Picks up an item from or puts an item in a slot offered for trade by the player. Results vary by context:

  • If an item is on the cursor and no item is in the trade slot, the item is put into the trade slot and the cursor becomes empty
  • If no item is on the cursor and an item is in the trade slot, the item is put on the cursor and removed from the trade slot
  • If an item is on the cursor and an item is in the trade slot, the item from the cursor is put into the trade slot and the item from the trade slot is put on the cursor
  • If both cursor and trade slot are empty, nothing happens

See also Trade functions, Cursor functions.




  • index - Index of an item slot on the player's side of the trade window (between 1 and MAX_TRADE_ITEMS) (number)


-- with the Trade UI already open, puts the item in the first backpack slot into the first trade slot