ScrollingMessageFrame expands on MessageFrame with the ability to store a much longer series of messages, and to move up and down through them by setting horizontal and vertical scroll values, or by using PageUp and PageDown methods.
ScrollingMessageFrames also support hyperlinks—such as the links posted in trade chat by people with items they want to sell—and provides an OnHyperlinkClicked script for displaying information related to the contents of the link.
The most common ScrollingMessageFrame in the stock UI is simply the chat frame, as well as the combat log. The raid warning and boss emote messages are presented in a ScrollingMessageFrame. The Guild Bank UI also uses one to display the transaction history.
Defined Methods
- ScrollingMessageFrame:RemoveMessagesByAccessID() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:RemoveMessagesByExtraData() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:ScrollDown() - Scrolls the message frame's contents down by two lines
- ScrollingMessageFrame:ScrollToBottom() - Scrolls to the bottom of the message frame's contents
- ScrollingMessageFrame:ScrollToTop() - Scrolls to the top of the message frame's contents
- ScrollingMessageFrame:ScrollUp() - Scrolls the message frame's contents up by two lines
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetFadeDuration(duration) - Sets the duration of the fade-out animation for disappearing messages
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetFading(fading) - Sets whether messages added to the frame automatically fade out after a period of time
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetHyperlinksEnabled(enable) - Enables or disables hyperlink interactivity in the frame
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetIndentedWordWrap(indent) - Sets whether long lines of text are indented when wrapping
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetInsertMode("position") - Sets the position at which new messages are added to the frame
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetMaxLines(maxLines) - Sets the maximum number of messages to be kept in the frame
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetScrollOffset(offset) - Sets the message frame's scroll position
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(time) - Sets the amount of time for which a message remains visible before beginning to fade out
- ScrollingMessageFrame:UpdateColorByID(id, red, green, blue) - Updates the color of a set of messages already added to the frame
Inherited Methods
- ScrollingMessageFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:IsForbidden() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetDontSavePosition() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetShown() - This function is not yet documented
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetSize(width, height) - Sets the size of the region to the specified values
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetSpacing(spacing) - Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha) - Sets the font instance's default text color
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetToplevel(enable) - Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable) - Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions
- ScrollingMessageFrame:SetWidth(width) - Sets the region's width
- ScrollingMessageFrame:Show() - Shows the region
- ScrollingMessageFrame:StartMoving() - Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement
- ScrollingMessageFrame:StartSizing() - Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement
- ScrollingMessageFrame:StopAnimating() - Stops any active animations involving the region or its children
- ScrollingMessageFrame:StopMovingOrSizing() - Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`]]
- ScrollingMessageFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() - Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/events|events]] for which it is registered
- ScrollingMessageFrame:UnregisterEvent("event") - Unregisters the frame for an event
Script Handlers
- OnAttributeChanged(self, "name", value) - Run when a frame attribute is changed
- OnChar(self, "text") - Run for each text character typed in the frame
- OnDisable(self) - Run when the frame is disabled
- OnDragStart(self, "button") - Run when the mouse is dragged starting in the frame
- OnDragStop(self) - Run when the mouse button is released after a drag started in the frame
- OnEnable(self) - Run when the frame is enabled
- OnEnter(self, motion) - Run when the mouse cursor enters the frame's interactive area
- OnEvent(self, "event", ...) - Run whenever an [[docs/events|event]] fires for which the frame is registered
- OnHide(self) - Run when the frame's visbility changes to hidden
- OnHyperlinkClick(self, "linkData", "link", "button") - Run when the mouse clicks a hyperlink in the scrolling message frame or SimpleHTML frame
- OnHyperlinkEnter(self, "linkData", "link") - Run when the mouse moves over a hyperlink in the scrolling message frame or SimpleHTML frame
- OnHyperlinkLeave(self, "linkData", "link") - Run when the mouse moves away from a hyperlink in the scrolling message frame or SimpleHTML frame
- OnKeyDown(self, "key") - Run when a keyboard key is pressed if the frame is keyboard enabled
- OnKeyUp(self, "key") - Run when a keyboard key is released if the frame is keyboard enabled
- OnLeave(self, motion) - Run when the mouse cursor leaves the frame's interactive area
- OnLoad(self) - Run when the frame is created
- OnMessageScrollChanged(self) - Run when the scrolling message frame's scroll position changes
- OnMouseDown(self, "button") - Run when a mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over the frame
- OnMouseUp(self, "button") - Run when the mouse button is released following a mouse down action in the frame
- OnMouseWheel(self, delta) - Run when the frame receives a mouse wheel scrolling action
- OnReceiveDrag(self) - Run when the mouse button is released after dragging into the frame
- OnShow(self) - Run when the frame becomes visible
- OnSizeChanged(self, width, height) - Run when a frame's size changes
- OnUpdate(self, elapsed) - Run each time the screen is drawn by the game engine