
CanReplaceGuildMasterThis function is not yet documented
CanResetTutorialsThis function is not yet documented
CanScanResearchSiteThis function is not yet documented
CanSendAuctionQueryReturns whether the player can perform an auction house query
CanSendSoRByTextThis function is not yet documented
CanShowAchievementUIReturns whether the Achievements UI should be enabled
CanShowResetInstancesReturns whether the player can reset instances
CanSignPetitionReturns whether the player can sign the currently offered petition
CanSolveArtifactReturns whether the player can solve the selected artifact.
CanSummonFriendReturns whether a unit can be summoned via Recruit-a-Friend
CanSwitchVehicleSeatReturns whether the player can change vehicle seats
CanSwitchVehicleSeatsReturns whether the player is in a vehicle with multiple seats
CanTrackBattlePetsThis function is not yet documented
CanTransmogrifyItemWithItemThis function is not yet documented
CanUpgradeExpansionReturns true if the user is not on the latest expansion
CanUseEquipmentSetsReturns whether the player has enabled the equipment manager
CanUseSoulstoneThis function is not yet documented
CanUseVoidStorageThis function is not yet documented
CanViewGuildRecipesThis function is not yet documented
CanViewOfficerNoteReturns whether the player is allowed to view guild officer notes
CanWithdrawGuildBankMoneyReturns whether the player is allowed to withdraw money from the guild bank
CancelAreaSpiritHealDeclines the next upcoming periodic resurrection from a battleground spirit healer
CancelAuctionCancels an auction created by the player
CancelBarberShopExits a barber shop session
CancelDuelCancels an ongoing duel, or declines an offered duel
CancelEmoteThis function is not yet documented
CancelGuildMembershipRequestThis function is not yet documented
CancelItemTempEnchantmentCancels a temporary weapon enchant
CancelLogoutCancels a pending logout or quit
CancelMasterLootRollThis function is not yet documented
CancelPendingEquipCancels equipping a bind-on-equip item
CancelPreloadingMovieThis function is not yet documented
CancelSceneThis function is not yet documented
CancelSellThis function is not yet documented
CancelShapeshiftFormCancels the current shapeshift form
CancelSummonDeclines an offered summons
CancelTradeCancels a trade in progress
CancelTradeAcceptCancels the player's acceptance of a trade
CancelUnitBuffCancels a buff on the player
CannotBeResurrectedThis function is not yet documented
CastGlyphThis function is not yet documented
CastGlyphByIDThis function is not yet documented
CastGlyphByNameThis function is not yet documented
CastPetActionCasts a pet action on a specific target
CastShapeshiftFormCasts an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
CastSpellCasts a from the spellbook
CastSpellByIDCasts a spell specified by id (optionally on a specified unit)
CastSpellByNameCasts a spell specified by name (optionally on a specified unit)
ChangeActionBarPageChanges the current action bar page
ChangeChatColorChanges the color associated with a chat message type
ChannelBanBans a character from a chat channel
ChannelInviteInvites a character to join a chat channel
ChannelKickRemoves a player from the channel
ChannelModeratorGrants a character moderator status in a chat channel
ChannelMuteGrants a character ability to speak in a moderated chat channel
ChannelSilenceAllSilences a character for chat and voice on a channel
ChannelSilenceVoiceSilences the given character for voice chat on the channel
ChannelToggleAnnouncementsEnables or disables printing of join/leave announcements for a channel
ChannelUnSilenceAllUnsilences a character for chat and voice on a channel
ChannelUnSilenceVoiceUnsilences a character on a chat channel
ChannelUnbanLifts the ban preventing a character from joining a chat channel
ChannelUnmoderatorRevokes moderator status from a character on a chat channel
ChannelUnmuteRemoves a character's ability to speak in a moderated chat channel
ChannelVoiceOffDisables voice chat in a channel
ChannelVoiceOnEnables voice chat in a channel
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilterAdds a function to filter or alter messages to the chat display system
ChatFrame_GetMessageEventFiltersReturns the list of filters registered for a chat event
ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilterRemoves a previously set chat message filter
ChatHistory_GetAccessIDRetrieve an [[docs/api_types#accessID|accessID]] for a combination of chatType and chatTarget
ChatHistory_GetChatTypeRetrieve information about an accessID
CheckBinderDistReturns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can set the Hearthstone location
CheckInboxRequests information on the player's mailbox contents from the server
CheckInteractDistanceReturns whether the player is close enough to a unit for certain types of interaction
CheckSpiritHealerDistReturns whether the player is in range of a spirit healer
CheckTalentMasterDistReturns whether the player is in range of an NPC that can reset talents
ClearAchievementComparisonUnitDisables comparing achievements/statistics with another player
ClearAllLFGDungeonsRemoves the player from all LFD queues.
ClearAllTrackingThis function is not yet documented
ClearAutoAcceptQuestSoundThis function is not yet documented
ClearBattlemasterThis function is not yet documented
ClearBlacklistMapRemove battleground from blacklist.
ClearCursorClears any contents attached to the cursor
ClearFocusClears the player's focus unit
ClearInspectPlayerEnds inspection of another character
ClearItemUpgradeRemoves the item from the upgrade dialog
ClearMissingLootDisplayThis function is not yet documented
ClearOverrideBindingsClears any registered override bindings for a given owner
ClearPartyAssignmentRemoves a group role assignment from a member of the player's party or raid
ClearRaidMarkerThis function is not yet documented
ClearSendMailClears any text, items, or money from the mail to be sent
ClearTargetClears the player's current target
ClearTransmogrifySlotThis function is not yet documented
ClearTutorialsDisables contextual tutorial display
ClearVoidTransferDepositSlotThis function is not yet documented
ClickAuctionSellItemButtonPicks up an item from or puts an item into the "Create Auction" slot
ClickLandmarkProcesses a hyperlink associated with a map landmark
ClickSendMailItemButtonPicks up an item from or puts an item into an attachment slot for sending mail
ClickSocketButtonPicks up or places a gem in the Item Socketing UI
ClickTargetTradeButtonInteracts with an item in a slot offered for trade by the target
ClickTradeButtonPicks up an item from or puts an item in a slot offered for trade by the player
ClickTransmogrifySlotThis function is not yet documented
ClickVoidStorageSlotAllows to 'move' an item from the void storages content to the withdrawal box
ClickVoidTransferDepositSlotAllows to 'move' an item from the void storages deposit box back to inventory
ClickVoidTransferWithdrawalSlotAllows to 'move' an item from the void storages withdrawal box to content
CloseAuctionHouseEnds interaction with the Auction House UI
CloseBankFrameEnds interaction with the bank
CloseGossipEnds an NPC "gossip" interaction
CloseGuildBankFrameEnds interaction with the guild bank vault
CloseGuildRegistrarEnds interaction with a guild registrar
CloseGuildRosterThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
CloseItemTextEnds interaction with a text object or item
CloseItemUpgradeThis function is not yet documented
CloseLootEnds interaction with a lootable corpse or object
CloseMailEnds interaction with a mailbox
CloseMerchantEnds interaction with a vendor
ClosePetStablesEnds use of the Pet Stables UI/API
ClosePetitionEnds interaction with a petition
CloseQuestEnds interaction with a questgiver
CloseQuestChoiceThis function is not yet documented
CloseResearchThis function is not yet documented
CloseSocketInfoEnds interaction with the Item Socketing UI, discarding any changes made
CloseTabardCreationEnds interaction with the guild tabard creator
CloseTaxiMapEnds interaction with the Taxi (flight master) UI
CloseTradeEnds interaction with the Trade UI, canceling any trade in progress
CloseTradeSkillEnds interaction with the Trade Skill UI
CloseTrainerEnds interaction with a trainer
CloseTransmogrifyFrameThis function is not yet documented
CloseVoidStorageFrameThis function is not yet documented
ClosestGameObjectPositionThis function is not yet documented
ClosestUnitPositionThis function is not yet documented
CollapseAllFactionHeadersCollapses all headers and sub-headers in the Reputation UI
CollapseChannelHeaderCollapses a group header in the chat channel listing
CollapseFactionHeaderCollapses a given faction header or sub-header in the Reputation UI
CollapseGuildTradeSkillHeaderCollapses the corresponding profession in the guild window
CollapseQuestHeaderCollapses a header in the quest log
CollapseTradeSkillSubClassCollapses a group header in the trade skill listing
CollapseWarGameHeaderThis function is not yet documented
CombatLogAddFilterAdds a filter to the combat log system
CombatLogAdvanceEntryAdvances the "cursor" position used by other CombatLog functions
CombatLogClearEntriesRemoves all entries from the combat log
CombatLogGetCurrentEntryReturns the combat log event information for the current entry and advances to the next entry
CombatLogGetNumEntriesReturns the number of available combat log events
CombatLogGetRetentionTimeReturns the amount of time combat log entries are stored
CombatLogResetFilterRemoves any filters applied to the combat log
CombatLogSetCurrentEntrySets the "cursor" position used by other CombatLog functions
CombatLogSetRetentionTimeSets the amount of time combat log entries will be stored
CombatLog_Object_IsAReturns whether an entity from the combat log matches a given filter
CombatTextSetActiveUnitSets the main unit for display of floating combat text
CommentatorEnterInstanceThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorExitInstanceThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorFollowPlayerThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorFollowUnitThis function is not yet documented
CommentatorGetCameraThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetCurrentMapIDThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetInstanceInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetMapInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetModeThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetNumMapsThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetNumPlayersThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorGetPlayerInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorLookatPlayerThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorSetCameraThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorSetCameraCollisionThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorSetMapAndInstanceIndexThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorSetModeThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorSetMoveSpeedThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorSetTargetHeightOffsetThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorStartWargameThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorToggleModeThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorUpdateMapInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorUpdatePlayerInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorZoomInThis is a Blizzard internal function
CommentatorZoomOutThis is a Blizzard internal function
ComplainInboxItemReports a mail as spam
CompleteLFGRoleCheckThis function is not yet documented
CompleteQuestBegins turning in a quest to a questgiver
ConfirmAcceptQuestAccepts a quest started by another group member
ConfirmBindOnUseConfirms using an item, if using the item causes it to become soulbound
ConfirmBinderSets the player's Hearthstone to the current location
ConfirmLootRollConfirms the player's intent regarding an item up for loot rolling
ConfirmLootSlotConfirms picking up an item available as loot
ConfirmOnUseThis function is not yet documented
ConfirmReadyCheckResponds to a ready check
ConfirmSummonAccepts an offered summons, teleporting the player to the summoner's location
ConfirmTalentWipeResets the player's talents
ConsoleAddMessagePrints text to the debug console
ConsoleExecRuns a console command
ContainerIDToInventoryIDReturns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID|`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a given [[docs/api_types#containerID|`containerID`]]
ContainerRefundItemPurchaseSells an item purchased with alternate currency back to a vendor
ConvertToPartyConverts a raid to a party
ConvertToRaidConverts a party to a raid
CreateFontCreates a new Font object
CreateFrameCreates a new Frame object
CreateMacroCreates a new macro
CreateNewRaidProfileThis function is not yet documented
CursorCanGoInSlotReturns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot
CursorHasItemReturns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor
CursorHasMacroReturns whether a macro is on the cursor
CursorHasMoneyReturns whether an amount of the player's money is on the cursor
CursorHasSpellReturns whether a spell is on the cursor
DeclineChannelInviteThis function is not yet documented
DeclineGroupDeclines an invitation to join a party or raid
DeclineGuildDeclines an offered guild invitation
DeclineGuildApplicantThis function is not yet documented
DeclineLevelGrantRefuses a level offered by the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner
DeclineNameReturns suggested declensions for a name
DeclineQuestDeclines a quest.
DeclineResurrectDeclines an offered resurrection spell
DeclineSpellConfirmationPromptThis function is not yet documented
DelIgnoreRemoves a player from the ignore list
DelMuteRemoves a character from the muted list for voice chat
DeleteCursorItemDestroys the item on the cursor
DeleteEquipmentSetDeletes an equipment set
DeleteGMTicketAbandons the currently pending GM ticket
DeleteInboxItemDeletes a mail from the player's inbox
DeleteMacroDeletes a macro
DeleteRaidProfileThis function is not yet documented
DemoteAssistantDemotes the given player from raid assistant status
DepositGuildBankMoneyDeposits money into the guild bank
DepositReagentBankDeposits Reagents in to Reagent Bank
DescendStopStops movement initiated by [[docs/api/SitStandOrDescendStart|`SitStandOrDescendStart`]]
DestroyTotemDestroys a specific totem (or ghoul)
DetectWowMouseDetects the presence of a "WoW" compatible multi-button mouse
DisableAddOnMarks an addon as disabled
DisableAllAddOnsMarks all addons as disabled
DisableSpellAutocastDisables automatic casting of a pet spell
DismissCompanionUnsummons the current non-combat pet or mount
DismountDismounts from the player's summoned mount
DisplayChannelOwnerRequests information from the server about a channel's owner
DisplayChannelVoiceOffDisables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display
DisplayChannelVoiceOnEnables voice in a channel specified by its position in the channel list display
DoEmotePerforms a preset emote (with optional target)
DoMasterLootRollThis function is not yet documented
DoReadyCheckInitiates a ready check
DoTradeSkillPerforms a trade skill recipe
DropCursorMoneyDrops any money currently on the cursor, returning it to where it was taken from
DropItemOnUnit"Gives" the item on the cursor to another unit; results vary by context
DungeonUsesTerrainMapThis function is not yet documented
EJ_ClearSearchThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetCreatureInfoThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetCurrentInstanceThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetCurrentTierThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetDifficultyThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetEncounterInfoDisplays encounter journal information for the encounter.
EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndexThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetInstanceByIndexThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetInstanceInfoReturns information about an instance used by the Dungeon Journal.
EJ_GetLootFilterThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetLootInfoThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetLootInfoByIndexThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetMapEncounterThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetNumLootThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetNumSearchResultsThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetNumTiersThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetSearchResultThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetSectionInfoReturns information regarding a "section" of the encounter journal. A "section" is a phase, unit or ability of an encounter.
EJ_GetSectionPathThis function is not yet documented
EJ_GetTierInfoThis function is not yet documented
EJ_HandleLinkPathThis function is not yet documented
EJ_InstanceIsRaidThis function is not yet documented
EJ_IsValidInstanceDifficultyThis function is not yet documented
EJ_ResetLootFilterThis function is not yet documented
EJ_SelectEncounterThis function is not yet documented
EJ_SelectInstanceThis function is not yet documented
EJ_SelectTierThis function is not yet documented
EJ_SetDifficultySet the dungeon difficulty of the Encounter Journal
EJ_SetLootFilterThis function is not yet documented
EJ_SetSearchThis function is not yet documented
EditMacroChanges the name, icon, and/or body of a macro
EjectPassengerFromSeatEjects the occupant of a seat in the player's vehicle
EnableAddOnMarks an addon as enabled
EnableAllAddOnsMarks all addons as enabled
EnableSpellAutocastEnables automatic casting of a pet spell
EndBoundTradeableConfirms taking an action which renders a looted Bind on Pickup item non-tradeable
EndRefundConfirms taking an action which renders a purchased item non-refundable
EnumerateFramesReturns the next frame following the frame passed, or nil if no more frames exist
EnumerateServerChannelsReturns the available server channel names
EquipCursorItemPuts the item on the cursor into a specific equipment slot
EquipItemByNameAttempts to equip an arbitrary item
EquipPendingItemConfirms equipping a bind-on-equip item
EquipmentManagerClearIgnoredSlotsForSaveClears the list of equipment slots to be ignored when saving sets
EquipmentManagerIgnoreSlotForSaveAdds an equipment slot to the list of those ignored when saving sets
EquipmentManagerIsSlotIgnoredForSaveReturns whether the contents of an equipment slot will be included when saving sets
EquipmentManagerUnignoreSlotForSaveRemoves an equipment slot from the list of those ignored when saving sets
EquipmentManager_UnpackLocationUnpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components
EquipmentSetContainsLockedItemsReturns whether an equipment set contains locked items
ExecuteVoidTransferThis function is not yet documented
ExpandAllFactionHeadersExpands all headers and sub-headers in the Reputation UI
ExpandChannelHeaderExpands a group header in the chat channel listing
ExpandCurrencyListExpands or collapses a list header in the Currency UI
ExpandFactionHeaderExpands a given faction header or sub-header in the Reputation UI
ExpandGuildTradeSkillHeaderExpands the corresponding profession in the guild window
ExpandQuestHeaderExpands a quest header in the quest log
ExpandTradeSkillSubClassExpands a group header in the trade skill listing
ExpandWarGameHeaderThis function is not yet documented
FactionToggleAtWarToggles "at war" status for a faction
FillLocalizedClassListFills a table with localized class names keyed by non-localized class tokens
FindSpellBookSlotBySpellIDThis function is not yet documented
FlagTutorialMarks a contextual tutorial as displayed so it doesn't appear again
FlipCameraYawRotates the camera around the player
FlyoutHasSpellThis function is not yet documented
FocusUnitChanges the `focus` unitID to refer to a new unit
FollowUnitCauses the player character to automatically follow another unit
ForceGossipThis function is not yet documented
ForceLogoutForces the client to logout
ForceQuitImmediately exits World of Warcraft
FrameXML_DebugEnables or disables logging of XML loading
GMEuropaBugsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GMEuropaComplaintsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GMEuropaSuggestionsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GMEuropaTicketsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GMItemRestorationButtonEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GMQuickTicketSystemEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GMQuickTicketSystemThrottledThis function is not yet documented
GMReportLagThis function is not yet documented
GMRequestPlayerInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
GMResponseNeedMoreHelpRequests further GM interaction on a ticket to which a GM has already responded
GMResponseResolveNotifies the server that the player's GM ticket issue has been resolved
GMSubmitBugThis function is not yet documented
GMSubmitSuggestionThis function is not yet documented
GMSurveyAnswerReturns text of multiple-choice question answers in a GM survey
GMSurveyAnswerSubmitSubmits an answer to a GM survey question
GMSurveyCommentSubmitSubmits a comment to the current GM survey
GMSurveyNumAnswersReturns the number of possible answers for a GM Survey question
GMSurveyQuestionReturns the text of a specific question from a GM survey
GMSurveySubmitSubmits the current GM survey
GameMovieFinishedEnds in-game movie playback
GetAbandonQuestItemsReturns information about items that would be destroyed by abandoning a quest
GetAbandonQuestNameReturns the name of the quest being abandoned
GetAccountExpansionLevelReturns the most recent of WoW's retail expansion packs for which the player's account is authorized
GetAchievementCategoryReturns the numeric ID of the category to which an achievement belongs
GetAchievementComparisonInfoReturns information about the comparison unit's achievements
GetAchievementCriteriaInfoGets information about criteria for an achievement or data for a statistic
GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetAchievementGuildRepThis function is not yet documented
GetAchievementInfoGets information about an achievement or statistic
GetAchievementLinkReturns a hyperlink representing the player's progress on an achievement
GetAchievementNumCriteriaReturns the number of measured criteria for an achievement
GetAchievementNumRewardsReturns the number of point rewards for an achievement (currently always 1)
GetAchievementRewardReturns the number of achievement points awarded for earning an achievement
GetActionAutocastReturns information about autocast actions
GetActionBarPageReturns the current action bar page
GetActionBarTogglesReturns the current visibility settings for the four secondary action bars
GetActionChargesThis function is not yet documented
GetActionCooldownReturns cooldown information about an action
GetActionCountReturns the number of uses remaining for the given action slot
GetActionInfoReturns information about an action slot
GetActionLossOfControlCooldownThis function is not yet documented
GetActionTextReturns the text label associated with an action
GetActionTextureReturns the icon texture for an action
GetActiveArtifactByRaceThis function is not yet documented
GetActiveLevelReturns the level of a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
GetActiveLootRollIDsThis function is not yet documented
GetActiveSpecGroupReturns the active talent group/specialisation (Dual Talent system).
