Posted by fixinf3 on Fri, 04 Oct 2013 19:56:27
Hello everyone, I am trying to make a custom playerframe and have everything the way I want it except one thing. I cannot get the hp and mana bars to move via the addon. I can get the new texture to load, but colors will not load either. If I run code inside the client with /run it works. But I cannot use that from within the addon afaik (I want everything to start up automatically with the addon, so don't want to use a macro ig).
Is there anyway around this, or anyone have insight into why this is occuring?
Here is my code (asterisked parts are what are not working):
function ControlPanelFrame_OnLoad() --change playerframe texture PlayerFrameTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FrameXML\\UI-TargetingFrame", "BACKGROUND") PlayerFrameTexture:SetTexCoord(1, 0, 0, 1) PlayerFrame:SetSize(512, 256) PlayerFrameBackground:Hide() PlayerPortrait:Hide(); PlayerFrameFlash:Hide(); --set player name PlayerName:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Frame2, "TOPLEFT", 164, -74) PlayerName:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\Utility\\Fonts\\VINERITC.TTF", 12) PlayerName:SetTextColor(0,0,0) PlayerName:SetShadowColor(1,1,1,0) --set player level PlayerLevelText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Frame2, "TOPLEFT", 68, -115) PlayerLevelText:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\Utility\\Fonts\\VINERITC.TTF", 16) PlayerLevelText:SetTextColor(0,0,0) PlayerLevelText:SetShadowColor(1,1,1,0) --set bar parents PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetParent(Frame2) PlayerFrameManaBar:SetParent(Frame2) --align bars **PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Frame2, "TOPLEFT", 158, -76) PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Frame2, "TOPRIGHT", 250, -100)** --health bar settings PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FrameXML\\UI-StatusBar") **PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.176,0.502,0.239)** PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetSize(210, 30) --mana bar settings PlayerFrameManaBar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FrameXML\\UI-StatusBar") **PlayerFrameManaBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.078, 0.4, 0.647)** PlayerFrameManaBar:SetSize(210, 30) end