Returns information on a specific instance to which the player is saved

See also Instance functions.


instanceName, instanceID, instanceReset, instanceDifficulty, locked, extended, instanceIDMostSig, isRaid, maxPlayers, difficultyName, maxBosses, defeatedBosses = GetSavedInstanceInfo(index)



  • instanceName - Name of the instance (string)

  • instanceID - Unique identifier of the saved instance (commonly known as a RaidID) (number)

  • instanceReset - Approximate number of seconds remaining until the instance resets (number)

  • instanceDifficulty - Difficulty level of the saved instance (number)

    • 1 - 5 Player Normal
    • 2 - 5 Player Heroic
    • 3 - 10 Player Normal
    • 4 - 25 Player Normal
    • 5 - 10 Player Heroic
    • 6 - 25 Player Heroic
    • 7 - 25 Player LFR
    • 8 - 5 Player Challenge Mode
    • 9 - 40 Player Classic

  • locked - (boolean)

  • extended - true if the reset time has been extended past its normal time; otherwise false (boolean)

  • instanceIDMostSig - (number)

  • isRaid - (boolean)

  • maxPlayers - Number of players allowed (number)

  • difficultyName - A string representing the difficulty of the given instance. (string)

  • maxBosses - The number of bosses in the instance (number)

  • defeatedBosses - The number of bosses defeated in the instance (number)