Posted by yuce on Sun, 26 May 2013 22:38:40
I am writing an addon for personal use. The script uses a loop that calls the function UnitBuff() a lot of times in a rapid succession, and I'm worried that it may cause problems with the connection. I don't mind my laptop slowing down.
My question is, is there any way to know if a function requests/sends information from/to the server, and may be a problem when called all the time? Specially UnitBuff() UnitDebuff() and UnitAura()
(Sorry for my English)
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 27 May 2013 19:49:00
It should all be client side. But why are you calling it more than 64 times?
Posted by yuce on Tue, 28 May 2013 02:26:11
Thanks for the quick response jnwhiteh. You ask why. I have a table with names of different buffs and debuffs, and want the addon to act differently if each name is found: 1-In the target as a debuff 2-In player as buff 3-in player as debuff 4-In raid member as buff or debuff 5-none of them (yes, is quite specific) So that's about 50 calls to either of the functions when the event fires. Has the number 64 a special meaning? Is that a limit for something?