Posted by tutti on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 22:26:15
When a player hands in a quest, is there any way for an addon to find the details of that quest? For most quests I can simply track the quest log to see what quests go in or out of it, but some quests never go into the quest log - you just talk to an NPC and hand it in directly. For these quests I have only figured out how to get their names, but there are a lot of quests that share names, and I'd rather not end up getting them mixed up. Querying completed quests won't help either, since it's available only once a minute, and some of these quests are repeatable so they won't show up there anyway.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 22:57:03
When a player hands in a quest, is there any way for an addon to find the details of that quest? For most quests I can simply track the quest log to see what quests go in or out of it, but some quests never go into the quest log - you just talk to an NPC and hand it in directly. For these quests I have only figured out how to get their names, but there are a lot of quests that share names, and I'd rather not end up getting them mixed up. Querying completed quests won't help either, since it's available only once a minute, and some of these quests are repeatable so they won't show up there anyway.
There wasn't any way to determine this last time I looked. This is the category that pertains to that, I think:
Once you've selected one, perhaps you can get information from the quest log API?
Posted by tutti on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:09:47
Unfortunately, no - none of those functions give me anything but a name and a suggested level, there is no information that is unique to specific quests. Comparing to the quest log is out, sadly - there are easier ways to handle this for quests that actually go in the quest log, so I just need a solution for those that don't :(
Posted by jnwhiteh on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:25:07
Use the Select() API and then check ALL of the quest information functions to see if they return anything. That's my only suggestion at the moment. You could get the NPC id and the name/level and probably get a fairly accurate mapping if necessary.
Posted by tutti on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:31:26
All right, thank you - I'll look into it :)