1. Good evening all. Are there people who can write for Player?

     --Target Health Percentage--
     hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString", function(textStatusBar)
     if textStatusBar == TargetFrameHealthBar and not GetCVarBool("statusTextPercentage") and not textStatusBar.showPercentage then
     local t = TargetFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:GetText()
     if t then
     t = string.match(t, "[^%/%(]+")
     if t then
     TargetFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetText(t.."("..tostring(math.ceil((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target")) * 100)).."%)")
     --Focus Health Percentage--
     if textStatusBar == FocusFrameHealthBar and not GetCVarBool("statusTextPercentage") and not textStatusBar.showPercentage then
     local f = FocusFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:GetText()
     if f then
     f = string.match(f, "[^%/%(]+")
     if f then
     FocusFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText:SetText(f.."("..tostring(math.ceil((UnitHealth("focus") / UnitHealthMax("focus")) * 100)).."%)")
  2. You don't ask a question..

  3. I do not understand you

  4. thanks for the help ... lol

  5. You still have not asked a question that makes sense. You said:

    "Are there people who can write for Player?"

    That's not a question I can answer. Feel free to actually ask a question I can answer and I'll be happy to help. Otherwise, feel free to head elsewhere =)

  6. need - Player Health Percentage -

  7. so what?:|

  8. UP plz