Posted by acatiera on Wed, 02 May 2012 01:55:45
Hey im trying to create a lua script that copyes what you send in "say" and writes a whisper automatically with the same text, to a predefined player. the whisper should not be visuable for the sender.
I have used a few days now on this, and i havnt gotten one step closer...
the stuff i got so far, and that doesnt work is:
TALKIE:SetScript("OnEvent", function() TALKIE_OnEvent() end
function TALKIEOnEvent() if (event == "CHATMSGSAY") and arg2 == UnitName("player") then local msg = arg1; local text = msg..""; SendChatMessage(text,"WHISPER",nil,"playername") end end
I hope someone that has it easier with these kind of things, will help a poor woman ;)
Posted by jnwhiteh on Wed, 02 May 2012 17:22:08
Hey im trying to create a lua script that copyes what you send in "say" and writes a whisper automatically with the same text, to a predefined player. the whisper should not be visuable for the sender.
I have used a few days now on this, and i havnt gotten one step closer...
the stuff i got so far, and that doesnt work is:
TALKIE:SetScript("OnEvent", function() TALKIE_OnEvent() end
function TALKIEOnEvent() if (event == "CHATMSGSAY") and arg2 == UnitName("player") then local msg = arg1; local text = msg..""; SendChatMessage(text,"WHISPER",nil,"playername") end end
I hope someone that has it easier with these kind of things, will help a poor woman ;)
This is the old method of events, but hasn't been in place for 4 or 5 years now. You can't use the global names
and expect things to work properly.Back to your main problem.. hiding the fact that the addon is automatically sending a message is complicated. Very complicated.
function TALKIE_OnEvent(self, event, arg1, arg2, ...) if event == "CHAT_MSG_SAY" and arg2 == UnitPlayer("name") then local msg = arg1 local text = msg .. ""; -- what is this doing... it does nothing.. SendChatMessage(text, "WHISPER", nil, "NameOfThePlayerYouAreSendingThisToo") end end TALKIE:SetScript("OnEvent", TALKIE_OnEvent)
That at least gets you one step closer..
Posted by acatiera on Thu, 03 May 2012 00:41:52
Thanks :)
Ive made a scrip thats working, for the part as sending the text
if not MARK then MARK = CreateFrame("Frame"); MARK:SetScript("OnEvent", MARK_OnEvent); MARK:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY"); print("you %L glows faintly."); else MARK:UnregisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY"); MARK = nil; print("your %L looks normal."); end function MARK_OnEvent(self, event, arg1, arg2) if event == "CHAT_MSG_SAY" then SendChatMessage(arg1, "WHISPER", nil, "Toriza"); end end
Then i have this part...
local function HideOutgoing(self, event, msg, author, ...) if string.find(msg,"Toriza") then return true end end ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", HideOutgoing)
And i cant get it to work... Any help guys? blinks and smiles sweetly
Posted by stolenlegacy on Thu, 03 May 2012 22:00:28
I don't quite get what the code in your last post is trying to achieve, but this should work:
local sent = {} local playerName = (UnitName("player")) local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function(self,event,msg,sender) if sender == playerName then sent[msg] = true SendChatMessage(msg,"WHISPER",nil,"Toriza") end end) f:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY") ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM",function(self,event,msg) if sent[msg] then sent[msg] = nil return true end end)
Posted by acatiera on Thu, 03 May 2012 22:29:48
hugs and kisses all over
works like a charm!