Posted by piscesmike on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 01:33:08
Greetings everyone. I have recently picked up programming for WoW addons, and the first project I've started with is a simple module which will allow you to select a raid boss, and the then addon will broadcast fight instructions to various channels (*see below). This will be helpful for coordinating the groups attacks through the chat panes, and also serves to relay information to those who may be hearing impaired.
So far things seem to be going pretty good, after only a few snags I was able to get this UI up and running, and the code working to broadcast instructions. However, I tried moving all the CheckButtons (or CheckBoxs, depending on what you call them) to a single line so they were horizontal instead of vertical, and found out that the "Active hotspot" for the checkboxes are about half the size of the main window. In the pictures above, you can see where the mouse cursor is, and the fact the check box is highlighted when the cursor is outside the actual box. Very far outside the check box. So, in the code, I set the size of the check box to (25,25)... this is confirmed when I change the size, the boxes correspondingly changes also. So, I'm wondering: Does anyone know what's causing this, and how to fix it? When I first designed the UI, I envisioned the selections being horizontal and hope to make that work so I can reduce the total height footprint. As I've said, I'm fairly new to lua and addon programming, but have a strong background in a variety of other languages.... including VB, C++, HTML, CSS, PERL, etc., But I just can't seem to see this discussed or addressed anywhere in the many help files online. Thanks again for any help, and the code that creates the check box is below, for reference.
PS I don't know why, but this isn't spacing the individual lines out correctly. Rest assured, in the *.lua files, they are on seperate lines.
-- Create the Frame check boxes local b = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "RaidSelect", TestFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate") b:ClearAllPoints() b:SetSize(25 , 25) -- width, height b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TestFrame, "TOPLEFT", 12, -80) b.tooltip = "This selection broadcasts the instructions to the Raid channel."; b:SetScript("OnClick", function() -- Code here for Function RaidAnnounce = not RaidAnnounce end) RaidSelect:Hide(); local b = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "GuildSelect", TestFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate") --b:SetSize(25 , 25) -- width, height b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TestFrame, "TOPLEFT", 12, -100) b.tooltip = "This selection broadcasts the instructions to the Guild channel."; b:SetScript("OnClick", function() -- Code here for Function GuildAnnounce = not GuildAnnounce end) GuildSelect:Hide(); local b = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "PartySelect", TestFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate") --b:SetSize(25 , 25) -- width, height b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TestFrame, "TOPLEFT", 12, -120) b.tooltip = "This selection broadcasts the instructions to the Party channel."; b:SetScript("OnClick", function() -- Code here for Function PartyAnnounce = not PartyAnnounce end) PartySelect:Hide(); local b = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "SaySelect", TestFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate") --b:SetSize(25 , 25) -- width, height b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TestFrame, "TOPLEFT", 12, -140) b.tooltip = "This selection broadcasts the instructions to the Say channel."; b:SetScript("OnClick", function() -- Code here for Function SayAnnounce = not SayAnnounce end) SaySelect:Hide();
Posted by jnwhiteh on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 07:00:37
If you check the usage of that template in the standard UI (you should) you'll see this:
<HitRectInsets> <AbsInset left="0" right="-145" top="0" bottom="0"/> </HitRectInsets>
That's used to fix the issue you describe.
Posted by piscesmike on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 09:45:48
Thank you so much jnwhiteh! I knew that had to be in there somewhere, but am still too new to know my way around very well. I'll spend some more time researching the Templates.. thanks again for steering my in the correct direction!