Returns information about the current world map texture. World map images are broken into several tiles; the full texture paths follow the format "Interface\\WorldMap\\"..mapFileName.."\\"..mapFileName..i, where i is a number between 1 and 12 (or in a zone with multiple area images, "Interface\\WorldMap\\"..mapFileName.."\\"..mapFileName..dungeonLevel.."_"..i, where dungeonLevel is a number between 1 and GetNumDungeonMapLevels()).

World map images are 4 tiles wide and 3 tiles high.

See also Map functions.


mapFileName, textureHeight, textureWidth, isMicroDungeon, microDungeonMapName = GetMapInfo()


  • mapFileName - Unique part of the path to the world map textures. (string)
  • textureHeight - Height of the combined map texture tiles. (number)
  • textureWidth - Width of the combined map texture tiles. (string)
  • isMicroDungeon - Whether or not the current map area is a Micro Dungeon. (boolean)
  • microDungeonMapName - Unique part of the path to the world map textures. (string)