Gets information about an achievement or statistic

See also Achievement functions.


id, name, points, completed, month, day, year, description, flags, icon, rewardText, isGuildAch, wasEarnedByMe, earnedBy = GetAchievementInfo(category, index) or GetAchievementInfo(id)


  • category - Numeric ID of an achievement category (number)
  • index - Index of an achievement within a category (between 1 and GetCategoryNumAchievements()) (number)
  • id - The numeric ID of an achievement or statistic (number)


  • id - The numeric ID of the achievement or statistic (number)

  • name - Name of the achievement or statistic (string)

  • points - Amount of achievement points awarded for completing the achievement (number)

  • completed - True if any toon on the account has completed the achievement; otherwise false (boolean)

  • month - Month in which the player completed the achievement (number)

  • day - Day of the month on which the player completed the achievement (number)

  • year - Year in which the player completed the achievement. (Two digit year, assumed to be 21st century.) (number)

  • description - Description of the achievement (string)

  • flags - Test against the following masks with to reveal additional information: (bitfield)

    • 0x00000001 - Info is for a statistic, not an achievement
    • 0x00000002 - Achievement should be hidden in normal displays
    • 0x00000080 - Achievement should display its criteria as a progress bar regardless of per-criterion flags

  • icon - Path to an icon texture for the achievement (string)

  • rewardText - Text describing a reward for the achievement, or the empty string if no reward is offered (string)

  • isGuildAch - True if the achievement is a Guild achievement; otherwise false (boolean)

  • wasEarnedByMe - True if the achievement was earned by the player; otherwise false (boolean)

  • earnedBy - Who earned the achivement, if not the player; otherwise nil (string)