Returns information about a trade skill header or recipe

See also Tradeskill functions.


skillName, skillType, numAvailable, isExpanded, serviceType, numSkillUps, indentLevel, showProgressBar, currentRank, maxRank, startingRank = GetTradeSkillInfo(index)


  • index - Index of an entry in the trade skill list (between 1 and GetNumTradeSkills()) (number)


  • skillName - Name of the entry (string)

  • skillType - Indicates whether the entry is a header or recipe and difficulty of recipes (string)

    • easy - Low chance for the player to gain skill by performing the recipe (displayed as green in the default UI
    • header - This entry is a header and not an actual trade skill recipe
    • medium - Moderate chance for the player to gain skill by performing the recipe (displayed as yellow in the default UI
    • optimal - High chance for the player to gain skill by performing the recipe (displayed as orange in the default UI
    • trivial - No chance for the player to gain skill by performing the recipe (displayed as gray in the default UI

  • numAvailable - Number of times the player can repeat the recipe given available reagents (number)

  • isExpanded - 1 if the entry is a header and is expanded; otherwise nil (1nil)

  • serviceType - Indicates what type of service the recipe provides (items, enhancements,...) (string)

    • Emboss - Applies an emboss (letherworkers)
    • Embrodier - Applies an embroider (tailors)
    • Enchant - Applies an enchant (enchanters)
    • Engrave - Engraves a rune (runeforging)
    • Inscribe - Puts an inscription (scribers)
    • Modify - Puts a socket (blacksmiths)
    • Tinker - Puts a device like webbing or flexweave (engineers)
    • nil - Produces an item

  • numSkillUps - Returns the number of skill-ups obtained when crafting this recipe. (number)

  • indentLevel - Returns the indent level of the entry (number)

  • showProgressBar - 1 if the entry has a progress bar (such as Pandaran Cooking Ways); otherwise nil (1nil)

  • currentRank - Returns the current skill level of subskill entry (such as Pandaran Cooking Ways); otherwise nil (number)

  • maxRank - Returns the maximum skill level of subskill entry (such as Pandaran Cooking Ways); otherwise nil (number)

  • startingRank - Returns the initial skill level of subskill entry (such as Pandaran Cooking Ways); otherwise nil (number)