GetActiveTitleReturns the name of a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
GetActiveVoiceChannelReturns the currently active voice channel
GetAddOnCPUUsageReturns the amount of CPU time used by an addon
GetAddOnDependenciesReturns a list of addons a given addon is dependent upon
GetAddOnEnableStateQueries whether an addon is currently enabled
GetAddOnInfoReturns information about an addon
GetAddOnMemoryUsageReturns the amount of memory used by an addon
GetAddOnMetadataReturns the value of certain fields in an addon's TOC file
GetAddOnOptionalDependenciesReturns a list of addons a given addon is optionally dependent upon
GetAllowLowLevelRaidThis function is not yet documented
GetAlternatePowerInfoByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetAmplifyThis function is not yet documented
GetArchaeologyInfoReturns information about Archeology
GetArchaeologyRaceInfoGet name, icon, index, and fragment for a race
GetArchaeologyRaceInfoByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetAreaMapInfoGet information about map zone based on mapId
GetAreaMapsReturns all the IDs of zones available ingame.
GetAreaSpiritHealerTimeReturns the time remaining until a nearby battleground spirit healer resurrects all players in its area
GetArenaOpponentSpecReturns information about current enemy specialization.
GetArmorEffectivenessThis function is not yet documented
GetArmorPenetrationReturns the percentage of enemy armor ignored due to the player's Armor Penetration Rating
GetArtifactInfoByRaceThis function is not yet documented
GetArtifactProgressReturns information about the progress of the currently-selected artifact's construction.
GetAtlasInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetAttackPowerForStatReturns the attack power bonus provided by one of the player's basic statistics
GetAuctionHouseDepositRateReturns the deposit rate for the current auction house
GetAuctionInvTypesReturns a list of the inventory subtypes for a given auction house item subclass
GetAuctionItemBattlePetInfoRetrieves info about one Battle Pet in the current retrieved list of Battle Pets from the Auction House.
GetAuctionItemClassesReturns a list of localized item class (category) names
GetAuctionItemInfoReturns information about an auction listing
GetAuctionItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item in an auction listing
GetAuctionItemSubClassesReturns a list of localized subclass names for a given item class
GetAuctionItemTimeLeftReturns the time remaining before an auction listing expires
GetAuctionSellItemInfoReturns information about the item currently being set up for auction
GetAuctionSortReturns the current sort settings for auction data
GetAutoCompletePresenceIDObtains the presence ID using a full name or BattleTag.
GetAutoCompleteRealmsThis function is not yet documented
GetAutoCompleteResultsReturns a list of character names which complete a given partial name prefix
GetAutoDeclineGuildInvitesThis function is not yet documented
GetAutoQuestPopUpReturns information about the AutoQuestPopup(s)
GetAvailableBandwidthThis function is not yet documented
GetAvailableLevelReturns the level of a quest available from the current Quest NPC
GetAvailableLocalesThis function is not yet documented
GetAvailableQuestInfoReturns the flags of an available quest during an NPC dialog
GetAvailableTitleReturns the name of a quest available from the current Quest NPC
GetAverageItemLevelReturns the players average item level as displayed in the character pane.
GetAvoidanceThis function is not yet documented
GetBackgroundLoadingStatusThis function is not yet documented
GetBackpackAutosortDisabledThis function is not yet documented
GetBackpackCurrencyInfoReturns information about a currency marked for watching on the Backpack UI
GetBagNameReturns the name of one of the player's bags
GetBagSlotFlagThis function is not yet documented
GetBankAutosortDisabledThis function is not yet documented
GetBankBagSlotFlagThis function is not yet documented
GetBankSlotCostReturns the cost of the next purchasable bank bag slot
GetBarberShopStyleInfoReturns information about the selected barber shop style option
GetBarberShopTotalCostReturns the total price of selected barber shop style changes
GetBattlefieldArenaFactionReturns faction
GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTimeReturns the estimated wait time on a battleground or arena queue
GetBattlefieldFlagPositionReturns the position of a flag in a battleground
GetBattlefieldInstanceExpirationReturns the amount of time remaining before all players are removed from the instance, if in a battleground instance where the match has completed
GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTimeReturns the amount of time since the current battleground instance opened
GetBattlefieldMapIconScaleReturns the scale to be used for displaying battleground map icons
GetBattlefieldPortExpirationReturns the time left on a battleground or arena invitation
GetBattlefieldScoreReturns basic scoreboard information for a battleground/arena participant
GetBattlefieldStatDataReturns battleground-specific scoreboard information for a battleground participant
GetBattlefieldStatInfoReturns information about a battleground-specific scoreboard column
GetBattlefieldStatusReturns information about an active or queued battleground/arena instance
GetBattlefieldTeamInfoReturns info about teams and their rating and MMR in a rated arena match
GetBattlefieldTimeWaitedReturns the amount of time elapsed since the player joined the queue for a battleground/arena
GetBattlefieldVehicleInfoReturns information about special vehicles in the current zone
GetBattlefieldWinnerReturns the winner of the current battleground or arena match
GetBattlegroundInfoReturns information about available battlegrounds
GetBattlegroundPointsThis function is not yet documented
GetBestFlexRaidChoiceThis function is not yet documented
GetBestRFChoiceThis function is not yet documented
GetBidderAuctionItemsRequests data from the server for the list of auctions bid on by the player
GetBillingTimeRestedReturns the amount of time for which the player must be offline in order to lift play time restrictions
GetBindLocationReturns the name of the player's Hearthstone location
GetBindingReturns information about a key binding
GetBindingActionReturns the action bound to a key or key combination
GetBindingByKeyReturns the action bound to a key or key combination
GetBindingKeyReturns the key combinations for a given binding command
GetBindingTextThis function is not yet documented
GetBlacklistMapReturn ID of blacklisted battleground.
GetBlacklistMapNameThis function is not yet documented
GetBladedArmorEffectThis function is not yet documented
GetBlockChanceReturns the player's percentage chance to block with a shield
GetBonusBarIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetBonusBarOffsetReturns the current "stance" offset for use with the bonus action bar
GetBuildInfoReturns the version information about the client
GetBuybackItemInfoReturns information about an item recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
GetBuybackItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
GetCVarReturns the value of a configuration variable
GetCVarBitfieldThis function is not yet documented
GetCVarBoolReturns the value of a configuration variable in a format compatible with Lua conditional expressions
GetCVarDefaultReturns the default value of a configuration variable
GetCVarInfoReturns information about a configuration variable
GetCallPetSpellInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetCategoryAchievementPointsReturns the number of achievement points obtained in this category
GetCategoryInfoReturns information about an achievement/statistic category
GetCategoryListReturns a list of all achievement categories
GetCategoryNumAchievementsReturns the number of achievements/statistics to display in a category
GetCemeteryPreferenceThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeBestTimeThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeBestTimeInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeBestTimeNumThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeMapMoneyThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeMapRewardInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeCompletionInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeCompletionRewardThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeLeaderInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeMapInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeMapPlayerStatsThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeMapTableThis function is not yet documented
GetChallengeModeMapTimesThis function is not yet documented
GetChannelDisplayInfoReturns information about an entry in the channel list display
GetChannelListReturns the list of the channels the player has joined
GetChannelNameReturns information about a chat channel
GetChannelRosterInfoReturns information about a character in a chat channel in the channel list display
GetChatTypeIndexReturns the numeric index corresponding to a chat message type
GetChatWindowChannelsReturns the saved list of channels to which a chat window is subscribed
GetChatWindowInfoReturns the saved settings for a chat window
GetChatWindowMessagesReturns the saved list of messages to which a chat window is subscribed
GetChatWindowSavedDimensionsThis function is not yet documented
GetChatWindowSavedPositionThis function is not yet documented
GetClassInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetClassInfoByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetCleaveThis function is not yet documented
GetClickFrameReturns the Frame object associated with the given name
GetCoinIconReturns an icon representing an amount of money
GetCoinTextReturns a localized string describing an amount of money
GetCoinTextureStringReturns a string with embedded coin icons describing an amount of money
GetCombatRatingReturns the value of a combat rating for the player
GetCombatRatingBonusReturns the percentage effect for the player's current value of a given combat rating
GetComboPointsReturns the player's number of combo points on the target.
GetCompanionInfoReturns information about a non-combat pet or mount
GetComparisonAchievementPointsReturns the comparison unit's total achievement points earned
GetComparisonCategoryNumAchievementsReturns the number of achievements completed by the comparison unit within a category
GetComparisonStatisticReturns the comparison unit's data for a statistic
GetContainerFreeSlotsReturns a list of open slots in a container
GetContainerItemCooldownReturns cooldown information about an item in the player's bags
GetContainerItemDurabilityReturns durability status for an item in the player's bags
GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfoReturns whether an item in the bags is a part of a saved item set.
GetContainerItemGemsReturns the gems socketed in an item in the player's bags
GetContainerItemIDReturns the item ID of an item in the player's bags
GetContainerItemInfoReturns information about an item in the player's bags
GetContainerItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item in the player's bags
GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrencyThis function is not yet documented
GetContainerItemPurchaseInfoReturns information about alternate currencies refunded for returning an item to vendors
GetContainerItemPurchaseItemReturns information about a specific currency refunded for returning an item to vendors
GetContainerItemQuestInfoReturns quest information about an item in the player's bags
GetContainerNumFreeSlotsReturns the number of free slots in a container and the types of items it can hold
GetContainerNumSlotsReturns the number of slots in one of the player's bags
GetContinentMapInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetContinentMapsThis function is not yet documented
GetContinentNameThis function is not yet documented
GetCorpseMapPositionReturns the position of the player's corpse on the world map
GetCorpseRecoveryDelayReturns the amount of time left until the player can recover their corpse
GetCritChanceReturns the player's melee critical strike chance
GetCritChanceFromAgilityReturns additional critical strike chance provided by Agility
GetCritChanceProvidesParryEffectThis function is not yet documented
GetCriteriaSpellThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrencyInfoReturns information about a currency by ID
GetCurrencyLinkReturns a hyperlink for the given currency
GetCurrencyListInfoReturns information about a currency type (or headers in the Currency UI)
GetCurrencyListLinkThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrencyListSizeReturns the number of list entries to show in the Currency UI
GetCurrentArenaSeasonReturns a number identifying the current arena season
GetCurrentBindingSetReturns which set of key bindings is currently in use
GetCurrentEventIDThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentGraphicsSettingThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentGuildBankTabReturns the currently selected guild bank tab
GetCurrentKeyBoardFocusReturns the frame currently handling keyboard input
GetCurrentLevelDraenorTalentThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentLevelFeaturesThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentLevelSpellsThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentMapAreaIDReturns an ID number for the current map zone
GetCurrentMapContinentReturns the current world map continent
GetCurrentMapDungeonLevelReturns which map image is currently selected on the world map (for zones which use more than one map image)
GetCurrentMapHeaderIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentMapLevelRangeReturns the level range of the currently shown zone.
GetCurrentMapZoneReturns the current world map zone
GetCurrentRefreshThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentRegionThis function is not yet documented
GetCurrentResolutionReturns the index of the current resolution setting
GetCurrentTitleReturns the currently selected player title
GetCursorInfoReturns information about the contents of the cursor
GetCursorMoneyReturns the amount of money currently on the cursor
GetCursorPositionReturns the absolute position of the mouse cursor
GetDailyQuestsCompletedReturns the number of daily quests the player has completed today
GetDeathReleasePositionReturns the location of the graveyard where the player's spirit will appear upon release
GetDebugAnimationStatsThis function is not yet documented
GetDebugSpellEffectsThis function is not yet documented
GetDebugStatsThis is a Blizzard internal function
GetDebugZoneMapThis is a Blizzard internal function
GetDefaultLanguageReturns the name of the player character's default language
GetDefaultVideoOptionsThis function is not yet documented
GetDefaultVideoQualityOptionThis function is not yet documented
GetDemotionRankThis function is not yet documented
GetDetailColumnStringThis function is not yet documented
GetDifficultyInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetDistanceSqToQuestReturns a (squared) distance to the quest objective location
GetDodgeChanceReturns the player's chance to dodge melee attacks
GetDownloadedPercentageThis function is not yet documented
GetDungeonDifficultyIDThis function is not yet documented
GetDungeonForRandomSlotThis function is not yet documented
GetDungeonInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetDungeonMapInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetDungeonMapsThis function is not yet documented
GetEclipseDirectionReturns the direction in which the players eclipse is moving.
GetEquipmentSetIgnoreSlotsThis function is not yet documented
GetEquipmentSetInfoReturns information about an equipment set (specified by index)
GetEquipmentSetInfoByNameReturns information about an equipment set
GetEquipmentSetItemIDsReturns a table listing the items in an equipment set
GetEquipmentSetLocationsReturns a table listing the locations of the items in an equipment set
GetEventCPUUsageReturns information about the CPU usage of an event
GetEventTimeThis function is not yet documented
GetExistingSocketInfoReturns information about a permanently socketed gem
GetExistingSocketLinkReturns a hyperlink for a permanently socketed gem
GetExpansionLevelReturns the expansion level of the game
GetExpertiseReturns the player's current expertise value
GetExtendedItemInfoThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
GetExtraBarIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetFacialHairCustomizationReturns a token used for displaying facial feature customization options
GetFactionInfoReturns information about a faction or header listing
GetFactionInfoByIDReturns information about a faction or header listing
GetFileStreamingStatusThis function is not yet documented
GetFirstTradeSkillReturns the index of the first non-header in the trade skill listing
GetFlexRaidDungeonInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetFlyoutIDReturns the internal flyoutID for a given flyout index
GetFlyoutInfoReturns information about a flyout slot
GetFlyoutSlotInfoReturns information about a flyout ability slot
GetFrameCPUUsageReturns information about CPU usage by a frame's script handlers
GetFramerateReturns the number of frames per second rendered by the client
GetFramesRegisteredForEventReturns all frames registered for a given event
GetFriendInfoReturns information about a character on the player's friends list
GetFriendshipReputationThis function is not yet documented
GetFriendshipReputationRanksThis function is not yet documented
GetFunctionCPUUsageReturns information about CPU usage by a function
GetGMStatusThis is a Blizzard internal function
GetGMTicketRequests GM ticket status from the server
GetGMTicketCategoriesReturns a list of available GM ticket categories
GetGameTimeReturns the current realm (server) time
GetGammaReturns the current display gamma setting
GetGlyphClearInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGlyphInfoReturns information about a glyph in the glyph list
GetGlyphLinkGets a hyperlink for the contents of a glyph socket
GetGlyphLinkByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetGlyphSocketInfoReturns information about a glyph socket and its contents
GetGossipActiveQuestsReturns a list of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
GetGossipAvailableQuestsReturns a list of quests available from the current Gossip NPC
GetGossipOptionsReturns a list of interaction options for the Gossip NPC
GetGossipTextReturns greeting or other text to be displayed in an NPC dialog
GetGraphicsAPIsThis function is not yet documented
GetGreetingTextReturns the greeting text displayed for quest NPCs with multiple quests
GetGroupMemberCountsThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildAchievementMemberInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildAchievementMembersThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildAchievementNumMembersThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildApplicantInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildApplicantSelectionThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildBankBonusDepositMoneyThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildBankItemInfoReturns information about the contents of a guild bank item slot
GetGuildBankItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item in the guild bank
GetGuildBankMoneyReturns the amount of money in the guild bank
GetGuildBankMoneyTransactionReturns information about a transaction in the guild bank money log
GetGuildBankTabCostReturns the cost of the next available guild bank tab
GetGuildBankTabInfoReturns information about a guild bank tab
GetGuildBankTabPermissionsReturns information about guild bank tab privileges for the guild rank currently being edited
GetGuildBankTextReturns text associated with a guild bank tab
GetGuildBankTransactionReturns information about a transaction in the log for a guild bank tab
GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimitThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildBankWithdrawMoneyReturns the amount of money the player is allowed to withdraw from the guild bank per day
GetGuildCategoryListReturns a list of all guild achievement categories
GetGuildChallengeInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildCharterCostReturns the cost to purchase a guild charter
GetGuildEventInfoReturns information about an entry in the guild event log
GetGuildExpirationTimeThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildFactionGroupThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildFactionInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildInfoReturns a unit's guild affiliation
GetGuildInfoTextReturns guild information text
GetGuildLevelEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildLogoInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildMemberRecipesThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildMembershipRequestInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildMembershipRequestSettingsThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildNewsFiltersThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildNewsInfoReturns information about an item of guild news
GetGuildNewsMemberNameThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildNewsSortThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildPerkInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRecipeInfoPostQueryThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRecipeMemberReturns information about the selected player when viewing View Crafters under professions.
GetGuildRecruitmentCommentThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRecruitmentSettingsThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRenameRequiredThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRewardInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRosterInfoReturns information about the selected player in your guild roster.
