Returns information about a mail in the player's inbox

See also Mail functions.


packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, itemCount, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply, isGM, itemQuantity = GetInboxHeaderInfo(mailID)


  • mailID - Index of a mail in the player's inbox (between 1 and GetInboxNumItems()) (number)


  • packageIcon - Path to an icon texture for the message if it contains an item; nil for other messages (string)
  • stationeryIcon - Path to an icon texture for the message (string)
  • sender - Name of the mail's sender (string)
  • subject - Subject text of the mail (string)
  • money - Amount of money attached to the mail (in copper) (number)
  • CODAmount - Cash-On-Delivery cost to take any items attached to the mail (in copper) (number)
  • daysLeft - Number of days remaining before the mail is automatically returned or deleted (number)
  • itemCount - Number of item attachments to the mail (number)
  • wasRead - 1 if the player has read the mail; otherwise nil (1nil)
  • wasReturned - 1 if the mail was sent by the player to another character and returned by the recipient; otherwise nil (1nil)
  • textCreated - 1 if the player has saved a copy of the mail text as an item; otherwise nil (1nil)
  • canReply - 1 if the player can reply to the mail; otherwise nil (1nil)
  • isGM - 1 if the mail is from a game master; otherwise nil (1nil)
  • itemQuantity - Number of stacked items attached to the mail if the mail has one attachment; nil if the mail has zero or multiple attachments (number)