Posted by Jacatola on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:55:48
Hi, I am new to this forum and new to writing add-ons and lua but not new to programming in general
I am trying to make an add-on that will notify me in the chat window when someone is actually selling something in the trade channel. I am using the CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL event and was able to successfully verify the message was in the trade chat and that somewhere in the message there was "WTS". But in my notification I would like to include the link from the message.
I have tried to find the position of the start of the entire like using strfind(message, "\")
I have also tried to find the position of the start of the name using strfind(message, "[")
both of these return an error in the game telling me I have an unfinished string in this line
I also tried to find the name of the item using findpatter(arg1, '[..*]') and variations of the same patterns (don't know if i am uisng thes patterns correctly)
this returns an error that my pattern returned a nil value.
I have done significant research and could not find any documentation about dealing with itemlinks.
any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you
Posted by Jacatola on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:55:49
Hi, I am new to this forum and new to writing add-ons and lua but not new to programming in general
I am trying to make an add-on that will notify me in the chat window when someone is actually selling something in the trade channel. I am using the CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL event and was able to successfully verify the message was in the trade chat and that somewhere in the message there was "WTS". But in my notification I would like to include the link from the message.
I have tried to find the position of the start of the entire like using strfind(message, "\")
I have also tried to find the position of the start of the name using strfind(message, "[")
both of these return an error in the game telling me I have an unfinished string in this line
I also tried to find the name of the item using findpatter(arg1, '[..*]') and variations of the same patterns (don't know if i am uisng thes patterns correctly)
this returns an error that my pattern returned a nil value.
I have done significant research and could not find any documentation about dealing with itemlinks.
any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 06:12:31
Going off the information on WoWWiki regarding item links: http://www.wowwiki.com/ItemLink
The following code will print a message to your chatframe anytime someone posts an item link in a chat channel:
if not ItemCatchFrame then
ItemCatchFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
local frame = ItemCatchFrame
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
local msg, user = ...
for itemLink in msg:gmatch("|%x+|Hitem:.-|h.-|h|r") do
print("item link posted by " .. user .. ": " .. itemLink)
end) -
Posted by Jacatola on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 11:55:18
Thank you very much, That pattern works great.
I did read that page, my problem was that I was trying to use findpattern() instead of string.find or gmatch
Thank you again :)