GetGuildRosterLargestAchievementPointsThis function is not yet documented
GetGuildRosterLastOnlineReturns the amount of time since a guild member was last online
GetGuildRosterMOTDReturns the Message of the Day for the player's guild
GetGuildRosterSelectionReturns the index of the selected member in the guild roster
GetGuildRosterShowOfflineReturns whether the guild roster lists offline members
GetGuildTabardFileNamesReturns the textures that comprise the player's guild tabard
GetGuildTradeSkillInfoReturns information about the specified guild profession entry.
GetHairCustomizationReturns a token used for displaying "hair" customization options
GetHasteReturns information about the players Haste percentage.
GetHitModifierThis function is not yet documented
GetHolidayBGHonorCurrencyBonusesReturns the awarded honor and arena points for a Call to Arms battleground win or loss
GetHolidayBGInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetHomePartyInfoReturns a list of player names in the player's party or raid
GetIgnoreNameReturns the name of a character on the ignore list
GetInboxHeaderInfoReturns information about a mail in the player's inbox
GetInboxInvoiceInfoReturns auction house invoice information for a mail
GetInboxItemReturns information for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox
GetInboxItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item attached to a mail in the player's inbox
GetInboxNumItemsReturns the number of mails in the player's inbox
GetInboxTextReturns information about the text of an inbox mail
GetInsertItemsLeftToRightThis function is not yet documented
GetInspectArenaDataThis function is not yet documented
GetInspectGlyphThis function is not yet documented
GetInspectGuildInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetInspectHonorDataReturns PvP honor information about the currently inspected unit
GetInspectRatedBGDataThis function is not yet documented
GetInspectSpecializationReturn specialization global ID of inspected player.
GetInspectTalentThis function is not yet documented
GetInstanceBootTimeRemainingReturns the amount of time left until the player is removed from the current instance
GetInstanceInfoReturns instance information about the current area
GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingReturns time remaining before the player is saved to a recently entered instance
GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingEncounterThis function is not yet documented
GetInventoryAlertStatusReturns the durability warning status of an equipped item
GetInventoryItemBrokenReturns whether an equipped item is broken
GetInventoryItemCooldownReturns cooldown information about an equipped item
GetInventoryItemCountReturns the number of items stacked in an inventory slot
GetInventoryItemDurabilityReturns the current durability level of an equipped item
GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusableThis function is not yet documented
GetInventoryItemGemsReturns the gems socketed in an equipped item
GetInventoryItemIDReturns the item ID of an equipped item
GetInventoryItemLinkReturns an item link for an item in the unit's inventory
GetInventoryItemQualityReturns the quality level of an equipped item
GetInventoryItemTextureReturns the icon texture for an equipped item
GetInventoryItemsForSlotReturns a list of items that can be equipped in a given inventory slot
GetInventorySlotInfoReturns information about an inventory slot
GetItemCooldownReturns cooldown information about an arbitrary item
GetItemCountReturns information about how many of a given item the player has or on remaining item charges
GetItemFamilyReturns information about special bag types that can hold a given item
GetItemGemReturns information about gems socketed in an item
GetItemIconReturns the path to an icon texture for the item
GetItemInfoReturns information about an item, by name, link or id
GetItemLevelIncrementReturns the item level increment recieved when upgrading
GetItemQualityColorReturns color values for use in displaying items of a given quality
GetItemSpecInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetItemSpellReturns information about the spell cast by an item's "Use:" effect
GetItemStatDeltaReturns a summary of the difference in stat bonuses between two items
GetItemStatsReturns a summary of an item's stat bonuses
GetItemTransmogrifyInfoReturns information about the eligibility of an item to be used for transmogrification
GetItemUniquenessReturns information about uniqueness restrictions for equipping an item
GetItemUpdateLevelReturns an item's item level once it's been upgraded.
GetItemUpgradeEffectThis function is not yet documented
GetItemUpgradeItemInfoReturns information on the item that is currently being upgraded.
GetItemUpgradeStatsReturns stat names and amounts of original or upgraded item
GetLFDChoiceCollapseStateThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDChoiceEnabledStateThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDChoiceLockedStateThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDChoiceOrderThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDLockInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDLockPlayerCountThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDRoleLockInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFDRoleRestrictionsThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGBonusFactionIDThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGBootProposalThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGCategoryForIDThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGCompletionRewardReturns the various rewards for a completed LFG dungeon
GetLFGCompletionRewardItemThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDeserterExpirationThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfoReturns whether an LFR encounter was already killed.
GetLFGDungeonInfoRetrieves specific LFD information, not limited by player level and all dungeons can be looked up.
GetLFGDungeonNumEncountersReturns the number of encounters.
GetLFGDungeonRewardCapBarInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonRewardCapInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonRewardInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonRewardLinkThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonRewardsThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardLinkThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGInfoServerThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGInviteRoleAvailabilityThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGInviteRoleRestrictionsThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGModeProvides information about the LFG status of the player.
GetLFGProposalReturns info about the currently pending LFD operation
GetLFGProposalEncounterThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGProposalMemberThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGQueueStatsReturns information about a LFD queue when you are in the queue
GetLFGQueuedListThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRandomCooldownExpirationThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRandomDungeonInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRoleShortageRewardsReturn information concerning the LFG Call to Arms rewards
GetLFGRoleUpdateThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRoleUpdateBattlegroundInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRoleUpdateMemberThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRoleUpdateSlotThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGRolesReturns the group roles for which the player has signed up in the LFG system
GetLFGSuspendedPlayersThis function is not yet documented
GetLFGTypesReturns a list of LFG query types
GetLFRChoiceOrderThis function is not yet documented
GetLanguageByIndexReturns the localized name of a player character language
GetLatestCompletedAchievementsReturns a list of the player's/player guild's most recently earned achievements
GetLatestCompletedComparisonAchievementsReturns a list of the comparison unit's most recently earned achievements
GetLatestThreeSendersReturns the names of the last three senders of new mail
GetLatestUpdatedComparisonStatsReturns a list of the comparison unit's latest updated statistics
GetLatestUpdatedStatsReturns a list of the player's latest updated statistics
GetLegacyRaidDifficultyIDThis function is not yet documented
GetLevelUpInstancesThis function is not yet documented
GetLifestealThis function is not yet documented
GetLocaleReturns a code indicating the localization currently in use by the client
GetLookingForGuildCommentThis function is not yet documented
GetLookingForGuildSettingsThis function is not yet documented
GetLooseMacroIconsThis function is not yet documented
GetLooseMacroItemIconsThis function is not yet documented
GetLootInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetLootMethodReturns information about the current loot method in a party or raid
GetLootRollItemInfoReturns information about an item currently up for loot rolling
GetLootRollItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item currently up for loot rolling
GetLootRollTimeLeftReturns the amount of time remaining before loot rolling for an item expires
GetLootSlotInfoReturns information about an item available as loot
GetLootSlotLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item available as loot
GetLootSlotTypeReturns the type of a given loot slot
GetLootSourceInfoRetreives information about a loot from multiple corpses (loot window must be opened)
GetLootSpecializationReturns the specialization ID for the current loot specialization
GetLootThresholdReturns the threshold used for Master Looter, Group Loot, and Need Before Greed loot methods
GetMacroBodyReturns the body text of a macro
GetMacroIconsReturns a list of the available spell icon filenames for use in macros
GetMacroIndexByNameReturns the index of a macro specified by name
GetMacroInfoReturns information about a macro
GetMacroItemReturns information about the item used by a macro
GetMacroItemIconsReturns a list of the available item icon filenames for use in macros
GetMacroSpellReturns information about the spell cast by a macro
GetManaRegenReturns information about the player's mana regeneration rate
GetMapContinentsReturns a list of map continents names
GetMapDebugObjectInfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
GetMapHierarchyThis function is not yet documented
GetMapInfoReturns information about the current world map texture
GetMapLandmarkInfoReturns information about a map landmark
GetMapNameByIDReturns the localized name of a given map
GetMapOverlayInfoReturns information about a world map overlay
GetMapSubzonesReturns the map subzones for a given zone
GetMapZonesReturns the map zones for a given continent
GetMasterLootCandidateReturns information about a given loot candidate
GetMasteryReturns the mastery value of your character
GetMasteryEffectThis function is not yet documented
GetMaxAnimFramerateThis function is not yet documented
GetMaxArenaCurrencyReturns the maximum amount of arena points the player can accrue
GetMaxBattlefieldIDReturns the number of battlefields the player is associated with.
GetMaxCombatRatingBonusReturns the maximum possible percentage bonus for a given combat rating
GetMaxNumCUFProfilesThis function is not yet documented
GetMaxPlayerLevelReturns the maximum level attainable by a player
GetMaxRewardCurrenciesThis function is not yet documented
GetMaxSpellStartRecoveryOffsetThis function is not yet documented
GetMaxTalentTierThis function is not yet documented
GetMeleeHasteReturns information about the player's melee haste
GetMerchantCurrenciesThis function is not yet documented
GetMerchantFilterReturns the index of the filter applied to the merchant.
GetMerchantItemCostInfoReturns information about alternate currencies required to purchase an item from a vendor
GetMerchantItemCostItemReturns information about currency items required to purchase an item from a vendor
GetMerchantItemInfoReturns information about an item available for purchase from a vendor
GetMerchantItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item available for purchase from a vendor
GetMerchantItemMaxStackReturns the maximum number of an item allowed in a single purchase
GetMerchantNumItemsReturns the number of different items available for purchase from a vendor
GetMinimapZoneTextReturns the name of the current area (as displayed in the Minimap)
GetMirrorTimerInfoReturns information about special countdown timers
GetMirrorTimerProgressReturns a high-resolution value for a special countdown timer
GetMissingLootItemInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetMissingLootItemLinkThis function is not yet documented
GetModResilienceDamageReductionThis function is not yet documented
GetModifiedClickReturns the keys/buttons bound for a modified click action
GetModifiedClickActionReturns the token identifying a modified click action
GetMoneyReturns the total amount of money currently in the player's possession
GetMonitorAspectRatioQuery a monitor's aspect ratio
GetMonitorCountReturns the number of monitors connected
GetMonitorNameReturns the system name of a selected monitor
GetMouseButtonClickedReturns which mouse button triggered the current script
GetMouseButtonNameReturns the name for a mouse button specified by number
GetMouseFocusReturns the frame that is currently under the mouse, and has mouse input enabled.
GetMovieDownloadProgressThis function is not yet documented
GetMultiCastBarIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetMultiCastTotemSpellsThis function is not yet documented
GetMultistrikeThis function is not yet documented
GetMultistrikeEffectThis function is not yet documented
GetMuteNameReturns the name of a character on the mute list
GetMuteStatusReturns whether a character is muted or silenced
GetNamePlateMotionTypeThis function is not yet documented
GetNetIpTypesThis function is not yet documented
GetNetStatsReturns information about current network connection performance
GetNewSocketInfoReturns information about a gem added to a socket
GetNewSocketLinkReturns a hyperlink for a gem added to a socket
GetNextAchievementReturns the next achievement for an achievement which is part of a series
GetNextCompleatedTutorialThis function is not yet documented
GetNumActiveQuestsReturns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
GetNumAddOnsReturns the number of addons in the addon listing
GetNumArchaeologyRacesReturn the number of different races (branches) in Archeology
GetNumArenaOpponentSpecsReturns the number of enemy players which specialization data are available in an arena match
GetNumArenaOpponentsReturns the number of enemy players in an arena match
GetNumArtifactsByRaceReturn the amount of artifacts the player has acquired from the provided race
GetNumAuctionItemsReturns the number of auction items in a listing
GetNumAutoQuestPopUpsReturns number of AutoQuestPopup(s)
GetNumAvailableQuestsReturns the number quests available from the current Quest NPC
GetNumBankSlotsReturns information about purchased bank bag slots
GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositionsReturns the number of battleground flags for which map position information is available
GetNumBattlefieldScoresReturns the number of participant scores available in the current battleground
GetNumBattlefieldStatsReturns the number of battleground-specific statistics on the current battleground's scoreboard
GetNumBattlefieldVehiclesReturns the number of special vehicles in the current zone
GetNumBattlegroundTypesReturns the number of different battlegrounds available
GetNumBindingsReturns the number of entries in the key bindings list
GetNumBuybackItemsReturns the number of items recently sold to a vendor and available to be repurchased
GetNumChallengeMapRewardsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumChallengeModeLeadersThis function is not yet documented
GetNumChannelMembersReturns the number of members in a chat channel
GetNumClassesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumCompanionsReturns the number of mounts or non-combat pets the player can summon
GetNumComparisonCompletedAchievementsReturns the number of achievements earned by the comparison unit
GetNumCompletedAchievementsReturns the number of achievements earned by the player/guild
GetNumDeclensionSetsReturns the number of suggested declension sets for a name
GetNumDisplayChannelsReturns the number of entries in the channel list display
GetNumDungeonForRandomSlotThis function is not yet documented
GetNumDungeonMapLevelsReturns the number of map images for the world map's current zone
GetNumEquipmentSetsReturns the number of saved equipment sets
GetNumFactionsReturns the number of entries in the reputation UI
GetNumFlexRaidDungeonsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumFlyoutsReturns the number of flyout actions in the UI
GetNumFramesReturns the number of existing Frame objects (and derivatives)
GetNumFriendsReturns the number of characters and online characters on the player's friends list
GetNumGlyphSocketsCurrently unused
GetNumGlyphsReturns the total amount of glyphs for the player's class
GetNumGossipActiveQuestsReturns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
GetNumGossipAvailableQuestsReturns the number of quests available from the current Gossip NPC
GetNumGossipOptionsReturns the number of non-quest dialog options for the current Gossip NPC
GetNumGroupMembersReturn number of players in current party/raid.
GetNumGuildApplicantsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactionsReturns the number of transactions in the guild bank money log
GetNumGuildBankTabsReturns the number of purchased tabs in the guild bank
GetNumGuildBankTransactionsReturns the number of entries in a guild bank tab's transaction log
GetNumGuildChallengesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumGuildEventsReturns the number of entries in the guild event log
GetNumGuildMembersReturns the number of members in the guild roster
GetNumGuildMembershipRequestsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumGuildNewsReturns the total amount of guild news (filtered)
GetNumGuildPerksReturns the total amount of guild perks (including unavailable ones)
GetNumGuildRewardsReturn the total amount of guild rewards (including unavailable ones)
GetNumGuildTradeSkillReturns the number of people and headers currently visible in the profession view of your guild window
GetNumIgnoresReturns the number of characters on the player's ignore list
GetNumItemUpgradeEffectsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumLanguagesReturns the number of languages the player character can speak
GetNumLootItemsReturns the number of items available to be looted
GetNumMacrosReturns the number of macros the player has stored
GetNumMapDebugObjectsThis is a Blizzard internal function
GetNumMapLandmarksReturns the number of landmarks on the world map
GetNumMapOverlaysReturns the number of overlays for the current world map zone
GetNumMembersInRankThis function is not yet documented
GetNumMissingLootItemsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumModifiedClickActionsReturns the number of modified click actions registered
GetNumMutesReturns the number of characters on the player's mute list
GetNumNamePlateMotionTypesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumPackagesThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
GetNumPetitionNamesReturns the number of people who have signed the open petition
GetNumQuestChoicesReturns the number of available quest rewards from which the player must choose one upon completing the quest presented by a questgiver
GetNumQuestCurrenciesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumQuestItemDropsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumQuestItemsReturns the number of different items required to complete the quest presented by a questgiver
GetNumQuestLeaderBoardsReturns the number of quest objectives for a quest in the player's quest log
GetNumQuestLogChoicesReturns the number of available item reward choices for the selected quest in the quest log
GetNumQuestLogEntriesReturns the number of quests and headers in the quest log
GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrenciesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumQuestLogRewardFactionsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumQuestLogRewardsReturns the number of item rewards for the selected quest in the quest log
GetNumQuestLogTasksThis function is not yet documented
GetNumQuestPOIWorldEffectsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumQuestRewardsReturns the number of different items always awarded upon completing the quest presented by a questgiver
GetNumQuestWatchesReturns the number of quests included in the objectives tracker
GetNumRFDungeonsReturns the number of raid finder instances.
GetNumRaidProfilesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumRandomDungeonsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumRandomScenariosThis function is not yet documented
GetNumRecruitingGuildsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumRewardCurrenciesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumRoutesReturns the number of hops from the current location to another taxi node
GetNumSavedInstancesReturns the number of instances to which the player is saved
GetNumSavedWorldBossesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumScenariosThis function is not yet documented
GetNumShapeshiftFormsReturns the number of abilities to be presented on the stance/shapeshift bar
GetNumSoRRemainingThis function is not yet documented
GetNumSocketsReturns the number of sockets on the item currently being socketed
GetNumSpecGroupsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumSpecializationsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumSpecializationsForClassIDThis function is not yet documented
GetNumSpellTabsReturns the number of tabs in the player's spellbook
GetNumStationeriesReturns the number of available stationery types
GetNumSubgroupMembersReturn number of other players in current player’s raid subgroup.
GetNumTitlesReturns the number of available player titles
GetNumTrackedAchievementsReturns the number of achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
GetNumTrackingTypesReturns the number of available minimap object/unit tracking abilities
GetNumTradeSkillsReturns the number of entries in the trade skill listing
GetNumTrainerServicesReturns the number of entries in the trainer service listing
GetNumUnspentTalentsThis function is not yet documented
GetNumVoiceSessionMembersBySessionIDReturns the number of members in a voice channel
GetNumVoiceSessionsReturns the number of available voice channels
GetNumVoidTransferDepositThis function is not yet documented
GetNumVoidTransferWithdrawalThis function is not yet documented
GetNumWarGameTypesThis function is not yet documented
GetNumWhoResultsReturns the number of results from a Who system query
GetNumWorldPVPAreasThis function is not yet documented
GetNumWorldStateUIReturns the number of world state UI elements
GetNumberOfDetailTilesThis function is not yet documented
GetOSLocaleThis function is not yet documented
GetObjectIconTextureCoordsThis function is not yet documented
GetObjectiveTextReturns a summary of objectives for the quest offered by a questgiver
GetOptOutOfLootReturns whether the player has opted out of loot rolls
GetOutdoorPVPWaitTimeReturns the world PvP wait time for the currently selected zone, nil otherwise. Authors looking for information regarding specific world PvP zones should consider using [[docs/api/GetWorldPVPAreaInfo|GetWorldPVPAreaInfo()]] instead.
