1. I'm trying to write an add on that saves a list each time I log out or exit the game. Basically my list will have my characters name, a date, & how much gold I have. I tried using a table for this but I think I may have been doing it wrong. Cause every time I log out the data does save but on the next session its over written by the new data.

    My list would look like this or similar if it worked correctly.

    CharDB = {

    ["05/27/12 21:48:24"] = {
        ["Name"] = "Killdnaction",
        ["Gold"] = "500",
    ["05/26/12 19:21:14"] = {
        ["Name"] = "Killdnaction",
        ["Gold"] = "2000",
    ["05/21/12 07:15:01"] = {
        ["Name"] = "Killdnaction",
        ["Gold"] = "900",


    But for some reason it just gets over written and only one entry is shown.

    I need this list to keep building and entries adding up over time. Eventually I will add some calculations for how much gold is spent or earned per day etc.

    I also tried I.O but soon realized that its blocked (for good reason) so building a text based list is out of the question.

    How would I go about this, I didn't notice anything in Chapter 6 (Lua Standard Libraries) of the book that show how to save/load lists or tables with out them being over written.

    Edit: in the mean time I'm going to re-read Chapter 4 (Working with Tables) and see if I can figure this out.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. The middle of Chapter 13 (look in index under SavedVariables) talks about this, and there is an example of it in the BagBuddy addon.

  3. The middle of Chapter 13 (look in index under SavedVariables) talks about this, and there is an example of it in the BagBuddy addon.

    I was doing everything correctly, I just realized I was clearing the DB each time before I wrote to it.

    Thanks again.