Returns information about the active game account tied to a Real ID friend. Returns nil if the player is not online.

See also functions.


unknown, toonName, client, realmName, realmID, faction, race, class, unknown, zoneName, level, gameText, broadcastText, broadcastTime, unknown, presenceID = BNGetToonInfo(bnetIDGameAccount)


  • bnetIDGameAccount - (number)


  • unknown - (boolean)
  • toonName - The toon's name (string)
  • client - The name of the game the friend is currently playing, if any; Returns initialism for World of Warcraft ('WoW') (string)
  • realmName - The toon's realm name (string)
  • realmID - The toon's realm ID (not sure if unique per realm, or a weekly/session realmID identifier) (number)
  • faction - The toon's faction. Returns "Horde" or "Alliance" (string)
  • race - The toon's race (string)
  • class - The toon's class (string)
  • unknown - (string)
  • zoneName - The toon's zone (location) (string)
  • level - The toon's character level (string)
  • gameText - The zone and server of the active toon separated by a hyphen (string)
  • broadcastText - The user's RealID broadcast message (string)
  • broadcastTime - The time the broadcast message was first set (string)
  • unknown - (boolean)
  • presenceID - Presence ID of the player (string)