GetOverrideAPBySpellPowerThis function is not yet documented
GetOverrideBarIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetOverrideBarSkinThis function is not yet documented
GetOverrideSpellPowerByAPReturns how much spell power is returned by attack power (Shaman)
GetOwnerAuctionItemsRequests data from the server for the list of auctions created by the player
GetPOITextureCoordsReturn texture coordinates of POI icon
GetPVPDesiredReturns whether the player has manually enabled PvP status
GetPVPLifetimeStatsReturns the player's lifetime total of honorable kills and highest rank achieved
GetPVPRewardsReturns information about Conquest Point cap.
GetPVPRolesThis function is not yet documented
GetPVPSessionStatsReturns the number of kills and honor points scored by the player since logging in
GetPVPTimerReturns the amount of time until the player's PVP flag expires
GetPVPYesterdayStatsReturns the number of kills and honor points scored by the player on the previous day
GetPackageInfoThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
GetParryChanceReturns the player's parry chance
GetPartyAssignmentReturns whether a party/raid member is assigned a specific group role
GetPartyLFGBackfillInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetPartyLFGIDThis function is not yet documented
GetPersonalRatedInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetPetActionCooldownReturns cooldown information about a given pet action slot
GetPetActionInfoReturns information about a pet action
GetPetActionSlotUsableReturns whether a pet action can be used
GetPetActionsUsableReturns whether the pet's actions are usable
GetPetExperienceReturns information about experience points for the player's pet
GetPetFoodTypesReturns a list of the food types the player's pet will eat
GetPetIconReturns an icon representing the current pet
GetPetMeleeHasteThis function is not yet documented
GetPetSpellBonusDamageThis function is not yet documented
GetPetTalentTreeReturns the name of the talent tree used by the player's current pet
GetPetTimeRemainingReturns the time remaining before a temporary pet is automatically dismissed
GetPetitionInfoReturns information about the currently open petition
GetPetitionNameInfoReturns the name of a character who has signed the currently offered petition
GetPlayerFacingReturns the player's orientation (heading)
GetPlayerInfoByGUIDReturns information about a player character identified by globally unique identifier
GetPlayerMapPositionReturns the position of a unit in the player's party or raid on the world map
GetPlayerTradeCurrencyThis function is not yet documented
GetPlayerTradeMoneyReturns the amount of money offered for trade by the player
GetPossessInfoReturns information about special actions available while the player possesses another unit
GetPowerRegenReturns information about the player's mana/energy/etc regeneration rate
GetPrevCompleatedTutorialThis function is not yet documented
GetPreviousAchievementReturns the previous achievement for an achievement which is part of a series
GetPreviousArenaSeasonReturns a number identifying the previous arena season
GetProfessionInfoReturns details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level
GetProfessionsReturns indices of all of the current character's professions
GetProgressTextReturns the quest progress text presented by a questgiver
GetPromotionRankThis function is not yet documented
GetPvpPowerDamageThis function is not yet documented
GetPvpPowerHealingThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestBackgroundMaterialReturns background display style information for a questgiver dialog
GetQuestChoiceInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestChoiceOptionInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestChoiceRewardCurrencyThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestChoiceRewardFactionThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestChoiceRewardInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestChoiceRewardItemThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestCurrencyInfoReturns information about currency rewarded/required for quest completion
GetQuestDifficultyColorReturns a table of color values indicating the difficulty of a quest's level as compared to the player's
GetQuestFactionGroupThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestGreenRangeReturns the level range in which a quest below the player's level still rewards XP
GetQuestIDReturns the internal ID of a quest featured in the currently active NPC dialogue (available after a QUEST_DETAIL event)
GetQuestIndexForTimerReturns the quest log index of a timed quest's timer
GetQuestIndexForWatchReturns the quest log index of a quest in the objectives tracker
GetQuestItemInfoReturns information about items in a questgiver dialog
GetQuestItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item in a questgiver dialog
GetQuestLinkReturns a hyperlink of a specific quest
GetQuestLogChoiceInfoReturns information about available item rewards for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogCompletionTextReturns the completion text for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogCriteriaSpellReturns the spell required by a quest, if any
GetQuestLogGroupNumReturns the suggested group size for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogIndexByIDReturns the index at which a particular quest ID can be found in the log.
GetQuestLogIsAutoCompleteThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestLogItemDropThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestLogItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item related to the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogLeaderBoardReturns information about objectives for a quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogPortraitGiverReturns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
GetQuestLogPortraitTurnInReturns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
GetQuestLogPushableReturn whether the selected quest in the quest log can be shared to party members
GetQuestLogQuestTextReturns the description and objective text for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogQuestTypeThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestLogRequiredMoneyReturns the amount of money required for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestLogRewardFactionInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestLogRewardInfoReturns information about item rewards for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardMoneyReturns the money reward for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardSkillPointsReturns skill point reward info for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardSpellReturns information about the spell reward for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardTalentsReturns the talent point reward for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardTitleReturns the title reward for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogRewardXPReturns the experience reward at the player's level for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogSelectionReturns the index of the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldownReturns cooldown information about an item associated with a current quest
GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfoReturns information about a usable item associated with a current quest
GetQuestLogSpellLinkReturns a hyperlink for a spell in the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogTaskInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestLogTimeLeftReturns time remaining for the selected quest in the quest log
GetQuestLogTitleReturns information about an entry in the player's quest log
GetQuestMoneyToGetReturns the amount of money required to complete the quest presented by a questgiver
GetQuestObjectiveInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestPOIBlobCountThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestPOILeaderBoardThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestPOIWorldEffectInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestPOIsThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestPortraitGiverReturns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
GetQuestPortraitTurnInReturns quest-related NPC info for portrait display
GetQuestProgressBarPercentReturns the completion percent of a quest with a bar. Such as apexiszones.
GetQuestResetTimeReturns the amount of time remaining until the daily quest period resets
GetQuestRewardFinishes turning in a quest to a questgiver, selecting an item reward if applicable
GetQuestSortIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestSpellLinkReturns a hyperlink for a spell in a questgiver dialog
GetQuestTagInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestTextReturns the text for the quest offered by a questgiver
GetQuestTimersReturns a list of the times remaining for any active timed quests
GetQuestWatchIndexReturns the quest watch (objective tracker) index of a quest in the quest log
GetQuestWatchInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetQuestWorldMapAreaIDReturns the map and floor for a given quest
GetQuestsCompletedGets a table containing the quests the player has completed
GetRFDungeonInfoReturns information about the raidfinder instances available.
GetRaidBuffInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetRaidBuffTrayAuraInfoReturns the active buff for a given raid buff category
GetRaidDifficultyIDThis function is not yet documented
GetRaidProfileFlattenedOptionsThis function is not yet documented
GetRaidProfileNameThis function is not yet documented
GetRaidProfileOptionThis function is not yet documented
GetRaidProfileSavedPositionThis function is not yet documented
GetRaidRosterInfoReturns information about a member of the player's raid
GetRaidTargetIndexReturns the index of the raid target marker on a unit
GetRandomBGHonorCurrencyBonusesThis function is not yet documented
GetRandomBGInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetRandomDungeonBestChoiceReturns the dungeonID of the random dungeon group that provides the best loot for the player.
GetRandomScenarioBestChoiceThis function is not yet documented
GetRandomScenarioInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetRangedCritChanceReturns the player's ranged critical strike chance
GetRangedHasteReturns information about the player's ranged haste
GetRatedBattleGroundInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetReadinessThis function is not yet documented
GetReadyCheckStatusReturns a unit's status during a ready check
GetReadyCheckTimeLeftReturns the amount of time left on the current ready check
GetReagentBankCostReturns the cost of the reagent bank tab
GetRealZoneTextReturns the "official" name of the zone or instance in which the player is located
GetRealmNameReturns the name of the player's realm (server name)
GetRecruitingGuildInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetRecruitingGuildSelectionThis function is not yet documented
GetRecruitingGuildSettingsThis function is not yet documented
GetRecruitingGuildTabardInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetRefreshRatesReturns a list of available screen refresh rates
GetRegisteredAddonMessagePrefixesReturns a table containing all addon message prefixes that have been registered
GetReleaseTimeRemainingReturns the amount of time remaining until the player's spirit is automatically released when dead
GetRepairAllCostReturns the cost to repair all of the player's damaged items
GetResSicknessDurationReturns the duration of resurrection sickness at the player's current level
GetRestStateReturns the player's current rest state
GetRestrictedAccountDataThis function is not yet documented
GetRewardMoneyReturns the amount of money awarded when completing a quest
GetRewardNumSkillUpsThis function is not yet documented
GetRewardSkillLineIDThis function is not yet documented
GetRewardSkillPointsThis function is not yet documented
GetRewardSpellReturns information about a spell awarded when completing a quest
GetRewardTalentsReturns the talent points awarded when completing a quest
GetRewardTextReturns questgiver dialog to be displayed when completing a quest
GetRewardTitleReturns the title awarded when completing a quest
GetRewardXPReturns the experience awarded when completing a quest
GetRuneCooldownReturns cooldown information about one of the player's rune resources
GetRuneCountReturns the number of available rune resources in one of the player's rune slots
GetRuneTypeReturns the type of one of the player's rune resources
GetRunningMacroReturns the index of the currently running macro.
GetRunningMacroButtonReturns the mouse button that was used to activate the running macro
GetSavedInstanceChatLinkReturns a hyperlink for a player's raid save
GetSavedInstanceEncounterInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetSavedInstanceInfoReturns information on a specific instance to which the player is saved
GetSavedWorldBossInfoReturns information on a specific World Boss to which the player is saved.
GetScenariosChoiceOrderThis function is not yet documented
GetSchoolStringThis function is not yet documented
GetScreenHeightReturns the height of the screen for UI layout purposes
GetScreenResolutionsReturns a list of available screen resolutions
GetScreenWidthReturns the width of the screen for UI layout purposes
GetScriptCPUUsageReturns the total CPU time used by the scripting system
GetSecondsUntilParentalControlsKickThis function is not yet documented
GetSelectedArtifactInfoReturns information about the currently selected artifact
GetSelectedAuctionItemReturns the index of the currently selected item in an auction listing
GetSelectedDisplayChannelReturns the selected channel in the channel list display
GetSelectedFactionReturns which faction entry is selected in the reputation UI
GetSelectedFriendReturns the index of the selected character in the player's friends list
GetSelectedGlyphSpellIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetSelectedIgnoreReturns the index of the selected character in the player's ignore list
GetSelectedMuteReturns the index of the selected entry in the Muted list
GetSelectedStationeryTextureReturns the currently selected stationery type
GetSelectedWarGameTypeThis function is not yet documented
GetSendMailCODReturns the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message
GetSendMailItemReturns information for an item attached to the outgoing message
GetSendMailItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item attached to the outgoing message
GetSendMailMoneyReturns the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message
GetSendMailPriceReturns the cost to send the outgoing mail message
GetSessionTimeThis function is not yet documented
GetSetBonusesForSpecializationByItemIDThis function is not yet documented
GetShapeshiftFormReturns the index of the active ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
GetShapeshiftFormCooldownReturns cooldown information about an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
GetShapeshiftFormIDReturns the ID of the active shapeshift form
GetShapeshiftFormInfoReturns information about an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar
GetSheathStateThis function is not yet documented
GetShieldBlockReturns the amount of damage prevented when the player blocks with a shield
GetSocketItemBoundTradeableReturns whether the item open for socketing is temporarily tradeable
GetSocketItemInfoReturns information about the item currently being socketed
GetSocketItemRefundableReturns whether the item open for socketing is temporarily refundable
GetSocketTypesReturns information about the gem types usable in a socket
GetSortBagsRightToLeftThis function is not yet documented
GetSpecializationReturn non-global specialization ID of currently active specialization.
GetSpecializationInfoReturn additional data about player specializations.
GetSpecializationInfoByIDReturn additional data about specializations.
GetSpecializationInfoForClassIDThis function is not yet documented
GetSpecializationMasterySpellsReturns spellID of the mastery spell for a given specialization index.
GetSpecializationNameForSpecIDReturn the Specialization name by global specialization ID
GetSpecializationReadinessSpellThis function is not yet documented
GetSpecializationRoleThis function is not yet documented
GetSpecializationRoleByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetSpecializationSpellsReturns the spells associated with a specialization.
GetSpecsForSpellThis function is not yet documented
GetSpeedThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellAutocastReturns information about automatic casting for a spell in the spellbook
GetSpellAvailableLevelThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellBaseCooldownReturns the base cooldown of a spell
GetSpellBonusDamageReturns the player's spell damage bonus for a spell school
GetSpellBonusHealingReturns the player's amount of bonus healing
GetSpellBookItemInfoRetrieves information about a specific SpellBook item
GetSpellBookItemNameReturns the name and sub-text of a spell in the spellbook
GetSpellBookItemTextureThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellChargesReturns information on the number of charges on a spell in the spellbook
GetSpellConfirmationPromptsInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellCooldownReturns cooldown information about a spell in the spellbook
GetSpellCountReturns the number of times a spell can be cast
GetSpellCritChanceReturns the player's spell critical strike chance for a spell school
GetSpellCritChanceFromIntellectReturns additional spell critical strike chance provided by Intellect
GetSpellDescriptionReturns the description of a spell
GetSpellHitModifierThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellInfoReturns information about a spell
GetSpellLevelLearnedThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellLinkReturns a hyperlink for a spell
GetSpellLossOfControlCooldownThis function is not yet documented
GetSpellPenetrationReturns the amount of enemy magic resistance ignored due to the player's Spell Penetration Rating
GetSpellTabInfoReturns information about a tab in the spellbook
GetSpellTextureReturns the icon texture path for a spell
GetSpellsForCharacterUpgradeTierThis function is not yet documented
GetStablePetFoodTypesReturns the types of food that a stabled pet will eat
GetStablePetInfoReturns information about a stabled pet
GetStationeryInfoReturns information about a stationery type
GetStatisticReturns data for a statistic that can be shown on the statistics tab of the achievements window
GetStatisticsCategoryListReturns a list of all statistic categories
GetSturdinessThis function is not yet documented
GetSubZoneTextReturns the name of the minor area in which the player is located
GetSuggestedGroupNumReturns the suggested group size for attempting the quest currently offered by a questgiver
GetSummonConfirmAreaNameReturns the destination area of an offered summons
GetSummonConfirmSummonerReturns the name of the unit offering a summons to the player
GetSummonConfirmTimeLeftReturns the amount of time remaining before an offered summons expires
GetSummonFriendCooldownReturns cooldown information about the player's Summon Friend ability
GetSuperTrackedQuestIDThis function is not yet documented
GetTabardCreationCostReturns the cost to create a guild tabard
GetTabardInfoThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
GetTalentClearInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetTalentInfoReturns information about a talent option
GetTalentInfoByIDThis function is not yet documented
GetTalentInfoBySpecializationThis function is not yet documented
GetTalentLinkReturns a hyperlink for a talent
GetTalentRowSelectionInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetTargetTradeCurrencyThis function is not yet documented
GetTargetTradeMoneyReturns the amount of money offered for trade by the target
GetTaskInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetTaskPOIsThis function is not yet documented
GetTasksTableThis function is not yet documented
GetTaxiBenchmarkModeReturns whether flight path benchmark mode is enabled
GetTempShapeshiftBarIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetTextReturns a localized string according to given parameters
GetThreatStatusColorReturns color values for a given threat status
GetTimeReturns a number representing the current time (with millisecond precision)
GetTimeToWellRestedThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
GetTitleNameReturns the text of an available player title
GetTitleTextReturns the title text for the quest presented by a questgiver
GetToolTipInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetTotalAchievementPointsReturns the player's total achievement points earned
GetTotemInfoReturns information on a currently active totem (or ghoul)
GetTotemTimeLeftReturns the time remaining before a totem (or ghoul) automatically disappears
GetTrackedAchievementsReturns numeric IDs of the achievements flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
GetTrackingInfoReturns information about a given tracking option
GetTradePlayerItemInfoReturns information about an item offered for trade by the player
GetTradePlayerItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item offered for trade by the player
GetTradeSkillCategoryFilterThis function is not yet documented
GetTradeSkillCooldownReturns the time remaining on a trade skill recipe's cooldown
GetTradeSkillDescriptionReturns descriptive text for a tradeskill recipe
GetTradeSkillIconReturns the icon for a trade skill recipe
GetTradeSkillInfoReturns information about a trade skill header or recipe
GetTradeSkillInvSlotFilterReturns whether the trade skill listing is filtered by a given item equipment slot
GetTradeSkillInvSlotsReturns a list of recipe equipment slots for the current trade skill
GetTradeSkillItemLevelFilterReturns the current settings for filtering the trade skill listing by required level of items produced
GetTradeSkillItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for the item created by a tradeskill recipe
GetTradeSkillItemNameFilterReturns the current search text for filtering the trade skill listing by name
GetTradeSkillLineReturns information about the current trade skill
GetTradeSkillListLinkReturns a hyperlink to the player's list of recipes for the current trade skill
GetTradeSkillNumMadeReturns the number of items created when performing a tradeskill recipe
GetTradeSkillNumReagentsReturns the number of different reagents required for a trade skill recipe
GetTradeSkillReagentInfoReturns information about a reagent in a trade skill recipe
GetTradeSkillReagentItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for a reagent in a tradeskill recipe
GetTradeSkillRecipeLinkReturns hyperlink for a tradeskill recipe
GetTradeSkillSelectionIndexReturns the index of the currently selected trade skill recipe
GetTradeSkillSubCategoriesThis function is not yet documented
GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlotsThis function is not yet documented
GetTradeSkillSubClassesReturns a list of recipe subclasses for the current trade skill
GetTradeSkillTextureThis function is not yet documented
GetTradeSkillToolsReturns a list of required tools for a trade skill recipe
GetTradeTargetItemInfoReturns information about an item offered for trade by the target
GetTradeTargetItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for an item offered for trade by the target
GetTradeskillRepeatCountReturns the number of times the trade skill recipe currently being performed will repeat
GetTrainerGreetingTextReturns the current trainer's greeting text
GetTrainerSelectionIndexReturns the index of the currently selected trainer service
GetTrainerServiceAbilityReqReturns information about an ability required for purchasing a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceCostReturns the cost to purchase a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceDescriptionReturns the description of a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceIconReturns the icon for a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceInfoReturns information about an entry in the trainer service listing
GetTrainerServiceItemLinkReturns a hyperlink for the item associated with a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceLevelReqReturns the character level required to purchase a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceNumAbilityReqReturns the number of ability requirements for purchasing a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceSkillLineReturns the name of the skill line associated with a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceSkillReqReturns information about the skill requirement for a trainer service
GetTrainerServiceStepIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetTrainerServiceTypeFilterReturns whether the trainer service listing is filtered by a service status
GetTrainerTradeskillRankValuesThis function is not yet documented
GetTransmogrifyCostThis function is not yet documented
GetTransmogrifySlotInfoReturn informations about transmogrified items worn by player.
GetTutorialsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
GetUnitHealthModifierReturns the health modifier for the player's pet
GetUnitManaRegenRateFromSpiritReturns the increase in mana regeneration rate provided by Spirit
GetUnitMaxHealthModifierReturns the maximum health modifier for the player's pet
GetUnitNameReturns a string summarizing a unit's name and server
GetUnitPitchReturns the player's current pitch (slope or angle of movement)
GetUnitPowerModifierReturns the mana modifier for the player's pet
GetUnitSpeedReturns a unit's current speed
GetVehicleBarIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetVehicleUIIndicatorThis function is not yet documented
GetVehicleUIIndicatorSeatThis function is not yet documented
GetVersatilityBonusThis function is not yet documented
GetVideoCapsReturns information about graphics capabilities of the current system
GetVideoOptionsReturns video options for different video quality levels
GetVoiceCurrentSessionIDReturns an identifier for the active voice session
GetVoiceSessionInfoReturns information about a voice session
GetVoiceSessionMemberInfoBySessionIDReturns information about a member of a voice channel
GetVoiceStatusReturns whether a character has voice chat enabled
GetVoidItemHyperlinkStringThis function is not yet documented
GetVoidItemInfoReturns item info for the given void storage slot
GetVoidStorageSlotPageIndexThis function is not yet documented
GetVoidTransferCostThis function is not yet documented
GetVoidTransferDepositInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetVoidTransferWithdrawalInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetVoidUnlockCostThis function is not yet documented
GetWarGameQueueStatusThis is a Blizzard internal function
GetWarGameTypeInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetWatchedFactionInfoReturns information about the "watched" faction (displayed on the XP bar in the default UI)
GetWeaponEnchantInfoReturns information about temporary enchantments on the player's weapons
GetWebTicketThis function is not yet documented
GetWhoInfoReturns information about a character in the Who system query results
GetWorldEffectTextureCoordsThis function is not yet documented
GetWorldElapsedTimeThis function is not yet documented
GetWorldElapsedTimersThis function is not yet documented
GetWorldLocFromMapPosThis function is not yet documented
GetWorldMapTransformInfoThis function is not yet documented
GetWorldMapTransformsThis function is not yet documented
GetWorldPVPAreaInfoReturns information about a given world PvP zone
GetWorldPVPQueueStatusReturns information on the players queue for a world PvP zone
GetWorldStateUIInfoReturns information about a world state UI element
GetXPExhaustionReturns the amount of rested bonus experience available
GetZonePVPInfoReturns PVP information about the current area
GetZoneTextReturns the name of the zone in which the player is located
GiveMasterLootAwards a loot item to a group member
GlyphMatchesSocketReturns whether a socket is eligible for the glyph currently awaiting a target
GrantLevelGrants a level to the player's Recruit-a-Friend partner
GroupHasOfflineMemberThis function is not yet documented
GuildControlAddRankAdds a new rank to the player's guild
GuildControlDelRankDeletes a guild rank
GuildControlGetAllowedShiftsThis function is not yet documented
GuildControlGetNumRanksReturns the number of ranks in the guild
GuildControlGetRankFlagsReturns the list of privileges for the guild rank being edited
GuildControlGetRankNameReturns the name of a guild rank
GuildControlSaveRankSaves changes to the guild rank being edited
GuildControlSetRankChooses a guild rank to edit
GuildControlSetRankFlagEnables or disables a privilege for the guild rank being edited
GuildControlShiftRankDownThis function is not yet documented
GuildControlShiftRankUpThis function is not yet documented
GuildDemoteReduces a guild member's rank by one
GuildDisbandDisbands the player's guild
GuildInfoRequests guild information from the server
GuildInviteInvites a character to join the player's guild
GuildLeaveLeaves the player's current guild
GuildMasterAbsentThis function is not yet documented
GuildNewsSetStickyThis function is not yet documented
GuildNewsSortThis function is not yet documented
GuildPromoteIncreases a guild member's rank by one
GuildRosterRequests guild roster information from the server
GuildRosterSendSoRThis function is not yet documented
GuildRosterSetOfficerNoteSets the officer note for a guild member
GuildRosterSetPublicNoteSets the public note for a guild member
GuildSetLeaderPromotes a member to guild leader
GuildSetMOTDSets the guild Message of the Day
GuildUninviteRemoves a character from the player's guild
HasAPEffectsSpellPowerThis function is not yet documented
HasActionReturns whether an action slot contains an action
HasAlternateFormThis function is not yet documented
HasBonusActionBarThis function is not yet documented
HasBoundGemProposedThis function is not yet documented
HasCompletedAnyAchievementChecks if the player has completed at least 1 achievement
HasDebugZoneMapThis is a Blizzard internal function
HasDraenorZoneAbilityThis function is not yet documented
HasDualWieldPenaltyThis function is not yet documented
HasExtraActionBarThis function is not yet documented
HasFullControlReturns whether the player character can be controlled
HasInspectHonorDataReturns whether PvP honor and arena data for the currently inspected unit has been downloaded from the server
HasKeyReturns whether the player has any keys stored in the Keyring container
HasLFGRestrictionsThis function is not yet documented
HasLoadedCUFProfilesThis function is not yet documented
HasNewMailReturns whether the player has received new mail since last visiting a mailbox
HasOverrideActionBarThis function is not yet documented
HasPetSpellsReturns whether the player's current pet has a spellbook
HasPetUIReturns whether the pet UI should be displayed for the player's pet
HasSPEffectsAttackPowerThis function is not yet documented
HasSoulstoneReturns whether the player can instantly resurrect in place
HasTempShapeshiftActionBarThis function is not yet documented
HasTravelPassThis function is not yet documented
HasVehicleActionBarThis function is not yet documented
HasWandEquippedReturns whether the player has a wand equipped
HaveQuestDataThis function is not yet documented
HearthAndResurrectFromAreaInstantly exits the current world PvP zone, returning to the player's Hearthstone location
HideRepairCursorReturns the cursor to normal mode after use of [[docs/api/ShowRepairCursor|`ShowRepairCursor()`]]
InActiveBattlefieldThis function is not yet documented
InCinematicReturns whether an in-game cinematic is playing
InCombatLockdownReturns whether the user interface is protected due to combat
InGuildPartyReturns whether or not player is in a guild party.
InRepairModeReturns whether the item repair cursor mode is currently active
InboxItemCanDeleteReturns whether a message in the player's inbox can be deleted
InitWorldMapPingInitializes the frame used to display the character location "ping" on the World Map
InitiateRolePollInitiates a raid-wide role check. Every raid member is required to set his own role in a popup role window.
InitiateTradeOffers to trade with a given unit
InteractUnitInteracts with (as with right-clicking on) a unit
InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategoryOpens the Interface Options window and displays a given panel within it
InterfaceOptions_AddCategoryRegisters a panel to be displayed in the Interface Options window
InviteUnitInvites a character to the player's party or raid
IsAchievementEligibleThis function is not yet documented
IsActionInRangeReturns whether the player's target is in range of an action
IsActiveBattlefieldArenaReturns whether the player is currently in an arena match
IsActiveQuestLegendaryThis function is not yet documented
IsActiveQuestTrivialReturns whether a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC is trivial at the player's level
IsAddOnLoadOnDemandReturns whether an addon can be loaded without restarting the UI
IsAddOnLoadedReturns whether an addon is currently loaded
IsAddonMessagePrefixRegisteredReturns whether or not the client has registered to receive messages with a given addon prefix
IsAddonVersionCheckEnabledThis function is not yet documented
IsAllowedToUserTeleportThis function is not yet documented
IsAltKeyDownReturns whether an Alt key on the keyboard is held down.
IsArenaSkirmishThis function is not yet documented
IsArenaTeamCaptainReturns whether the player is the captain of an arena team
IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailableThis function is not yet documented
IsAtStableMasterReturns whether the player is interacting with a Stable Master NPC
IsAttackActionReturns whether an action is the standard melee Attack action
IsAttackSpellReturns whether a spell is the standard melee Attack spell
IsAuctionSortReversedReturns whether a sort criterion is applied in reverse order
IsAutoRepeatActionReturns whether an action is an automatically repeating action
IsAutoRepeatSpellReturns whether a spell is an automatically repeating spell
IsAvailableQuestTrivialReturns whether a quest available from the current Quest NPC is trivial at the player's level
IsBNLoginThis function is not yet documented
IsBagSlotFlagEnabledOnOtherBagsThis function is not yet documented
IsBagSlotFlagEnabledOnOtherBankBagsThis function is not yet documented
IsBarberShopStyleValidThis function is not yet documented
IsBattlePayItemThis function is not yet documented
IsBlizzConThis function is not yet documented
IsBreadcrumbQuestThis function is not yet documented
IsCemeterySelectionAvailableThis function is not yet documented
IsCharacterNewlyBoostedThis function is not yet documented
IsChatAFKReturns whether the player's status is Away
IsChatDNDReturns whether the player's status is Busy
IsConsumableActionReturns whether using an action consumes an item
IsConsumableItemReturns whether an item is consumable
IsConsumableSpellReturns whether casting a spell consumes a reagent item
IsContainerFilteredThis function is not yet documented
IsControlKeyDownReturns whether a Control key on the keyboard is held down
IsCurrentActionReturns whether an action is currently being used
IsCurrentItemReturns whether an item is being used
IsCurrentQuestFailedReturns whether the player has failed the selected quest in the quest log
IsCurrentSpellReturns whether a spell is currently being used
IsDebugBuildThis is a Blizzard internal function
IsDesaturateSupportedReturns whether the current hardware supports desaturated textures
IsDisplayChannelModeratorReturns whether the player is a moderator of the selected channel in the channel list display
IsDisplayChannelOwnerReturns whether the player is the owner of the selected channel in the channel list display
IsDressableItemReturns whether an item's appearance can be previewed using the Dressing Room feature
IsDualWieldingThis function is not yet documented
IsEncounterInProgressThis function is not yet documented
IsEquippableItemReturns whether an item can be equipped
IsEquippedActionReturns whether an action contains an equipped item
IsEquippedItemReturns whether an item is currently equipped
IsEquippedItemTypeReturns whether any items of a given type are currently equipped
IsEuropeanNumbersThis function is not yet documented
IsEveryoneAssistantThis function is not yet documented
IsExpansionTrialThis function is not yet documented
IsFactionInactiveReturns whether a faction is flagged as "inactive"
IsFallingReturns whether the player is currently falling
IsFishingLootReturns whether the currently displayed loot came from fishing
IsFlyableAreaReturns whether flight is allowed on the continent where the player is currently located
IsFlyingReturns whether the player is currently flying
IsGMClientThis is a Blizzard internal function
IsGlyphFlagSetThis function is not yet documented
IsGuildLeaderReturns whether or player is leader of his or her guild
IsGuildRankAssignmentAllowedThis function is not yet documented
IsHarmfulItemReturns whether an item can be used against hostile units
IsHarmfulSpellReturns whether a spell can be used against hostile units
IsHelpfulItemReturns whether an item can be used on the player or friendly units
IsHelpfulSpellReturns whether an item can be used on the player or friendly units
IsIgnoredReturns whether a unit is on the player's ignore list
IsIgnoredOrMutedReturns whether a unit can be heard due to ignored/muted status
IsInActiveWorldPVPThis function is not yet documented
IsInArenaTeamReturns whether the player is on an arena team
IsInAuthenticatedRankThis function is not yet documented
IsInGroupReturns whether the player is currently in the specified type of group, or any type of group if not specified.
IsInGuildReturns whether the player is in a guild
IsInInstanceReturns whether the player is in an instance (and its type if applicable)
IsInLFGDungeonThis function is not yet documented
IsInRaidReturns whether the player is currently in a raid group
IsInScenarioGroupThis function is not yet documented
IsIndoorsReturns whether the player is currently indoors
IsInventoryItemLockedReturns whether an inventory slot is locked
IsInventoryItemProfessionBagThis function is not yet documented
IsItemActionThis function is not yet documented
IsItemInRangeReturns whether the player is in range to use an item on a unit
IsLFGCompleteThis function is not yet documented
IsLFGDungeonJoinableThis function is not yet documented
IsLeftAltKeyDownReturns whether the left Alt key is currently held down
IsLeftControlKeyDownReturns whether the left Control key is held down
IsLeftShiftKeyDownReturns whether the left Shift key on the keyboard is held down
IsLegacyDifficultyThis function is not yet documented
IsLinuxClientReturns whether the player is using the native Linux game client
IsLoggedInReturns whether the login process has completed
IsLoggingOutThis function is not yet documented
IsMacClientReturns whether the player is using the Mac OS X game client
IsMapGarrisonMapThis function is not yet documented
IsMasterLooterThis function is not yet documented
IsModifiedClickDetermines if the modifiers specified in the click-type had been held down while the button click occurred.
IsModifierKeyDownReturns whether a modifier key is held down
IsMountedReturns whether the player is mounted
IsMouseButtonDownReturns whether a given mouse button is held down
IsMouselookingReturns whether mouselook mode is active
IsMovieLocalThis function is not yet documented
IsMoviePlayableThis function is not yet documented
IsMutedReturns whether a character has been muted by the player
IsNPCCraftingThis function is not yet documented
IsOnGlueScreenThis function is not yet documented
IsOnTournamentRealmReturns whether the player is on an Arena Tournament realm
IsOutOfBoundsReturns whether the player is currently outside the bounds of the world
IsOutdoorsReturns whether the player is currently outdoors
IsPVPTimerRunningReturns whether the player's PvP flag will expire after a period of time
IsPartyLFGThis function is not yet documented
IsPassiveSpellReturns whether a spell is passive (cannot be cast)
IsPetActiveThis function is not yet documented
IsPetAttackActionReturns if the pet action button is the pet attack command
IsPetAttackActiveReturns whether the pet's attack action is currently active
IsPlayerInMicroDungeonThis function is not yet documented
IsPlayerInWorldThis function is not yet documented
IsPlayerMovingThis function is not yet documented
IsPlayerNeutralThis function is not yet documented
IsPlayerSpellReturns true if the spell is available to the player's current specialization and talents
IsPossessBarVisibleReturns whether a special action bar should be shown while the player possesses another unit
IsQuestCompletableReturns whether the player can complete the quest presented by a questgiver
IsQuestCompleteThis function is not yet documented
IsQuestFlaggedCompletedReturns whether a quest is completed by the player or not
IsQuestHardWatchedThis function is not yet documented
IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRangeReturns whether the player's target is in range for using an item associated with a current quest
IsQuestSequencedThis function is not yet documented
IsQuestTaskThis function is not yet documented
IsQuestWatchedReturns whether a quest from the quest log is listed in the objectives tracker
IsRaidMarkerActiveThis function is not yet documented
IsRangedWeaponThis function is not yet documented
IsRatedBattlegroundReturns whether or not the player is in a rated battleground
IsRatedMapThis function is not yet documented
IsReagentBankUnlockedReturns true if Ragent Bank has been purchased
IsReferAFriendLinkedReturns whether a unit's account is linked to the player's via the Recruit-a-Friend program
IsRestingReturns whether the player is currently resting
IsRestrictedAccountThis function is not yet documented
IsRightAltKeyDownReturns whether the right Alt key is currently held down
IsRightControlKeyDownReturns whether the right Control key on the keyboard is held down
IsRightShiftKeyDownReturns whether the right shift key on the keyboard is held down
IsSelectedSpellBookItemThis function is not yet documented
IsShiftKeyDownReturns whether a Shift key on the keyboard is held down
IsSilencedReturns whether a character is silenced on a chat channel
IsSpellClassOrSpecThis function is not yet documented
IsSpellInRangeReturns whether the player is in range to cast a spell on a unit
IsSpellKnownReturns whether the player (or pet) knows a spell
IsSpellOverlayedChecks if a given spell ID has an active spell overlay
IsStackableActionReturns whether an action uses stackable items
IsStealthedReturns whether the player is currently stealthed
IsStereoVideoAvailableReturns whether the current system supports stereoscopic 3D display
IsStoryQuestThis function is not yet documented
IsSubZonePVPPOIReturns whether the current area has PvP (or other) objectives to be displayed
IsSubmergedThis function is not yet documented
IsSwimmingReturns whether the player is currently swimming
IsTalentSpellReturns true if the given spellbook item was added by an active talent
IsTestBuildThis function is not yet documented
IsThreatWarningEnabledReturns whether the default Aggro Warning UI should currently be shown
IsTitleKnownReturns whether the player has earned the ability to display a title
IsTrackedAchievementReturns whether an achievement is flagged for display in the objectives tracker UI
IsTrackingBattlePetsThis function is not yet documented
IsTradeSkillGuildThis function is not yet documented
IsTradeSkillLinkedReturns whether the TradeSkill UI is showing another player's skill
IsTradeSkillReadyThis function is not yet documented
IsTradeSkillRepeatingThis function is not yet documented
IsTradeskillTrainerReturns whether the player is interacting with a trade skill trainer (as opposed to a class trainer)
IsTrialAccountThis function is not yet documented
IsTutorialFlaggedThis function is not yet documented
IsUnitOnQuestReturns whether a unit is on one of the quests in the player's quest log
IsUnitOnQuestByQuestIDThis function is not yet documented
IsUsableActionReturns whether an action is usable
IsUsableItemReturns whether an item can currently be used
IsUsableSpellReturns whether or not a given spell is usable or cannot be used due to lack of mana
IsUsingVehicleControlsThis is a Blizzard internal function
IsVehicleAimAngleAdjustableReturns whether the player is controlling a vehicle weapon with adjustable aim angle
IsVehicleAimPowerAdjustableThis is a Blizzard internal function
IsVoiceChatAllowedReturns whether the player is allowed to enable the voice chat feature
IsVoiceChatAllowedByServerReturns whether voice chat is supported by the realm server
IsVoiceChatEnabledReturns whether the voice chat system is enabled
IsVoidStorageReadyReturns whether the void storage content can be accessed
IsWargameThis function is not yet documented
IsWindowsClientReturns whether the player is using the Windows game client
IsXPUserDisabledReturns whether experience gain has been disabled for the player
IsZoomOutAvailableThis function is not yet documented
ItemAddedToArtifactThis function is not yet documented
ItemHasRangeReturns whether an item has a range limitation for its use
ItemTextGetCreatorReturns the original author of the currently viewed text item
ItemTextGetItemReturns the name of the currently viewed text item
ItemTextGetMaterialReturns display style information for the currently viewed text item
ItemTextGetPageReturns the current page number in the currently viewed text item
ItemTextGetTextReturns the text of the currently viewed text item
ItemTextHasNextPageReturns whether the currently viewed text item has additional pages
ItemTextNextPageMoves to the next page in the currently viewed text item
ItemTextPrevPageMoves to the previous page in the currently viewed text item
JoinArenaThis function is not yet documented
JoinBattlefieldJoins the queue for a battleground instance
JoinChannelByNameThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
JoinLFGJoins the player to the LFG system
JoinPermanentChannelJoins a channel, saving associated chat window settings
JoinRatedBattlefieldThis function is not yet documented
JoinSingleLFGThis function is not yet documented
JoinSkirmishThis function is not yet documented
JoinTemporaryChannelJoins a channel, but does not save associated chat window settings
JumpOrAscendStartCauses the player character to jump (or begins ascent if swimming or flying)
KBArticle_BeginLoadingRequests a specific knowledge base article from the server
KBArticle_GetDataReturns information about the last requested knowledge base article
KBArticle_IsLoadedReturns whether the requested knowledge base article has been loaded
KBQuery_BeginLoadingQueries the knowledge base server for articles
KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderCountReturns the number of articles on the current knowledge base search result page
KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderDataReturns information about an article returned in a knowledge base query
KBQuery_GetTotalArticleCountReturns the total number of articles returned for the given query
KBQuery_IsLoadedReturns whether results of a knowledge base query have been loaded
KBSetup_BeginLoadingLoads a maximum number of "Top Issues" from a given page
KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderCountReturns the number of "Top Issues" articles on the current page
KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderDataReturns header information about a "Top Issue" article
KBSetup_GetCategoryCountReturns the number of available knowledge base categories
KBSetup_GetCategoryDataReturns information about a knowledge base category
KBSetup_GetLanguageCountReturns the number of available knowledge base languages
KBSetup_GetLanguageDataReturns information about a given knowledge base language
KBSetup_GetSubCategoryCountReturns the number of available subcategories for a given category
KBSetup_GetSubCategoryDataReturns information a knowledge base subcategory
KBSetup_GetTotalArticleCountReturns the number of "Top Issues" articles
KBSetup_IsLoadedReturns whether the knowledge base default query has completed successfully
KBSystem_GetMOTDReturns the currently knowledge base MOTD
KBSystem_GetServerNoticeReturns the text of the knowledge base server system notice
KBSystem_GetServerStatusReturns the knowledge base server system status message
LFGTeleportTeleports the player to or from their current LFG dungeon
LearnTalentLearns a talent, spending one talent point
LearnTalentsThis function is not yet documented
LeaveBattlefieldImmediately exits the current battleground instance
LeaveChannelByNameLeaves a chat channel
LeaveLFGLeave the LFG queue.
