Posted by laenoar on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 12:15:15
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to LUA and all that I've learned is how to create a escort quest, scripting a NPC, making a custom flight/mount path and things like that. Now I have stumbled accros a problem. I am making a custom blizzlike server, wich is why I started learning LUA scripting, and I'm trying to create a quest such as this:
Would you believe that in my darkest hour, at the apex of my being, I failed. As I fled from the wanton destruction of the forces that overwhelmed us, the only sounds I could hear were the screams of my soldiers and the rapid beat of my own heart. A short while later, I returned to Nagrand in hopes of rescuing my men and restoring my honor. Instead I was captured and beaten until dead. What I found out during my inquisition and subsequent torture was horrifying.
Please continue, Hero...
My captors were cruel beyond measure,
They would alternate between Deputy Rainer and I, torturing one while the other watched. During a lull in the activity of an especially cruel day, Rainer told me what had happened to my men and a plan he had been formulating to free them from their masters. They suffered a fate far worse than death, or even the pain Rainer and I endured.What could be worse than death?
And so on, now I'm really wondering how I can make people accept a quest, then a NPC will say this all in a log (when right-clicking him), and players must go all the way to the end in order to complete the quest. Any tips? I can use hooks if that's any help :)
Thanks already.
Posted by acidweb on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 12:22:39
Nobody here will help you. We don't provide support for users of pirate servers.
Posted by laenoar on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 12:26:00
Aww why not xD
Posted by Myrroddin on Wed, 08 Aug 2012 20:17:22
Aww why not xD
Self-explanatory if you read Blizzard's Terms of Use, of which you are in violation.