Posted by jackar on Wed, 19 Feb 2014 20:46:24
Hello guys, I need a help with this bunch of code. Itsi s designed to show class icons instead of portrait for players, and if the player is druid, then show his shapeshift icon. However, I could only get this working for player himself, it still shows class icon for target/focus druids.
hooksecurefunc("UnitFramePortrait_Update",function(self) if self.portrait then if UnitIsPlayer(self.unit) then if select(2,UnitClass(self.unit)) == "DRUID" then --if player is druid local i, flag=1, false while UnitBuff(self.unit, i) do local id = select(11,UnitBuff(self.unit, i)) --768 (Cat Form) 783(Travel Form) 1066 (Aquatic Form) 5487 (Bear Form) 24858 (Moonkin Form) 33891 (Tree of Life) 33943 (Flight Form) 40120 (Swift Flight Form) if id == 768 or id == 783 or id == 1066 or id == 5487 or id == 24858 or id == 33891 or id == 33943 or id == 40120 then SetPortraitToTexture(self.portrait, GetSpellTexture(id)); self.portrait:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1) flag = true else --if not in form local t = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS[select(2, UnitClass(self.unit))] if t then self.portrait:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-Classes-Circles") self.portrait:SetTexCoord(unpack(t)) end end i = i + 1 end else --if player not druid local t = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS[select(2, UnitClass(self.unit))] if t then self.portrait:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-Classes-Circles") self.portrait:SetTexCoord(unpack(t)) end end else --If NPC self.portrait:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) end end end)