1. So I have an addon saving a table to a saved variable file like so:

               GuildPName = {
                "Gamegemon", -- [1]
                "Mesknight", -- [2]
                "Idunno", -- [3]
          ...and so on...

    My question is how do the -- [1], -- [2], -- [3], ... get added? I don't do it and it would be helpful if I could specify what gets put in there, it'd be really helpful to have a date/time comment.

    Any ideas or just a point in the right direction?

    Thanks, G.

  2. So I have an addon saving a table to a saved variable file like so:

               GuildPName = {
                  "Gamegemon", -- [1]
                  "Mesknight", -- [2]
                  "Idunno", -- [3]
          ...and so on...

    My question is how do the -- [1], -- [2], -- [3], ... get added? I don't do it and it would be helpful if I could specify what gets put in there, it'd be really helpful to have a date/time comment.

    Any ideas or just a point in the right direction?

    Those are added by the serialization routine, since its being done in 'array' format, the first entry corresponds to index 1, etc. There is no way to have your own custom comments written there, unfortunately.