
  • Alpha:GetFromAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Alpha:GetToAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Alpha:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Alpha:SetFromAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Alpha:SetToAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Alpha:Stop() - Stops the animation



  • AnimationGroup:GetIgnoreFramerateThrottle() - This function is not yet documented
  • AnimationGroup:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • AnimationGroup:IsSetToFinalAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • AnimationGroup:SetIgnoreFramerateThrottle() - This function is not yet documented
  • AnimationGroup:SetToFinalAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • AnimationGroup:Stop() - Stops animation of the group


  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:DrawAll() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:EnableMerging() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:EnableSmoothing() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetBorderAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetBorderScalar() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetBorderTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetFillAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetFillTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetMergeThreshold() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetSize(width, height) - Sets the size of the region to the specified values
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:Show() - Shows the region
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event


  • Browser:ClearCache() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:ClearFocus() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:CopyExternalLink() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:DeleteCookies() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:HasConnection() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:NavigateBack() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:NavigateForward() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:NavigateHome() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:NavigateReload() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:NavigateStop() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:OpenExternalLink() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:OpenTicket() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:SetFocus() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:SetZoom() - This function is not yet documented
  • Browser:Show() - Shows the region
  • Browser:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • Browser:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • Browser:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • Browser:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • Browser:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • Browser:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event






  • Cooldown:GetDrawBling() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:GetDrawSwipe() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetBlingTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetCooldownDuration() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetCooldownUNIX() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetDrawBling() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetDrawSwipe() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetEdgeTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetSwipeColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetSwipeTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Cooldown:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • Cooldown:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • Cooldown:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • Cooldown:Show() - Shows the region
  • Cooldown:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • Cooldown:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • Cooldown:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • Cooldown:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • Cooldown:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • Cooldown:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event


  • DressUpModel:AdvanceTime() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:ClearFog() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:ClearModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetFogColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetFogFar() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetFogNear() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetLight() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetModelScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:GetWorldScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:HasCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:RefreshCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:ReplaceIconTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetAnimation() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCamDistanceScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetDisplayInfo() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetFogColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetFogFar() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetFogNear() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetGlow() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetLight() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetModelScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetPortraitZoom() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetSequence() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetSequenceTime() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:UndressSlot() - This function is not yet documented
  • DressUpModel:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • DressUpModel:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event






  • Frame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Frame:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Frame:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • Frame:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • Frame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Frame:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • Frame:SetSize(width, height) - Sets the size of the region to the specified values
  • Frame:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • Frame:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • Frame:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • Frame:Show() - Shows the region
  • Frame:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • Frame:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • Frame:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • Frame:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • Frame:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • Frame:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event


  • GameTooltip:AddSpellByID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:AdvanceSecondaryCompareItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:ResetSecondaryCompareItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetAchievementByID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetCompareItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetCurrencyTokenByID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetGlyphByID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetInstanceLockEncountersComplete() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetInventoryItemByID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetItemByID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetLFGCompletionReward() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetLFGDungeonReward() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetLFGDungeonShortageReward() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetLootCurrency() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetMissingLootItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetMountBySpellID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetQuestCurrency() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetQuestLogCurrency() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetSpellBookItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetToyByItemID() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetTransmogrifyItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetUnitConsolidatedBuff() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetUpgradeItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetVoidDepositItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetVoidItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetVoidWithdrawalItem() - This function is not yet documented
  • GameTooltip:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • GameTooltip:Show() - Shows the region
  • GameTooltip:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • GameTooltip:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • GameTooltip:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • GameTooltip:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • GameTooltip:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • GameTooltip:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event




  • Minimap:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobInsideAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobInsideTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobOutsideAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobOutsideTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobRingAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobRingScalar() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetArchBlobRingTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobInsideAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobInsideTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobOutsideAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobOutsideSelectedTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobOutsideTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobRingAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobRingScalar() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetQuestBlobRingTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • Minimap:UpdateBlips() - This function is not yet documented





  • PlayerModel:AdvanceTime() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:ClearFog() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:ClearModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetFogColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetFogFar() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetFogNear() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetLight() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetModelScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:GetWorldScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:HasCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:RefreshCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:ReplaceIconTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetAnimation() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCamDistanceScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetDisplayInfo() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetFogColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetFogFar() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetFogNear() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetGlow() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetLight() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetModelScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetPortraitZoom() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetSequence() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetSequenceTime() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • PlayerModel:SetSize(width, height) - Sets the size of the region to the specified values
  • PlayerModel:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • PlayerModel:SetUnit("unit") - Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific unit
  • PlayerModel:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • PlayerModel:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • PlayerModel:Show() - Shows the region
  • PlayerModel:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • PlayerModel:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • PlayerModel:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • PlayerModel:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • PlayerModel:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • PlayerModel:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event


  • QuestPOIFrame:DrawAll() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:DrawNone() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:EnableMerging() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:GetNumTooltips() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:GetTooltipIndex() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:SetMergeThreshold() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:SetNumSplinePoints() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • QuestPOIFrame:UpdateMouseOverTooltip() - This function is not yet documented




  • Scale:GetFromScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • Scale:GetToScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • Scale:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Scale:SetFromScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • Scale:SetToScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • Scale:Stop() - Stops the animation


  • ScenarioPOIFrame:DrawAll() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:DrawBlob() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:DrawNone() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:EnableMerging() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:EnableSmoothing() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetBorderAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetBorderScalar() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetBorderTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetFillAlpha() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetFillTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetMergeThreshold() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetNumSplinePoints() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetSize(width, height) - Sets the size of the region to the specified values
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:Show() - Shows the region
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • ScenarioPOIFrame:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event






  • Slider:GetObeyStepOnDrag() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:GetStepsPerPage() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetEnabled() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetObeyStepOnDrag() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetStepsPerPage() - This function is not yet documented
  • Slider:SetThumbTexture(texture [, "layer"]) or Slider:SetThumbTexture("filename" [, "layer"]) - Sets the texture for the slider thumb
  • Slider:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • Slider:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • Slider:SetValue(value) - Sets the value representing the position of the slider thumb
  • Slider:SetValueStep(step) - Sets the minimum increment between allowed slider values
  • Slider:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • Slider:Show() - Shows the region
  • Slider:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • Slider:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • Slider:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • Slider:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • Slider:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • Slider:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event



  • TabardModel:AdvanceTime() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:ClearFog() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:ClearModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetFogColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetFogFar() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetFogNear() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetLight() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetModelScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:GetWorldScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:HasCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:RefreshCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:ReplaceIconTexture() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetAnimation() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCamDistanceScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCameraDistance() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCameraFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCameraPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCameraTarget() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetCustomCamera() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetDisplayInfo() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetDoBlend() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetFacing() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetFogColor() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetFogFar() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetFogNear() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetGlow() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetLight() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetModel() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetModelScale() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetPortraitZoom() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetPosition() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetSequence() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetSequenceTime() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • TabardModel:SetSize(width, height) - Sets the size of the region to the specified values
  • TabardModel:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
  • TabardModel:SetUnit("unit") - Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific unit
  • TabardModel:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
  • TabardModel:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • TabardModel:Show() - Shows the region
  • TabardModel:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
  • TabardModel:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
  • TabardModel:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
  • TabardModel:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
  • TabardModel:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
  • TabardModel:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event


  • Texture:GetAtlas() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:GetHorizTile() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:GetVertTile() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:SetHorizTile() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:SetVertTile() - This function is not yet documented
  • Texture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) - Sets a color shading for the region's graphics
  • Texture:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
  • Texture:Show() - Shows the region
  • Texture:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children


