Posted by malsomnus on Sat, 29 Dec 2012 23:34:55
Hey, sorry if this is a noobish question, but... I'm trying to make an addon to track my Vengeance buff, and for reasons that I won't go into I'm trying to find it from
events. Now, either I'm not doing this all wrong, or for some reason Vengeance is the only aura in the game that simply doesn't get logged as eitherSPELL_AURA_APPLIED
... or any other event as far as I can tell. It works perfectly well for any other buff or debuff I've tried it on, but not this one. Can anyone help me out? -
Posted by Cladhaire on Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:01:03
Hey, sorry if this is a noobish question, but... I'm trying to make an addon to track my Vengeance buff, and for reasons that I won't go into I'm trying to find it from
events. Now, either I'm not doing this all wrong, or for some reason Vengeance is the only aura in the game that simply doesn't get logged as eitherSPELL_AURA_APPLIED
... or any other event as far as I can tell. It works perfectly well for any other buff or debuff I've tried it on, but not this one. Can anyone help me out?Run /eventtrace
Cast the spell
Run /eventtrace stop
You'll then have every event that occurred and you'll be able to examine them. I'm not sure otherwise, off the top of my head.
Posted by malsomnus on Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:26:42
That's a useful command, thank you. I've learned from it that I can track Vengeance appearing or disappearing via
, which I suppose I will do, but I'd still like to understand why Vengeance appears to be the only aura that doesn't fire up aCOMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
event :P -
Posted by Cladhaire on Sun, 30 Dec 2012 10:01:07
You're positive it doesn't appear there? You're positive it doesn't appear in the combat log? It may be treated as a stance, like berzerker stance. Those also cannot be found using buffs or CLEU, afaik.