Posted by marciks on Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:56:14
Hello i have nearly not expirience in Lua, except 1 addon that i created when i write slashcmd command i get a frame that shows me in which level i can learn some skill, so i can avoid alt+tabbing, or going to trainer too often without need while leveling.
For quite some time i have wanted to create addon that would help me with farming dungeons and some places outside dungeons(skinning, goldfarming, elemental items farming ect...)
So i am not sure how to make it outside dungeon, but inside it should be relatively easy, so i decided to ask for help from expirienced people.
I stumbled upon addon like this:
local ghoulcd = CreateFrame("Frame", "XellosTimer", UIParent) ghoulcd:SetSize(40,24) ghoulcd:SetPoint("CENTER",0,100) ghoulcd:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") ghoulcd.t = ghoulcd:CreateTexture() ghoulcd.t:SetAllPoints() ghoulcd.t:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, .5) ghoulcd.t:Hide() local ghoultext = ghoulcd:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY") ghoultext:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", 20, "OUTLINE") ghoultext:SetPoint("CENTER", ghoulcd, "CENTER", 1, 0) ghoultext:SetTextColor(.913,.11,.11) ghoultext:Hide() local timeElapsed = 0, ghoultimer local function CD_Update() ghoulcd:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) timeElapsed = timeElapsed + elapsed if ( timeElapsed >= 1 ) then timeElapsed = 0 ghoultimer = 60 - (GetTime()-GetSpellCooldown(46584)) --@Interval Start if (ghoultimer <= 0) then ghoulcd.t:Hide() ghoultext:Hide() ghoulcd:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) else ghoultext:SetText(format("%d",ghoultimer)) ghoulcd.t:Show() ghoultext:Show() end --@Interval End end end) end ghoulcd:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, sourceUnit, spellName) if (sourceUnit == "player" and spellName=="Raise Dead") then CD_Update() end end) ghoulcd:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") ---- Set Movable local b = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) b:SetSize(40,25) b:SetPoint("TOP", ghoulcd, "TOP", 0, 0) b:EnableMouse(true) ghoulcd:SetMovable(true) ghoulcd:SetUserPlaced(true) b:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() ghoulcd:StartMoving() end) b:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() ghoulcd:StopMovingOrSizing() end) b.t = b:CreateTexture() b:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") b.t:SetAllPoints() b.t:SetTexture(0, 0.5, 1) b.t:SetAlpha(0.8) b:Hide() SlashCmdList["XELLOSBAR"]=function() b[b:IsShown() and "Hide" or "Show"](b) end SLASH_XELLOSBAR1 = "/xb"
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Very very small and simple addon, in which i can work with maybe 1/10 of commands, while i understand about 80% of lines and commands.
I was thinking of using this:
timeElapsed = timeElapsed + elapsed
within a shell of something like this:
local function CD_Update() ghoulcd:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) end end)
I'm still working on how to accurately print numbers into
local ghoulcd = CreateFrame("Frame", "XellosTimer", UIParent)
this thing, but i'll work it out its not the big problem.
Biggest problem is how do i change this:
ghoulcd:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, sourceUnit, spellName) if (sourceUnit == "player" and spellName=="Raise Dead") then CD_Update() end end) ghoulcd:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED")
to an event that is called when i enter dungeon or raid. Just to clarify what i mean, i could imagine(cos i know nearly no commands:) something like this:
ghoulcd:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, eventname) if (eventname == "ENTERED_DUNGEON") then CD_Update() end end)
and something similiar like:
ghoulcd:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, eventname) if (eventname == "EXITED_DUNGEON") then CD_Stop() end end)
With another function inserted within addon called CD_Stop() which would stop timer and show message about some statistic like: "(%player) completed (%dungeonname) within (timeElapsed)" If possible to know how many bosses i killed and maybe in future even what loot i got - including greens(uncommons) and blues(rares) which are usable for disenchanting and some other stuff that sells well like zone drops and such.
This info would be printed in message to myself(cos i dont know how to add this to library and i imagine it would be very hard) and i could use addon to copy message from chat and i'd put it in a txt file. In future of course if i would still have strenght i would like to learn how to put this info into library and make statistics and analysis for different zones/people groups/farming places - to know where i am doing better and which i should avoid.
So biggest question is - is there such possiblity to call timer function OnEvent that i enter dungeon and stop timer when i exit it?
I'm sorry that i wrote so much, i am doing this for the first time and i dont know how to start better. It was not easy for me to write all this, since i programmed stuff last time about 10 years ago when i was going to place for kids to learn QBasic and Pascal after school:) So i just write what i think basically, i hope you can understand at least half of it and any input will be apprecieted.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by jnwhiteh on Fri, 26 Dec 2014 10:45:59
You could use /eventtrace to see what events fire when you enter/leave a dungeon.
Posted by marciks on Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:10:36
Thanks i'll use that.