Posted by HonorGoG on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:11:52
I can't seem to find this anywhere. wowcompare shows nothing. It's still listed as a valid API call at WoWWiki but any attempt to call this function returns the following:
attempt to call global 'GetTradeSkillItemStats' (a nil value)
Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? If this has been deprecated, how are we supposed to discover tradeskill item levels?
Posted by HonorGoG on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:11:52
I can't seem to find this anywhere. wowcompare shows nothing. It's still listed as a valid API call at WoWWiki but any attempt to call this function returns the following:
attempt to call global 'GetTradeSkillItemStats' (a nil value)
Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? If this has been deprecated, how are we supposed to discover tradeskill item levels?
Posted by HonorGoG on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:27:36
I just found out it was removed in 3.0.2. That would explain why things aren't working.
Sigh. Thanks Blizzard!
Posted by jnwhiteh on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:46:58
If you want to know if a function is still in WoW, you should check this site. It is always and absolutely up to date with the current API, event and CVar listings, even if not every function is documented. In addition you should always refer to the WoW forums which includes the information on API functions that are changing or being removed in each patch.
Posted by HonorGoG on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 00:48:33
Excellent. This site has replaced my normal references to WoWWiki which is horribly out of date. That being said, what function replaced the old:
itemStats = {GetTradeSkillItemStats(2)} -- Get item stats for Deadly Bronze Poniard
itemStats = { "Uncommon", "Binds when equipped", "One-Hand", "|cffff2020Dagger|r", "16 - 30 Damage", "Speed 18", "+4 Strength", "Level 25", "Requires Level 20" }
I'm specifically trying to parse for the 9th data element which is "Requires level".
Any ideas? Someone mentioned GameToolTip but I've been unable to locate anything about this call within the API documentation. -
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 04:47:32
You can get the item link using GetTradeSkillItemLink, and then pass that into GetItemInfo. This will return the level requirement for an item.
Posted by HonorGoG on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 05:40:20
Bravo. Thank you very much. That sent me down the correct path. Here is what came of it:
local itemLink = GetTradeSkillItemLink(index);
name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, type, subType, maxStack, equipSlot, texture = GetItemInfo(itemLink);
of which I used:
local name, _, _, _, reqLevel = GetItemInfo(itemLink);Thanks again!