Posted by protasm on Sun, 08 May 2011 16:01:28
I've been looking at Chapter 4 of the 2d Edition, trying to understand the OOP section. I thought I had a handle on it, until I tried a simple experiment of "wrapping" a Blizzard Frame object with code of my own. (I'm a novice with the OOP terminology; maybe it's actually the Frame that's wrapping my code.) For some reason I can't understand, this code doesn't work:
MyBlizzardFrame = {}
function MyBlizzardFrame:new(o)
local o = o or CreateFrame("Frame")
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
function MyBlizzardFrame:test(x) print("Foo: " .. x) end
x = MyBlizzardFrame:new()
x:test("hello") -- outputs "Foo: hello" as expected
print(x:GetObjectType()) -- error!
So the call to MyBlizzardFrame:test(x) works as I expected, but the call to GetObjectType doesn't work. (Attempt to call method: 'GetObjectType' (a nil value).)
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I thought that the "setmetatable" technique would only look up into the __index object if the parser couldn't find a function in the current object. I'm just not seeing why the parser isn't finding GetObjectType in the current object (a Frame).