Returns information about a player character identified by globally unique identifier. Returns nil if given the GUID of a non-player unit. The leading 0x may be omitted.

See also Unit functions.


class, classFilename, race, raceFilename, sex, name, realm = GetPlayerInfoByGUID("guid")


  • guid - Globally unique identifier of a player unit (string, guid)


  • class - Localized name of the unit's class (string)

  • classFilename - Non-localized token identifying the unit's class (string)

  • race - Localized name of the unit's race (string)

  • raceFilename - Non-localized token identifying the unit's race (string)

  • sex - Number identifying the unit's gender (number)

    • 1 - Neuter / Unknown
    • 2 - Male
    • 3 - Female

  • name - Unit's name (string)

  • realm - Unit's realm (empty string if from the same realm) (string)