1. Greetings, I am a nub at lua but have made progress this week but...I have been working on trying to update an abandoned addon and have made some progress in tweaking it to look better in the sense that it will place clickable links of the items conjured. I can't for the life of me get the Noodle Carts to work with what I have below.

    So The issues are 1) If I add "or type="SPELLCASTSUCCESS" which I referenced from RSA (another addon) for the noodle carts, the addon fails to load entirely.

    2) Even when the command "/can group" is entered, unless there are 5 people or an instance, then it will continue to /say the conjured item when grouped with one other person. I would like it to /party the message if it is 2+ and Instance (which it detects fine).

    I have posted the entire .lua for reference.

    function displayMessage(msg) inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance()

    local messageType = "SAY"

    if AnnouncerSay==true then


    elseif inInstance == 1 and instanceType ~= "none" then

      messageType = "INSTANCE_CHAT"


    if (AnnouncerRW == true and (UnitIsGroupAssistant("player") or UnitIsLeader("player")) and IsInRaid()) then

      messageType = "RAID_WARNING"


    SendChatMessage(msg,messageType) end

    function printMessage(msg) print("|cff7f7fff[Conjured Announcer] "..msg) end

    function OnEvent(self, event, ...) if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then

      if AnnouncerState==nil then
          AnnouncerState = true
      if AnnouncerSay==nil then
          AnnouncerSay = true
      if AnnouncerRW==nil then
          AnnouncerRW = false
      if AnnouncerState==true then
      printMessage("Conjured Announcer 2 loaded.")
      printMessage("Type /can or /cann for options. Announcer state is: "..getState(AnnouncerState))
      SlashCmdList["FFDCMD"] = SlashCommand;
      SLASH_FFDCMD1 = "/can";
      SLASH_FFDCMD2 = "/cann";


      local timestamp, type, sourceGUID,hideCaster, sourceName, sourceFlags,sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags,destRaidFlags, spellID, spellName = select(1, ...)
      --print (type,spellID,sourceName,destName,GetSpellLink(spellID))
      --printMessage (searchTable)
      if (AnnouncerState == true and (UnitInParty(sourceName) or UnitInRaid(sourceName)) and (type=="SPELL_CREATE" or type=="SPELL_SUMMON" or type=="SPELL_CAST_START") and GetNumGroupMembers()>0 and checkTable[spellID]~=nil) then
          --printMessage ("**************")
          --printMessage (type,spellID,sourceName,GetSpellLink(spellID),destName)
          -- use this for cauldrons, they show up only for SPELL_CAST_START and have null for destName
          if (destName==nil) then
              destName = spellName
          if (destName=="Create Soulwell") then
          message     = "{rt1}" ..sourceName .. " has created " .. GetSpellLink(spellID).."{rt1}"
          if (antispamtable[message]==nil) then
              antispamtable[message] = time()
              if (time()-antispamtable[message])>10 then
                  antispamtable[message] = time()

    end end

    function helptxt() printMessage(" Conjured Announcer 2 Current state: "..getState(AnnouncerState)) printMessage(" Updated for 5.4.7 by Tactica")

    printMessage(" Activate : /can on") printMessage(" Deactivate: /can off") printMessage(" Announce on SAY: /can say") printMessage(" Announce on GROUP chat: /can group") printMessage(" Announce on RAID WARNING: /can rw") end

    function SlashCommand(msg) local argc, argv = 0, {} gsub(msg, "[^%s]+", function (word) argc=argc+1; argv[argc]=word; end);

    if (argc == 1) then

      if (argv[1] == "help") then
      elseif (argv[1] == "off") then
          printMessage("Announcer state OFF. Type /can on to activate")
          AnnouncerState = false;     
      elseif  (argv[1] == "on") then
          printMessage("Announcer state ON. Type /can off to deactivate")
          AnnouncerState = true
      elseif  (argv[1] == "say") then
          AnnouncerSay = true
          printMessage("Announcer set to SAY.")
      elseif  (argv[1] == "rw") then
          AnnouncerRW = not AnnouncerRW
          printMessage("Announcer using raidwarning: "..getState(AnnouncerRW))
      elseif  (argv[1] == "group") then
          AnnouncerSay = false
          printMessage("Announcer set to GROUP.")         



    end end

    function getState(cond) if cond==true then

      return "ON" 


      return "OFF"

    end end

    --67826 Jeeves --54711 Scrapbot --44389 Field Repair Bot 110G --22704 Field Repair Bot 74A --57426 Fish Feast --57301 Great Feast --54710 MOLL-E

    --92824 Ritual of Refreshment --43987 Refreshment Portal --698 Ritual of Summoning --29893 Ritual of Souls

    --41458 Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection --41500 Cauldron of Major Fire Protection --41501 Cauldron of Major Frost Protection --92649 Cauldron of Battle --92712 Big Cauldron of Battle --87915 Goblin Barbecue Feast --87644 Seafood Magnifique Feast --87643 Broiled Dragon Feast

    --145196 Pandaren Treasure Noodle Cart Kit --145169 Deluxe Noodle Cart --145166 Noodle Cart

    --104958 Pandaren Banquet --126492 Banquet of the Grill --126494 Great Banquet of the Grill --126501 Banquet of the Oven --145061 Deluxe Noodle Cart Kit --145038 Noodle Cart Kit --126502 Great Banquet of the Oven --126504 Great Banquet of the Brew --126498 Great Banquet of the Pot --126500 Great Banquet of the Steamer --126496 Great Banquet of the Wok --105193 Great Pandaren Banquet --126503 Banquet of the Brew --126497 Banquet of the Pot --126499 Banquet of the Steamer --126495 Banquet of the Wok

    spellIDS = {67826,54711,44389,22704,57426,57301,54710,92824,43987,698,29893,41458,41500,41501,92649,92712,87915,87644,87643,145196,145169,145166,104958,126492,126494,126501,145061,145038,126502,126504,126498,126500,126496,105193,126503,126497,126499,126495} checkTable = {}

    for i=1,#spellIDS do checkTable[spellIDS[i]]=1 end

    msgType = {} msgType["pvp"]="BATTLEGROUND" msgType["arena"]="PARTY" msgType["party"]="PARTY" msgType["instance"]="INSTANCE" msgType["raid"]="RAID"

    antispamtable = {}

    conjuredAnnouncer = CreateFrame("Frame") conjuredAnnouncer:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED") conjuredAnnouncer:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)

    Thanks in advance for the help! Tactica