1. Hi,

    I would like to know is it possible to make a word in a chat clickable? I'm making an addon which will help for new players like my brother to understand some of the acronym used in the game. For example LFG. I would like to make it clickable. And when someone clicks on it he gets an explanation in a tooltip frame or some other frame. Currently i'm replacing the acronym with the full words straight into the chat frame, but that's not very convenient, because not everytime i want to do that :)

  2. Hi,

    I would like to know is it possible to make a word in a chat clickable? I'm making an addon which will help for new players like my brother to understand some of the acronym used in the game. For example LFG. I would like to make it clickable. And when someone clicks on it he gets an explanation in a tooltip frame or some other frame. Currently i'm replacing the acronym with the full words straight into the chat frame, but that's not very convenient, because not everytime i want to do that :)

  3. I would like to know is it possible to make a word in a chat clickable? I'm making an addon which will help for new players like my brother to understand some of the acronym used in the game. For example LFG. I would like to make it clickable. And when someone clicks on it he gets an explanation in a tooltip frame or some other frame. Currently i'm replacing the acronym with the full words straight into the chat frame, but that's not very convenient, because not everytime i want to do that :)

    Certainly, you'd need to make it a hyperlink and then get ahold of the OnHyperlinkClick handler in order to display the tooltip.  Hyperlinks are a bit weird to construct, but not terribly difficult.  This definition of quest links explains the format of constructing one: http://www.wowwiki.com/QuestLink.

  4. Quick question which goes along with the topic... How do I make a player name (in the chat window) clickable? 

    print("\124cffffff00\124H_____\124h[" .. sender .. "]\124h\124r")

    I more or less copied the questLink code and I have a feeling it might be close to that, but what would I put in the blank spot? Would it be the player's name, and in this case "sender" ?

  5. I don't have a specific answer for you, but you can test this by intercepting the calls to ChatFrame1:AddMessage and printing them to see what they contain.  You'll just need to change the | codes so they don't show up as an actual link.

  6. Hello,

    I know this my post will be weird because lots of time has passed since my last post :) but I had a very long trip and wasn't programing for a long time, and now I am again :) So back on links in chats... I have come to this state where I can catch my needed words in chat frame and make links out of them. But now I can't catch the clicking on them. Tried several methods: 1) .xml file: ... <OnEvent>AcrOnEvent(self, event, ...);</OnEvent> ... .lua file: ... `if (event == "OnHyperlinkClick") then AcrFrame:Show(); end` .... OnHyperlinkClick event never fires up. I assume because OnHyperlinkClick is an event for widget and doesn't come from wow events like (CHATMSGCHANNEL). Then I tried the second method: 2) .xml file: ... <OnHyperlinkClick>AcrOnEvent(self, event, ...);</OnHyperlinkClick> ... .lua file: ... AcrFrame:Show(); end .... This method doesn't work ether. I assume it's because it should work only when I click a link in my constructed frame and not in a default chat frame. So, I'm lost here, how can I catch the OnHyperlinkClick? :) And I have another question about the link itself. Is there any way I can construct it without defining it's type? Because now I'm using itemLink type, but it's not good, because when you click on it the pop-up with item description is shown and I don't need that. With other link types (questLink, achievementLink etc.) it's the same and if I don't specify a link type, then it complains about nil values in link. Tank you in advance :)

  7. OnHyperlinkClicked is not an event. It's a widget handler, so you must directly register a handler for it using SetScript(). I.e.

    frame:SetScript("OnHyperlinkClicked", function(...) print("A hyperlink was clicked: ", ...) end)

  8. Thank you, I will try this method this evening.