1. so I'm trying to revive a rather handy looking dead/abandoned addon, I know there are others out there that do the same stuff that are up to date but this one strikes my fancy.

    the problem I'm having is that the check boxes in the main frame aren't reacting outside ticking and unticking the box.

    this is the script

               <CheckButton name="RIO_ShowOfflineBox" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate" text="">
                                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
                                            <Offset x="262" y="-68" />
                                <CheckButton name="RIO_ShowRank1" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate" text="" id="1">
                                        <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
                                            <Offset x="262" y="-96" />

    is the LUA stuff for it

         function RIOMain_Browser.offlineBoxToggle()
        local toggleCheck = _G["RIO_ShowOfflineBox"]:GetChecked();
        if toggleCheck == nil then
            RIO_ShowOffline = false;
            RIO_ShowOfflineMaster = false;
        elseif toggleCheck == 1 then
            RIO_ShowOffline = true;
            RIO_ShowOfflineMaster = true;

    there are other "rank" boxes which correspond to guild ranks but if I can get help getting this one working the rest should be fine