1. The script with the issue: http://code.google.com/p/wow-dameter/source/browse/Dameter.lua

    On my main character - which I was using to learn to develop addons - the print function stopped working. It use to work, but now... Other addons still working normally. No error - I use swatter to debug. No nothing. Messages simply get not printed. On the other hand, if I login with my other character - same realm - it works perfectly.

    I tried cleaning WOW preferences - deleting WTF and other directories - but nothing changed.

    Any clues ?

  2. No idea, I'd try to do some basic debugging. Is the addon even being loaded?

  3. Yes, it is.

    I double checked everything. And make note that if I login with other characters (they're on same realm) it works perfectly.

    I also tried /run print("Test") to make sure print is not overridden, and disabling every other addon too.

  4. Then it sounds like the logic of the addon for that character is somehow changing. I have absolutely no idea why that would happen.. =/

  5. Man, some guy on battle.net forums solved the case: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4254519495

    Thank you, anyway, for your time! ;)