Posted by ployer on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 02:00:27
I am new to LUA programming, however not programming in general. My questions are this, can a addon communicate inside wow with another player's instance of the same addon? and/or is it possible to actually say use a mouse cursor to draw on the screen or some designated aream similar to how MS paint works? Thanks for your assistance.
Posted by ployer on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 02:00:27
I am new to LUA programming, however not programming in general. My questions are this, can a addon communicate inside wow with another player's instance of the same addon? and/or is it possible to actually say use a mouse cursor to draw on the screen or some designated aream similar to how MS paint works? Thanks for your assistance.
Posted by jnwhiteh on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 07:03:22
I am new to LUA programming, however not programming in general. My questions are this, can a addon communicate inside wow with another player's instance of the same addon? and/or is it possible to actually say use a mouse cursor to draw on the screen or some designated aream similar to how MS paint works? Thanks for your assistance.
Addons can communicate via the SendChatMessage() API or by sending messages on a global chat channel if absolutely necessary. As for drawing on the screen, no there is no way to do that easily or currently you would have to write your own method to do so. If you're thinking about having a whiteboard sort of addon for WoW, you may want to look at Doodle which already does this.
Posted by ployer on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:56:37
That was kind of my idea =) Thanks for the info about doodle