1. As you know when you shift click any item while auction window is open, it writes item name to search box. what i wanted is make similiar function like this with ALT+click instead of shift click. i managed to hook up items in bags but i want to interact with all items in profession window, bags etc.

    i use this to interact with bag items

     function PandaTranslate:AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW(...)
         self:SecureHook(_G, "ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick")
     function PandaTranslate:ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick(this, button)
         if (button ~= "RightButton") or (not IsAltKeyDown()) then
        BrowseName:SetText(Item_List[GetContainerItemID(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID())])

    since there isnt similiar object to hook in profession window like ContainerFrameItemButton, i couldnt make it work