LeavePartyExits the current party or raid
LeaveSingleLFGThis function is not yet documented
ListChannelByNameRequests the list of participants in a chat channel
ListChannelsRequests a list of channels joined by the player
LoadAddOnLoads a LoadOnDemand-capable addon
LoadBindingsLoads a set of key bindings
LoadURLIndexThis function is not yet documented
LoggingChatEnables or disables saving chat text to a file
LoggingCombatEnables or disables saving combat log data to a file
LogoutAttempts to log out and return to the character selection screen
LootSlotAttempts to pick up an item available as loot
LootSlotHasItemThis function is not yet documented
MacOptions_AreOSShortcutsDisabledThis function is not yet documented
MacOptions_GetGameBundleNameThis function is not yet documented
MacOptions_HasNewStyleUniversalAccessThis function is not yet documented
MacOptions_IsUniversalAccessEnabledThis function is not yet documented
MacOptions_OpenUniversalAccessThis function is not yet documented
MacOptions_SetOSShortcutsDisabledThis function is not yet documented
ModifyEquipmentSetModifies the name and icon of an existing equipment set
MouseOverrideCinematicDisableThis function is not yet documented
MouselookStartEnables mouselook mode, in which cursor movement rotates the camera
MouselookStopDisables mouselook mode
MoveAndSteerStartBegins moving the player character forward while steering via mouse movement
MoveAndSteerStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveAndSteerStart|`MoveAndSteerStart`]]
MoveBackwardStartBegins moving the player character backward
MoveBackwardStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveBackwardStart|`MoveBackwardStart`]]
MoveForwardStartBegins moving the player character forward
MoveForwardStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveForwardStart|`MoveForwardStart`]]
MoveViewDownStartBegins orbiting the camera downward (to look upward)
MoveViewDownStopEnds camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewDownStart|`MoveViewDownStart`]]
MoveViewInStartBegins zooming the camera inward (towards/through the player character)
MoveViewInStopEnds camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewInStart|`MoveViewInStart`]]
MoveViewLeftStartBegins orbiting the camera around the player character to the left
MoveViewLeftStopEnds camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewLeftStart|`MoveViewLeftStart`]]
MoveViewOutStartBegins zooming the camera outward (away from the player character)
MoveViewOutStopEnds camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewOutStart|`MoveViewOutStart`]]
MoveViewRightStartBegins orbiting the camera around the player character to the right
MoveViewRightStopEnds camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewRightStart|`MoveViewRightStart`]]
MoveViewUpStartBegins orbiting the camera upward (to look down)
MoveViewUpStopEnds camera movement initiated by [[docs/api/MoveViewUpStart|`MoveViewUpStart`]]
MovieRecording_CancelCancels video recording and compression
MovieRecording_DataRateReturns the data rate required for a given set of video recording parameters
MovieRecording_DeleteMovieDeletes an uncompressed movie
MovieRecording_GetAspectRatioReturns the aspect ratio of the game display
MovieRecording_GetFullWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_GetHalfWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_GetMovieFullPathReturns a path to the movie currently being recorded or compressed
MovieRecording_GetProgressReturns information about movie compression progress
MovieRecording_GetQuarterWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_GetSelectedWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_GetTimeReturns the amount of time since video recording was last started
MovieRecording_GetViewportWidthReturns the current width of the game display
MovieRecording_GetWidthAtThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_GetWidthCountThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_IsCodecSupportedReturns whether a video codec is supported on the current system
MovieRecording_IsCompressingReturns whether a movie file is currently being compressed
MovieRecording_IsCursorRecordingSupportedReturns whether the current system supports recording the mouse cursor in movies
MovieRecording_IsRecordingReturns whether movie recording is currently in progress
MovieRecording_IsSupportedReturns whether movie recording is supported on the current system
MovieRecording_LoadSelectedWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_MaxLengthReturns the maximum length of recorded video for a given set of video recording parameters
MovieRecording_QueueMovieToCompressQueues an uncompressed movie for compression
MovieRecording_SaveSelectedWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_SearchUncompressedMovieEnables or disables a search for uncompressed movies
MovieRecording_SetSelectedWidthThis function is not yet documented
MovieRecording_ToggleBegins or ends video recording
MovieRecording_ToggleGUIEnables or disables inclusion of UI elements in a video recording
MusicPlayer_BackTrackCauses iTunes to return to the previous track played
MusicPlayer_NextTrackCauses iTunes to play the next track in sequence
MusicPlayer_PlayPauseCauses iTunes to start or pause playback
MusicPlayer_VolumeDownCauses iTunes to lower its playback volume
MusicPlayer_VolumeUpCauses iTunes to raise its playback volume
NeutralPlayerSelectFactionThis function is not yet documented
NewGMTicketOpens a new GM support ticket
NextViewMoves the camera to the next predefined setting
NoPlayTimeReturns whether the player has exceeded the allowed play time limit
NotWhileDeadErrorCauses the default UI to display an error message indicating that actions are disallowed while the player is dead
NotifyInspectMarks a unit for inspection and requests talent data from the server
NumTaxiNodesReturns the number of flight points on the taxi map
OfferPetitionRequests an arena or guild charter signature from the targeted unit
OffhandHasWeaponReturns whether the player has an equipped weapon in the off hand slot
OpenCalendarQueries the server for calendar status information
OpenTrainerThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
OpeningCinematicDisplays the introductory cinematic for the player's race
PartialPlayTimeReturns whether the player is near the allowed play time limit
PartyLFGStartBackfillThis function is not yet documented
PetAbandonReleases the player's pet
PetAggressiveModeEnables aggressive mode for the player's pet
PetAssistModeThis function is not yet documented
PetAttackInstructs the pet to attack
PetCanBeAbandonedReturns whether the player's pet can be abandoned
PetCanBeDismissedReturns whether a Dismiss Pet command should be available for the player's pet
PetCanBeRenamedReturns whether the player's pet can be renamed
PetDefensiveModeEnables defensive mode for the player's pet
PetDismissDismisses the currently controlled pet
PetFollowInstructs the pet to follow the player
PetHasActionBarReturns whether the player's current pet has an action bar
PetHasSpellbookThis function is not yet documented
PetMoveToCommands the player's pet to move to the targeted destination
PetPassiveModeEnables passive mode for the player's pet
PetRenameRenames the currently controlled pet
PetStopAttackInstructs the pet to stop attacking
PetUsesPetFrameThis function is not yet documented
PetWaitInstructs the pet to stay at its current location
PickupActionPuts the contents of an action bar slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into an action bar slot
PickupBagFromSlotPuts an equipped container onto the cursor
PickupCompanionPuts a non-combat pet or mount onto the cursor
PickupContainerItemPicks up an item from or puts an item into a slot in one of the player's bags or other containers
PickupCurrencyThis function is not yet documented
PickupEquipmentSetPuts an equipment set (specified by index) on the cursor
PickupEquipmentSetByNamePuts an equipment set on the cursor
PickupGuildBankItemPicks up an item from or puts an item into the guild bank
PickupGuildBankMoneyPuts money from the guild bank onto the cursor
PickupInventoryItemPicks up an item from or puts an item into an equipment slot
PickupItemPuts an arbitrary item onto the cursor
PickupMacroPuts a macro onto the cursor
PickupMerchantItemPuts an item available for purchase from a vendor onto the cursor
PickupPetActionPuts the contents of a pet action slot onto the cursor or the cursor contents into a pet action slot
PickupPetSpellThis function is not yet documented
PickupPlayerMoneyPuts an amount of the player's money onto the cursor
PickupSpellPuts a spell onto the cursor
PickupSpellBookItemThis function is not yet documented
PickupStablePetPuts a pet from the stables onto the cursor
PickupTalentThis function is not yet documented
PickupTradeMoneyPuts money offered by the player for trade onto the cursor
PitchDownStartBegins adjusting the player character's angle of vertical movement downward
PitchDownStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/PitchDownStart|`PitchDownStart`]]
PitchUpStartBegins adjusting the player character's angle of vertical movement upward
PitchUpStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/PitchUpStart|`PitchUpStart`]]
PlaceActionPuts the contents of the cursor into an action bar slot
PlaceAuctionBidPlaces a bid on (or buys out) an auction item
PlaceGlyphInSocketApplies the glyph currently awaiting a target to a socket
PlaceRaidMarkerThis function is not yet documented
PlayAutoAcceptQuestSoundThis function is not yet documented
PlayMusicPlays an audio file as background music
PlaySoundPlays one of WoW's built-in sound effects
PlaySoundFilePlays an audio file at a given path
PlaySoundKitIDThis function is not yet documented
PlayerCanTeleportReturns whether the player can accept a summons
PlayerHasHearthstoneReturns whether the player has a hearthstone in their bag
PlayerHasToyThis function is not yet documented
PlayerIsPVPInactiveReturns whether a battleground participant is inactive (and eligible for reporting as AFK)
PortGraveyardThis function is not yet documented
PreloadMovieThis function is not yet documented
PrevViewMoves the camera to the previous predefined setting
ProcessMapClickPossibly changes the WorldMap based on a mouse click
ProcessQuestLogRewardFactionsThis function is not yet documented
PromoteToAssistantPromotes a raid member to raid assistant
PromoteToLeaderPromotes a player to party/raid leader
PurchaseSlotPurchases the next available bank slot
PutItemInBackpackPuts the item on the cursor into the player's backpack
PutItemInBagPuts the item on the cursor into one of the player's bags or other containers
QueryAuctionItemsRequests data from the server for the list of auctions meeting given search criteria
QueryCastSequenceThis function is not yet documented
QueryGuildBankLogRequests the item transaction log for a guild bank tab from the server
QueryGuildBankTabRequests information about the contents of a guild bank tab from the server
QueryGuildBankTextRequests guild bank tab info text from the server
QueryGuildEventLogRequests guild event log information from the server
QueryGuildMembersForRecipeThis function is not yet documented
QueryGuildNewsThis function is not yet documented
QueryGuildRecipesThis function is not yet documented
QueryWorldCountdownTimerThis function is not yet documented
QuestChooseRewardErrorCauses the default UI to display an error message indicating that the player must choose a reward to complete the quest presented by a questgiver
QuestFlagsPVPReturns whether accepting the offered quest will flag the player for PvP
QuestGetAutoAcceptThis function is not yet documented
QuestGetAutoLaunchedThis function is not yet documented
QuestHasPOIInfoThis function is not yet documented
QuestIsDailyThis function is not yet documented
QuestIsFromAreaTriggerThis function is not yet documented
QuestIsWeeklyThis function is not yet documented
QuestLogPushQuestShares a quest with other group members
QuestLogShouldShowPortraitThis function is not yet documented
QuestMapUpdateAllQuestsThis function is not yet documented
QuestPOIGetIconInfoReturns information about a QuestPOI icon
QuestPOIGetQuestIDByIndexThis function is not yet documented
QuestPOIGetQuestIDByVisibleIndexThis function is not yet documented
QuestPOIGetSecondaryLocationsThis function is not yet documented
QuestPOIUpdateIconsThis function is not yet documented
QuitAttempts to exit the World of Warcraft client
RaidProfileExistsThis function is not yet documented
RaidProfileHasUnsavedChangesThis function is not yet documented
RandomRollInitiates a public, server-side "dice roll"
ReagentBankButtonIDToInvSlotIDThis function is not yet documented
RefreshLFGListThis function is not yet documented
RefreshWorldMapThis function is not yet documented
RegisterAddonMessagePrefixRegisters to receive addon messages with a given prefix
RegisterCVarRegisters a configuration variable to be saved
RegisterStaticConstantsThis function is not yet documented
RejectProposalRejects a LFG dungeon invite.
ReloadUIReloads the user interface
RemoveAutoQuestPopUpRemove AutoQuestPopup
RemoveChatWindowChannelRemoves a channel from a chat window's list of saved channel subscriptions
RemoveChatWindowMessagesRemoves a message type from a chat window's list of saved message subscriptions
RemoveFriendRemoves a character from the friends list
RemoveGlyphFromSocketRemoves the glyph from a socket
RemoveItemFromArtifactThis function is not yet documented
RemoveQuestWatchRemoves a quest from the objectives tracker
RemoveTalentThis function is not yet documented
RemoveTrackedAchievementRemoves an achievement from the objectives tracker UI
RenamePetitionRenames the guild or arena team to be created by the open petition
RepairAllItemsAttempts to repair all of the player's damaged items
ReplaceEnchantConfirms replacing an existing enchantment
ReplaceGuildMasterThis function is not yet documented
ReplaceTradeEnchantConfirms replacement of an existing enchantment when offering an enchantment for trade
RepopMeReleases the player's spirit to the nearest graveyard
ReportBugThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
ReportPlayerReport a player to a GM.
ReportPlayerIsPVPAFKReports a battleground participant as AFK
ReportSuggestionThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
RequestArtifactCompletionHistoryQueries the server for the player's artifact completion history
RequestBattlefieldScoreDataRequests battlefield score data from the server
RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfoRequests information about available instances of a battleground from the server
RequestChallengeModeLeadersThis function is not yet documented
RequestChallengeModeMapInfoThis function is not yet documented
RequestChallengeModeRewardsThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildApplicantsListThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildChallengeInfoThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildMembershipThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildMembershipListThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildPartyStateThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildRecruitmentSettingsThis function is not yet documented
RequestGuildRewardsThis function is not yet documented
RequestInspectHonorDataRequests PvP honor and arena data from the server for the currently inspected unit
RequestLFDPartyLockInfoThis function is not yet documented
RequestLFDPlayerLockInfoRequests instance lockout and Call to Arms dungeon reward information.
RequestPVPOptionsEnabledThis function is not yet documented
RequestPVPRewardsRequests informations about Conquest Point cap from the server
RequestRaidInfoRequests information about saved instances from the server
RequestRandomBattlegroundInstanceInfoThis function is not yet documented
RequestRatedInfoThis function is not yet documented
RequestRecruitingGuildsListThis function is not yet documented
RequestTimePlayedRequests information from the server about the player character's total time spent online
RequeueSkirmishThis function is not yet documented
ResetAddOnsThis function is not yet documented
ResetCPUUsageResets CPU usage statistics
ResetChallengeModeThis function is not yet documented
ResetChatColorsRemoves all saved color settings for chat message types, resetting them to default values
ResetChatWindowsRemoves all saved chat window settings, resetting them to default values
ResetCursorReturns the cursor to its normal appearance (the glove pointer) and behavior
ResetDisabledAddOnsReverts changes to the enabled/disabled state of addons
ResetInstancesResets all non-saved instances associated with the player
ResetPerformanceValuesThis is a Blizzard internal function
ResetSetMerchantFilterChanges the filter applied to the merchant back to its default
ResetTutorialsEnables contextual tutorial display and clears the list of already displayed tutorials
ResetViewResets a saved camera setting to default values
ResistancePercentReturns the % value of spell resistance depending on resistance value and player level
RespondInstanceLockAllows leaving a recently entered instance to which the player would otherwise be saved
RespondMailLockSendItemThis function is not yet documented
RestartGxRestart the client's graphic subsystem
RestoreRaidProfileFromCopyThis function is not yet documented
ResurrectGetOffererReturns the name of a unit offering to resurrect the player
ResurrectHasSicknessReturns whether accepting an offered resurrection spell will cause the player to suffer Resurrection Sickness
ResurrectHasTimerReturns whether the player must wait before resurrecting
RetrieveCorpseConfirms resurrection by returning to the player's corpse
ReturnInboxItemReturns a message in the player's inbox to its sender
RollOnLootRegister the player's intent regarding an item up for loot rolling
RunBindingRuns the script associated with a key binding action
RunMacroRuns a macro
RunMacroTextRuns arbitrary text as a macro
RunScriptRuns a string as a Lua script
SaveAddOnsThis function is not yet documented
SaveBindingsSaves the current set of key bindings
SaveEquipmentSetSaves or creates an equipment set with the player's currently equipped items
SaveRaidProfileCopyThis function is not yet documented
SaveViewSaves the current camera settings
ScreenshotSaves an image of the current game display
SearchGuildRecipesThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGGetEncounterResultsThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGGetJoinedIDThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGGetNumResultsThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGGetPartyResultsThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGGetResultsReturns information about the players progress in the raidfinder.
SearchLFGJoinThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGLeaveThis function is not yet documented
SearchLFGSortThis function is not yet documented
SecondsToTimeReturns a description of an amount of time in appropriate units
SecureButton_GetModifiedUnitThis function is not yet documented
SecureCmdOptionParseReturns the action (and target, if applicable) for a secure macro command
SelectActiveQuestSelects a quest which can be turned in to the current Quest NPC
SelectAvailableQuestChooses a quest available from the current Quest NPC
SelectGossipActiveQuestChooses a quest which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC
SelectGossipAvailableQuestChooses a quest available from the current Gossip NPC
SelectGossipOptionChooses and activates an NPC dialog option
SelectPackageThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
SelectQuestLogEntrySelects a quest from the quest log
SelectStationerySelects a given stationery for usage when sending mail
SelectTradeSkillSelects a recipe in the trade skill listing
SelectTrainerServiceSelects an entry in the trainer service listing
SelectedRealmNameThis function is not yet documented
SendAddonMessageSends a chat-like message receivable by other addons
SendChatMessageSends a chat message
SendMailSends the outgoing message
SendQuestChoiceResponseThis function is not yet documented
SendSoRByTextThis function is not yet documented
SendSystemMessageThis function is not yet documented
SendWhoRequests a list of characters meeting given search criteria from the server
SetAbandonQuestBegins the process of abandoning a quest in the player's quest log
SetAchievementComparisonPortraitThis function is not yet documented
SetAchievementComparisonUnitEnables comparing achievements/statistics with another player
SetActionBarTogglesConfigures display of additional ActionBars in the default UI
SetActionUIButtonThis function is not yet documented
SetActiveSpecGroupThis function is not yet documented
SetActiveVoiceChannelSets the currently active voice channel
SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionIDSets the currently active voice chat channel
SetAddonVersionCheckThis function is not yet documented
SetAllowLowLevelRaidEnabling this if your character is below level 10 will allow you to join a raid group.
SetAuctionsTabShowingThis function is not yet documented
SetAutoDeclineGuildInvitesThis function is not yet documented
SetBackpackAutosortDisabledThis function is not yet documented
SetBagPortraitTextureSets a Texture object to display the icon of one of the player's bags
SetBagSlotFlagThis function is not yet documented
SetBankAutosortDisabledThis function is not yet documented
SetBankBagSlotFlagThis function is not yet documented
SetBarSlotFromIntroThis function is not yet documented
SetBarberShopAlternateFormFrameThis function is not yet documented
SetBattlefieldScoreFactionFilters the battleground scoreboard by faction/team
SetBindingBinds a key combination to a binding command
SetBindingClickBinds a key combination to "click" a Button object
SetBindingItemBinds a key combination to use an item in the player's possession
SetBindingMacroBinds a key combination to run a macro
SetBindingSpellBinds a key combination to cast a spell
SetBlacklistMapThis function is not yet documented
SetCVarSets the value of a configuration variable
SetCVarBitfieldThis function is not yet documented
SetCemeteryPreferenceThis function is not yet documented
SetChannelOwnerGives channel ownership to another character
SetChannelPasswordSets a password on a custom chat channel
SetChatColorNameByClassSets whether the player names should be colored by class for a given chat type
SetChatWindowAlphaSaves a chat window's background opacity setting
SetChatWindowColorSaves a chat window's background color setting
SetChatWindowDockedSaves whether a chat window should be docked with the main chat window
SetChatWindowLockedSaves whether a chat window is locked
SetChatWindowNameSaves a chat window's display name setting
SetChatWindowSavedDimensionsThis function is not yet documented
SetChatWindowSavedPositionThis function is not yet documented
SetChatWindowShownSaves whether a chat window should be shown
SetChatWindowSizeSaves a chat window's font size setting
SetChatWindowUninteractableSaves whether a chat window is marked as non-interactive
SetConsoleKeyThis is a Blizzard internal function
SetCurrencyBackpackSets a currency type to be watched on the Backpack UI
SetCurrencyUnusedMoves a currency type to or from the Unused currencies list
SetCurrentGraphicsSettingThis function is not yet documented
SetCurrentGuildBankTabSelects a tab in the guild bank
SetCurrentTitleChanges a player's displayed title
SetCursorChanges the mouse cursor image
SetDefaultVideoOptionsThis function is not yet documented
SetDungeonDifficultyIDThis function is not yet documented
SetDungeonMapLevelSets the world map to display a certain map image (for zones that use multiple map images)
SetEuropeanNumbersSets the decimal separator for displayed numbers
SetEveryoneIsAssistantThis function is not yet documented
SetFactionActiveRemoves the "inactive" status from a faction
SetFactionInactiveFlags a faction as inactive
SetFocusedAchievementThis function is not yet documented
SetFriendNotesSets note text associated with a friends list entry
SetGammaChanges the display gamma setting
SetGlyphFilterThis function is not yet documented
SetGlyphNameFilterThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildApplicantSelectionThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildBankTabInfoSets the name and icon for a guild bank tab
SetGuildBankTabItemWithdrawThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildBankTabPermissionsChanges guild bank tab permissions for the guild rank being edited
SetGuildBankTextSets the info text for a guild bank tab
SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimitThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildInfoTextSets the guild information text.
SetGuildMemberRankPromotes/demotes a given guild member to the specified rank
SetGuildNewsFilterThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildRecruitmentCommentThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildRecruitmentSettingsThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildRosterSelectionSelects a member in the guild roster
SetGuildRosterShowOfflineEnables or disables inclusion of offline members in the guild roster listing
SetGuildTradeSkillCategoryFilterThis function is not yet documented
SetGuildTradeSkillItemNameFilterThis function is not yet documented
SetInsertItemsLeftToRightThis function is not yet documented
SetInventoryPortraitTextureSets a Texture object to display the icon of an equipped item
SetItemSearchThis function is not yet documented
SetItemUpgradeFromCursorItemPuts an item into the item upgrade dialog
SetLFGBonusFactionIDThis function is not yet documented
SetLFGBootVoteThis function is not yet documented
SetLFGCommentAssociates a brief text comment with the player's listing in the LFG system
SetLFGDungeonSets a flag indicating that the player would like to join a given dungeon/queue
SetLFGDungeonEnabledThis function is not yet documented
SetLFGHeaderCollapsedThis function is not yet documented
SetLFGRolesSets group roles for which to advertise the player in the LFG system
SetLayoutModeThis is a Blizzard internal function
SetLegacyRaidDifficultyIDThis function is not yet documented
SetLookingForGuildCommentThis function is not yet documented
SetLookingForGuildSettingsThis function is not yet documented
SetLootMethodSets the loot method for a party or raid group
SetLootPortraitSets a Texture object to show the appropriate portrait image when looting
SetLootSpecializationSets the current loot specialization using a global specialization ID
SetLootThresholdSets the threshold used for Master Looter, Group Loot, and Need Before Greed loot methods
SetMacroItemChanges the item used for dynamic feedback for a macro
SetMacroSpellChanges the spell used for dynamic feedback for a macro
SetMapByIDSets the map based on a specified ID
SetMapToCurrentZoneSets the world map to show the zone in which the player is located
SetMapZoomSets the world map to show a specific zone or continent
SetMaxAnimFramerateThis function is not yet documented
SetMerchantFilterThis function is not yet documented
SetModifiedClickSets a modified click for a given action
SetMouselookOverrideBindingOverrides the default mouselook bindings to perform another binding with the mouse buttons
SetMultiCastSpellSets a multi-cast action slot to a given spell
SetNamePlateMotionTypeThis function is not yet documented
SetNextBarberShopStyleSelects the next style for a barber shop style option
SetOptOutOfLootChanges the player's preference to opt out of loot rolls
SetOverrideBindingSets an override binding for a binding command
SetOverrideBindingClickSets an override binding to "click" a Button object
SetOverrideBindingItemSets an override binding to use an item in the player's possession
SetOverrideBindingMacroSets an override binding to run a macro
SetOverrideBindingSpellSet an override binding to a specific spell
SetPOIIconOverlapDistanceThis function is not yet documented
SetPOIIconOverlapPushDistanceThis function is not yet documented
SetPVPEnables or disables the player's desired PvP status
SetPVPRolesThis function is not yet documented
SetPartyAssignmentAssigns a group role to a member of the player's party or raid
SetPendingReportPetTargetThis function is not yet documented
SetPendingReportTargetSets the target for a yet-to-be-made report.
SetPetSlotThis function is not yet documented
SetPetStablePaperdollSets the given Model to show the selected stabled pet
SetPortraitTextureSets a Texture object to show a portrait of a unit
SetPortraitToTextureSets a Texture object to display an arbitrary texture, altering it to fit a circular frame
SetRaidDifficultyIDThis function is not yet documented
SetRaidProfileOptionThis function is not yet documented
SetRaidProfileSavedPositionThis function is not yet documented
SetRaidSubgroupMoves a raid member to a non-full raid subgroup
SetRaidTargetPuts a raid target marker on a unit
SetRaidTargetProtectedThis function is not yet documented
SetRecruitingGuildSelectionThis function is not yet documented
SetRefreshThis function is not yet documented
SetSavedInstanceExtendThis function is not yet documented
SetScreenResolutionChanges the screen resolution
SetSelectedArtifactThis function is not yet documented
SetSelectedAuctionItemSelects an item in an auction listing
SetSelectedDisplayChannelSelects a channel in the channel list display
SetSelectedFactionSelects a faction in the reputation UI
SetSelectedFriendSelects a character in the player's friends list
SetSelectedIgnoreSelects a character in the player's ignore list
SetSelectedMuteSelects an entry in the Muted list
SetSelectedScreenResolutionIndexThis function is not yet documented
SetSelectedWarGameTypeThis function is not yet documented
SetSendMailCODSets the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message
SetSendMailMoneySets the amount of money to be sent with the outgoing message
SetSendMailShowingEnables or disables shortcuts for attaching items to outgoing mail
SetSortBagsRightToLeftThis function is not yet documented
SetSpecializationThis function is not yet documented
SetSpellbookPetActionThis function is not yet documented
SetSuperTrackedQuestIDThis function is not yet documented
SetTaxiBenchmarkModeEnables or disables flight path benchmark mode
SetTaxiMapSets a Texture object to show the appropriate flight map texture
SetTrackingEnables a given minimap object/unit tracking ability
SetTradeCurrencyThis function is not yet documented
SetTradeMoneyOffers an amount of money for trade
SetTradeSkillCategoryFilterFilters the trade skill listing by subclass of items produced
SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilterFilters the trade skill listing by equipment slot of items produced
SetTradeSkillItemLevelFilterFilters the trade skill listing by required level of items produced
SetTradeSkillItemNameFilterFilters the trade skill listing by name of recipe, item produced, or reagents
SetTradeSkillRepeatCountThis function is not yet documented
SetTrainerServiceTypeFilterFilters the trainer service listing by service status
SetUIVisibilityEnables or disables display of UI elements in the 3-D world
SetViewMoves the camera to a saved camera setting
SetWatchedFactionIndexMakes a faction the "watched" faction (displayed on the XP bar in the default UI)
SetWhoToUIChanges the delivery method for results from [[docs/api/SendWho|`SendWho()`]] queries
SetupFullscreenScaleSizes a frame to take up the entire screen regardless of screen resolution
ShouldHideTalentsTabThis function is not yet documented
ShowAccountAchievementsEnables or disables the display of only character achievements to others
ShowBuybackSellCursorChanges the cursor to prepare for repurchasing an item recently sold to a vendor
ShowCloakEnables or disables display of the player's cloak
ShowContainerSellCursorChanges the cursor to prepare for selling an item in the player's bags to a vendor
ShowFriendsRequests friends/ignore list information from the server
ShowHelmEnables or disables display of the player's headgear
ShowInventorySellCursorChanges the cursor to prepare for selling an equipped item to a vendor
ShowMerchantSellCursorChanges the cursor to prepare for buying an item from a vendor
ShowQuestCompleteThis function is not yet documented
ShowQuestOfferThis function is not yet documented
ShowRepairCursorPuts the cursor in item repair mode
ShowingCloakReturns whether the player's cloak is displayed
ShowingHelmReturns whether the player's headgear is displayed
SignPetitionSigns the currently offered petition
SitStandOrDescendStartCauses the player character to sit down if standing and vice versa (or begins descent if swimming or flying)
SocketContainerItemOpens an item from the player's bags for socketing
SocketInventoryItemOpens an equipped item for socketing
SocketItemToArtifactThis function is not yet documented
SolveArtifactPerforms the solve archaeology spell
SortAuctionApplySortApplies a set of auction listing sort criteria set via [[docs/api/SortAuctionSetSort|`SortAuctionSetSort`]]
SortAuctionClearSortClears any current sorting rules for an auction house listing
SortAuctionItemsSorts the auction house listing
SortAuctionSetSortBuilds a list of sort criteria for auction listings
SortBGListThis function is not yet documented
SortBagsThis function is not yet documented
SortBankBagsSorts Bank Bags
SortBattlefieldScoreDataSorts the battleground scoreboard
SortGuildRosterSorts the guild roster
SortGuildTradeSkillThis function is not yet documented
SortQuestWatchesSorts the quests listed in the watch frame based on the set criteria
SortReagentBankBagsSorts Reagent Bank
SortWhoSorts the Who system query results list
Sound_ChatSystem_GetInputDriverNameByIndexReturns the name of the given chat system sound input driver
Sound_ChatSystem_GetNumInputDriversReturns the number of chat system sound input drivers
Sound_ChatSystem_GetNumOutputDriversReturns the number of chat system sound output drivers
Sound_ChatSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndexReturns the name of the given chat system sound output driver
Sound_GameSystem_GetInputDriverNameByIndexReturns the name of the given game sound input driver
Sound_GameSystem_GetNumInputDriversReturns the number of game sound input drivers
Sound_GameSystem_GetNumOutputDriversReturns the number of game sound output drivers
Sound_GameSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndexReturns the name of the given game sound output driver
Sound_GameSystem_RestartSoundSystemRestarts the game's sound systems
SpellCanTargetGlyphReturns whether the spell currently awaiting a target requires a glyph slot to be chosen
SpellCanTargetItemReturns whether the spell currently awaiting a target requires an item to be chosen
SpellCanTargetUnitReturns whether the spell currently awaiting a target can target a given unit
SpellCancelQueuedSpellThis function is not yet documented
SpellGetVisibilityInfoThis function is not yet documented
SpellHasRangeReturns whether an item has a range limitation for its use
SpellIsAlwaysShownThis function is not yet documented
SpellIsSelfBuffChecks if a given spell ID can be cast on the player
SpellIsTargetingReturns whether a spell is currently awaiting a target
SpellStopCastingStops casting or targeting the spell in progress
SpellStopTargetingCancels the spell currently awaiting a target
SpellTargetItemCasts the spell currently awaiting a target on an item
SpellTargetUnitCasts the spell currently awaiting a target on a unit
SplitContainerItemPicks up only part of a stack of items from one of the player's bags or other containers
SplitGuildBankItemPicks up only part of a stack of items from the guild bank
StartAttackBegins auto-attack against a specified target
StartAuctionCreates an auction for the item currently in the "auction item" slot
StartDuelChallenges another player to a duel
StartSpectatorWarGameThis function is not yet documented
StartWarGameThis is a Blizzard internal function
StartWarGameByNameThis function is not yet documented
StopAttackStops auto-attack if active
StopCinematicExits a currently playing in-game cinematic
StopMacroStops execution of a running macro
StopMusicStops currently playing in-game music
StopSoundStop a playing sound
StopTradeSkillRepeatCancels repetition of a trade skill recipe
Stopwatch_ClearThis function is not yet documented
Stopwatch_FinishCountdownThis function is not yet documented
Stopwatch_IsPlayingReturns True/False if Stop Watch is running.
