1. hi there,

    iam searching for a variable that indicates wheter i am in an editbox (cursor is blinking and waiting for key input) or not. editboxes for example can be the chatFrameEditBox or the friendsAddEditBox... i need this to determine, wheter keybindings should be run or not.  so if i am in an editbox, keybindings are turned off by default. e.g. if i am pressing c while in an editbox, there wont show the "character sheet". now i need that variable that saves the status wheter keybindings should be run or not.

    sth. like:

    if (runKeybindings) then

      ChatFrame1:AddMessage("keybindings will be run")


      ChatFrame1:AddMessage("keybindings wont be run")


    hope you got what i mean, my english is pretty bad ;)



  2. hi there,

    iam searching for a variable that indicates wheter i am in an editbox (cursor is blinking and waiting for key input) or not. editboxes for example can be the chatFrameEditBox or the friendsAddEditBox... i need this to determine, wheter keybindings should be run or not.  so if i am in an editbox, keybindings are turned off by default. e.g. if i am pressing c while in an editbox, there wont show the "character sheet". now i need that variable that saves the status wheter keybindings should be run or not.

    sth. like:

    if (runKeybindings) then

      ChatFrame1:AddMessage("keybindings will be run")


      ChatFrame1:AddMessage("keybindings wont be run")


    hope you got what i mean, my english is pretty bad ;)



  3. There's nothing that indicates that.  You would need to iterate over all possible frames to see if any of them have focus.  I'm not sure I understand WHY you need to do this.  The game client handles all of this logic.. you never need to make a decision as to whether or not you should be running bindings.. Just set a binding and the game does this for you.  Could you please explain the context?

  4. hm is there at least a possibilty to automatically interate over _all_ editboxes? or does i have to to look up all the different editboxes ?



  5. No, you cannot reach frames that do not have a parent.  Why are you trying to do this, could you please answer my questions so I can provide help?  Tell me what you want to _DO_ not how you want to implement it.