Posted by min0s on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 03:27:35
To write an new addon, I need to get the value of some stats of my character. for example his intelligence, spirit etc...
Is it also possible to get the stats of an Item?
I need to calculate for example what would be my spirit if I equip this item
can you help me please?
Posted by min0s on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 03:27:35
To write an new addon, I need to get the value of some stats of my character. for example his intelligence, spirit etc...
Is it also possible to get the stats of an Item?
I need to calculate for example what would be my spirit if I equip this item
can you help me please?
Posted by Myrroddin on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 05:47:44
Writing an addon is certainly an option; however, that addon is already written: RatingBuster, found on Curse.com ... If you don't like it, then once you learn more about how to make an addon, you can modify RB. I suggest this addon because having looked at the code, it is fairly complex, and not a good place to start.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 05:21:17
To write an new addon, I need to get the value of some stats of my character. for example his intelligence, spirit etc...
Is it also possible to get the stats of an Item?
I need to calculate for example what would be my spirit if I equip this item
can you help me please?
No, there is no easy way to accomplish this through the API. You at best would need to scan the tooltip and then you have issues with localization, etc. There are libraries that exist solely to provide this sort of API, I suggest you look into those.
Posted by min0s on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:16:15
thanks for your answer