Stopwatch_PauseThis function is not yet documented
Stopwatch_PlayThis function is not yet documented
Stopwatch_StartCountdownSets the Stop Watches timer value
Stopwatch_ToggleToggles visibility of the StopwatchFrame
StrafeLeftStartBegins moving the player character sideways to his or her left
StrafeLeftStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/StrafeLeftStart|`StrafeLeftStart`]]
StrafeRightStartBegins moving the player character sideways to his or her right
StrafeRightStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/StrafeRightStart|`StrafeRightStart`]]
StuckUses the auto-unstuck feature
SubmitRequiredGuildRenameThis function is not yet documented
SummonFriendSummons a unit whose account is linked to the player's via the Recruit-a-Friend program
SummonRandomCritterSummons a random critter companion
SwapRaidSubgroupSwaps two raid members between subgroups in the raid
TEXTThis function is not yet documented
TakeInboxItemRetrieves an item attachment from a message in the player's inbox (accepting COD charges if applicable)
TakeInboxMoneyRetrieves any money attached to a mail in the player's inbox
TakeInboxTextItemRequests a copy of a mail's body text as an item
TakeTaxiNodeEmbarks on a taxi flight to a given destination
TargetDirectionEnemyThis is a Blizzard internal function
TargetDirectionFinishedThis is a Blizzard internal function
TargetDirectionFriendThis is a Blizzard internal function
TargetLastEnemyTargets the most recently targeted enemy unit
TargetLastFriendTargets the most recently targeted friendly unit
TargetLastTargetTargets the most recently targeted unit
TargetNearestCycles targets through nearest units regardless of reaction/affiliation
TargetNearestEnemyCycles your target through the nearest enemy units
TargetNearestEnemyPlayerCycles targets through nearby enemy player units
TargetNearestFriendCycles targets through nearby friendly units
TargetNearestFriendPlayerCycles targets through nearby friendly player units
TargetNearestPartyMemberCycles targets through nearby party members
TargetNearestRaidMemberCycles targets through nearby raid members
TargetTotemTargets one of the player's totems (or a Death Knight's ghoul)
TargetUnitTargets a unit
TaxiGetDestXReturns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node
TaxiGetDestYReturns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's destination node
TaxiGetNodeSlotReturns the starting/ending point of a chosen segment of a multi-hop taxi flight
TaxiGetSrcXReturns the horizontal coordinate of a taxi flight's source node
TaxiGetSrcYReturns the vertical coordinate of a taxi flight's source node
TaxiNodeCostReturns the cost to fly to a given taxi node
TaxiNodeGetTypeReturns the type of a flight pont
TaxiNodeNameReturns the name of a flight point
TaxiNodePositionReturns the position of a flight point on the taxi map
TaxiNodeSetCurrentSets the "current" flight path node
TeleportToDebugObjectThis is a Blizzard internal function
TimeoutResurrectThis function is not yet documented
ToggleAnimKitDisplayThis function is not yet documented
ToggleAutoRunStarts or stops the player character automatically moving forward
ToggleCollisionThis is a Blizzard internal function
ToggleCollisionDisplayThis is a Blizzard internal function
ToggleGlyphFilterThis function is not yet documented
TogglePVPSwitches the player's desired PvP status
TogglePerformancePauseThis is a Blizzard internal function
TogglePerformanceValuesThis is a Blizzard internal function
TogglePetAutocastTurns autocast on or off for a pet action
TogglePlayerBoundsThis is a Blizzard internal function
TogglePortalsThis is a Blizzard internal function
ToggleRunSwitches the character's ground movement mode between running and walking
ToggleSheathSheaths or unsheaths the player character's hand-held items
ToggleSpellAutocastEnables or disables automatic casting of a spell
ToggleTrisThis is a Blizzard internal function
TradeSkillOnlyShowMakeableFilters the trade skill listing by whether the player currently has enough reagents for each recipe
TradeSkillOnlyShowSkillUpsFilters the trade skill listing by whether the player can gain skill ranks from each recipe
TriggerTutorialThis function is not yet documented
TurnInGuildCharterTurns in a completed guild charter
TurnLeftStartBegins turning the player character to the left
TurnLeftStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/TurnLeftStart|`TurnLeftStart`]]
TurnOrActionStartBegins character steering or interaction (equivalent to right-clicking in the 3-D world)
TurnOrActionStopEnds action initiated by [[docs/api/TurnOrActionStart|`TurnOrActionStart`]]
TurnRightStartBegins turning the player character to the right
TurnRightStopEnds movement initiated by [[docs/api/TurnRightStart|`TurnRightStart`]]
UninviteUnitRemoves a character from the player's party or raid
UnitAffectingCombatReturns whether a unit is currently in combat
UnitAlternatePowerCounterInfoThis function is not yet documented
UnitAlternatePowerInfoReturns information about a unit's alternate power display
UnitAlternatePowerTextureInfoRetrieves textures and colors for the parts of the alternate power indicator
UnitArmorReturns the player's or pet's armor value
UnitAttackBothHandsReturns information about the player's or pet's weapon skill
UnitAttackPowerReturns the player's or pet's melee attack power
UnitAttackSpeedReturns information about the unit's melee attack speed
UnitAuraReturns information about buffs/debuffs on a unit
UnitBattlePetLevelThis function is not yet documented
UnitBattlePetSpeciesIDThis function is not yet documented
UnitBattlePetTypeThis function is not yet documented
UnitBonusArmorThis function is not yet documented
UnitBuffReturns information about a buff on a unit
UnitCanAssistReturns whether one unit can assist another
UnitCanAttackReturns whether one unit can attack another
UnitCanCooperateReturns whether two units can cooperate
UnitCanPetBattleThis function is not yet documented
UnitCastingInfoReturns information about the spell a unit is currently casting
UnitChannelInfoReturns information about the spell a unit is currently channeling
UnitClassReturns a unit's class
UnitClassBaseReturns a unit's class
UnitClassificationReturns a unit's classification
UnitControllingVehicleReturns whether a unit is controlling a vehicle
UnitCreatureFamilyReturns the creature family of the unit
UnitCreatureTypeReturns the creature type of a unit
UnitDamageReturns information about the player's or pet's melee attack damage
UnitDebuffReturns information about a debuff on a unit
UnitDefenseReturns the player's or pet's Defense skill
UnitDetailedThreatSituationReturns detailed information about the threat status of one unit against another
UnitDistanceSquaredReturns the squared distance to a unit in the player's group
UnitExistsReturns whether a unit exists
UnitFactionGroupReturns a unit's primary faction allegiance
UnitFullNameWill return a units name appended with the realm name without spaces.
UnitGUIDReturns a unit's globally unique identifier
UnitGetAvailableRolesGet what roles a unit can play in the group or raid
UnitGetIncomingHealsThis function is not yet documented
UnitGetTotalAbsorbsThis function is not yet documented
UnitGetTotalHealAbsorbsThis function is not yet documented
UnitGroupRolesAssignedReturns information about a unit's role in a group
UnitHPPerStaminaThis function is not yet documented
UnitHasIncomingResurrectionCheck if a unit is being resurrected
UnitHasLFGDeserterThis function is not yet documented
UnitHasLFGRandomCooldownThis function is not yet documented
UnitHasRelicSlotReturns whether a unit has a relic slot instead of a ranged weapon slot
UnitHasVehiclePlayerFrameUIThis function is not yet documented
UnitHasVehicleUIReturns whether a unit is controlling a vehicle or vehicle weapon
UnitHealthReturns a unit's current amount of health
UnitHealthMaxReturns a unit's maximum health value
UnitInBattlegroundReturns whether a unit is in same battleground instance as the player
UnitInOtherPartyThis function is not yet documented
UnitInPartyReturns whether a unit is a player unit in the player's party
UnitInPhaseReturn information if unit is in this same phase.
UnitInRaidReturns whether a unit is in the player's raid
UnitInRangeReturns whether a party/raid member is nearby
UnitInVehicleReturns whether a unit is in a vehicle
UnitInVehicleControlSeatReturns whether a unit controls a vehicle
UnitInVehicleHidesPetFrameThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsAFKReturns whether a unit is marked AFK (Away From Keyboard)
UnitIsBattlePetThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsBattlePetCompanionThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsCharmedReturns whether a unit is currently charmed
UnitIsConnectedReturns whether a unit is connected (i.e. not Offline)
UnitIsControllingReturns whether a unit is controlling another unit
UnitIsCorpseReturns whether a unit is a corpse
UnitIsDNDReturns whether a unit is marked DND (Do Not Disturb)
UnitIsDeadReturns whether a unit is dead
UnitIsDeadOrGhostReturns whether a unit is either dead or a ghost
UnitIsEnemyReturns whether two units are enemies
UnitIsFeignDeathReturns whether a unit is feigning death
UnitIsFriendReturns whether two units are friendly
UnitIsGhostReturns whether a unit is currently a ghost
UnitIsGroupAssistantThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsGroupLeaderReturns whether a unit is the raid leader.
UnitIsInMyGuildReturns whether a unit is in the player's guild
UnitIsOtherPlayersBattlePetThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsOtherPlayersPetReturns whether or not the unit is another player's permanent pet
UnitIsPVPReturns whether a unit is flagged for PvP activity
UnitIsPVPFreeForAllReturns whether a unit is flagged for free-for-all PvP
UnitIsPVPSanctuaryReturns whether a unit is in a Sanctuary area preventing PvP activity
UnitIsPlayerReturns whether a unit is a player unit (not an NPC)
UnitIsPossessedReturns whether a unit is possessed by another
UnitIsQuestBossThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsRaidOfficerReturns whether a unit is a raid assistant in the player's raid
UnitIsSameServerReturns whether two units are from the same server
UnitIsSilencedReturns whether a character is silenced on a voice channel
UnitIsTalkingReturns whether a unit is currently speaking in voice chat
UnitIsTappedReturns whether a unit is tapped
UnitIsTappedByAllThreatListReturns whether a unit allows all players on its threat list to receive kill credit
UnitIsTappedByPlayerReturns whether a unit is tapped by the player or the player's group
UnitIsTrivialReturns whether a unit is trivial at the player's level
UnitIsUnconsciousThis function is not yet documented
UnitIsUnitReturns whether two unit references are to the same unit
UnitIsVisibleReturns whether a unit is in the player's area of interest
UnitIsWildBattlePetThis function is not yet documented
UnitLeadsAnyGroupReturns whether a unit is the leader of any group
UnitLevelReturns a unit's level
UnitManaThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
UnitManaMaxThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
UnitNameReturns the name of a unit
UnitNumPowerBarTimersThis function is not yet documented
UnitOnTaxiReturns whether a unit is currently riding a flight path (taxi)
UnitPVPNameReturns the name of a unit including the unit's current title
UnitPlayerControlledReturns whether a unit is controlled by a player
UnitPlayerOrPetInPartyReturns whether a unit is in the player's party or belongs to a party member
UnitPlayerOrPetInRaidReturns whether a unit is in the player's raid or belongs to a raid member
UnitPositionThis function is not yet documented
UnitPowerReturns a unit's current level of mana, rage, energy or other power type
UnitPowerBarTimerInfoThis function is not yet documented
UnitPowerMaxReturns a unit's maximum mana, rage, energy or other power type
UnitPowerTypeReturns the power type (energy, mana, rage) of the given unit
UnitRaceReturns the name of a unit's race
UnitRangedAttackReturns information about the player's or pet's ranged weapon skill
UnitRangedAttackPowerReturns the player's or pet's ranged attack power
UnitRangedDamageReturns information about the player's or pet's ranged attack damage and speed
UnitReactionReturns the reaction of one unit with regards to another as a number
UnitRealmRelationshipThis function is not yet documented
UnitResistanceReturns information about the player's or pet's magic resistance
UnitSelectionColorReturns a color indicating hostility and related status of a unit
UnitSetRoleSets a unit's role in the group or raid
UnitSexReturns the gender of the given unit or player
UnitSpellHasteReturns the unit's spell haste as a percentage
UnitStaggerThis function is not yet documented
UnitStatReturns information about a basic character statistic for the player or pet
UnitSwitchToVehicleSeatMoves the player to another seat within his current vehicle
UnitTargetsVehicleInRaidUIReturns whether attempts to target a unit should target its vehicle
UnitThreatPercentageOfLeadThis function is not yet documented
UnitThreatSituationReturns the general threat status of a unit
UnitUsingVehicleReturns whether a unit is using a vehicle
UnitVehicleSeatCountReturns the number of seats in a unit's vehicle
UnitVehicleSeatInfoReturns information about seats in a vehicle
UnitVehicleSkinReturns the style of vehicle UI to display for a unit
UnitXPReturns the player's current amount of experience points
UnitXPMaxReturn the total amount of experience points required for the player to gain a level
UnlearnSpecializationThis function is not yet documented
UnlockVoidStorageThis function is not yet documented
UpdateAddOnCPUUsageUpdates addon CPU profiling information
UpdateAddOnMemoryUsageUpdates addon memory usage information
UpdateGMTicketUpdates the open GM ticket with new text
UpdateInventoryAlertStatusThis is a Blizzard internal function
UpdateMapHighlightReturns information about the texture used for highlighting zones in a continent map on mouseover
UpdateWarGamesListThis function is not yet documented
UpdateWorldMapArrowThis function is not yet documented
UpgradeItemAccepts an item upgrade, spending the required amount of currency
UseActionUses an action
UseContainerItemActivate (as with right-clicking) an item in one of the player's bags
UseEquipmentSetEquips the items in an equipment set
UseHearthstoneAttempts to use the player's Hearthstone
UseInventoryItemActivate (as with right-clicking) an equipped item
UseItemByNameUses an arbitrary item (optionally on a specified unit)
UseItemForTransmogrifyThis function is not yet documented
UseQuestLogSpecialItemUses the item associated with a current quest
UseSoulstoneInstantly resurrects the player in place, if possible
UseToyUse a Toy
UseToyByNameActivates a toy from the Toy Box
UseVoidItemForTransmogrifyThis function is not yet documented
ValidateTransmogrificationsThis function is not yet documented
VehicleAimDecrementAdjusts vehicle aim downward by a specified amount
VehicleAimDownStartStarts adjusting vehicle aim downward
VehicleAimDownStopStops adjusting vehicle aim downward
VehicleAimGetAngleReturns the aim angle of a vehicle weapon
VehicleAimGetNormAngleReturns the aim angle of a vehicle weapon relative to its minimum angle
VehicleAimGetNormPowerThis is a Blizzard internal function
VehicleAimIncrementAdjusts vehicle aim upward by a specified amount
VehicleAimRequestAngleAttempts to set a vehicle weapon's aim angle to a specific value
VehicleAimRequestNormAngleAttempts to set a vehicle weapon's aim angle to a specific value relative to its minimum value
VehicleAimSetNormPowerThis is a Blizzard internal function
VehicleAimUpStartStarts adjusting vehicle aim upward
VehicleAimUpStopStops adjusting vehicle aim upward
VehicleCameraZoomInZooms the player's view in while in a vehicle
VehicleCameraZoomOutZooms the player's view out while in a vehicle
VehicleExitRemoves the player from the current vehicle
VehicleNextSeatMoves the player from his current seat in a vehicle to the next sequentially numbered seat
VehiclePrevSeatMoves the player from his current seat in a vehicle to the previous sequentially numbered seat
ViewGuildRecipesOpens the guild profession view for a profession
VoiceChat_ActivatePrimaryCaptureCallbackThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
VoiceChat_GetCurrentMicrophoneSignalLevelReturns the current volume level of the microphone signal
VoiceChat_IsPlayingLoopbackSoundReturns whether the Microphone Test recording is playing
VoiceChat_IsRecordingLoopbackSoundReturns whether a Microphone Test is recording
VoiceChat_PlayLoopbackSoundPlays back the Microphone Test recording
VoiceChat_RecordLoopbackSoundBegins recording a Microphone Test
VoiceChat_StartCaptureThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
VoiceChat_StopCaptureThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
VoiceChat_StopPlayingLoopbackSoundStops playing the Microphone Test recording
VoiceChat_StopRecordingLoopbackSoundStops recording a Microphone Test
VoiceEnumerateCaptureDevicesReturns the name of an audio input device for voice chat
VoiceEnumerateOutputDevicesReturns the name of an audio output device for voice chat
VoiceGetCurrentCaptureDeviceReturns the index of the current voice capture device
VoiceGetCurrentOutputDeviceReturns the index of the current voice output device
VoiceIsDisabledByClientReturns whether the voice chat system cannot be enabled
VoicePushToTalkStartUsed internally to start talking, when push-to-talk is active in voice chat.
VoicePushToTalkStopUsed internally to stop talking, when push-to-talk is active in voice chat
VoiceSelectCaptureDeviceSelects an audio input device for voice chat
VoiceSelectOutputDeviceSelects an audio output device for voice chat
WarGameRespondThis is a Blizzard internal function
WithdrawGuildBankMoneyAttempts to withdraw money from the guild bank
ZoomOutSets the world map to show the area containing its current area
acosAlternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians
acosAlternative to math.acos, using degrees instead of radians
asinAlternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians
asinAlternative to math.asin, using degrees instead of radians
assertCauses a Lua error if a condition is failed
atanAlternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians
atanAlternative to math.atan, using degrees instead of radians
atan2This function is not yet documented
ceilReturns the smallest integer larger than or equal to a number
collectgarbageInterface to the Lua garbage collector
cosAlternative to math.cos, using degrees instead of radians
dateReturns a formatted date/time string for a date (or the current date)
debugbreakThis is a Blizzard internal function
debugdumpThis is a Blizzard internal function
debuginfoThis is a Blizzard internal function
debugloadThis is a Blizzard internal function
debuglocalsReturns information about the local variables at a given stack depth
debugprintThis is a Blizzard internal function
debugprofilestartStarts/resets the high resolution profiling timer
debugprofilestopReturns the value of the profiling timer
debugstackReturns information about the current function call stack
debugtimestampThis is a Blizzard internal function
difftimeReturns the number of seconds between two time values
errorCauses a Lua error message
fastrandomThis function is not yet documented
floorReturns the largest integer smaller than or equal to a number
forceinsecureCauses the current execution path to continue outside the secure environment
foreachThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
foreachiThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
formatReturns a formatted string containing specified values
frexpReturns the normalized fraction and base-2 exponent for a number
gcinfoReturns the total Lua memory usage
geterrorhandlerReturns the current error handler function
getfenvReturns the environment for a function (or the global environment)
getglobalReturns the value of a global variable
getmetatableReturns an object's metatable
getnThis function is deprecated and should no longer be used
getprinthandlerReturns the function currently used for `print()` output
gmatchReturns an iterator function for finding pattern matches in a string
gsubReturns a string in which occurrences of a pattern are replaced
hooksecurefuncAdd a function to be called after execution of a secure function
ipairsReturns an iterator function for integer keys in a table
issecureReturns whether the current execution path is secure
issecurevariableReturns whether a variable is secure (and if not, which addon tainted it)
ldexpReturns the number generated by a normalized fraction and base-2 exponent
loadstringLoads and compiles Lua source code
messageShows a message box containing the given text
newproxyCreates a zero-length userdata with an optional metatable.
nextReturns the next key/value pair in a table
pairsReturns an iterator function for a table
pcallExecutes a function in protected mode
printOutputs a list of values (in the main chat window by default)
printOutputs a list of values (in the main chat window by default)
randomGenerates a pseudo-random number
rawequalReturns whether two values are equal without invoking any metamethods
rawgetReturns the real value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods
rawsetSets the value associated with a key in a table without invoking any metamethods
scrubReplaces non-simple values in a list with nil
securecallCalls a function without tainting the execution path
selectReturns one or more values from a list (`...`), or the number of values in a list
seterrorhandlerChanges the error handler to a specified function
setfenvSets the environment to be used by a function
setglobalSets a global variable to a specified value
setmetatableSets the metatable for a table
setprinthandlerSets a new function to be used for `print()` output
sinAlternative to math.sin, using degrees instead of radians
sortSorts a table
sqrtReturns the square root of a number
strconcatJoins a list of strings (with no separator)
strjoinJoins a list of strings together with a given separator
strsplitSplits a string based on another seperator string
strtrimTrims leading and trailing characters (whitespace by default) from a string
tContainsThis function is not yet documented
tDeleteThis function is not yet documented
tanAlternative to math.tan, using degrees instead of radians
timeReturns the numeric time value for a described date/time (or the current time)
tonumberReturns the numeric value of a string
tostringReturns a string representation of a value
tostringallAlternative to `tostring()` for bulk conversion of values
typeReturns a string describing the data type of a value
unpackReturns the list of elements in a table
wipeRemoves all entries from a table
xpcallExecutes a function in protected mode with a custom error handler