Posted by deltoide on Sun, 06 Nov 2011 20:35:35
Companions wowprogramming,
I am having difficulty finding the failure of this code, I actually need to join these two command lines ...
for i=1,# ignoredPlayers do for index = 1, numWhos, 1 do
And I need to find out what's wrong with this command line ...
if (guildname == "" or charnam != ignoredPlayers[i]) then
I'm not able to join or not the above commands fail to find the command line, someone help me?
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sun, 06 Nov 2011 23:44:05
Companions wowprogramming,
I am having difficulty finding the failure of this code, I actually need to join these two command lines ...
for i=1,# ignoredPlayers do for index = 1, numWhos, 1 do
I have no idea what you mean join them. They're two independent for loops. You dont' ask any specific questions, so there's nothing for me to answer.
And I need to find out what's wrong with this command line ...
if (guildname == "" or charnam != ignoredPlayers[i]) then
I'm not able to join or not the above commands fail to find the command line, someone help me?
Not equal is
in lua, not!=
. The compiler/interpreter tells you this when you type something like this.