Posted by FreeFog on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 18:23:17
Is there any more direct way to bind a pet command to a header other than:
button:SetAttribute("_onclick", [[ if down then print("Down"); self:SetBinding(true, "MOUSEWHEELUP", "BonusActionButton1") self:SetBinding(true, "MOUSEWHEELDOWN", "BonusActionButton3") self:SetBinding(true, "BUTTON5", "BonusActionButton2") else self:ClearBindings() end ]] );
What I mean is if there is a way to bind for example the "petfollow" action without binding the ActionButton or with out the use of other SecureButton; something like binding a spell to a key.
Thanks in Advance.
Posted by FreeFog on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 18:23:18
Is there any more direct way to bind a pet command to a header other than:
button:SetAttribute("_onclick", [[ if down then print("Down"); self:SetBinding(true, "MOUSEWHEELUP", "BonusActionButton1") self:SetBinding(true, "MOUSEWHEELDOWN", "BonusActionButton3") self:SetBinding(true, "BUTTON5", "BonusActionButton2") else self:ClearBindings() end ]]);
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 00:24:26
I'm not sure I totally understand. You can use the following APIs to bind pet follow in a few different ways:
SetBindingClick - Set a key binding directly to a Button object, in particular the pet action button
SetBindingMacro - Assign a keybinding to a specific macro
I also suspect you could use SetBinding directly using the PETFOLLOW binding, but I am not 100% sure on that. Could you be more specific about what limitation you are trying to get around?
Posted by FreeFog on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 01:39:41
Exactly; Something like
self:SetBinding(true, "BUTTON5", "PETFOLLOW")
self:SetBindingMacro(true, "BUTTON5", "
But It didn't worked for me; may be I am doing something else wrong.
I have tested many variations (even before posting in the first place) petfollow, PetFollow, petfollow(), PetFollow(), ... with macro, spell or just SetBinding.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 04:47:52
What is this self:SetBinding() nonsense? SetBinding is just a global function and does not take a boolean as the first argument. You can accomplish this using the following:
Run the following slash command
/run SetBindingClick("BUTTON5", "PetActionButton2")
This binds your fifth mouse button to pet follow. One command.. no self:SetBinding.. nothign like that. You can unbind it with
/run SetBindingClick("BUTTON5")
. -
Posted by FreeFog on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 04:57:42
Unfortunately it is not a nonsense; here is the detail:
As shown in first post the code is inside of a header
button:SetAttribute("_oncl", [[ if down then print("Down"); self:SetBinding(true, "MOUSEWHEELUP", "BonusActionButton1") self:SetBinding(true, "MOUSEWHEELDOWN" "BonusActionButton3") self:SetBinding(true, "BUTTON5", BonusActionButton2") e e self:ClearBindings() end ]]);
This means that the bindings get asociated with the header so when I self:ClearBindings() I just clear all the asociated ones with the header.
The "true" is the value of "priority" parameter of the function; you can see it your self in the UI code:
function HANDLE:SetBinding(priority, key, action) if (action ~= nil and type(action) ~= "string") then error("Invalid binding action"); return; end SetOverrideBinding(GetHandleFrame(self), priority, key, action); end
Where priority then is called "isPriority" incide the API function SetOverrideBinding.
At least in my tests I got errors if I omited the parameter.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 06:14:50
I apoligize.. I did not understand that you were trying to do all of this within a header, hence my asking where the syntax and extra param were coming from. The answer to you question then is no, becuase Blizzard does not have a binding action for comanding the pet to follow you. You could create a macro using the /petfollow command, but using the action buttons is probably the best way right now.
Posted by FreeFog on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:45:34
Thou I still wonder... everything has a root there should be a command; something is evoked when you create an secure pet action button you define action slots and they run whatever is incide them;
I tried to get the information about what was on the action slot corresponding to Pet Attack, Follow, Stay, and Agresive, Defensive, ... with GetCursorInfo() but strangely I get no returns (when I tried it with other spells/actions it works just fine).
Posted by FreeFog on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:45:56
Any Ideas?.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 04:11:57
http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/PetFollow is the root that does it. I don't really understand your other question. Why can you not make a macrotext button that runs /petfollow?
Posted by FreeFog on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 08:42:20
I can but then I will have to deal with targeting for that button.
Still I believe there should be a direct binding.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:30:55
Perhaps you should make a suggestion to Blizzard then!
Posted by FreeFog on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:59:04
I kept diging and I found that the functions API were PetAttack, PetFollow and else;
If I :
print(PetFollow) out side the handlers enviromet I get the return showing that there is a function (a protected function by the way)
but sadly when I try to print them from inside the handlers enviroment I got a nil return (as if they were omited dunno why =S ).
Even if it is a protected fuction the Bind action is possible but not from inside a handler.
I even tryed to create a frame refrense to the fuctions but I shall conclude that creating a macro text action button will be the easier and more fuctional way (Already had and worked).
Thanks for your time.